I am using the WebdriverIO plugin in IntelliJ to run the mocha test but I am getting the below error on the console. Not sure which config is missing in this.
env: node: No such file or directory
Can someone help?
i created cypress project
for that i run npm init -y to generate package.json file then npm i cypress to create a cypress project.
then opened it via npx cypress open
here i'm getting this error [20928:0420/171517.057:ERROR:command_buffer_proxy_impl.cc(125)] ContextResult::kTransientFailure: Failed to send GpuControl.CreateCommandBuffer.
but the cypress has opened.
when i try to run the default test case todo.spec.js
i'm getting this error i searched about this error for a day. i didn't get any solution for this.
can anyone guide me how to resolve this.
it's because of a proxy issue.
in my organization, I should write the test cases only in the localhost/org., server.
I have this Error: Webpack Compilation Error, after trying to import a component into my cypress test spec
am on React version 17.0.0 and React-dom v17.0.0
What might be causing this?
here is the image of the error
You can see your webpack logs by running cypress when [documenting][1] in debug mode
[1]: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/guides/debugging#Print-DEBUG-logs
DEBUG=cypress:* cypress run
set DEBUG=cypress:*
cypress run
Everything you do in Cypress is logged in,
one of which is cypress:webpack, which can give you the full message.
And Also please try, adding an empty .babelrc file to the cypress roo directory allowed me to work around this issue.
I pulled a nextJS application from git and tried starting it using npm run dev ,npx next dev npm run start, matter of fact, every single command I ran gave me the same error.
To further troubleshoot, I followed a youtube tutorial and I started a brand new project ran npx create-next-app appname and again. Same error.
H:\Documents\Projects\React\NextTutorial\ninjalist>npm run dev ninjalist#0.1.0 dev next dev ready - started server on, url: http://localhost:3000 error - Failed to load next.config.js, see more info here https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/next-config-error Error: Not supported at Object.loadConfig [as default] (H:\Documents\Projects\React\NextTutorial\ninjalist\node_modules\next\dist\server\config.js:399:74) at async NextServer.loadConfig (H:\Documents\Projects\React\NextTutorial\ninjalist\node_modules\next\dist\server\next.js:110:22) at async NextServer.prepare (H:\Documents\Projects\React\NextTutorial\ninjalist\node_modules\next\dist\server\next.js:92:24) at async H:\Documents\Projects\React\NextTutorial\ninjalist\node_modules\next\dist\cli\next-dev.js:126:9
Most prominent is it's failing to load next.config.js
and the contents of that file is simply
/** #type {import('next').NextConfig} */ module.exports = { reactStrictMode: true, }
Appreciate if I could be informed on what i'm missing cause I have not written any code, this is straight from the create app and I am getting this error.
Gratitude for the assistance.
Dont waste even a single minute. Just update to the latest version of node
Solved it by upgrading to the latest version of NodeJS
I wrote a JavaScript app using ES6. While this works fine when I run npm run serve, now I'm trying to prepare the files for production and upload to server.
When I tried jspm bundle and uploading to the server it failes on
babelHelpers is not defined
To my understanding this looks like transpilation is trying to run on runtime and then missing something.
If possible, I would like to transpile and then bundle the files
If not, how do I solve this babelHelper issue.
For now in my config.js only the transpiler is defined (babel). Perhaps I need to config it better using babelOption or other?
My project is going from standalone to Web, Our new WebSite is getting created in AngularJS so Protractor is the tool selected for Test Automation.
I want to Integrate Typescript with dependencies of Jasmine and Node so that I don't get errors such as
cannot find name Describe
cannot find name it
cannot find name Expect
Can Anyone tell me how to add Jasmine and Protractor dependencies, so that when I hit ctrl + space i'll get all options available.
I have installed Typescript. And I am getting protractor dependencies such as browser, element, by etc.
What should i do for describe,it,expect (Jasmine stuffs) ?
I use Visual Studio Code everyday to write my scripts, it's my current favourite editor for Protractor because of its built in support for TypeScript!
Here are the following things which can come into my mind which could help you setup your framework-
Download the latest VS Code version - https://code.visualstudio.com/download
Install typescript globally npm install -g typescript
Install protractor globally npm install -g protractor
Create your project folder
Setup you project folder for git, node and typescript -
npm init -f // will create default package.json stating its nodejs project
git init // will create .git file, you project is now git project
tsc --init // will create tsconfig.json stating its typescript project
Install typings and dev dependencies-
npm install --save-dev protractor // this will install protractor as a dev dependency
npm install --save-dev typescript // this will install typescript as a dev dependency
npm install --save-dev #types/jasmine // jasmine typings
npm install --save-dev #types/node // node typings
At this point you have setup your basic protractor-typescript project and you can see all the typings and dependencies in package.json. Now you are good to write your typed scripts :).
Now compile your scripts by running -
tsc or tsc -w
After successfull compilation all your javascript files would be generated.
The run protractor
protractor config.js
You can also setup your vs code for debugging with protractor which I have mentioned here - Protractor -VS Code Debugging
For more details pls refer the TypeScript Tutorial, Protractor API
The Typescript error you are observing this is due to VS Code not recognizing global typescript 2.0 version.
To solve this open vscode go to preferences--> user settings --> settings.json will be opened and enter the highlighted path as shown
Save your file and restart VSCode now you are good to go :)
I agree with the answers given. Just want to share a hack with you.
You don't need to transpile your Typescript codes to JavaScript anymore.
Create a launch.js file
compilerOptions: {
module: 'commonjs'
disableWarnings: true,
fast: true
exports.config = require('./config/protractor.conf.ts').config;
And kick start protractor execution like:
> protractor launch
You can save yourself from the headache of transpiling every time you make a change to typescript files.
Happy testng!