How to get CloudSolrClient object without using CloudSolrClient.Builder() method - solr

I am getting the CloudSolrClient connection object using the below statement
CloudSolrClient client = new CloudSolrClient.Builder().withZkHost(zkHost).withHttpClient(getSolrHttpClient()).build();
But i can see CloudSolrClient.Builder() method is deprecated.
What is the alternative way to get the CloudSolrClient object using zookeeper host and withhttpclient authentication?


Best way to use database connection for every get/post request in .net core web api service

I have .net core web api service. Should i open new connection and close for every get/post request? Or, is there a performance way to use db connection like a global connection variable?
Yes. You use the AddDbContext extension method to configure your DbContext and it'll automatically create a Scoped instance of the context which is created and disposed with each request:
var connection = #"Server=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Database=EFGetStarted.AspNetCore.NewDb;Trusted_Connection=True;ConnectRetryCount=0";
(options => options.UseSqlServer(connection));
For a full example visit:

How to use camel consul component for agent API?

As per camel documentation for consul(, the supported HTTP API are kv, event and agent. There are example of kv (key/value store) which are working fine but there is no such example for agent API. I went thruogh the documentation of Consul [] and the corresponding java client [] as well and tried to figure out how consul:agent component should work but I have found nothing simple there.
ConsulConstants.CONSUL_ACTION, ConsulAgentActions.AGENT); //also tried with ConsulAgentActions.SERVICES, but no luck
I also checked the test cases mention at but unable to find anything related to agent api.
So my question is that how to use consul:agent component.
UPDATE: I tried the below code and able to get the services.
Object res = main.getCamelTemplate().requestBodyAndHeader("consul:agent", "", ConsulConstants.CONSUL_ACTION, ConsulAgentActions.SERVICES);
It seems that the consul component only work for the GET operation of the HTTP agent API. But in that case how do I register a new service (like /v1/agent/service/register : Registers a new local service) with consul component?
This code works for me:
ImmutableService service =
.addTags("camel", "service-call")
ImmutableCatalogRegistration registration =
ProducerTemplate template = main.getCamelTemplate();
Object res = template.requestBodyAndHeader("consul:catalog", registration, ConsulConstants.CONSUL_ACTION, ConsulCatalogActions.REGISTER);
But it's looking some inelegantly (like workaround), and i think there are other solutions.
One can use
to retrieve the registered Services as Map<String, Service>, with service id as map key.
to write registrations, expecting an ImmutableCatalogRegistration as body
Note that you can employ a CamelServiceRegistrationRoutePolicy to register Camel routes as services automatically.

Passing previously retrieved value into webclient head via wizard

I would like to pass a session token retrieved initially by a REST GET via web client into the following Webclient REST Actions as a header parameter can this be done through the wizard?
Is there a way to do this in smartface app studio? Any logical idea?
You cannot do this. Because you have used WebClient wizard, it generates/configures your WebClient automatically. I can recommend you 2 methods to do this action:
Create your WebClient dynamically and go configure it freely/anytime.
Create a new WebClient via Wizard and configure it after receiving the token.

Invoking a rest service passing dynamic key value parameters using cxf-rs components

I have to create a Fuse service which would in-turn invoke a REST service exposed by an external service provider. Fuse service will be receiving request in XML format and converting to a query string before invoking the REST service.
Sample request XML for Fuse service -
The REST service consumes request in key value params and responds back in XML format.
sample URL:
I have tried searching a lot but couldn't find any tutorial in the net.
Can someone please provide suggestions on how to implement the fuse service using cxf-rs components (preferably Spring DSL camel configuration )
Thanks in advance..
If you just want to turn the XML request to the url parameter, you can just use jaxb data format to unmarshal the request and use a bean object to setup the URI request parameters. You don't need to use camel-cxf component.
from("direct:start").unmarshal(jaxb).process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
// get the request object
CustomerDetail request = exchange.getIn().getBody();
// Just mapping the request object into a query parameters.
String query = requestToParameter(request);
exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_QUERY, query);
// to remove the body, so http endpoint can send the request with Get Method

How to get client certificate inside web method at web forms c#?

I configure IIS to get certificates from client. And I can easily get client certificate inside event handler, for example Page_Load
HttpClientCertificate cert = Request.ClientCertificate;
Now I need to create web method what will get client name from certificate and return data for this client. But how can I get client certificate inside static web method where I don't have access to Request?
In any method, including in a static method, you can use HttpContext.Current. If this is non-null, then you can access the Request property. If that is non-null, then you can access the ClientCertificate property.
Of course, it may be null...
