I have two sepearte file:
import React from 'react';
import 'tailwindcss/tailwind.css';
import { MenuModalData } from './data';
export default function App() {
return (
{Object.entries(MenuModalData).map(([key, value]) => {
return (
{value?.icon && <value.icon size="1.6rem" className="my-auto" />}
export const MenuModalData = [
type: "menu",
name: "Products",
page: "/shop",
type: "menu",
name: "Contact",
icon: "BiChat",
page: "/shop",
How I can import react-icons BiChat by lines similar with import to header in file?
{value?.icon && <value.icon size="1.6rem" className="my-auto" />}
interactive version on stackblitz
You can import your icon in your data.js file like this :
import { BiChat } from "react-icons/bi";
export const MenuModalData = [
type: "menu",
name: "Products",
page: "/shop"
type: "menu",
name: "Contact",
icon: BiChat,
page: "/shop"
By the way you can replace
Object.entries(MenuModalData).map(([key, value]) => {
by :
MenuModalData.map((value) => {
This is my Cart.jsx
import { createContext, useEffect } from "react"
import Cake from "../About Section/Cake";
const PdtList = createContext();
export default function Cart() {
let list = [
id: "52",
name: "Doll cake"
// images: image80
id: "53",
name: "Mixed Platte cake"
// images: image81
id: "54",
name: "Pinata cake"
// images: image82
id: "55",
name: "Bomb cake"
// images: image83
return (
<main className="align" >
<h1>Thanks for shopping with us</h1>
<PdtList.Provider value={list}>
<Cake />
export { PdtList };
This is the Cake.jsx
import { PdtList } from "../Cart/Cart";
import { useContext, useState, useEffect } from "react";
export default function Cake(props) {
const { name, images, bold, cut } = props;
const list = useContext(PdtList);
const Add_Products = (index) => {
console.log('Add_Products called');
let tobeAdded = { name, images, bold };
return (
<main className="align unique">
<img src={images} alt="" />
<div className="align2">
<small>Rs {bold}</small>
<small style={{ margin: "0px 10px" }}></small>
style={{ "fontSize": "15px", textDecoration: "line-through" }}
Rs {cut}
<button onClick={Add_Products} style={{ margin: "10px 0px" }}>
Click here
This is the console,
When I am trying to console the list in the Add_Products function in the Cake.jsx then I am getting undefined.
This is a working codesandbox Link
This is the Birthday.jsx
import image60 from './assets/cake60.jpeg'
import image61 from './assets/cake61.jpeg'
import image62 from './assets/cake62.jpeg'
import image63 from './assets/cake63.jpeg'
import image64 from './assets/cake64.jpeg'
import image65 from './assets/cake65.jpeg'
import image66 from './assets/cake66.jpeg'
import image67 from './assets/cake67.jpeg'
import image68 from './assets/cake68.jpeg'
import image69 from './assets/cake69.jpeg'
import Cake from './Cake'
import { useContext } from "react"
import { PdtList } from "../Cart/Cart"
const pdtArray = [{
id: '32',
name: "Anniversary cake",
images: image60
id: '33',
name: "Anniversary cake",
images: image61
id: '134',
name: "Anniversary cake",
images: image62
id: '34',
name: "Anniversary cake",
images: image63
id: '35',
name: "Anniversary cake",
images: image64
id: '36',
name: "Anniversary cake",
images: image65
id: '37',
name: "Anniversary cake",
images: image66
id: '38',
name: "Anniversary cake",
images: image67
id: '39',
name: "Anniversary cake",
images: image68
id: '40',
name: "Anniversary cake",
images: image69
export default function Birthday(props) {
const list = useContext(PdtList);
const { title } = props;
return (
<main className='PDT_heading align' >
<div className="grid_system">
pdtArray.map((e) => {
const { name, images, id } = e;
return (
<Cake key={id} name={name} images={images} cut="232" bold="343" />
When you are going to use the useContext in a component, make sure that component is wrapped inside the Context.Provider (either the component or the parent of the component). Only then the useContext can able to access the values of the context else it will return the default value which is undefined.
So, the root component will be something lie:
<PdtList.Provider value={list}>
<Cart />
<Birthday />
I wrapped the components inside the Provider so all the components inside can able to access the value.
working link: link
I am trying to create FAQ page in my react project using below package:
I am able to show FAQ with 1 category.
I want to show questions/answers with different categories:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import FaqData from 'react-faq-component';
function Faq() {
const [rows, setRowsOption] = useState(null);
const data = {
title: 'FAQ (how it works)',
rows: [
title: 'How do I change my password?',
content: `Answer here.`,
title: 'How do I sign up?',
content:'Answer here.',
return (
<h2 className="section-title">My FAQ's</h2>
<div className="faq-style-wrapper">
<FaqData data={data} getRowOptions={setRowsOption} />
If any other demo/library can give me desired output, please suggest those as well.
As suggested by #Arkellys I have used one component per category & its worked for me. Thanks again #Arkellys.
I am adding answer below for more details:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import FaqData from 'react-faq-component';
function Faq() {
const [rows, setRowsOption] = useState(null);
const data1 = {
title: 'FAQ (how it works)',
rows: [
title: 'How do I change my password?',
content: `Answer here.`,
title: 'How do I sign up?',
content:'Answer here.',
const data2 = {
title: 'FAQ (how it works)',
rows: [
title: 'How do I change my password?',
content: `Answer here.`,
title: 'How do I sign up?',
content:'Answer here.',
const data3 = {
title: 'FAQ (how it works)',
rows: [
title: 'How do I change my password?',
content: `Answer here.`,
title: 'How do I sign up?',
content:'Answer here.',
return (
<h2 className="section-title">My FAQ's</h2>
<div className="faq-style-wrapper">
<FaqData data={data1} getRowOptions={setRowsOption} />
<FaqData data={data2} getRowOptions={setRowsOption} />
<FaqData data={data3} getRowOptions={setRowsOption} />
I'm using the react-csv library and I have an issue.
If I dynamically allocate a dataset and download it through CSVLink, then an empty CSV file is downloaded. but if I use static dataset, it just fine
How do I solve it?
Here is my code
import './App.css';
import { CSVLink } from "react-csv";
import { useState } from 'react';
function App() {
const [data, setData] = useState([])
const headers = [
{ label: "gu", key: "region_2depth_name" },
{ label: "legal_dong", key: "region_3depth_name" },
{ label: "address", key: "address_name" },
{ label: "usage", key: "usage"},
{ label: "lat", key: "lat" },
{ label: "lng", key: "lng" }
const addData = () => {
region_2depth_name: "gu",
region_3depth_name: "legal_dong",
address_name: "address",
usage: "usage",
lat: "lat",
lng: "lng"
return (
Add dataset
<CSVLink data={data} headers={headers}>
Download me
export default App;
You have to use useState hook setData properly to add properly on the data array.
const addData = () => {
setData((oldData) => [
region_2depth_name: 'gu',
region_3depth_name: 'legal_dong',
address_name: 'address',
usage: 'usage',
lat: 'lat',
lng: 'lng',
You can check here for the running code:
I am trying to write some tests using Cypress with Reactjs (both latest versions). It seems like there is nothing I can select these input fields of filtering because they all look the same. Is there a way to put id/class names to these fields? I am both new to React and Cypress. Thanks
import React, { useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import ReactDataGrid from "react-data-grid";
import { Toolbar, Data } from "react-data-grid-addons";
import createRowData from "./createRowData";
import "./styles.css";
const defaultColumnProperties = {
filterable: true,
width: 120
const selectors = Data.Selectors;
const columns = [
key: "id",
name: "ID"
key: "title",
name: "Title"
key: "firstName",
name: "First Name"
key: "lastName",
name: "Last Name"
key: "email",
name: "Email"
key: "street",
name: "Street"
key: "zipCode",
name: "ZipCode"
key: "date",
name: "Date"
key: "jobTitle",
name: "Job Title"
key: "catchPhrase",
name: "Catch Phrase"
key: "jobArea",
name: "Job Area"
key: "jobType",
name: "Job Type"
].map(c => ({ ...c, ...defaultColumnProperties }));
const ROW_COUNT = 50;
const handleFilterChange = filter => filters => {
const newFilters = { ...filters };
if (filter.filterTerm) {
newFilters[filter.column.key] = filter;
} else {
delete newFilters[filter.column.key];
return newFilters;
function getRows(rows, filters) {
return selectors.getRows({ rows, filters });
function Example({ rows }) {
const [filters, setFilters] = useState({});
const filteredRows = getRows(rows, filters);
return (
rowGetter={i => filteredRows[i]}
toolbar={<Toolbar enableFilter={true} />}
onAddFilter={filter => setFilters(handleFilterChange(filter))}
onClearFilters={() => setFilters({})}
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<Example rows={createRowData(50)} />, rootElement);
I would Use This specific attribute syntax to select them by key value:
.then(element => {
//My code
Is there any way to rewrite styles of TableSummaryRow from '#devexpress/dx-react-grid-material-ui' library?
What I have: a component which renders table (using '#devexpress/dx-react-grid-material-ui' library) and in the last row outputs the total number of rows in the table.
What I need to do: style table cell in which TableSummaryRow renders result.
I already tried this solution, but it don't work for me.
Here is simpifide code of my component:
import React from 'react';
import { SummaryState } from '#devexpress/dx-react-grid';
import {
} from '#devexpress/dx-react-grid-material-ui';
import { ExtendedGrid } from 'components/DxGrid/index';
const Table = ({ rows }) => (
<ExtendedGrid rows={rows} columns={reportColumns}>
<SummaryState totalItems={[{ columnName: 'userName', type: 'count' }]} />
<TableHeaderRow />
<TableSummaryRow messages={{ count: 'Number of rows' }} />
export default Table;
I figured out this by myself, maybe it will be useful for somebody.
This official docs page helped me. So I used makeStyles method.
Here is working DEMO.
And the final component (based on Andrei Konstantinov's answer) code:
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import Paper from "#material-ui/core/Paper";
import { makeStyles } from "#material-ui/styles";
import { SummaryState, IntegratedSummary } from "#devexpress/dx-react-grid";
import {
} from "#devexpress/dx-react-grid-material-ui";
const useStyles = makeStyles({
root: {
"& tfoot": {
"& td": {
background: "linear-gradient(45deg, #FE6B8B 30%, #FF8E53 90%)",
"&:empty": {
background: "none"
const Hook = () => {
const data = {
totalSummaryItems: [{ columnName: "weight", type: "sum" }],
columns: [
{ name: "name", title: "Name" },
{ name: "weight", title: "Weight" }
rows: [
{ name: "Sandra", weight: 123 },
{ name: "Andy", weight: 9000 },
{ name: "Einstein", weight: 56 },
{ name: "Bob", weight: 11 }
const { rows, columns } = data;
const classes = useStyles();
return (
<Paper className={classes.root}>
<Grid rows={rows} columns={columns}>
<SummaryState totalItems={data.totalSummaryItems} />
<IntegratedSummary />
<Table />
<TableHeaderRow />
<TableSummaryRow messages={{ sum: "Total weight of the group" }} />
render(<Hook />, document.getElementById("root"));
According to TableSumRow's docs you need to use SummaryState component.
Also, for some reason, I can't make it work without IntegratedSummary component as well, even if it's marked as optional.
You can find working demo here.
And here is a code from demo. There is a total weight row for the whole team.
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { SummaryState, IntegratedSummary } from "#devexpress/dx-react-grid";
import {
} from "#devexpress/dx-react-grid-material-ui";
class App extends React.PureComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
totalSummaryItems: [{ columnName: "weight", type: "sum" }],
columns: [
{ name: "name", title: "Name" },
{ name: "weight", title: "Weight" }
rows: [
{ name: "Sandra", weight: 123 },
{ name: "Andy", weight: 9000 },
{ name: "Einstein", weight: 56 },
{ name: "Bob", weight: 11 }
render() {
const { rows, columns } = this.state;
return (
<Grid rows={rows} columns={columns}>
<SummaryState totalItems={this.state.totalSummaryItems} />
<IntegratedSummary />
<Table />
<TableHeaderRow />
<TableSummaryRow messages={{ sum: "Total weight of the group" }} />
render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));