I'm trying to convert Pandas dataframe to HuggingFace DatasetDic - dataset

I have a pandas dataframe with 20k rows containing 2 columns named English, te. Changed the English column name to en. Trying to split the dataset into train, validation and test. And, I want to convert that dataset into
the output i'm expecting is
train: Dataset({
features: ['translation'],
num_rows: 18000
validation: Dataset({
features: ['translation'],
num_rows: 1000
test: Dataset({
features: ['translation'],
num_rows: 1000
I'm trying to write a code like raw_datasets["train"][0], then it should return output like below
{'translation': {'en': 'Membership of Parliament: see Minutes',
'to': 'Componenţa Parlamentului: a se vedea procesul-verbal'}}
The data must be in DatasetDict, similar to if we load data from huggingface like dataset DatasetDict type. Below is the code i've written but it's not working
import pandas as pd
from collections import namedtuple
Dataset = namedtuple('Dataset', ['features', 'num_rows'])
DatasetDict = namedtuple('DatasetDict', ['train', 'validation', 'test'])
def create_dataset_dict(df):
# Rename the column
df = df.rename(columns={'English': 'en'})
# Split the data into train, validation and test
train_df = df.iloc[:18000, :]
validation_df = df.iloc[18000:19000, :]
test_df = df.iloc[19000:, :]
# Create the dataset dictionaries
train = Dataset(features=['translation'], num_rows=18000)
validation = Dataset(features=['translation'], num_rows=1000)
test = Dataset(features=['translation'], num_rows=1052)
# Create the final dataset dictionary
datasets = DatasetDict(train=train, validation=validation, test=test)
return datasets
def preprocess_dataset(df):
df = df.rename(columns={'English': 'en'})
train_df = df.iloc[:18000, :]
validation_df = df.iloc[18000:19000, :]
test_df = df.iloc[19000:, :]
train_dict = [{'translation': {'en': row['en'], 'te': row['te']}} for _, row in train_df.iterrows()]
validation_dict = [{'translation': {'en': row['en'], 'te': row['te']}} for _, row in validation_df.iterrows()]
test_dict = [{'translation': {'en': row['en'], 'te': row['te']}} for _, row in test_df.iterrows()]
return DatasetDict(train=train_dict, validation=validation_dict, test=test_dict)
df = pd.read_csv('eng-to-te.csv')
raw_datasets = preprocess_dataset(df)
The above code is not working. Can anyone help me with this?


IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 2-dimensional, but 3 were indexed

I am trying to identify Global Feature Relationships with SHAP values. The SHAP library returns three matrices and I am trying to select the SHAP matrix however, I am getting this error: "IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 2-dimensional, but 3 were indexed".
The code I have is below:
df_score = spark.sql("select * from sandbox.yt_trng_churn_device")
#XGBoost Model
import pickle
from xgboost import XGBClassifier
from mlflow.tracking import MlflowClient
client = MlflowClient()
local_dir = "/dbfs/FileStore/"
local_path = client.download_artifacts
model_path = '/dbfs/FileStore/'
model = XGBClassifier()
model = pickle.load(open(model_path, 'rb'))
HorizonDate = datetime.datetime(2022, 9, 5)
df = df_score
score_data = df.toPandas()
results = model.predict_proba(score_data)
results_l = model.predict(score_data)
score_data["p"]=pd.Series( (v[1] for v in results) )
score_data["l"]=pd.Series( (v for v in results_l) )
spark.sql("create or replace table sandbox.yt_vw_tmp_dev__scores as select * from yt_vw_tmp_dev__scores")
#SHAP Analysis on XGBoost
from shap import KernelExplainer, summary_plot
sql = """
select d_a.*
hive_metastore.sandbox.yt_trng_device d_a
right join
(select decile, msisdn, MSISDN_L2L
select ntile(10) over (order by p desc) as decile, msisdn, MSISDN_L2L
from sandbox.yt_vw_tmp_dev__scores
) inc
order by decile) d_b
on d_a.MSISDN_L2L = d_b.MSISDN_L2L and d_a.msisdn = d_b.msisdn
df = spark.sql(sql).drop('msisdn', 'imei', 'imsi', 'event_date', 'MSISDN_L2L', 'account_id')
score_df = df.toPandas()
mode = score_df.mode().iloc[0]
sample = score_df.sample(n=min(100, score_df.shape[0]), random_state=508502835).fillna(mode)
predict = lambda x: model.predict(pd.DataFrame(x, columns=score_df.columns))
explainer = KernelExplainer(predict, sample, link="identity")
shap_values = explainer.shap_values(sample, l1_reg=False)
# The return of the explainer has three matrices, we will get the shap values one
shap_values = shap_values[ :, :, 0]
I am fairly new to coding but it would be great if someone could give some direction on this

Problem with saving pickle object into arrays from images in python

I have the following class for loading and converting my images into train and test arrays for a deep learning model in Tensorflow 2.
The images are in three folders, named 'Car', 'Cat' and 'Man', which are within the Train and Test main folders. Each image is of 300 x 400 pixels.
import os
import pickle
import cv2
import numpy as np
out: 'C:\\Users\\me\\Jupiter_Notebooks\\Dataset_Thermal\\SeekThermal'
path_train = "../SeekThermal/Train"
path_test = "../SeekThermal/Test"
class MasterImage(object):
def __init__(self,PATH='', IMAGE_SIZE = 50):
self.PATH = PATH
self.image_data = []
self.x_data = []
self.y_data = []
self.CATEGORIES = []
# This will get List of categories
self.list_categories = []
def get_categories(self):
for path in os.listdir(self.PATH):
if '.DS_Store' in path:
print("Found Categories ",self.list_categories,'\n')
return self.list_categories
def process_image(self):
Return Numpy array of image
:return: X_Data, Y_Data
self.CATEGORIES = self.get_categories()
for categories in self.CATEGORIES: # Iterate over categories
train_folder_path = os.path.join(self.PATH, categories) # Folder Path
class_index = self.CATEGORIES.index(categories) # this will get index for classification
for img in os.listdir(train_folder_path): # This will iterate in the Folder
new_path = os.path.join(train_folder_path, img) # image Path
try: # if any image is corrupted
image_data_temp = cv2.imread(new_path) # Read Image as numbers
image_temp_resize = cv2.resize(image_data_temp,(self.IMAGE_SIZE,self.IMAGE_SIZE))
data = np.asanyarray(self.image_data) # or, data = np.asanyarray(self.image_data,dtype=object)
# Iterate over the Data
for x in data:
self.x_data.append(x[0]) # Get the X_Data
self.y_data.append(x[1]) # get the label
X_Data = np.asarray(self.x_data) / (255.0) # Normalize Data
Y_Data = np.asarray(self.y_data)
# reshape x_Data
X_Data = X_Data.reshape(-1, self.IMAGE_SIZE, self.IMAGE_SIZE, 3)
return X_Data, Y_Data
print("Failed to run Function Process Image ")
def pickle_image(self):
:return: None Creates a Pickle Object of DataSet
# Call the Function and Get the Data
X_Data,Y_Data = self.process_image()
# Write the Entire Data into a Pickle File
pickle_out = open('X_Data','wb')
pickle.dump(X_Data, pickle_out)
# Write the Y Label Data
pickle_out = open('Y_Data', 'wb')
pickle.dump(Y_Data, pickle_out)
print("Pickled Image Successfully ")
return X_Data,Y_Data
def load_dataset(self):
# Read the Data from Pickle Object
X_Temp = open('..\SeekThermal\X_Data','rb')
X_Data = pickle.load(X_Temp)
Y_Temp = open('..\SeekThermal\Y_Data','rb')
Y_Data = pickle.load(Y_Temp)
print('Reading Dataset from Pickle Object')
return X_Data,Y_Data
print('Could not Found Pickle File ')
print('Loading File and Dataset ..........')
X_Data,Y_Data = self.pickle_image()
return X_Data,Y_Data
I dont understand what the problem is with the pickle file, because just last week I able to create these arrays successfully with the same code??
Is there an easier way to load images in Tensorflow rather than through the custom defined class?
a = MasterImage(PATH = path_train,IMAGE_SIZE = 224)
it produces an array with a warning.
VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray.
data = np.asanyarray(self.image_data)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_1692\507657192.py in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 a.pickle_image()
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_1692\1410849712.py in pickle_image(self)
71 """
72 # Call the Function and Get the Data
---> 73 X_Data,Y_Data = self.process_image()
75 # Write the Entire Data into a Pickle File
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
Could not Found Pickle File
Loading File and Dataset ..........
Found Categories ['Car', 'Cat', 'Man', 'Car', 'Cat', 'Man']
Pickled Image Successfully
I'm running Python 3.8.8 via anaconda on Windows 10. Thank you for any advice.

Sentiment140 Preprocessing

I have been trying to do some preprocessing on the Sentiment140 database on Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/kazanova/sentiment140
The code I'm using is this:
import os
from nltk.stem.lancaster import LancasterStemmer
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer
Base_location = ''
dataset_location = os.path.join(Base_location, 'Sentiment140.csv')
corpus = []
labels = []
# Parse tweets and sentiments
with open(dataset_location, 'r', encoding='latin-1') as df:
for i, line in enumerate(df):
parts = line.strip().split(',')
# Sentiment (0 = Negative, 1 = Positive)
# Tweet
tweet = parts[5].strip()
if tweet.startswith('"'):
tweet = tweet[1:]
if tweet.endswith('"'):
tweet = tweet[::-1]
print('Corpus size: {}'.format(len(corpus)))
# Tokenize and stem
tkr = RegexpTokenizer('[a-zA-Z0-9#]+')
stemmer = LancasterStemmer()
tokenized_corpus = []
for i, tweet in enumerate(corpus):
tokens = [stemmer.stem(t) for t in tkr.tokenize(tweet) if not t.startswith('#')]
However, I keep getting this error:
TypeError: '_io.TextIOWrapper' object is not subscriptable
Can anyone help me understand how to solve the issue?
Thanks in advance
To read .csv or structured datasets, use pandas https://pandas.pydata.org/ or any other dataframe libraries.
In Long:
Instead of doing:
Base_location = ''
dataset_location = os.path.join(Base_location, 'Sentiment140.csv')
corpus = []
labels = []
# Parse tweets and sentiments
with open(dataset_location, 'r', encoding='latin-1') as df:
for i, line in enumerate(df):
parts = line.strip().split(',')
# Sentiment (0 = Negative, 1 = Positive)
# Tweet
tweet = parts[5].strip()
if tweet.startswith('"'):
tweet = tweet[1:]
if tweet.endswith('"'):
tweet = tweet[::-1]
You could simply read the .csv file with pandas, e.g.
import pandas as pd
corpus = pd.read_csv('training.1600000.processed.noemoticon.csv', encoding='latin-1')
Then use the .apply() function to process the tweets:
target: the polarity of the tweet (0 = negative, 2 = neutral, 4 = positive)
ids: The id of the tweet ( 2087)
date: the date of the tweet (Sat May 16 23:58:44 UTC 2009)
flag: The query (lyx). If there is no query, then this value is NO_QUERY.
user: the user that tweeted (robotickilldozr)
text: the text of the tweet (Lyx is cool)
from nltk.stem.lancaster import LancasterStemmer
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('training.1600000.processed.noemoticon.csv',
names=['target', 'ids', 'date', 'flag', 'user', 'text'],
tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer('[a-zA-Z0-9#]+')
stemmer = LancasterStemmer()
def process_tweet(tweet):
return [stemmer.stem(token) if not token.startswith('#') else token
for token in tokenizer.tokenize(tweet)]
# 1. Cast the column type to string
# 2. Lowercase it
# 3. Iterate throw each row and get the output from process_tweet()
# 4. # 3. Keep in a new column call `tokenized_text`
df['tokenized_text']= df['text'].str.lower().apply(process_tweet)

Creating a Random Feature Array in Spark DataFrames

When creating an ALS model, we can extract a userFactors DataFrame and an itemFactors DataFrame. These DataFrames contain a column with an Array.
I would like to generate some random data and union it to the userFactors DataFrame.
Here is my code:
val df1: DataFrame = Seq((123, 456, 4.0), (123, 789, 5.0), (234, 456, 4.5), (234, 789, 1.0)).toDF("user", "item", "rating")
val model1 = (new ALS()
val iF = model1.itemFactors
val uF = model1.userFactors
I then create a random DataFrame using a VectorAssembler with this function:
def makeNew(df: DataFrame, rank: Int): DataFrame = {
var df_dummy = df
var i: Int = 0
var inputCols: Array[String] = Array()
for (i <- 0 to rank) {
df_dummy = df_dummy.withColumn("feature".concat(i.toString), rand())
inputCols = inputCols :+ "feature".concat(i.toString)
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
val output = assembler.transform(df_dummy)
output.select("user", "userFeatures")
I then create the DataFrame with new user IDs and add the random vectors and bias:
val usersDf: DataFrame = Seq(567), (678)).toDF("user")
var usersFactorsNew: DataFrame = makeNew(usersDf, 20)
The problem arises when I union the two DataFrames.
usersFactorsNew.union(uF) produces the error:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Union can only be performed on tables with the compatible column types. struct<type:tinyint,size:int,indices:array<int>,values:array<double>> <> array<float> at the second column of the second table;;
If I print the schema, the uF DataFrame has a feature vector of type Array[Float] and the usersFactorsNew DataFrame as a feature vector of type Vector.
My question is how to change the type of the Vector to an Array in order to perform the union.
I tried writing this udf with little success:
val toArr: org.apache.spark.ml.linalg.Vector => Array[Double] = _.toArray
val toArrUdf = udf(toArr)
Perhaps the VectorAssembler is not the best option for this task. However, at the moment, it is the only option I have found. I would love to get some recommendations for something better.
Instead of creating a dummy dataframe and using VectorAssembler to generate a random feature vector, you can simply use an UDF directly. The userFactors from the ALS model will return an Array[Float] so the output from the UDF should match that.
val createRandomArray = udf((rank: Int) => {
Note that this will give numbers in the interval [0.0, 1.0] (same as the rand() used in the question), if other numbers are required, modify as fit.
Using a rank of 3 and the userDf:
val usersFactorsNew = usersDf.withColumn("userFeatures", createRandomArray(lit(3)))
will give a dataframe as follows (of course with random feature values)
|user|userFeatures |
|567 |[0.6866711267486822,0.7257031656127676,0.983562255688249] |
|678 |[0.7013908820314967,0.41029552817665327,0.554591149586789]|
Joining this dataframe with the uF dataframe should now be possible.
The reason the UDF did not work should be due to it being an Array[Double] while you need anArray[Float]for theunion. It should be possible to fix with amap(_.toFloat)`.
val toArr: org.apache.spark.ml.linalg.Vector => Array[Float] = _.toArray.map(_.toFloat)
val toArrUdf = udf(toArr)
All of your process are all correct. Even the udf function is working successfully. All you need to do is change the last part of makeNew function as
def makeNew(df: DataFrame, rank: Int): DataFrame = {
var df_dummy = df
var i: Int = 0
var inputCols: Array[String] = Array()
for (i <- 0 to rank) {
df_dummy = df_dummy.withColumn("feature".concat(i.toString), rand())
inputCols = inputCols :+ "feature".concat(i.toString)
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
val output = assembler.transform(df_dummy)
output.select(col("id"), toArrUdf(col("userFeatures")).as("features"))
and you should be perfect to go so that when you do (I created userDf with id column and not user column)
val usersDf: DataFrame = Seq((567), (678)).toDF("id")
var usersFactorsNew: DataFrame = makeNew(usersDf, 20)
you should be getting
|id |features |
|567|[0.8259185719733708, 0.327713892339658, 0.049547223031371046, 0.056661808506210054, 0.5846626163454274, 0.038497936270104005, 0.8970865088803417, 0.8840660648882804, 0.837866669938156, 0.9395263094918058, 0.09179528484355126, 0.4915430644129799, 0.11083447052043116, 0.5122858182953718, 0.4302683812966408, 0.3862741815833828, 0.6189322403095068, 0.3000371006293433, 0.09331299668168902, 0.7421838728601371, 0.855867963988993]|
|678|[0.7686514248005568, 0.5473580740023187, 0.072945344124282, 0.36648594574355287, 0.9780202082328863, 0.5289221651923784, 0.3719451099963028, 0.2824660794505932, 0.4873197501260199, 0.9364676464120849, 0.011539929543513794, 0.5240615794930654, 0.6282546154521298, 0.995256022569878, 0.6659179561266975, 0.8990775317754092, 0.08650071017556926, 0.5190186149992805, 0.056345335742325475, 0.6465357505620791, 0.17913532817943245] |
|123|[0.04177388548851013, 0.26762014627456665, -0.19617630541324615, 0.34298020601272583, 0.19632814824581146, -0.2748605012893677, 0.07724890112876892, 0.4277132749557495, 0.1927199512720108, -0.40271613001823425] |
|234|[0.04139673709869385, 0.26520395278930664, -0.19440513849258423, 0.3398836553096771, 0.1945556253194809, -0.27237895131111145, 0.07655145972967148, 0.42385169863700867, 0.19098000228405, -0.39908021688461304] |

Importing data from multiple .csv files into single DataFrame

I'm having trouble getting data from several .csv files into a single array. I can get all of the data from the .csv files fine, I just can't get everything into a simple numpy array. The name of each .csv file is important to me so in the end I'd like to have a Pandas DataFrame with the columns labeled by the initial name of the .csv file.
import glob
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
files = glob.glob("*.csv")
temp_dict = {}
wind_dict = {}
for file in files:
data = pd.read_csv(file)
temp_dict[file[:-4]] = data['HLY-TEMP-NORMAL'].values
wind_dict[file[:-4]] = data['HLY-WIND-AVGSPD'].values
temp = []
wind = []
name = []
for word in temp_dict:
for word in wind_dict:
temp = np.array(temp)
wind = np.array(wind)
When I print temp or wind I get something like this:
[array([ 32.1, 31.1, 30.3, ..., 34.9, 33.9, 32.9])
array([ 17.3, 17.2, 17.2, ..., 17.5, 17.5, 17.2])
array([ 41.8, 41.1, 40.6, ..., 44.3, 43.4, 42.6])
array([ 32.5, 32.2, 31.9, ..., 34.8, 34.1, 33.7])]
when what I really want is:
[[ 32.1, 31.1, 30.3, ..., 34.9, 33.9, 32.9]
[ 17.3, 17.2, 17.2, ..., 17.5, 17.5, 17.2]
[ 41.8, 41.1, 40.6, ..., 44.3, 43.4, 42.6]
[ 32.5, 32.2, 31.9, ..., 34.8, 34.1, 33.7]]
This does not work but is the goal of my code:
df = pd.DataFrame(temp, columns=name)
And when I try to use a DataFrame from Pandas each row is its own array which isn't helpful because it thinks every row has only element in it. I know the problem is with "array(...)" I just don't know how to get rid of it. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
I think you can use:
files = glob.glob("*.csv")
#read each file to list of DataFrames
dfs = [pd.read_csv(fp) for fp in files]
#create names for each file
lst4 = [x[:-4] for x in files]
#create one big df with MultiIndex by files names
df = pd.concat(dfs, keys=lst4)
If want separately DataFrames change last row above solution with reshape:
df = pd.concat(dfs, keys=lst4).unstack()
df_temp = df['HLY-TEMP-NORMAL']
df_wind = df['HLY-WIND-AVGSPD']
