How to get the hardware ID in .net reactor 6.9.0? - licensing

As the title mention above, how can I obtain the Hardware ID for licensing purpose? Because the hardware ID generator tool has been removed in current version(6.9.0).
I have tried using the ID generated from other ID-generator downloaded online(SoftCo for example) but its not working.


How to collect donations within lightning network?

Weeks ago, I have set up my own ln node (Umbrel). Now I try to use the lightning network for receiving donations. Here start my questions.
How can I set up a donation address where donors can decide how much to donate?
(I have discovered "keysend" as a possibility. Unfortunately, it is not widely used among users. Isn't it?)
How can I create an invoice for open-ended deposits?
Please take for your answers into account, I'm an UX designer without serious developer skills.
On my donation site at you can see that I use an adopted version of lnme which is a widget that allows users to request an invoice from your node for a certain amount.
The propper why of doing this would be via BOLT 12 offers which are currently being standardized and are similar to keysend not yet supported by all wallets / implementations.
Another way of achieving your goal is by using LNURL or lightning-address which are currently widely supported but not part of the spec. Similar to my own solution based on lnme you need a webserver for LNURL or lightning-address.

Intel VTune Amplifier XE 2013 modules of interest

I'm a beginner in VTune. But I have some experience in AQTime 8. Now I'm using Intel VTune Amplifier XE 2013. In my opinion, it has many advantages over AQTime. There is a interesting question.
In AQtime I can choose modules of my interest to profile them. It's very useful, because I have to profile only one dll from the big project. Is there such a possibility in Intel VTune Amplifier XE 2013?
I have tried to find an answer, but found only this (Is it possible to use vtune on certain code snippets in a binary and not an entire binary?).
Please advice me
VTune Amplifier can limit data collection to a specific process and, optionally, any child processes, but it collects data in all modules of that process.
Then, you use the display options to limit data to the "module of interest".
You can either select a module from the filter bar at the bottom of the Bottom Up view or select the "Module / Function / Call stack" grouping in the same view.
You can use the Pause/Resume APIs to limit data collection to a "region."
It will not limit profiling to a module - any code executed in the process between the __itt_resume() API and the __itt_pause() API will be sampled.
Even though your query is resolved, I am posting this to help others with similar issues. :)

can i get udid with ios6 for my enterprise

My company uses the UDID to save iphones and determine if they have the right to use certain app.
I heard that on IOS 6, Apple will remove the UDID.
Can I continue to use this system?
You shouldn't use UDID anymore. You can still get it from organizer/itunes, but you should upgrade your app to use one of the replacement ID's.
An alphanumeric string unique to each device based on various hardware details. (read-only) (Deprecated in iOS 5.0. Use the identifierForVendor property of this class or the advertisingIdentifier property of the ASIdentifierManager class instead, as appropriate, or use or the UUID method of the NSUUID class to create a UUID and write it to the user defaults database.)

Activate Upon Scanning?

I'm not sure if this is where I need to be asking this question, but here it is. My company is preparing to release a software program in the format of PIN cards (similar to phone cards). Each card will have a PIN on it under a scratch panel. The PIN can then be used to download the software program from our website.
I need to figure out what to do about theft prevention. I know with the phone cards, the PIN doesn't work until it is scanned at the register. How would I get this setup? Do I need to setup a "special" database or something?
How will I know if the card has been scanned at the register? Will the POS submit it to a database?
AFAIK the codes are submitted online to the phone company. The exact setup depends on the POS system; probably the POS terminals just submit it to their local POS Server, which then has to be configured to act accordingly (e.g. add new Entry to a license database, that has to be queried by your software to check the activation).
There also needs to be a way to handle refunds (scratch panel intact).

Enable/disable code access through license key - Application versioning

I have written a POS application, and now i want to create different versions of it. Something like a basic version, a premium version and a Full version. So if a client pays more they get more features in the same application. Is it possible that i could keep one standard application but features in my application get enabled / disabled depending upon what license key user enters. Restrict parts of code that can be executed only if a certain key was entered.
Any ideas guys...
There are many ways to do this, all of them breakable if skilled people are willing to put the time into it ;-) However, depending on the solution you choose, it will require progressively more work in your end, so be realistic and choose wisely.
For the actual license key, I highly recommend that you generate it using a standard public-private key encryption scheme such as rsa. That is, you create a license key text string that contains the name of the user (so you can track illegally shared license keys) and information about which code should be active. Encrypt the license on your end using the private key and distribute the app with the public key included. When the app starts, you read the license key and decrypt it using the public key. This will make it virtually impossible for people to modify or generate fake keys.
Now for the actual activation of code, here are two options I have used in production code: either simply include flags in the license key saying which parts of the code should be active and activate it using basic if then statements. Alternatively, depending on your programming language, you can dynamically load pieces of code from the license key making those parts of the code unusable without a proper key file (I did this in java with a custom class loader).... however, this last solution requires much much more work than the first, so think things through before you start designing your solution.
