Integrating code via partials on a Hugo site not working - hugo

I am running an open source comment engine on my server which I want to integrate to my Hugo site.
After doing all the listed things below, the comment section is not visible, and only the heading appears.
What are the possible reasons for this and error and how can I solve it?
So I created a partials file for It, added some code in single.hmtl and edited my config.toml correspondingly.
This is what's inside my partial file named commento.html:
<div id="commento"></div>
<script defer src="{{ .Site.Params.CommentoURL }}/js/commento.js"></script>
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to load the comments.</noscript>
This is what's inside my single.html file:
{{ if and .Site.Params.CommentoURL (and (not .Site.BuildDrafts) (not .Site.IsServer)) -}}
{{ partial "commento.html" . }}
{{- end }}
and I added the commentoURL parameter in config.toml file like this:
CommentoURL = ""

Please Inspect the output HTML. I am pretty sure you will find this empty div:
<div id="commento"></div>
This means that your Javascript is broken. This has nothing to do with Hugo, partials or even Hugo themes. You probably also have a red error in your Javascript console. This is what you should focus on.


Hugo code fences output two tags, pre and code

Is there any way to tweak how Hugo output codefences?
if I have some markdown like so:
//some code
It will be generated as:
<pre class="language-csharp">
<code class="language-csharp">
//some code
Can I somehow change the pre+code output?
I'm trying to integrate Mermaid.js into my site and this fails due to having the two tags.
If it manages to hook onto the code tag, the Mermaid output is just shown as code inside the pre
And if it hooks onto the pre, then the inner text is wrong and cant be parsed.
For anyone stuck on this issue, here is how I ended up solving it.
In the template for our pages, we take the content of the markdown file.
Then find-replace language-mermaid with just mermaid.
This prevents collision with other libraries like Prism.JS.
And it allows Mermaid.JS to correctly find the proper tag and class to hook into.
{{ $content := .Content }}
//other replace hacks ....
{{ $content = replace $content "language-mermaid" "mermaid" }}
{{ safeHTML $content}}
This results in generated files containing the following output.
<code class="mermaid">
Ugly hack, but works. so that is good enough for us right now.
So far, 6th March 2022, it is not possible. According to the official documentation, only images, links, and headings are adjustable in this way.
However, you should be able to create your own shortcode and implement it in a way that will provide you the features you want to get and use.

How to create a HUGO page with no direct links

Is there anyway to create a hugo page which has no direct links? I would like to be able to create a markdown file for a page but only allow people to find the page if they have a direct link.
Yes it is possible. It really depends on how you are generating your pages. As for now I am showing two ways you can do it.
Way 1: Your _default/list.html generates the list of links to your content. You can customize that to exclude a link. Watch the if conditional.
{{ range .RegularPages }}
{{ if (not in .Title "title of page to exclude") }}
{{.Date.Format "2006-01-02"}} | {{.Title}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Way 2: Alternatively you can put an html file in the static folder of your hugo directory. If the directory does not exist, you can create it. No direct links will be generated for static contents unless you explicitly link to it from somewhere else.
You can put all pages you do not want to list into a separate content sub-folder and not include it in the menu.
For example, my setup:
├── blog
├── notes
└── voice
Where only voice and blog have menu items, so everything in notes can not be accessed by links from the site.

With Hugo, can we use HTML code in a md file?

With Hugo, I am writing some HTML5 as Goldmark markdown doesn't support CSS classes or IDs.
My code is in :
<h2 data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse-definition" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-definition">Définition</h2> is not compiled and is not compiled to HTML.
Even the simplest div markup is omitted.
Thanks for your help.
From version 0.6, Hugo uses Goldmark for markdown.
For security reasons, Goldmark wipes HTML code.
However, if you use HTML frequently in your site, you can add to your config.toml
unsafe = true # Allow HTML in md files
For a less frequent usage of HTML, you can add safeHTML parameter to your HTML string (Hugo doc for safeHTML).

How to change the homepage in hugo?

How can I have /posts as homepage?
Should I redirect, change the baseURL in hugo 1config or make changes in
the theme 2config?
You can modify the home.html file, as the index.html file is embedding it and there is nothing else in index.html
Make the changes in the above file in theme/layouts/partials/home.html these changes will take effect on the site as soon as you save the file (if you are already running $ hugo server -D)
For me, it helped to add a layouts/index.html file to my theme. Here is its content:
{{ define "main" }}
{{ $pag := .Paginate (where site.RegularPages "Type" "in" site.Params.mainSections ) 6 }}
<div class="archive-body">
{{ range $pag.Pages }}
{{ .Render "li" }}
{{ end }}
{{ partial "pagination" . }}
{{ end }}
"li" is a partial HTML template, which renders a single page for me.
Then I had to specify mainSections in my config.toml. Since my content is located inside content/post directory, here is the configuration.
mainSections = ["post"]
Since this is a list, you should be able to add more than one section. For example, if your content is spread let's say between content/post and content/articles and so on. I haven't tried this, though.
I know this is an old question, but the easiest way for me to set a particular markdown page as the landing page was simply to create a layouts/index.html to override my theme's, and put this in it:
<script>window.location = "/mainlist"</script>
This way, I can keep all my theme's styling, not worry about editing templates, and just focus on creating the content. As a newcomer to hugo, this worked quite well as a replacement for Pelican's save_as: index.html.

How do I make a home/landing page in markdown with Hugo?

Look, Hugo is for writing static (and blog) sites in markdown. GREAT! How do I create the home page (i.e. not the home post)?!
By home page I mean I want to have some markdown file rendered in my theme at the root:, not (I will change themes if necessary, but I'm currently using hugo-nuo).
Here's how I'm trying to do it:
add my own layouts/index.html (overriding the theme's)
{{ define "main" }}
{{ partial "header.html" . }}
<section class="main">
{{ partial "footer.html" . }}
{{ end }}
This incredibly long thread seems to discuss a bunch of issues that've been addressed, but I don't see this answer.
This answer says to use shortcodes. I'm willing to do that, but it looks like shortcodes can only be used from within content (citation needed).
You can add a into the folder content/ and access it, e.g. via {{ .Content }}.
