How can I create data pulses to control a WS2818b LED strip using the MSP430FR4133 - c

Im trying to write code so that I can control the LED strip. All I want to start with is to learn how to turn the first 1 or 2 LEDs a certain colour. I have no idea how to actually implement this. Particularly unsure about how to output a data pulse from a GPIO pin.
I think i should use PWM to create the data pulse but im struggling to get started. I know that I need to send 24 bits to control the LED strip but not sure how this is possible using a GPIO pin. Any advice on where I can look to get started would be really appreciated. There seems to be lots of resources for this on the Arduino but struggling to find much for the MSP430.


STM32 How to turn on a LED a certain period of time

Like described in the title i want to turn on a LED for a period of time.
The time must be able to be interrupted. For example triggered by a button or touch display. I tought of using a timer with the interrupt but i have no idea how to realize it.
Does someone have example code for this problem? Would be nice.

Arduino - is it possible to do some scrolling text?

is it possible to do some scrolling text?
RGB led matrix
red led matrix only
can i use this WS2812 rgb led matrix instead of MAX7219 to build RGB scrolling text? because i want to build a project like multicolors of scrolling text just like in the video of MAX7219. but in the video of MAX7219 is red led only.
i also want to know what is the latest arduino uno R3 using the chip is ATmega16U2 or ATmega328
Yes. You can use either solution for scrolling text.
The primary MCU of all Arduino Unos is the ATmega328P. The ATmega16U2 of the Uno R3 is used as a USB-UART bridge.

Generating Print ready contents with WPF with paper precision

I am new to WPF and c# as a whole. I have experience from programming language like PHP, HTML and Javascript so I was able to cope quickly.
I have a project that is used to print PINs and Serial Number on a card. Let say the card is A4 and on the paper there are 4 rows and 3 columns of printed cards.
My problem is, I dont really know how to generate the dynamic document and the approach to use. Since the content is not that I have to just make it available on the paper before hand, it has to be placed on a particular position on the paper. Inches calculation will strictly be adhered to.
The link below illustrates an explanation of what I am talking about with border exclusive. All I want to generate is the PIN and serial in this way on a specific paper size.
Dont get me wrong, speaking of flowDocuments, I think I can bring out something but I am faced with the challenge of precision of position on the paper and making sure the pagination is correct and making sure the margin as specified is what is generated.
I have a Monday deadline and I have been trying.
Is there anyone that can help.

animating based on audio iOS

I want the animation to be done based on the audio that will be played?Is this possible to do?
Basically I have a pulse animation that need to be done based on the audio?How can I do this.Hope got my idea.
This is possible. Detailed implementation of audio capture and processing is available in AudioGraph ( The same demo contains a very basic example of animating based on audio (just displaying a level meter using progress bar controls).
For better animations, you can use OpenGL ES together with the code above. I have done this in one of my projects.

Switch Between Graphic And Text Mode in Turbo C

Guys i am writing a simple graphic program to create a polygon of n sides by taking input from the user.After obtaining co-ordinates of vertices i would ask user to enter the vertex pairs between which he wants an edge.
To make this more interactive i thought i would gradually start drawing the polygon in graphic mode simulatneously i.e i would gradually add the edges and would display it to the user .Now i would again switch to the text mode to obtain further set of vertices between which he wants to insert edges.But what i found that as i switch between graphics and text mode everything which i draw in graphics mode is erased .
Guys is there any way or any function in turbo C compiler so that i could switch between text and graphic mode and at the same time restoring the contents of graphic mode.Should i use different compiler??
Switching between modes makes the video adapter lose all retained graphics. A workaround for this is to use a 'canvas', an in-memory bitmap that stores the pixels. You'd make modifications to this bitmap and blit it to the video adapter to make it visible. Not supported by this ancient graphics library you use. Review the CreateCompatibleDC() winapi function in you plan to get ahead.
This is hardly a problem. Simply re-render the graphics when you switch back to graphics mode. You do have to store a 'model' of the polygon so you can render it. Just store the vertex points.
You could use restorecrtmode(),setmode() and getmode() functions available in TURBO c library.These functions are present in graphics.h header file.
You may stay in graphics mode to get user input, but you will need to create a input function that works in graphic mode, reading char by char (getch()), composing your input and updating the graphic screen with the characters typed. If your graphic card have more then one page, you can use "setactivepage" and "setvisualpage" to create separated pages for the data entry and graphic.
