Hello I want to append a String to my .csv file, this is the code I use:
File file = new File(LOG_FOLDER + "\\Log\\" + fileNameLog);
FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(firstClone, file);
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, "test", StandardCharsets.UTF_8, true);
When I download the .csv file, instead of having a new line with "test" I got som chinese characters, I've also tried with StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1 and Charset.defaultCharset() , but did not succeed, any ideas?
Thanks in advance
enter image description here
I am trying to convert it into a json file but the thing is that the single quotations marks are in between the two brackets instead of being outside them so I cannot use JSON.parse() to convert it to a json so I don't know how to get rid of those single quotations at the start and end of the data.
You can use regex to chop off the brackets:
const reg = [/\[\'/, /\']+$/];
const string = "['YOUR JSON']";
const str = string.replace(reg[0], "");
const newStr = str.replace(reg[1], "");
I hope that will solve your problem
I have issue with iTextSharp. Let's assume I have two rows of fields in PDF file (the file is given and I don't know how was created)
Row 1:
Row 2:
I read this fields using below code:
String newFile = source.Insert(source.Length - 4, "newModyfiy");
using (FileStream outFile = new FileStream(newFile, FileMode.Create))
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(source);
foreach (KeyValuePair<String, AcroFields.Item> kvp in pdfReader.AcroFields.Fields)
int fileType = pdfReader.AcroFields.GetFieldType(kvp.Key);
string filedValue = pdfReader.AcroFields.GetField(kvp.Key);
string transFileName = pdfReader.AcroFields.GetTranslatedFieldName(kvp.Key);
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + fileType.ToString() + " " + filedValue + " " + transFileName + Environment.NewLine;
I am getting for both rows values of the first row only. My target is to write values to those fields and save new file. When I use:
PdfStamper pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, new FileStream(newFile, FileMode.Create), '\0', true);
I always overwrite values of first row (when I try to set value in second row it appears in first). If I change the last parameter PdfStamper to false it writes fileds correctlly but file is not editable manually.
Is it a matter of pdf file? Is there a way to read and then write values to proper fileds?
I have spent on this few days and could not find reason of this strange behaviour.
Any small help or even clue will be appereciated.
I add mentioned PDF file.
I have deleted some object but general structure is kept.
I am trying to automate download csv file and read data from there.
I tried with:
CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader("D:\\File\\1453.csv"));
String [] csvCell;
//while loop will be executed till the last line In CSV.
while ((csvCell = reader.readNext()) != null) {
String FName = csvCell[0];
String LName = csvCell[1];
String Email = csvCell[2];
String Mob = csvCell[3];
String company = csvCell[4];
but the problem is here I need to give the file name while mentioning the path, here I can't write the name as it is getting changed at runtime after downloading. Please suggest
If the filename is same as the download link (even if it is partial), you can get the link from the download button or whatever element it is using getAttribute("href") and then you can use it to form the filename to read from.
String fileName = driver.findElement("<download_locator>").getAttribute("href")
CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader("D:\\File\\" + fileName));
String [] csvCell;
//while loop will be executed till the last line In CSV.
while ((csvCell = reader.readNext()) != null) {
String FName = csvCell[0];
String LName = csvCell[1];
String Email = csvCell[2];
String Mob = csvCell[3];
String company = csvCell[4];
Have you tried this? And passing in the parameter from a method?
CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader("D:\\File\\" + provideFileName));
I move a file to a folder. Is there any way to not overwrite a file with that name?
For example, folder contains a file named: file1.pdf. How can I move another file named: file1.pdf into that folder so that the name get changed to e.g. file1-1.pdf, file1-2.pdf to prevent the original file from getting overwritten.
I'm using substring to do that but it's quite long and awful code.
You could use something like this:
def save = { File dir, String name ->
int version = 1
def splitName = name.split(/\./, 0).with { it -> it.length == 1 ? [it[0], ''] : [it[0..-2].join('.'), ".${it[-1]}"] }
def rename = { String prefix, String ext -> "$prefix-$version$ext" }
while (new File(dir, name).exists()) {
name = rename(*splitName)
println "Save the file as $name"
save(new File('/tmp'), 'file.txt')
Which assuming you have a file /tmp/file.txt and a file /tmp/file-1.txt already, prints out: Save the file as file-2.txt
I'm trying to find a way to count my columns coming from a Flat File. Actually, all my columns are concatened in a signe cell, sepatared with a '|' ,
after various attempts, it seems that only a script task can handle this.
Does anyone can help me upon that ? I've shamely no experience with script in C# ou VB.
Thanks a lot
To better understand, below is the output of what I want to achieve to. e.g a single cell containing all headers coming from a FF. The thing is, to get to this result, I appended manually in the previous step ( derived column) all column names each others in order to concatenate them with a '|' separator.
Now , if my FF source layout changes, it won't work anymore, because of this manualy process. So I think I would have to use a script instead which basically returns my number of columns (header ) in a variable and will allow to remove the hard coded part in the derived column transfo for instance
This is an very old thread; however, I just stumbled on a similar problem. A flat file with a number of different record "formats" inside. Many different formats, not in any particular order, meaning you might have 57 fields in one line, then 59 in the next 1000, then 56 in the next 10000, back to 57... well, think you got the idea.
For lack of better ideas, I decided to break that file based on the number of commas in each line, and then import the different record types (now bunched together) using SSIS packages for each type.
So the answer for this question is there, with a bit more code to produce the files.
Hope this helps somebody with the same problem.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace OddFlatFile_Transformation
class RedistributeLines
* This routine opens a text file and reads it line by line
* for each line the number of "," (commas) is counted
* and then the line is written into a another text file
* based on that number of commas found
* For example if there are 15 commas in a given line
* the line is written to the WhateverFileName_15.Ext
* WhaeverFileName and Ext are the same file name and
* extension from the original file that is being read
* The application tests WhateverFileName_NN.Ext for existance
* and creates the file in case it does not exist yet
* To Better control splited records a sequential identifier,
* based on the number of lines read, is added to the beginning
* of each line written independently of the file and record number
static void Main(string[] args)
// get full qualified file name from console
String strFileToRead;
strFileToRead = Console.ReadLine();
// create reader & open file
StreamReader srTextFileReader = new StreamReader(strFileToRead);
string strLineRead = "";
string strFileToWrite = "";
string strLineIdentifier = "";
string strLineToWrite = "";
int intCountLines = 0;
int intCountCommas = 0;
int intDotPosition = 0;
const string strZeroPadding = "00000000";
// Processing begins
Console.WriteLine("Processing begins: " + DateTime.Now);
/* Main Loop */
while (strLineRead != null)
// read a line of text count commas and create Linde Identifier
strLineRead = srTextFileReader.ReadLine();
if (strLineRead != null)
intCountLines += 1;
strLineIdentifier = strZeroPadding.Substring(0, strZeroPadding.Length - intCountLines.ToString().Length) + intCountLines;
intCountCommas = 0;
foreach (char chrEachPosition in strLineRead)
if (chrEachPosition == ',') intCountCommas++;
// Based on the number of commas determined above
// the name of the file to be writen to is established
intDotPosition = strFileToRead.IndexOf(".");
strFileToWrite = strFileToRead.Substring (0,intDotPosition) + "_";
if ( intCountCommas < 10)
strFileToWrite += "0" + intCountCommas;
strFileToWrite += intCountCommas;
strFileToWrite += strFileToRead.Substring(intDotPosition, (strFileToRead.Length - intDotPosition));
// Using the file name established above the line captured
// during the text read phase is written to that file
StreamWriter swTextFileWriter = new StreamWriter(strFileToWrite, true);
strLineToWrite = "[" + strLineIdentifier + "] " + strLineRead;
swTextFileWriter.WriteLine (strLineToWrite);
// close the stream
Please refer my answers in the following Stack Overflow questions. Those answers might give you an idea of how to load a flat file that contains varying number of columns.
Example in the following question reads a file containing data separated by special character Ç (c-cedilla). In your case, the delimiter is Vertical Bar (|)
UTF-8 flat file import to SQL Server 2008 not recognizing {LF} row delimiter
Example in the following question reads an EDI file that contains different sections with varying number of columns. The package reads the file loads it accordingly with parent-child relationships into an SQL table.
how to load a flat file with header and detail parent child relationship into SQL server
Based on the logic used in those answers, you can also count the number of columns by splitting the rows in the file by the column delimiter (Vertical Bar |).
Hope that helps.