DiscordAPIError: Maximum number of application commands reached (100) - discord

I'm currently creating a Discord bot that has 112 commands and I'm receiving this error:
Error code: 30034
Discord's daily command limit
On Discords Developer Portal's Documentation, it states that "There is a global rate limit of 200 application command creates per day, per guild".
So my question is: Is my bot currently limited to creating new commands through a daily limit? Do I just have to simply wait it out?
Or is my bot unable to create anymore slash commands.
I'm attempting to create a Discord bot that will eventually exceed 200+ commands.

Discovered that Discord only allows:
100 global CHAT_INPUT commands
5 global USER commands
5 global MESSAGE commands


Read messages in a discord channel without running client

Is there a way to read the messages on a discord channel using discord.py without running the client? The use case is, I have a lambda function that runs slash commands so that I don't have to have a permanent machine listening. This works fine. I want to make a slash command to read all the messages in the channel and save the attachments in the messages in the channel. All the examples I have seen are to make text bots declaring the commands and end with:
Which means it needs to be constantly up. Is this possible?

Discord.net Send A Slash Command With Bot

I'm trying to have my bot simply send a slash command to a specific discord channel. The command would be read by another bot and executed as needed. Is this possible? I'm using discord.net. I have my bot sending plain text messages to the channel with the code below.
await ((ISocketMessageChannel)_client.GetChannel(channelId)).SendMessageAsync("Just Text Here", false, eb.Build());
I'm trying to send the command below. The bot that should respond is noted here. (https://www.alphabotsystem.com/guide/charting).
/c aapl 3m macd mfi
I checked the documentation + newest version methods and I'm afraid there is no such functionality.
In addition developers very often secure their bots by adding a condition which ignores executing commands from Webhooks and Bots.

Discord Py Running Command from Server

This might be a duplicated question! sorry I couldn't find an answer!
I have a bot running on a linux server "using discord python lib". I want trigger a command from the server side as a cronjob. Is that possible with the way Discord events are designed? The command needs to run every 5 mins!
I have a db with user/payment data. The command should check if the userid has sent payment. If so then assign them a specific role. Otherwise if the user's payment data is false remove the role.
Right now this works fine with a command I wrote "update_payment" however this command has to be triggered from the discord server manually. I don't want to run this by hand every 5 mins. How do I trigger it from a cronjob on the linux server?
You can use tasks.loop to loop your task:
from discord.ext import tasks
async def update_payment():
pass # whatever here

Uniqie Discord.js bot per user on localhost

I've created a discord bot that runs locally on user's machines and I'm not exactly sure how it would work if for example 30 people are running their local instances at the same time. Will other users's instances emit events to eachother or is each running instance only going to care about its own script.

Discord.js - Bot messages LIMIT?

I have a bot with which you have to verify yourself to be on our Discord server
(The verification takes place in the DM`s)
Recently we have the problem that certain members of our Discord cannot write to the bot.
Everyone allowed everyone to send a message to the person
Each of the people is on our Discord Server, allows the person to write messages and have not blocked the bot
The bot does not issue any error messages
We would be delighted to find a quick solution
Since you haven't provided any code snippets, logs or error messages, it's a bit difficult to assess your situation... but here are some basic troubleshooting steps that you could follow:
Remove and re-authenticate the bot into the server.
Double check that you have enabled DM's.
Check the console for any errors that could pertain to direct messaging issues with users in the server. (especially from successful DM's)
Try to notice any differences between the users in the server who are
able to message the bot, versus those who cannot.
Ensure the bot isn't running more than one instance. (i.e. you might
have more than one bot running on the same token!)
I highly recommend giving more detail, because usually a question pertaining to broken/lost functionality would usually attach code or error logs to help diagnose the issue.
Okay, the problem is that you either didn't enable DMs or the bot is not in the server.
Otherwise, this problem will not occur.
