Want to know about react & redux - reactjs

What is the basic difference between react and redux? is react and redux is same? why we should use redux? Finally why it's called react-redux?
I want to know this i just confused between this two.

You must be pretty new to web development. First of all, welcome !
React and redux are pretty different beasts, but have often been used together to make state management easier in React apps.
React is a front-end web framework, it allows you to create a wide range of web apps using JSX (React's way of fusing Javascript and HTML). This is a gross oversimplification, I encourage you to read the documentation.
Redux is a state management library. With it, you can define one or many stores, containing a state (basically an object that holds any data you need), actions (methods to alter or retrieve the current value of the store) and to subscribe the state's changes at a global level. Again, the Redux documentation should have most of the answers you're looking for.
React and redux are often used together, mainly through the use of the react-redux package, since Redux offers a global, reactive state, enabling you to share data between React components anywhere in your app without having to pass props.
Now tough, you could achieve similar functionnality without Redux entirely, using React's own Hook and Context APIs. Although the logic behind these is a bit more involved, it allows for far more flexibility.


Redux and React context together

I am building a web app where redux is configured and app is fairly large.
Now I want to store some user preferences which will be available as part of an API respopse.
As this data is required to the majority of components I am planning to store data in the context and wrap application using the context.
I have Few questions regarding approach.
Will considering context impact the performance?
As Redux is already configured which internally uses the Context. So should we continue to use redux for user data.
Is it good practice to use Redux and Context together.
Context and Redux are very different tools that solve different problems, with some overlap.
Context is not a "state management" tool. It's a Dependency Injection mechanism, whose only purpose is to make a single value accessible to a nested tree of React components. It's up to you to decide what that value is, and how it's created. Typically, that's done using data from React component state, ie, useState and useReducer. So, you're actually doing all the "state management" yourself - Context just gives you a way to pass it down the tree.
Redux is a library and a pattern for separating your state update logic from the rest of your app, and making it easy to trace when/where/why/how your state has changed. It also gives your whole app the ability to access any piece of state in any component.
In addition, there are some distinct differences between how Context and (React-)Redux pass along updates. Context has some major perf limitations - in particular, any component that consumes a context will be forced to re-render, even if it only cares about part of the context value.
So, yes, you can use them both in the same app, in the same way you can use a hammer and a screwdriver together on the same construction job.
For more details, see my posts:
Why React Context is Not a "State Management" Tool (and Why It Doesn't Replace Redux)
React, Redux, and Context Behavior
A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior
Will considering context impact the performance?
Since you want to share user preferences that (I guess) do not change often, you could use a React context to share that data.
But performance issues arise when you put multiple different data in one React context that update at different rates. This is because every component that uses the context will be rerendered even if the part of the context it is interessted in did not change. In this case you can split the context and use one context for each part of the data.
Since you want to use the context to share an application state, you should use Redux. In Redux you use selectors to select a part of the application state. This useSelector hook is implemented in a way that it only triggers a rerender of the component if the selected part changes. You can even pass it an equality function if you want to change the way state change is detected.
As Redux is already configured which internally uses the Context. So should we continue to use redux for user data.
I would say: yes, continue with Redux.
Since you already use Redux you should not spread your application state management over different concepts. Put the user settings in the Redux store (like any other application state) and don't handle them special.
Is it good practice to use Redux and Context together
Well, Redux is based on the React context. So if you use Redux it is already a good practice.
If you mean using both for application state management, I think you should go the Redux or the React context way. Mixing them makes it harder to understand where state is managed.

Is Redux internally using context API?

I had an interview, where the interviewer asked me if redux uses context API internally. Pls provide a detailed description if yes. Thanks
Redux doesn't use context api, it's a javascript library for state management. You can use Redux with any application- like (react, angular, vue, svelte, etc). However, for using redux with react applications, you need react-redux which is the official react bindings for redux.
react-redux uses React's context api to make the redux store accessible to all components. The reason why you need react-redux is because, React uses virtual dom - which means you can't manipulate the DOM directly. In other libraries like angular, we use the NgRx library (For angular).
Internally, React Redux uses React's "context" feature to make the
Redux store accessible to deeply nested connected components. As of
React Redux version 6, this is normally handled by a single default
context object instance generated by React.createContext(), called
Yes, but differently than if you would be doing it by yourself.
If you were to use Context manually, you would usually do value propagation - passing the current state value down the tree. This can lead to very inefficient rerendering behaviour. See this article for a deeper explanation.
React-Redux on the other hand uses context for dependency injection. The store is passed down the tree and will never change, never triggering a rerender. All the rest is done by Redux internally, using manual subscriptions. This is much more performant.

How to implement React-navigation with Redux?

I've just setup my Redux store in React native app.
I moved to initialize React navigation for my project, i though that, as long as i'm using Redux to manage my app state, then the default option is that redux also is taking care of Navigation, and it should be hooked up to Redux, i opened React navigation docs, it says literally:
"Think twice before you consider doing this, there is an incredibly good chance that you do not need to do t his!"
So, is it a good practice to manage navigation with Redux, or just implement basic navigation the normal way (outside Redux) ?
Thanks in advance.
React Navigation manages its own state internally (using its own redux store I think...). There's no real need to connect react-navigation state to your own app's redux store since they expose API to do everything you might need to even without the navigation prop. Also it looks like they're dropping support for redux integration in the next version so beware of deprecation.
This is one of those cases where people may introduce unnecessary complexity and research into the project just to be happy about how "neat" the code runs even when it doesn't offer any real deliverable.

Using Redux in React JS Application

I know that there is so many answers in this question.
Anyone explain to me how Redux help your React JS Application more flexible when you are creating a Front End Web Apps.
Thank you in Advance.
From Redux documentation:
From the very beginning, we need to stress that Redux has no relation
to React. You can write Redux apps with React, Angular, Ember, jQuery,
or vanilla JavaScript.
That said, Redux works especially well with libraries like React and
Deku because they let you describe UI as a function of state, and
Redux emits state updates in response to actions.
It's a state management library with a huge ecosystem which lets you more easily set the state for your components across whole application, manage side-effects and many more.
I recommend redux author course about redux. At later part of the course, he explains how to use it with React.
Redux is used to manage the state of the component and it supports single state management system, where as flux is a multiple state management system.
Redux uses dispatchers to dispatch the payload(data) via reducers.

React components with shared state that are far away

I am new to React so please excuse me if this is a noob question but I really could not find the answer in the DOCs or elsewhere.
Let's say I have two buttons with a counter that share the state but are far away from each other in terms of the placement in the UI.
The documentation says the common owner component for both buttons should own the state. It makes sense if the components are next to each other like in the example but what if my buttons are each part of a different UI group and are far away in terms of nesting? My state holder would be the root of the document and I would have to pass a handler function down through many layers. And what if I need to add new component somewhere else that also needs to know the state? Would I have to modify all the parent components in the way to pass the state down? That is tremendously impractical.
Without React I would have some global Subscribe/Publish pattern like jQuery Observer and all UI elements could subscribe/publish to it regardless of their nesting position.
How does React solve this?
Related question: If I need to load/save the state to DB, how do I pass a reference of the controller (or Whatever) to each React component that stores the state?
1 for global state you may use REDUX
Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps
for connect/subscribe component with that state ,you should use react-redux
If components are far away in terms of nesting, you may connect/subscribe them to redux store, and take only neccessary part of state. They will update if only neccessary part is changed.
article that explains how you can do your case
to learn how to use redux you can watch this videos from creator of redux (Dan Abramov)
3.I definitely recommend to you discordapp rectiflux channel. because you allways can ask any question online.(there you can find contributors of that tools)
2 alternative way that less verbose then redux is MobX
MobX is a battle tested library that makes state management simple and scalable by transparently applying functional reactive programming (TFRP). The philosophy behind MobX is very simple:
Anything that can be derived from the application state, should be derived. Automatically.
I suggest to look at the Flux stores. In short, stores are like model in your application. You can listen to change (subscribe) and also modify their properties (publish). You can see how it was done in example app.
A better option is to go with Redux.
Redux is enabling use cases like yours in a way simpler fashion :)
It will help you with all the state and make your life much easier.
Some good resources for learning:
The Redux Website
Video courses from Dan Abramov, the creator [Free]
Awesome course on Udemy [Not free]
Building Applications with React and Redux in ES6
And finally take a look at this youtube series [Free]
Managing state in the middle layers of your app should be avoided where possible. This data belongs in a store, which holds the global state of the app. Then each component accesses the state via its props.
The naïve approach to get the data down to the component is to pass the store through all the layers of your app "manually", i.e. through props.
Smarter alternatives exist, which use connected components, that access the global state through the context (as opposed to the props). Typically, the presentational component (your button component) is wrapped in a container component that handles this connection to the store, then passes the data in via props.
There are numerous frameworks that facilitate this process, links to which are already provided in the other answers.
If you are trying to share simple states, try this ( I am the author): react-provide-state
Otherwise I will recommend Redux. It has become the most popular tool for managing application states.
In the applications being working on, we use Redux to manage the main application states and almost all other states. But we use 'react-provide-state' for simple, UI only states like Modal, Checkbox states.
