Nextion Editior of Graph - nextion

I've been working with Nextion display for Two week. I'm trying to build a Graph, how can I use x-axis, y-axis with the nextion Editor. Anybody pls tell me if how to create axis in the graph.
Thanks in Advance


How to draw a complex Gantt chart in react?

I am trying to build a gantt chart, wherein a single row can have multiple horizontal boxes. Something as shown in the below image.
I have explored following react packages, but seems no one is enough to draw multiple horizontal boxes in a single row as shown in the images.
Please do suggest some solution. Any kind of help is appreciated.
There is a superset of Gantt chart, called Timeline chart. That would help one to implement above mentioned chart.

Silverlight Toolkit Pie Chart Add Labels

I have been working with Silverlight for some time now but this is my first experience with the charting capability provided by the silverlight toolkit. Basically I am trying to create a pie chart that contains labels for each slice of the pie. The labels can be inside the pie piece itself or outside it makes very little difference to me. My data set is very simple. I have a Result class that contains 2 properties, a name and a count and I am using that as the source for the pie chart.
I have tried to google this but most of the results I get pertain to telerik or other 3rd party controls.
Can someone please share there wisdom on how to accomplish this? Thanks.

How to make a contour plot in WPF?

I am going to make a contour plot of some data. I have a component called Telerik and a component called SciChart for making graphs. I have looked at their homepages and searched the internet and i dont think they support contour plots.
So how would i make a contour plot in WPF?
you can use
it is better documented than d3 and currently supported.
There is a question on Telerik site with the question, that may be interesting for you too.
And also Dynamic Data Display on CodePlex.

Using WPF For bar Graphs

I Want to use Graphs in WPF.At the moment I am using WPF toolkit to make graphs in WPF but cant find the resources for the step by step procedure to modify the bar graph (colour,size etc).Can anyone please help me or give me the necessary url for doing so...Also can this be used to make 3d charts or if there is any other open source stuff I can use please do mention it.Thanks
Did you tried Dynamic Data Display?
For me, it's the best free charts library available for WPF.

Silverlight Map Tiler

I just started learning Silverlight and onTop of that I have to create a map viewer that displays our map tiles. I have search EVERYWHERE online and cant find anything that helps me. All Im looking for is a way to Display the tiles and have it draggable so that it starts pulling off more Tiles from the server. I'd like to build it from scratch but im not sure where to begin. I've looked at the whole microsoft BING thing but that doesnt help as its too much of BINGS's own stuff. Going in circles looking everywhere else.
The control you are looking for is MultiScaleImage control. This allows not only for an image to be composed of tiles but also various zoom levels. Its worth taking the time to read the MSDN docs on this control.
