Hi i need export the data created by objectbox to firebase. How could I do it if it is saved in a .mdb file, any ideas?
I loaded data (almost 1-billion row data) from hdfs (Hadoop) to Apache Druid. Now, I am trying to export this data set as a CSV to my local. Is there any way to do this in Druid?
There is a download icon on the druid SQL. However, when you click it, it allows you to download the data up to which page you are on. I have soo many pages, so I cannot go through all pages to download all data.
You can POST a SQL query to the Query API and provide a resultFormat in your POST of csv.
I just wanted to to check if you can connect to a storage bucket address through the Community connector service. We have a CSV file which would be generated as part of the getConfig() function
GetConfig() triggers user input
Based on user input -> generate csv file and store in gs://....../newDataSource.csv
Pass storage Url back to Data Studio to query rather than passing Data object.
Assuming the CSV is publicly accessible in your GCS bucket, you can use UrlFetchApp to fetch the file in your getData function. Rather than using the gs://....../newDataSource.csv path, use the public https path for the CSV when you are making the UrlFetchApp call.
Is there any automatic/manual way to export data from firestore database to a BigQuery table?
Tried to look around, it looks like there's no way to export data from firestore without using code.
Any news about this one?
The simplest way to import Firestore data into BigQuery which does not require coding is using the command line. You can first export the data using the command below. Note that for importing the data into BigQuery you can only import specific collections and not all your documents in one batch.
gcloud beta firestore export gs://[BUCKET_NAME] --collection-ids='[COLLECTION_ID]'
Next, in the bucket you specified above, you will find a folder named after the timestamp of your export. Navigate the directories, locate the file ending with the file extension “export_metadata” and use its file path as the import source. You can then import the data into BigQuery using the command below:
bq --location=[LOCATION] load --source_format=DATASTORE_BACKUP [DATASET].[TABLE] [PATH_TO_SOURCE]
The best way to do this now is to use the official Firebase extension for exporting data in real-time from Firestore to BigQuery: https://github.com/firebase/extensions/tree/master/firestore-bigquery-export
Configuration can be done through the console or the CLI without using any code. The configured extension syncs data from Firestore to BigQuery in essentially realtime.
The extension creates an event listener on the Firestore collection you configure and a cloud function to sync data from Firestore to BigQuery.
I created a database model in django. But I would like to load initial data (in the form of a txt file, each row coresponding to a data) to this model. How can I achieve this?
I know how to load data to the mysql directly but not through django.
Django's documentation provides information for your use case, see [Providing initial data for models][1]
You will have to store your data as JSON/YAML/JSON.
You can dump existing data with python manage.py dumpdata
I was trying to load one of my data store table to BigQuery. When I found there is an option "AppEngine Datastore Backup" in the web ui of BigQuery, I'm very happy cause all my data are located in one data store table. It should be the easiest approach (I thought) to just export data via "Datastore Admin" page of Google App Engine and then import it in BigQuery.
The export process went quite smoothly and I happily watched all mapper tasks successfully finished. After this step, what I got are 255 files in one of my Cloud Storage bucket. The problem arose when I try to import it in the web-ui of BigQuery. I input the url of one of the 255 files as the source of data load. And all I got is following error message:
Not Found: URI gs://your_backup_hscript/datastore_backup_queue_status_backup_2013_05_23_QueueStats-1581059100105C09ECD88-output-54-retry-0
I'm sure above URL is the right one cause I can download it with gsutil. And I can import one CSV file located in the same bucket. May I know your suggestion of next step?
Found the reason now. I shall use the file with ".backup_info" suffix instead of arbitrary data file.