Im trying to learn doubly linked lists. I used the following to print:
typedef struct Node{
int data;
struct Node* prev;
struct Node* next;
typedef struct List{
node *head;
node * createNode(int data) {
node * newNode = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
newNode->data = data;
newNode->prev = NULL;
newNode->next = NULL;
return newNode;
_Bool isEmpty(const list *L)
if (L->head == NULL)
return 1;
return 0;
_Bool insert(list *L, node *N) {
if(isEmpty(L)) {
L->head = N;
L->head->prev = N;
N->next = L->head;
L->head = N;
if (L->head==N)
return 1;
return 0;
void _print(list *L){
node *temp=L->head;
printf("%d ", temp->data);
temp = temp->next;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
list *L1=(list *)malloc(sizeof(list));
node *N1=createNode(3);
node *N2=createNode(1);
node *N3=createNode(5);
insert(L1, N3);
insert(L1, N2);
insert(L1, N1);
for reference my list struct only contains a pointer "head" and my node struct contains next, prev and data.
It prints the correct data but goes into infinite loop.
What is the reason ?
The problem is that this line in main:
list *L1=(list *)malloc(sizeof(list));
Allocates memory for the list, but does not initialize it.
Without initialization the value of L1->head can be anything.
And if it happens to be different than 0 (i.e. NULL), insert will interpret it as pointing to a valid node (which it isn't).
The result is undefined behavior (UB), which means anything can happen. It might seem to work, it can crash, or get into an infinite loop etc.
In order to fix it, you need to initialize the list pointed by L1.
You can do it at least in 2 ways:
Replace the call to malloc with calloc, which also zeroes the allocated memory:
list* L1 = (list*)calloc(sizeof(list), 1);
Add an explicit initialization after the malloc:
list* L1 = (list*)malloc(sizeof(list));
L1->head = NULL; /* <--- initialization */
You can also add a function for encapsulating the initialization.
I am trying to print the length of a linked list I created in another .c file called linklist.c from the main.c file. It is not working and I believe is has something to do with pointers and/or memory management over all. I call into question the heap mainly here. some guidance would be appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "node.h"
int main()
printf("Hello world!\n");
struct node* mylist = BuildOneTwoThree();
int length = Length(mylist);
return 0;
#include "node.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Return the number of nodes in a list (while-loop version)
int Length(struct node** head) {
int count = 0;
struct node* current = head;
while (current != NULL) {
current = current->next;
Build the list {1, 2, 3} in the heap and store
its head pointer in a local stack variable.
Returns the head pointer to the caller.
struct node* BuildOneTwoThree() {
struct node* head = NULL;
struct node* second = NULL;
struct node* third = NULL;
head = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); // allocate 3 nodes in the heap
second = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
third = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
head->data = 1; // setup first node
head->next = second; // note: pointer assignment rule
second->data = 2; // setup second node
second->next = third;
third->data = 3; // setup third link
third->next = NULL;
// At this point, the linked list referenced by "head"
// matches the list in the drawing.
return head;
Takes a list and a data value.
Creates a new link with the given data and pushes
it onto the front of the list.
The list is not passed in by its head pointer.
Instead the list is passed in as a "reference" pointer
to the head pointer -- this allows us
to modify the caller's memory.
void Push(struct node** headRef, int data) {
struct node* newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
newNode->data = data;
newNode->next = *headRef; // The '*' to dereferences back to the real head
*headRef = newNode; // ditto head points to new node
// Given a list and an index, return the data
// in the nth node of the list. The nodes are numbered from 0.
// Assert fails if the index is invalid (outside 0..lengh-1).
int GetNth(struct node* head, int index) {
struct node* current = head;
int answer = 0;
int x = index;
if(x <= 0 || x >= sizeof(head)-1 )
return -1;
for(int i = 0; i <= sizeof(head)-1; i++){
if (i == x){
return current->data;
current = current->next;
As you can see I use the BuildOneTwoThree function to build the linkedlist and am writing appropriate functions...It crashes when I try to access mylist into output.
For the most part the code seems to function from the point of view of the question only, printf had to be properly formatted.
printf("%i", length);
type cast malloc required
Change **head to *head in function argument Length
Use proper printf statement.
This question is limited to printing lenght of link list. please find code below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int data;
struct node *next;
struct node* BuildOneTwoThree();
int Length(struct node* head);
int main()
printf("Hello world!\n");
struct node* mylist = BuildOneTwoThree();
int length = Length(mylist);
printf("data =%d\n",mylist->data);
printf("length = %d",length);
return 0;
// Return the number of nodes in a list (while-loop version)
int Length(struct node* head) {
int count = 0;
struct node* current = head;
while (current != NULL) {
current = current->next;
Build the list {1, 2, 3} in the heap and store
its head pointer in a local stack variable.
Returns the head pointer to the caller.
struct node* BuildOneTwoThree() {
struct node* head = NULL;
struct node* second = NULL;
struct node* third = NULL;
head = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); // allocate 3 nodes in the heap
second = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
third = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
head->data = 1; // setup first node
head->next = second; // note: pointer assignment rule
second->data = 2; // setup second node
second->next = third;
third->data = 3; // setup third link
third->next = NULL;
// At this point, the linked list referenced by "head"
// matches the list in the drawing.
return head;
Here is the function which getting me into troubles and I actually can't understand why.
This function supposes to removes all the odd elements from a given linked-list and also returns an address of a new linked list of the odd elements removed.
typedef struct node {
int data;
struct node* next;
} Node;
Node* removeOddValues(Node **source)
Node *curr = *source;
Node *even;
Node *even_curr;
Node *odd;
Node *odd_curr;
Node *next;
even_curr = even;
odd_curr = odd;
next = curr->next;
curr->next = NULL;
if(curr->data % 2!=0)// odd//
odd_curr = odd_curr->next = curr;//node add to last//
else //even//
even_curr = even_curr->next = curr;
curr = next;
*source= even->next;//update source//
return odd->next; //the new list of odd elements removed//
When I try to compile it, I get the following error:
warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'even' used
warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'odd' used
Two things:
First, you get warnings (and your program contains undefined behaviour and would probably crash) because you access/dereference uninitialised variables:
Node *even;
Node *odd;
even->next=NULL; // even has not been initialised
odd->next=NULL; // odd has not been initialised
Second, your code does not "remember" the roots of the new lists, i.e. you manage odd_curr and even_curr, each pointing to the last node of the respective list, but you do not have something like odd_root and even_root.
The following code shows how this could work. The logic for appending a node at the end while additionally considering a root node is the same for both lists, odd and even, and therefore factored out into a separate function:
void appendNode(Node **root, Node** lastNode, Node *curr) {
if (!*root) { // root not yet assigned?
*root = curr;
*lastNode = curr;
} else {
(*lastNode)->next = curr; // append curr after lastNode
*lastNode = curr; // let curr become the lastNode
(*lastNode)->next = NULL; // terminate the list at lastNode
Node* removeOddValues(Node **source)
Node *curr = *source;
Node *evenRoot = NULL;
Node *oddRoot = NULL;
Node *evenLast = NULL;
Node *oddLast = NULL;
Node *next = curr->next;
if(curr->data % 2!=0) {
appendNode(&oddRoot, &oddLast, curr);
else {
appendNode(&evenRoot, &evenLast, curr);
curr = next;
*source= evenRoot;
return oddRoot;
curr = next;
Gives you the first warning, because next is not initialized.
odd_curr = odd;
Gives you the second warning, because odd is not initialized.
You should consider using malloc to allocate structures, because you are just allocating pointers, not the actual nodes. You can start learning more about linked lists from this interactive guide. Even if you somehow fix these two warnings, it still won't work.
The simplest case, using only two variables. The even nodes stay in the original list; the odd nodes are removed from the chain and returned as a linked list.
#include <stdio.h>
struct llist {
struct llist * next;
int data;
struct llist *chop_odds(struct llist **source)
struct llist *odd = NULL;
struct llist **target = &odd;
while ( *source) {
if((*source)->data %2) { /* odd */
*target = *source; // steal the pointer
*source = (*source)->next; // source skips this node
target = &(*target)->next; // advance target
else source = &(*source)->next; /* even */
*target = NULL;
return odd;
This simple code (adding element to linked list and printing it) works fine
#include <stdio.h>
struct node{
int item;
struct node* next;
void print_node (struct node* n){
while (n!= NULL){
printf("%d ", (*n).item);
n = n->next;
void append_node(struct node *list, struct node *n){
while(list->next != NULL)
list = list->next;
list->next = n;
int main(){
struct node n1, n2;
n1.item = 1; = NULL;
n2.item = 2; = NULL;
return 0;
If instead I define the append_node as following
void append_node(struct node *list, struct node n){
while(list->next != NULL)
list = list->next;
list->next = &n;
and call it accordingly in the main (i.e., append_node(&n1, n2) ) I get a segmentation fault when running the program. And I don't understand why :)
When you call append_node(struct node *list, struct node n), the argument n is copied on the function context.
When the function is leave, the context is freed, and the copy n of your data is lost.
You could use your function append_node(struct node *list, struct node n) if you make a copy of n (using malloc) before putting it in linked list.
This may help you: What's the difference between passing by reference vs. passing by value?
I have written following code in C. I am pretty new to C. The insert and Print functions seem to work fine but I get a prompt that says program stopped working when I call Reverse function.
Where dis I go wrong ?
//WAP to reverse a Linked List using recursion
struct Node{
int data;
struct Node* next;
struct Node* head; //global variable
struct Node* Reverse(struct Node* p){
if(p->next == NULL){ //since for last node link part is null
head = p;
printf("break condition");
return head;
printf("calling reverse");
struct Node* q = p->next;
q->next = p;
p->next = NULL;
void Insert(int x){
struct Node* temp= (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
temp->data = x;
//temp->next = NULL; //redundant
//if(head!= NULL){
temp->next = head; // will point to null when head is null nd otherwise what head was pointing to
head = temp;
void Print(){
struct Node* temp1 = head; //we dont want tomodify head so store it in atemp. bariable and then traverse
while(temp1 != NULL){
printf(" %d", temp1->data);
temp1= temp1->next;
int main(){
struct Node* head = NULL;
head = Reverse(head);
// Print();
There are two issues with the program above:
1) You have two head variables. One is a global variable, and the other is a variable local to the main function. That local variable is the one that is passed to Reverse(). Since the first thing that function does is dereferencing it, the program crashes. Removing the local head variable in the main() function should address it.
2) The Reverse() function correctly returns head when it reaches the exit condition, but what happens the rest of the time? It's missing a return in the non-exit condition case. Here's a diff that would address the issue:
printf("calling reverse");
- Reverse(p->next);
+ struct Node* ret;
+ ret = Reverse(p->next);
struct Node* q = p->next;
q->next = p;
p->next = NULL;
+ return ret;
I want to rotate a linked list that contains a number. 123 should be rotated to 231. The function created 23 but the last character stays empty, why?
typedef struct node node;
struct node{
char digit;
node* p;
void rotate(node** head){
node* walk= (*head);
node* prev= (*head);
char temp= walk->digit;
walk= walk->p;
How I create the list:
node* convert_to_list(int num){
node * curr, * head;
int i=0,length=0;
char *arr=NULL;
head = NULL;
length =(int) log10(((double) num))+1;
arr =(char*) malloc((length)*sizeof(char)); //allocate memory
sprintf (arr, "%d" ,num); //(num, buf, 10);
for(i=length;i>=0;i--) {
curr = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
(curr)->digit = arr[i];
(curr)->p = head;
head = curr;
curr = head;
return curr;
Your linked list actually has 4 elements.
You should change this line:
for(i = length; i >= 0 ; i--) {
for(i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
because with the former line you're going out of the array (you're accessing arr[length] on the first iteration).
With this change your rotate function works correctly.
You can solve most problems by breaking them down into simpler ones.
Here, I'd write your rotate as follows:
void rotate(node **list) {
node *head = pop_head(list);
push_at_end(list, head);
node *pop_head(node **list) {
node *head = *list;
*list = head->p;
head->p = 0;
return head;
void push_at_end(node **list, node *head) {
node *end = get_end(*list);
if (!end) {
*list = head;
} else {
end->p = head;
node *get_end(node *head) {
node *last = 0;
while (head) {
last = head;
head = head->p;
return last;
The problem with your question is that the list is stored backwards, and you have a pointer to previous, instead next. This should have been part of the question (it took me a while to understand that).
Actually, you use head when probably tail would have been better. You should consider storing a pointer to the actual head, and avoid this way copying. In that case, you would only need to adjust pointers. If rotation is going to be a common task, then keeping and updating an extra pointer, may be in a list struct, would pay the effort (could change the task from O(n) to O(1)).
struct _list {
node * tail;
node * head;
typedef struct _list list;
In any case, the problem with your rotate function is that you are starting with walk and prev at the same node, head.
void rotate(node** head){
node* walk= (*head);
node* prev=(*head)->p;
char temp= walk->digit;
walk= prev;
prev = prev->p;
I have written the code for linked list rotation by k nodes in c++. It worked for me perfectly. If you pass k as 1, it will rotate the liked list by 1 node and here it solves the given problem. If you want to rotate the linked list by k nodes, it will still work fine. Please find it below.
Header file :
typedef struct node {
int data;
node *next;
} *Node;
Node head;
void rotateByk(int k);
Following code is for .cpp file.
void DList::rotateByk(int k){
Node current = head;
Node kthNode;
int count = 1;
while(count<=k && current!=NULL){
kthNode = current;
current = current->next;
Node kthNextNode = current;
current = current->next;
current->next = head;
head = kthNextNode;
kthNode->next = NULL;
Node printNode = head;
cout << printNode->data << "\t";
printNode = printNode->next;
Pass k as argument in main method for linked list d1.
Please let me know if you have any queries.