How to use image upload adapters as extra plugins with CKEditor 5 Classic Editor? Or, how to use CKEditor custom builder in React JS? - reactjs

I was trying to integrate CKEditor5 in my MERN Stack Application. Its a kind of blog site which requires a fully functioned rich text editor. I integrated the editor and all other things are working fine except the file upload button.
I am using the predefined Classic Editor, which has all the basic functions. But when I click on the Image button to upload an image from local storage, it shows the error :
I tried to add Base64UploadAdapter plugin but then it shows the error :
Uncaught CKEditorError: ckeditor-duplicated-modules
Because of this error, I had to remove that plugin, but I still do not have the file upload function.
I also need some other buttons on my text editor, but I am always getting some kind of errors.
I also tried the CKEditor Custom build editor, but when I imported it to my page, it again gives me ckeditor-duplicated-modules error. I used the following code for importing:
import { CKEditor } from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-react';
import Editor from 'ckeditor5-custom-build/build/ckeditor';
And yes, I also added the custom builder's folder to my package.json before importing this.
I want all the features that I added in my Custom builder, but that's not working in my case. Can anyone please help me with this? Or else, if that is not possible, please give me a solution for file upload which I need for sure, even if I don't get other buttons except the predefined Classic Editor buttons.
But, if there is any way to fix this ckeditor-duplicated-modules error and use the Custom build only, that would be the best solution for me..!
Thanks in advance.


Upload media/images on aws3 using tinymce editor in React js

I'm trying to implement TinyMCE rich text editor in react, all the setup is done. I don't know how can I upload media/images on AWS-3 using TinyMCE in react. If anybody has done it before please share
By default, TinyMCE does not upload images on the server. It converts them into base64 and adds them as blobs. To upload these images to the server, you will need to set up automatic_uploads and add a custom upload handler (check other options in the configuration reference, like images_upload_url, images_upload_base_path, images_upload_credentials, etc).
Since automatic_uploads isn't one of the default options for React, you will need to set up the additional editor options via init.

page breaking in React to create pdf

I am generating pdf using react-to-print library,
But i want to break the page in new page,
There is css property break-after:always, it can work, but not all major browser supports it now,
Anyone know any other method then brute force margin ?
Working with pdf is hard, specially css part.
I would like to recommend to use React PDF npm library. Please check

How to create a ReactJS zoomable image lightbox

I'm creating a gallery of images in ReactJs. There are a lot of examples online, but i didn't find anything that is perfectly responsive on desktop browsers and also completely mobile friendly.
In particular, when an image is opened on the mobile browser, i need to be able to zoom the photo with a double tap, and close the photo when i drag it to the bottom
I already tried all the principal solution that i found online.
For example, i tried all of these
and much much more.
I also tried different approaches like CSS rules, Viewport rules, create a simple zoomable html div, etc... But nothing worked.
Basically, what i what to achieve is exactly something like this:
Created thanks to this library: that unfortunately i can't use in React.
(I also tried the react-photoswipe and react-photoswipe-2 libraries but it seems not maintained and not working with new versions of React)
Thank you for any help
So for previous comments, I wrote a snippet for you, check here
Here are the mainly steps:
use npm install photoswipe so DON'T need to include builded js but NEED to include css in index.html (or you can import in App.css)
write the markup in js component
init it by click button or in useEffect

CSS not working in PaxWeb Http Whiteboard

I am using PaxWeb Http Whiteboard service in Apache Karaf; while everything works, I am unable to get certain CSS styles rendered properly -
for example,
arrow-dropup-circle {
content: "\f364";
This is supposed to display a drop up circle but when hosted in PaxWeb, though the css is loaded; it does not render the content. While it displays square boxes in chrome, in firefox; it just shows the number f364 in a square box.
Please note that this works when I host my website in NodeJS.
My blueprint is same as the one given here.
Can someone shed some light into why am not getting css rendered properly?
Venkatesh Laguduva
I had a same issue. In my case, font files (like .ttf, .woff) were failed to decode while loading the page. Maven was corrupting that. It is filtering files with those extensions. To exclude files from filtering based on the extension, we can use "nonFilteredFileExtensions" tag in pom. This solved my decoding issue.

Drupal 7.10 WYSIWYG with syntax highlighting

Does anyone have a confirmed/tested working way of setting up a rich WYSIWYG (like CKEditor or TinyMCE) with support for syntax highlighting (for pasting and sharing java/php/etc.) in Drupal 7.10?
I have now tried a variety of combinations, and I have struggled to get any of them to work in Drupal 7.10. Here is what I have tried:
CKEditor (3.6.2) using CKEditor module (7.x-1.6) with Syntax Highlighter library and
Syntax Highlighter Module (7x-1.1). I followed
Problem: I could not get a code button into my CKEditor. I just would not appear no matter what I did - perhaps it has something to do with the new drag-and-drop
method of adding buttons that has replaced the old text-based one.
CKEditor (3.6.2)with CKEditor module (7.x-1.6) GeSHi Filter (7x-1.0) module and GeSHi libarary following this guide
Problem: Same as above, I cannot seem to get the code button to appear in my CKEditor.
WYSIWYG module with CKEditor and Google Code Prettifier module + library.
Problem: Although this solution is simple and works beautifully with no editor, I simply cannot find a good way of getting CKEditor (or any of the other RTEs) to stop HTML-escaping code inside <pre> tags.
I appreciate your help (this is my first post :-)!
After some more work I got the following combination to work. I also did a more elaborated guide here.
Using WYSIWYG module with CKEditor library. I can insert my code into pre tags (using the Formatted style), and this should also be possible with most other RTEs you can use with the WYSIWYG module.
For the markup itself I installed the Prettify module with the Google Code Prettify library. This will syntax highlight any code within pre or code tags. BUT if you also enable the prettify filter, you will get unwanted html-escapes inside your tags. This is what caused me to think it was CKEditor who did the escapes as described in scenario 3 above.
So this is verified to work with Drupal 7.10, WYSIWYG 7-2.1, and Prettify 7-1.x-dev.
We ran into similar issue on our site when posting to our own site and had to modify CKEditor plugin.
Modified plugin code is posted on
