I trying to unit test my work, somehow waitfor isn't working? It's timing out - reactjs

I have a unit test, I've already mocked my fetchAppList and fetchTotalAppCount but somehow when I try to render my component, but I keep getting this error:
● loads the correct number of apps
Timed out in waitFor.
11 | render(<IntegrationsPage/>);
12 |
> 13 | const appList = await waitFor(() => screen.findAllByText("Notify me when it's ready"));
| ^
14 | expect(appList).toHaveLength(10);
15 | });
at waitForWrapper (node_modules/#testing-library/dom/dist/wait-for.js:187:27)
at Object.<anonymous> (src/pages/integrations/IntegrationsPage.test.js:13:34)
This is what my test looks like:
import { render, screen, waitFor } from "#testing-library/react";
import IntegrationsPage from "./IntegrationsPage";
import apps from "../../api/apps/Apps";
import mockData from "../../api/apps/MockData";
test("loads the correct number of apps", async() => {
apps.fetchTotalAppCount.mockImplementation(() => mockData.length);
const appList = await waitFor(() => screen.findAllByText("Notify me when it's ready"));
The integrationsPage is using useEffect to render a list of apps. Each app has a link that says Notify me when it's ready in another child component.
useEffect(() => {
const totalAppCount = Apps.fetchTotalAppCount()
const pageCount = calculatePageCount(totalAppCount);
.then((result) => {


window.dispatchEvent from test code does not trigger window.addEventListener

I have below listener added for which I am trying to write test using Jest. However, it seems as though the event I'm dispatching doesn't reach my code.
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
if (event.data.type === 'abc') {
I have tried below 2 approaches and both of them don't seem to work. I'm unable to verify the call using the spy object I'm creating. Please refer to the code below:
const listenerSpy = jest.spyOn(window, 'addEventListener');
const data = {
type: 'abc',
payload: '',
const messageEvent = new MessageEvent('message', {data});
const listenerSpy = jest.spyOn(window, 'addEventListener');
const data = {
type: 'abc',
payload: '',
window.postMessage(data, '*');
For the 1st approach, have also tried using 'new Event('message')'.
With above 2 approaches, I get the error as below:
Expected number of calls: 1
Received number of calls: 0
102 | window.dispatchEvent(messageEvent);
103 |
> 104 | expect(listenerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
| ^
I have also tried to follow different websites including below:
But no luck there as with typescript, I cannot follow the solution given. I have also tried to find answers on stackoverflow, but the none of solutions suggested seem to work for me.
I am new to react and got stuck with this. Any pointers on this would help.
jsdom fire the message event inside a setTimeout, see this
setTimeout(() => {
fireAnEvent("message", this, MessageEvent, { data: message });
}, 0);
For more info, see issue
So, it's asynchronous and you need to wait for the macro task scheduled by setTimeout to be finished before the test case ends.
export function main() {
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
if (event.data.type === 'abc') {
import { main } from './';
function flushMessageQueue(ms = 10) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
describe('71912032', () => {
test('should pass', async () => {
const logSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log');
const data = { type: 'abc', payload: 'xyz' };
window.postMessage(data, '*');
await flushMessageQueue();
Test result:
PASS stackoverflow/71912032/index.test.ts
✓ should pass (41 ms)
at console.<anonymous> (node_modules/jest-mock/build/index.js:845:25)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 4.01 s, estimated 13 s
Also, take a look at this question React Jest: trigger 'addEventListener' 'message' from tests
Have you tried taking a look at this discussion? It seems to have a similar requirement.
Dispatch a Custom Event and test if it was correctly triggered (React TypeScript, Jest)

Unable to test combination of useEffect and setTimeout using Jest

Trying to assert a simple state change made using useEffect and setTimeout. The effect calls setTimeout with a value of 1500ms which should change the displayed string from 'unchanged' to 'changed'.
import * as React from 'React';
import {useEffect} from 'React';
import {Text, View} from 'react-native';
export function Dummy() {
const [str, changeStr] = React.useState('unchanged');
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1500);
}, []);
return (
import {render, waitFor} from '#testing-library/react-native';
import * as React from 'React';
import {Dummy} from '../Dummy';
// Activate fake timers
describe('Dummy', () => {
it('should change the string after 1500 ms', async () => {
const {getByText} = render(<Dummy />);
// run all timers which should fire the state update
await waitFor(
() => {
{timeout: 5000},
FAIL src/components/__tests__/dummy.spec.js (8.037 s)
✕ should change the string after 1500 ms (5226 ms)
● Dummy › should change the string after 1500 ms
: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 5000 ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 5000 ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.Error:
7 |
8 | describe('Dummy', () => {
> 9 | it('should change the string after 1500 ms', async () => {
| ^
10 | const {getByText} = render(<Dummy />);
11 |
12 | // run all timers which should fire the state update
at new Spec (node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
at Suite.<anonymous> (src/components/__tests__/dummy.spec.js:9:3)
anyone know why this is and how I can successfully test this?

React testing lib not update the state

My component:
import React from 'react'
const TestAsync = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = React.useState(0)
const delayCount = () => (
setTimeout(() => {
setCounter(counter + 1)
}, 500)
return (
<h1 data-testid="counter">{ counter }</h1>
<button data-testid="button-up" onClick={delayCount}> Up</button>
<button data-testid="button-down" onClick={() => setCounter(counter - 1)}>Down</button>
export default TestAsync
My test file:
describe("Test async", () => {
it("increments counter after 0.5s", async () => {
const { getByTestId, getByText } = render(<TestAsync />);
const counter = await waitForElement(() => getByTestId("counter"));
After run the test file, I got error said:
Expected element to have text content:
I am a little bit confused why I use waitForElement to get the element but why the element still has the old value?
React-testing-lib version 9.3.2
First of all, waitForElement has been deprecated. Use a find* query (preferred: https://testing-library.com/docs/dom-testing-library/api-queries#findby) or use waitFor instead: https://testing-library.com/docs/dom-testing-library/api-async#waitfor
Now, we use waitFor:
waitFor may run the callback a number of times until the timeout is reached.
You need to wrap the assertion statement inside the callback of the waitFor. So that waitFor can run the callback multiple times. If you put the expect(counter).toHaveTextContent('1'); statement outside and after waitFor statement, then it only run once. React has not been updated when assertions run.
Why RTL will run the callback multiple times(run callback every interval before timeout)?
RTL use MutationObserver to watch for changes being made to the DOM tree, see here. Remember, our test environment is jsdom, it supports MutationObserver, see here.
That means when React updates the state and applies the update to the DOM, the changes of the DOM tree can be detected and RTL will run the callback again including the assertion. When the React component states are applied and become stable, the last run of the callback is taken as the final assertion of the test. If the assertion fails, an error is reported, otherwise, the test passes.
So the working example should be:
import React from 'react';
const TestAsync = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = React.useState(0);
const delayCount = () =>
setTimeout(() => {
setCounter(counter + 1);
}, 500);
return (
<h1 data-testid="counter">{counter}</h1>
<button data-testid="button-up" onClick={delayCount}>
<button data-testid="button-down" onClick={() => setCounter(counter - 1)}>
export default TestAsync;
import { fireEvent, render, waitFor } from '#testing-library/react';
import React from 'react';
import TestAsync from '.';
import '#testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect';
describe('Test async', () => {
it('increments counter after 0.5s', async () => {
const { getByTestId } = render(<TestAsync />);
await waitFor(() => {
const counter = getByTestId('counter');
Test result:
PASS stackoverflow/71639088/index.test.tsx
Test async
✓ increments counter after 0.5s (540 ms)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 88.89 | 100 | 75 | 88.89 |
index.tsx | 88.89 | 100 | 75 | 88.89 | 17
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 2.307 s

Unit testing a custom hook to ensure that it calls another hook

How can we ensure that a custom hook actually calls a method exposed by another hook?
Let's say, I have a custom hook useName that internally leverages useState.
import { useState } from 'react'
export const useName = () => {
const [name, setState] = useState()
const setName = (firstName: string, lastName: string) => setState([firstName, lastName].join(' '))
return {name, setName}
I need to assert that calling setName actually calls `setState'. My test case is written as following:
* #jest-environment jsdom
import * as React from 'react'
import { renderHook, act } from '#testing-library/react-hooks'
import { useName } from './useName'
const setState = jest.fn()
React.useState.mockReturnValue(['ignore', setState]) //overwriting useState
test('ensures that setState is called', () => {
const {result} = renderHook(() => useName())
act(() => {
result.current.setName("Kashif", "Nazar") //I am expecting this to hit jest.fn() declared above.
and I get the following result.
FAIL src/useName.test.ts
✕ ensures that setState is called (3 ms)
● ensures that setState is called
TypeError: Cannot read property 'setName' of undefined
18 |
19 | act(() => {
> 20 | result.current.setName("Kashif", "Nazar")
| ^
21 | })
22 |
23 | expect(setState).toBeCalled()
at src/useName.test.ts:20:24
at batchedUpdates$1 (node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js:22380:12)
at act (node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-test-utils.development.js:1042:14)
at Object.<anonymous> (src/useName.test.ts:19:5)
at TestScheduler.scheduleTests (node_modules/#jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:333:13)
at runJest (node_modules/#jest/core/build/runJest.js:404:19)
Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 total
Tests: 1 failed, 1 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 0.32 s, estimated 1 s
Ran all test suites.
Is this possible, and am I doing it the right way?
You should test the returned state instead of the implementation detail(setState). Mock may destroy the functionality of setState. This causes the test case to pass, but the code under test will fail at the actual run time. And mock also make the test vulnerable, when your implementation details change, your test cases have to change accordingly such as mock the new object.
I only test if the interface is satisfied, no matter how the implementation details change, right
import { useState } from 'react';
export const useName = () => {
const [name, setState] = useState('');
const setName = (firstName: string, lastName: string) => setState([firstName, lastName].join(' '));
return { name, setName };
import { renderHook, act } from '#testing-library/react-hooks';
import { useName } from './useName';
describe('70381825', () => {
test('should pass', () => {
const { result } = renderHook(() => {
return useName();
act(() => {
result.current.setName('Kashif', 'Nazar');
expect(result.current.name).toBe('Kashif Nazar');
act(() => {
result.current.setName('a', 'b');
Test result:
PASS examples/70381825/useName.test.ts
70381825 - mock way
○ skipped should pass
✓ should pass (29 ms)
render: 1
at examples/70381825/useName.test.ts:31:15
render: 2
at examples/70381825/useName.test.ts:31:15
render: 3
at examples/70381825/useName.test.ts:31:15
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 1 skipped, 1 passed, 2 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 1.251 s, estimated 8 s
Now, if you insist to use a mock way. You should only mock useState hook of React. jest.mock('react') will create mocks for all methods, properties, and functions exported by React, and this will break their functions.
import { renderHook, act } from '#testing-library/react-hooks';
import { useName } from './useName';
import React from 'react';
jest.mock('react', () => {
return { ...(jest.requireActual('react') as any), useState: jest.fn() };
describe('70381825 - mock way', () => {
test('should pass', () => {
const setState = jest.fn();
(React.useState as jest.MockedFunction<typeof React.useState>).mockReturnValue(['ignore', setState]);
const { result } = renderHook(() => {
return useName();
act(() => {
result.current.setName('a', 'b');
act(() => {
result.current.setName('c', 'd');
Test result:
PASS examples/70381825/useName.test.ts (7.885 s)
70381825 - mock way
✓ should pass (29 ms)
○ skipped should pass
render: 1
at examples/70381825/useName.test.ts:14:15
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 1 skipped, 1 passed, 2 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 8.487 s
Ok. Do you know why the mock way only renders one time and the other way renders three times when we call the setName? As I said earlier.

How to set local storage in cypress

I have a simple test
describe('Page Test', () => {
it('button has "contact-next-disabled" class', () => {
But after running the test, cypress shows an error
34 | useEffect(() => {
35 | const _contact = getLocalStorage()
> 36 | if (!_contact.categories.length && !_contact.categoryNameEtc) {
| ^
37 | PGToaster.showDanger('Please select a category.')
38 | router.push('/contact/a-type')
39 | }
My getLocalStorage function is in a separate file from the one I am testing
export const getLocalStorage = () => {
const contact = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('contact'))
return contact
Which works together with my setLocalStorage function
export const setLocalStorage = (contact) => {
const _contact = getLocalStorage()
const updateContact = {
window.localStorage.setItem('contact', JSON.stringify(updateContact))
If I rewrite
if (!_contact.categories.length && !_contact.categoryNameEtc)
if (!_contact?.categories.length && !_contact?.categoryNameEtc)
The error is gone, but I would like to just set local storage in my cypress test instead of rewriting my code. How can I do this?
According to the docs of cy.clearLocalStorage()
Cypress automatically runs this command before each test to prevent state from being shared across tests. You shouldn't need to use this command unless you're using it to clear localStorage inside a single test.
You can either set up your tests using hooks:
before(() => {
// set localStorage
or you can use a plugin like cypress-localstorage-commands to preserve localStorage between Cypress tests.
