I have an array piped into PowerShell. Trying to select what matches today through the next 3 weeks.
1/4/2023 First Last
1/11/2023 First Last
1/19/2023 First Last
1/25/2023 First Last
2/1/2023 First Last
2/8/2023 First Last
2/15/2023 First Last
2/22/2023 First Last
3/1/2023 First Last
3/8/2023 First Last
Expected results would be:
1/19/2023 First Last
1/25/2023 First Last
2/1/2023 First Last
2/8/2023 First Last
Was trying to modify this to get results, but not getting what I need.
$referenceDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(21)
Get-Content -Path 'Dates.ini' |
Where-Object { $_ -match '^(\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4})' } |
Where-Object { [datetime]::ParseExact($matches[1], 'MM/dd/yyyy', $null) -gt $referenceTime } |
ForEach-Object {
#DO SOMETHING.. For demo just output the line(s) that matched
My PowerShell kung foo is not strong, and would be very grateful for the answer...
Listed in details. PowerShell version is default for Server 2019.
I would definitely consider using a switch here with the -Regex flag:
$referenceDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(21)
switch -Regex -File Dates.ini {
'^(?:\d{1,2}/){2}\d{4}' {
$date = Get-Date $Matches[0]
if($date -ge [datetime]::Today -and $date -le $referenceDate) {
Regarding your code, it's almost correct, there are 3 problems:
The regex needs a bit tweaking.
The call to ParseExact is not using the correct Date Format.
You're currently filtering for dates greater than 3 weeks, instead what you want is lower than or equal to 3 weeks and greater than or equal to Today.
$referenceDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(21)
Get-Content -Path 'Dates.ini' |
Where-Object { $_ -match '^(\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{4})' } |
Where-Object {
$date = [datetime]::ParseExact($Matches[1], 'M/d/yyyy', $null)
$date -ge [datetime]::Today -and $date -le $referenceDate
} | ForEach-Object { $_ }
This question already has an answer here:
Powershell: Piping output of pracl command to array
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
Using Get-ChildItem I have pulled a list of files that meet a criteria, then split a part of the Basename and want to build an array with that part of the name. I can do that successfully, except the array returns on long string. I'd like each part of the array to return on a new line.
$files = GCI "\\Paths" -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -ge (Get-Date).Adddays(-22)}
$name = ""
foreach($file in $files){
$file = $file.basename.Split(".")[0]
$array += $file
I also tried the following with no luck:
$files = GCI "\\Paths" -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -ge (Get-Date).Adddays(-22)}
$name = ""
foreach($file in $files){
$file = $file.basename.Split(".")[0]
$array+= $file -split "`n"
Current outcome when calling $array:
Desired outcome when calling $array:
The string is returned because $array is not an array. It is typed at assignment and its first assignment is a string. Therefore it keeps appending new values to that string.
You may do the following instead:
$array = foreach($file in $files){
When iterated values are output within a foreach statement, that statement output can be captured into a variable. Each value will be an element of an array.
As an aside, the += syntax to add elements to an array is inefficient because a new array is created each time after retrieving all the contents of the current array.
You're already returning an array, so just narrow it down to what you're assigning to your variable.
$files = GCI "\\Paths" -Recurse |
Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -ge (Get-Date).Adddays(-22)} |
ForEach-Object -Process {
Or, just assign a variable to your foreach loop removing the output to an array.:
$arr = foreach (...)
$date = get-date -format "MM/dd/yyyy"
$save = Get-ChildItem \\ABC\xyz\wbc | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -gt $date+' 2:30 AM' -and $_.LastWriteTime -lt $date+' 5:35 AM'} | Select Name
for($i=1;$i -eq 62;$i++)
Select-String -Path "\\ABC\xyz\wbc\"+$save[$i]+"\"+$save[$i]+"_2"+"\.out" -Pattern "End save of data."
Above is the code that I have written till now.
I have to read multiple files under a directory for a pattern of word, some part of the directory is static i.e. \ABC\xyz\wbc after this portion of the path there are folders created serially I just want to capture these directories one by one which are within specific date and time range and inserts it into the path like "\ABC\xyz\wbc\"+$save[0]. If I try $save[0] I am getting output in the format like
I am expecting the path to be like \ABC\xyz\wbc\16471\16471_2*.out so that I can use it in select-string
try using Select -ExpandProperty Name instead of Select Name
for the array you may try:
foreach($element in $save) {
'\\ABC\xyz\wbc\{0}\{0}_2.out' -f $element
what should return
Try wrapping it in parenthesis and adding .name at the end
$save = (Get-ChildItem \ABC\xyz\wbc | Where-Object { $.LastWriteTime -gt $date+' 2:30 AM' -and $.LastWriteTime -lt $date+' 5:35 AM'}).name
I am trying to remove duplicates and leave only unique entries from the output of 2 queries.
I am pulling a list of installed Windows Updates using the following (also stripping 12 chars of whitespace and dropping to lower case:
$A = #(Get-HotFix | select-object #{Expression={$_.HotFixID.ToLower()}} | ft -hidetableheaders | Out-String) -replace '\s{12}',''
I am then querying a list of available files in a folder and stripping 3 trailing whitespace chars using:
$B = #(Get-ChildItem D:\y | select-object 'Name' | ft -hidetableheaders | Out-String) -replace '\s{3}',''
The problem I have is that the first query ($A) returns output like:
While the second query ($B) returns output like:
I need to compare the 2 outputs using wildcards around each entry in the $A array (I think), and where it exists in $B remove the entire line from $B array.
I cannot truncate the output of $B as I need to use the full filenames in a subsequent process.
IE in the example output above, the entire FIRST and THIRD lines would be remove from the $B array and other lines left intact.
I have tried numerous methods from online searches, and used foreach loops, all to no avail.
Thank you in advance for any assistance.
What did you try with foreach loops that didn't work? Unless your output is huge, this method is pretty striaght forward.
$a = "kb4040981","kb4041693","kb2345678","kb8765432","test"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$b = "windows8.1-kb4040981-x64_d1eb05bc8c55c7632779086079c7759f40d7386f.cab","windows8.1-kb4041687-x64_3bdf264bcfc0dda01c2eaf2135e322d2d6ce6c64.cab","windows8.1-kb4041693-x64_359b7ac71a48e5af003d67e3e4b80120a2f5b570.cab","windows8.1-kb4049179-x64_e6ec21d5d16fa6d8ff890c0c6042c2ba38a1f7c4.cab"
$toRemove = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach($kb in $a)
foreach($line in $b)
if($line -match $kb)
write-host "$kb found in: $line" -ForegroundColor Green
$toRemove.add($line) | out-null
foreach($line in $toRemove)
Hope it helps.
I would recommend for you to take a little time to learn the very basics of Powershell. When you use format cmdlets and text files instead of objects you cut yourself of the good stuff. ;-)
Here is how I would start the task:
$A = Get-HotFix
$B = Get-ChildItem D:\y | Select-Object -Property Name,#{Name='HotFixID';Expression={($_.BaseName -split '-')[1]}}
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $A -DifferenceObject $B -Property 'HotFixID' -PassThru
Sincere thanks to sambardo for his patience and input! The final working solution based on his excellent recommendation is:
$a = (Get-Hotfix).hotfixID
$b = (Get-ChildItem D:\y\ -file *.cab).name
$toRemove = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach($kb in $a)
foreach($line in $b)
if($line -match $kb)
# write-host "$kb found in: $line" -ForegroundColor Green
$toRemove.add($line) | out-null
foreach($line in $toRemove)
I have a set of strings gathered from logs that I'm trying to parse into unique entries:
function Scan ($path, $logPaths, $pattern)
$logPaths | % `
$file = $_.FullName
Write-Host "`n[$file]"
Get-Content $file | Select-String -Pattern $pattern -CaseSensitive - AllMatches | % `
$regexDateTime = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex "((?:\d{4})-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(,\d{3})?)"
$matchDate = $regexDateTime.match($_)
$loglinedate = [System.DateTime]::ParseExact($matchDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,FFF", [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
if ($loglinedate -gt $laterThan)
$date = $($_.toString().TrimStart() -split ']')[0]
$message = $($_.toString().TrimStart() -split ']')[1]
$messageArr += ,$date,$message
$messageArr | sort $message -Unique | foreach { Write-Host -f Green $date$message}
So for this input:
2015-09-04 07:50:06 [20] WARN Core.Ports.Services.ReferenceDataCheckers.SharedCheckers.DocumentLibraryMustExistService - A DocumentLibrary 3 could not be found.
2015-09-04 07:50:06 [20] WARN Core.Ports.Services.ReferenceDataCheckers.SharedCheckers.DocumentLibraryMustExistService - A DocumentLibrary 3 could not be found.
2015-09-04 07:50:16 [20] WARN Brighter - The message abc123 has been marked as obsolete by the consumer as the entity has a higher version on the consumer side.
Only the second two entries should be returned
I'm having trouble filtering out duplicates of $message: currently all entries are being returned (sort -Unique is not behaving as I would expect it to). I also need the correct $date to be returned against the filtered $message.
I'm pretty stuck with this, can anyone help?
We can do what you want, but first let's backup just a little bit to help us do this better. Right now you have an array of arrays, and that's difficult to work with in general. What would be better is if you had an array of objects, and those objects had properties such as Date and Message. Let's start there.
if ($loglinedate -gt $laterThan)
$date = $($_.toString().TrimStart() -split ']')[0]
$message = $($_.toString().TrimStart() -split ']')[1]
$messageArr += ,$date,$message
is going to become...
if ($loglinedate -gt $laterThan)
[Array]$messageArr += [PSCustomObject]#{
'date' = $($_.toString().TrimStart() -split ']')[0]
'message' = $($_.toString().TrimStart() -split ']')[1]
That produces an array of objects, and each object has two properties, Date and Message. That will be much easier to work with.
If you only want the latest version of any message that's easily done with the Group-Object command as such:
$FilteredArr = $messageArr | Group Message | ForEach{$_.Group|sort Date|Select -Last 1}
Then if you want to display it to screen like you are, you could do:
$Filtered|ForEach{Write-Host -f Green ("{0}`t{1}" -f $_.Date, $_.Message)}
My take (not tested) :
function Scan ($path, $logPaths, $pattern)
$regex = '(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})\s(.+)'
$ht = #{}
$logPaths | % `
$file = $_.FullName
Write-Host "`n[$file]"
Get-Content $file | Select-String -Pattern $pattern -CaseSensitive -AllMatches | % `
if ($_.line -match $regex -and $ht[$matches[2]] -gt $matches[1])
{ $ht[$matches[2]] = $matches[1] }
$ht.GetEnumerator() |
sort Value |
foreach { Write-Host -f Green "$($_.Value)$($_.Name)" }
This splits the file at the timestamp, and loads the parts into a hash table, using the error message as the key and the timestamp as the data (this will de-dupe the messages in-stream).
The timestamps are already in string-sortable format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss), so there's really no need to cast them to [datetime] to find the latest one. Just do a straight string compare, and if the incoming timestamp is greater than an existing value for that message, replace the existing value with the new one.
When you're done, you should have a hash table with a key for each unique message found, having a value of the latest timestamp found for that message.
We have a backup that runs every other day, but the files are large and we want to just remove every other one once we get a certain amount of backup files with our file signature.
I've tried this:
$Drive = "E:\temp\"
$deleteTime = -42;
$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays($deleteTime)
#this is finding the correct files but I don't think it's really in an array
$temp1 = Get-ChildItem -Path $Drive -filter "*junk.vhd*" | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt $limit} | Select -Expand Name
for($i=$temp1.GetLowerBound(0); $i -le $temp1.GetUpperBound(0); $i+=2) {
Write-Host "removing $temp1[$i]" #this is listing the entire array with a [0] for first one and the third [2] element also, whether I cast to an array or not
I tried this instead of the above (Get-ChildItem) line currently but it listed the entire set of junk files for [0] instead of just the first junk.vhd at [0]:
[array]$temp1 =#( Get-ChildItem -Path $Drive -filter "*junk.vhd*" | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt $limit} | Foreach-Object {$_.Name} )
I tried this too:
$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-42)
$list = (dir -Filter *junk.ps1 | where LastWriteTime -lt $limit).FullName
$count = $list.Length
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $count; $i += 2)
Write-Verbose "[$i] $($list[$i])"
#it's not getting in here because I'm not sure how
#to add the $Drive location and list is empty
Does anyone have a suggestion how to get an array of the filenames from $Drive location with the signature *junk.vhd so I can loop through them and remove every other one?
An internet search isn't turning much up.
This works for me:
$deleteTime = -12;
$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays($deleteTime)
$t = Get-ChildItem -Path $pwd -filter "p*.txt" | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt $limit} | Select -Expand Name
foreach ($a in $t) { Write-Host "Name : $a" }
What have I missed from what you were looking for?
(Obviously, you will need to maintain a counter and do some modulo arithmetic in the body of the foreach() statement... )
This works, too:
for($i=$t.GetLowerBound(0); $i -le $t.GetUpperBound(0); $i+=2) {
$n = $t[$i]
Write-Host "removing $n"