CS1501; No overload for method x takes 0 arguments - wpf

Form1.cs Line 41, Suppression State Active
Line 41: BitlockerDataViewer.ShowBalloonTip();
The label BitlockerDataViewer is a notification thing don’t know what it’s called but it shows a balloon tip.
To get the app to start and show the balloon tip as expected.
I got the program to show the icon, but I want it to show the balloon tip as well.


AutoCompleteTextField using setCompletionRenderer line breaks in long text not working

Windows 10 Pro
NetBeans 12.3
Simulator is latest.
On July 19, 2016 at 8:07 pm a question was posed to you regarding making the popup list break lines for long text?
see https://www.codenameone.com/blog/dynamic-autocomplete.html
At that Time you responded "dynamic line breaking is problematic with renderers so that won’t work."
Has this changed?
Is there any way to span lines in the List?
I created a renderer with TextField and set setSingleLineTextArea and setGrowByContent true however The List object does not break lines.
With renederes getting multiple lines will always be problematic. You can just use a TextField and show an InteractionDialog popup below as you type. In it you can put whatever you want in terms of layout/components.
You can use the DataChangeListener to update the content of the dialog. This is obviously a bit more challenging than using the "simple" auto complete. But it gives you 100% control over the content.

Umbraco cms AngularJS Regular Expression Keep appearing

Umbraco uses angularJS as based library and backoffice totally developed on it. The reason telling first is to tell that I have a field on which URL regular expression applied. If someone entered invalid url like below image
it shows error as need.
But if a user try to remove whole text by selecting it and removing at once. It still keep appearing the error like this
However, if a user erase text one by one like this
then the validation error removed and user need to click on button to see error again.
I would to know how screen 3 state can be achievable when user remove all text together? Its really annoying behavior for a user to remove text character one by one to refresh the state of the field. Screen 3 state should be applied on screen 2.
Can anybody tell me how it can fix or achievable? Right now, it seems like a default behavior.
Looking forward to hear from you guys. Suggestions will be much appreciatable.
Regards o
I've looked into this issue. This seems to be a product bug.
When you remove whole text at once, newValue is an empty string and the code responsible for resetting error messages doesn't run. If you have access to the umbraco code, you can easily fix it by removing highlighted check:

"save this stack" doesn't work in livecode

Once I could save an existing state in the application using the "save this stack" command, both on a computer and on a mobile device.
Today I found out, it no longer works.
For example: there is a field that is incremented by 1, and I reach 10.
If I leave the app and reopen it, it's not saved and will start from 0.
Why? How can this be fixed?
on mouseDown
add 1 to field "counter"
save this stack
end mouseDown
Make a new stack with a field and a button, and place this in the button script:
on mouseUp
add 1 to fld 1
save this stack
end mouseUp
If you click on the button, the field increments. If you then close the stack, it will shut down at once, not asking if you want to save it. If you then re-open, the last state of the field is displayed.
The reason you are not asked to save is because the stack was just saved, and no changes were made. The field holds the latest value. In other words, all is right with the world. The question then becomes this: what is different about your stack?
Mac os 10.9. LC 8.1.8. (But none of any of that should matter)
That's exactly what I did But it is not saved! I pressed and pressed And I got to 10. Then I closed the app and reopened it The field presented the first value (0 for this purpose) and not the value 10 * Not working on mobile
Desktop: I tried it on my IDE and it works! But only if you use is as livecode stack and not as standalone, see next section.
Mobile: You can not save changes in the main stack on mobile devices because it is always a standalone. Mainstacks in standalones cannot be chanched because they are part of the binary. If you want to have a stack on a mobile device (or desktop) which can save itself you have to create it as a substack.
To be correct, a substack, if also part of the executable file, cannot be saved.
The usual method is to attach one or more stack files to a "Splash" stack.
The Splash stack generally has limited functionality, such as to navigate to the working stack or stacks, and all their substacks. Those all can be saved. The splash stack is simply a vehicle to open the standalone, and then let its associated stacks do the real work.
command saveThisStack
put fld "score" of cd "mainCard" into tTempList
put the base64Encode of tTempList into tTempList
set the defaultFolder to specialFolderPath("documents")
put tTempList into URL ("file:score.txt")
end saveThisStack

React-Native: Code compiling correctly but screens are empty

I am fairly new to react native and have been attempting to build a very simple registration app.
Currently I have 2 screens running, the first landingscreen.js includes a button to prompt the first registration screen.
This screen works fine but its title shows as blank. (I am using react-navigator)
Below is the screen and you can find the corresponding code here.
On clicking the register here button the next screen is prompted which should show two fields an email and password field with the title "Let's create an account". As you can see below , all that works is the next button but I have no compilation errors. The code pertaining to this screen may be accessed here.
Any help or way pointing would be more than appreciated.
Change navigation(you have written navigtion) spelling
static navigationOptions= {
title: "Let's make an account",
The headers not being seen was solved as #Paras Watts noted by fixing a spelling mistake.
To get the fields to show I then put the jsx pertaining to the form in the same render as the navigation also changing any tags to view to stick to the format of jsx.

Issue with configuring conTEXT to compile for Unrealscript

I have been going through Rachel Cordone's Unreal Development Kit Game Programming with UnrealScript Beginner's Guide book and having an issue using the conTEXT text editor.
As per instructed through the book I have followed all the steps to configure it but it won't compile once I press F9 - considering the last step to configure is to set the Enivronment Options/Execute Keys section. Here are the steps the book lays out (just that certain tab):
7) Now we are going to set up the conText to compile code. On the Execute Keys tab, click on Add, then type .uc into the Extensions field that comes up.
8) Once that's done four keys, F9 through F12, will show up in the User Exec Keys window. Let's click on F9 to make it convenient. Once clicked the option on the right become available.
9) For the Execute line, click on the button to the right of the field and navigate to out UDK installation's Binaries\Win64 folder, and select UDK.exe. For Start In, copy the Execute line but leave out UDK.exe.
10) In the Parameters field, type "make" without the quote marks. This tells UDK.exe that we want to compile code instead of opening the game.
11) Change Save to All Files Before Execution.
12) Check Capture Console Output and Scroll Console to the Last Line...
Then all I have to do is press F9 and it will compile - but it doesn't! It gives me:
No user command associated with extension '.uc'
Use 'Environment Options/Execute Keys' dialog to assign commands.
It seems it is not registering the changes no matter what I do (yes I clicked apply before saying okay but even still nothing). Any ideas?
The instructions may be out of date. You'll need to select your ".uc" entry, hit "Edit", and change it to just "uc".
Also, if you use UDK.com instead of UDK.exe the console output will go directly into Context instead of going to a separate popup.
