How to split a window based on a second key in Apache Flink? - apache-flink

I am trying to create a data stream processing of a product scanner which generates events in the form of the following Tuple4: Timestamp(long, in milliseconds), ClientID(int), ProductID(int), Quantity(int).
At the end, a stream of Tuple3 should be obtained: ClientID(int), ProductID(int), Quantity(int) which represents a grouping of all the products with the same ProductID purchased by one client with a given ClientID. For any "transaction" there can be a maximum of a 10 seconds gap between product scans.
This is a short snippet of code that shows my initial attempt:
DataStream<Tuple4<Long, Integer, Integer, Integer>> inStream = ...;
WindowedStream<Tuple4<Long, Integer, Integer, Integer>, Integer, TimeWindow> windowedStream = inStream
.keyBy((tuple) -> Tuple2.of(tuple.f1, tuple.f2))
windowedStream.aggregate(...); // Drop timestamp, sum quantity, keep the rest the same
However, this is where the issue comes in. Normally, a SessionWindow would be enough, but in this case it implements a gap of 10 seconds between 2 events with the key (ClientID, ProductID), which is not what is expected.
If we imagine the following tuples coming in:
(10_000, 1, 1, 1)
<6 second gap>
(16_000, 1, 2, 1)
<6 second gap>
(22_000, 1, 1, 1)
<6 second gap>
(28_000, 1, 2, 1)
The sequence of tuples should be in the same SessionWindow, and 1 and 2 should be merged with 3, respectively 4, generating two output events.
However, they are not in the same SessionWindow, because 1+3 and 2+4 are split in their separate streams by the keyBy and they are not aggregated since they do not fulfill the requirement of max 10 seconds between products.
I am wondering if there is a way to solve this with the application of a "second" key. First, the stream should be split based on the key ClientID, and then a SessionWindow should be applied (irrespective of the product).
Following that, I was wondering if there is a way to subdivide the ClientID-keyed SessionWindows with the use of the second key (which would be ProductID) and effectively reach the same key as before (ClientID, ProductID) without the previous issue. Then, the aggregate could be applied normally to reach the expected output stream.
If that is not possible, is there any other way of solving this?

The simplest way to solve it would be to just do partitioning base on theClientID to capture all scans done by the particular client and then use process that would give You access to all elements in the paricular window, where You can generate separate events or outputs for every ProductID. Is there any reason why that might not work in Your setup ??


Flink CEP sql restrict output

I have a use case where I have 2 input topics in kafka.
Topic schema:
eventName, ingestion_time(will be used as watermark), orderType, orderCountry
Data for first topic:
{"eventName": "orderCreated", "userId":123, "ingestionTime": "1665042169543", "orderType":"ecommerce","orderCountry": "UK"}
Data for second topic:
{"eventName": "orderSucess", "userId":123, "ingestionTime": "1665042189543", "orderType":"ecommerce","orderCountry": "USA"}
I want to get all the userid for orderType,orderCountry where user does first event but not the second one in a window of 5 minutes for a maximum of 2 events per user for a orderType and orderCountry (i.e. upto 10 mins only).
I have union both topics data and created a view on top of it and trying to use flink cep sql to get my output, but somehow not able to figure it out.
FROM union_event_table
PARTITION BY orderType,orderCountry
ORDER BY ingestion_time
A.userId as userId
A.orderType as orderType
A.orderCountry AS orderCountry
A As A.eventName = 'orderCreated'
B AS B.eventName = 'orderSucess'
First thing is not able to figure it out what to use in place of A not followed B in sql, another thing is how can I restrict the output for a userid to maximum of 2 events per orderType and orderCountry, i.e. if a user doesn't perform 2nd event after 1st event in 2 consecutive windows for 5 minutes, the state of that user should be removed, so that I will not get output of that user for same orderType and orderCountry again.
I don't believe this is possible using MATCH_RECOGNIZE. This could, however, be implemented with the DataStream CEP library by using its capability to send timed out patterns to a side output.
This could also be solved at a lower level by using a KeyedProcessFunction. The long ride alerts exercise from the Apache Flink Training repo is an example of that -- you can jump straight away to the solution if you want.

Multiply Google Query Results Using Different Factors Per Row

I have a query that returns multiple rows per each key used. Each key has a different quantity that I would like to use as a factor to multiply each row by. I would like every result to be multiplied by the same factor set to KEY 1.
For example, all 3 cells in the multiply column for Key "45492" I would like multiplied by 1,600. I have the query used posted here, and the complete sheet too. I created a "TEST PAGE" that has all the necessary information to recreate a complete, usable function.
"where Col1 matches '"&TEXTJOIN("|", 1, B3:B)&"'", 0),
=INDEX(IF(E3:E="",,G3:G*IFNA(VLOOKUP(E3:E, B3:C, 2, 0))))

Apache Flink Is Windowing dependent on Timestamp assignment of EventTime Events

I am new to apache flink and am trying to understand how the concept of EventTime and Windowing is handled by flink.
So here's my scenario :
I have a program that runs as a thread and creates a files with 3
fields every second of which the 3rd field is the timestamp.
There is a little tweak though every 5 seconds I enter an older timestamp (t-5 you could say) into the new file created.
Now I run the stream processing job which reads the 3 fields above
into a tuple.
Now I have defined the following code for watermarking and timestamp generation:
.<Tuple3<String, Integer, Long>>forBoundedOutOfOrderness(Duration.ofSeconds(4))
.withTimestampAssigner((event, timestamp) -> event.f2);
And then I use the following code for windowing the above and trying to get the aggregation :
.reduce((x,y) -> new Tuple3<String, Integer, Long>(x.f0, x.f1 + y.f1,y.f2))
It is clear that I am trying to aggregate the numbers within each field.(a little more context, the field(f2) that I am trying to aggregate are all 1s)
Hence I have the following questions :
That is the window is just 4 seconds wide, and every fifth entry is
an older timestamp, so I am expecting that the next window to have
lesser counts. Is my understanding wrong here ?
If my understanding is right - I do not see any aggregation when running both programs in parallel, Is there something wrong with my code ?
Another one that is bothering me is on what fields or on what parameters do the windows start time and end time really dependent ? Is it on the timestamp extracted from Events or is it from processing time
You have to configure the allowed lateness: If not configured, Flink will drop the late message. So for the next window, there will be less elements than previous window.
Window is assigned by the following calculation:
return timestamp - (timestamp - offset + windowSize) % windowSize
In your case, offset is 0(default). For event time window, the timestamp is the event time. For processing time window, the timestamp is the processing time from Flink operator. E.g. if windowSize=3, timestamp=122, then the element will be assigned to the window [120, 123).

Postgres ordering table by element in large data set

I have a tricky problem trying to find an efficient way of ordering a set of objects (~1000 rows) that contain a large (~5 million) number of indexed data points. In my case I need a query that allows me to order the table by a specific datapoint. Each datapoint is a 16-bit unsigned integer.
I am currently solving this problem by using an large array:
Object Table:
id serial NOT NULL,
category_id integer,
description text,
name character varying(255),
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
data integer[],
GIST index:
CREATE INDEX object_rdtree_idx
ON object
USING gist
(data gist__intbig_ops)
This index is not currently being used when I do a select query, and I am not certain it would help anyway.
Each day the array field is updated with a new set of ~5 million values
I have a webserver that needs to list all objects ordered by the value of a particular data point:
Example Query:
SELECT name, data[3916863] as weight FROM object ORDER BY weight DESC
Currently, it takes about 2.5 Seconds to perform this query.
Is there a better approach? I am happy for the insertion side to be slow as it happens in the background, but I need the select query to be as fast as possible. In saying this, there is a limit to how long the insertion can take.
I have considered creating a lookup table where every value has it's own row - but I'm not sure how the insertion/lookup time would be affected by this approach and I suspect entering 1000+ records with ~5 million data points as individual rows would be too slow.
Currently inserting a row takes ~30 seconds which is acceptable for now.
Ultimately I am still on the hunt for a scalable solution to the base problem, but for now I need this solution to work, so this solution doesn't need to scale up any further.
I was wrong to dismiss having a giant table instead of an array, while insertion time massively increased, query time is reduced to just a few milliseconds.
I am now altering my generation algorithm to only save a datum if it non-zero and changed from previous update. This has reduced insertions to just a few hundred thousands values which only takes a few seconds.
New Table:
object_id integer,
data_index integer,
value integer,
CREATE INDEX index_data_on_data_index
ON data
USING btree
New Query:
SELECT name, coalesce(value,0) as weight FROM objects LEFT OUTER JOIN data on data.object_id = AND data_index = 7731363 ORDER BY weight DESC
Insertion Time: 15,000 records/second
Query Time: 17ms
First of all, do you really need a relational database for this? You do not seem to be relating some data to some other data. You might be much better off with a flat-file format.
Secondly, your index on data is useless for the query you showed. You are querying for a datum (a position in your array) while the index is built on the values in the array. Dropping the index will make the inserts considerably faster.
If you have to stay with PostgreSQL for other reasons (bigger data model, MVCC, security) then I suggest you change your data model and ALTER COLUMN data SET TYPE bytea STORAGE external. Since the data column is about 4 x 5 million = 20MB it will be stored out-of-line anyway, but if you explicitly set it, then you know exactly what you have.
Then create a custom function in C that fetches your data value "directly" using the PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P_SLICE() macro and that would look somewhat like this (I am not a very accomplished PG C programmer so forgive me any errors, but this should help you on your way):
// Function get_data_value() -- Get a 4-byte value from a bytea
// Arg 0: bytea* The data
// Arg 1: int32 The position of the element in the data, 1-based
int32 element = PG_GETARG_INT32_P(1) - 1; // second argument, make 0-based
bytea *data = PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P_SLICE(0, // first argument
element * sizeof(int32), // offset into data
sizeof(int32)); // get just the required 4 bytes
The PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P_SLICE() macro retrieves only a slice of data from the disk and is therefore very efficient.
There are some samples of creating custom C functions in the docs.
Your query now becomes:
SELECT name, get_data_value(data, 3916863) AS weight FROM object ORDER BY weight DESC;

SSIS Export all data from one table into multiple files

I have a table called customers which contains around 1,000,000 records. I need to transfer all the records to 8 different flat files which increment the number in the filename e.g cust01, cust02, cust03, cust04 etc.
I've been told this can be done using a for loop in SSIS. Please can someone give me a guide to help me accomplish this.
The logic behind this should be something like "count number of rows", "divide by 8", "export that amount of rows to each of the 8 files".
To me, it will be more complex to create a package that loops through and calculates the amount of data and then queries the top N segments or whatever.
Instead, I'd just create a package with 9 total connection managers. One to your Data Database (Source) and then 8 identical Flat File Connection managers but using the patterns of FileName1, Filename2 etc. After defining the first FFCM, just copy, paste and edit the actual file name.
Drag a Data Flow Task onto your Control Flow and wire it up as an OLE/ADO/ODBC source. Use a query, don't select the table as you'll need something to partition the data on. I'm assuming your underlying RDBMS supports the concept of a ROW_NUMBER() function. Your source query will be
MyTable AS MT;
That query will pull back all of your data plus assign a monotonically increasing number from 1 to ROWCOUNT which we will then apply the modulo (remainder after dividing) operator to. By modding the generated value by 8 guarantees us that we will only get values from 0 to 7, endpoints inclusive.
You might start to get twitchy about the different number bases (base 0, base 1) being used here, I know I am.
Connect your source to a Conditional Split. Use the bucket column to segment your data into different streams. I would propose that you map bucket 1 to File 1, bucket 2 to File 2... finally with bucket 0 to file 8. That way, instead of everything being a stair step off, I only have to deal with end point alignment.
Connect each stream to a Flat File Destination and boom goes the dynamite.
You could create a rownumber with a Script Component (don't worry very easy):
or you could use a rownumber component like or
For dividing it in 8 files you could use the Balanced Data Distributor or the Conditional Split with a modulo expression (using your new rownumber column):
