I have a pivot table in Google Looker Studio. I am trying to format the values (numeric) to have + in front of them if they are >0.
This is usually easy to do in other tools such as PBI and Excel. How do I achieve this is data studio
Can't find where to do it
I currently have a Navision Dynamics installation on SQL Server 2016.
I have a requirement to display pictues from Navision Dynamics CRM on a stand alone installation of SQL server reporting services (SSRS).
This means, I do not have any of the CRM functionality available for me to use.
The Data Sets for the report is standard SQL queries.
My test query and result :
The field Content from my above query is what I want to display as the image on the report.
If I look at the SQL datatype for the Content column, it says it is an Image (data type).
However, in dynamics, it is a data type of BLOB
I have tried to do this in the report and I just get a Red Cross (X):
I have also tried the following for this field and still get the red X :
How do I go about displaying the Content field as an Image in the report please?
See answer in this post below :
Microsoft dynamics Mediaset Datatype and SSRS
The questions is same / similar to this one.
The answer is - Change the image compression on the BLOB field to OFF and then everything else should work like in the question.
I have an Access 2016 form where data entry users copy and paste pictures into a Bound Object Frame that is linked to a SQL Server 2016 varbinary(max). Pictures are copied from Snip and Sketch. When using Access, all is wonderful. Pictures can be seen, can be put in a report, and replaced, if needed.
The problem comes in when using SQL Server Reporting Services 2016. I have tried to get these pictures out, but I don't know if they're jpg, dib, bmp, tiff, or any other format, so my question is:
What format are pictures sent to SQL Server from Access?
The copy/paste option is great for data entry, but the need to have a web based (SSRS) delivery to the customer (manufacturing floor) is paramount, so if there's a better way to store these pictures in a controlled format so I can retrieve them in SSRS, that is a solution as well.
I am writing a clickonce application in vb.net. I have sql tables linked to a Microsoft Access database, and then my application reads through the OLEDB connection.
My columns in SQL are saved as date however when linked to MS Access they convert to "text" I haven't had any issues with this until I started creating charts on my application. I need the dates on the chart to display as jan 17 feb 17 etc however no matter what formatting I use they come back as '2017-01-01' '2017-02-01'
I have tried
ChartFCR.Series(0).XValueType = DataVisualization.Charting.ChartValueType.DateTime
ChartFCR.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = "MMMyy"
in various forms and nothing is changing the appearance. any information or suggestion is helpful.
The only way Access will make sense of a SQL date data type is if it is converted into 1) a datetime in SQL or 2) a date in Access.
Of course it depends on your situation, but try creating a query in Access that handles that conversion and base the chart on the query. That would give you the most control for the Access interface.
I'm having trouble implementing what I feel should be a fairly basic report in SSRS (SQL Server 2014 and VS2013 Shell). I work for a company based in the UK and I want to show various data using the Maps functionality. To start with I simply want to take customer sales data and plot it over a basic UK map. To that end I have constructed a query which uses the customer postcode to obtain latitude and longitude values. I have then used STPointFromText to convert these to the Geography data type as follows:
geography::STPointFromText('POINT(' + CAST(longitude AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' ' +
CAST(latitude AS VARCHAR(20)) + ')', 4326) AS Geog
This dataset contains the sales figures, so the analytical and spatial data is all in one place (assuming I've understood this part correctly!).
When I query this data in SSMS and view the results under the Spatial tab, it looks quite promising, i.e. quite clearly plots the shape of the UK:
spatialoutput SSMS
However, when I try to represent this in SSRS, it falls apart. Using the SQL Server spatial query option as my data source, and using the query I constructed and ran in SSMS previously, I keep getting a popup window which reads:
'Unable to determine the spatial data type in the specified dataset field: Geog'
From here nothing works. I don't see any maps or any points like I did in SSRS. I've been searching for hours and not really found a solution, although I did find this on MSDN:
'You cannot use the dataset designer in Visual Studio for queries that return SQL Server spatial types. The dataset designer does not support user-defined types (UDTs), to which category the SQL Server spatial types (SqlGeometry and SqlGeography) belong.'
Various articles I have read showed people simply building a query like mine and then adding it as a dataset, after which it detected the spatial column and type straight away. Many did appear to be SQL Server 2008 R2 though. The article above implies a load of messing around with files in the GAC and the creation of a Windows Form Application, which presumably requires VS Pro and additional fiddling.
If anyone could point out where I'm going wrong it would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
I am using sql server 2012, In one of the table's column I have varbinary(max) values. This column is used to hold binary values of an Image
, where all the images are resides of my application. Now I want to opent that image in sql server itself, similary
when we write select empid from employee it is displaying empid, so is there any similary way to preview image in sql server?
also any way to doc/docx files to preview in sql server?
SQL Server does not have any way of displaying data in VARBINARY columns as images. You need a different tool for this that extracts the VARBINARY data and interprets it in the correct image format.
There is a SSMS add-in called SSMSBoost that has the feature SSMS Results Grid Visualizers.
You can get fully-functional free community license or buy the professional version. Currently both versions have the same set of features.