How to activate owner-approval on self-service group membership? - azure-active-directory

I have a security group in Azure AD and am the owner of that group with P2 license. In the self service group portal I can switch between users can join that group or owner hat to manage membership. But how can I setup that unseres can request to join and the owner needs to approve? I don’t find anything in the docs about that. If I try to add myself via the self service portal I get the feedback that it was auto-approved. But how to change the config, that I need to approve before?

I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the results as below:
I setup Self Service Group Management in the Azure Portal like below:
I created a test group securitygroup and when the user requested to join the group from the Access Panel, the request got auto approved like below:
The user was added in the group successfully like below:
How can I setup that users can request to join and the owner needs to approve
Login to Access Panel as Global Admin -> Groups -> Select the Group you want to set membership -> Edit Details -> Select This group requires owner approval
After the above settings the user will get the user will get the pop-up like below:
Once the owner of the group approves the request the user will be added to the group successfully.
Set up self-service group management - Azure Active Directory - Microsoft Entra


MS Teams, remove user for group why, please

I don't now who and why delete user from group, in log i see information about User-Agent.
Azure Add without local AD,
that all, where i can found more information
Remove member from group
"SkypeSpaces/1.0a$*+" and Display name "MS Teams Services"
I check log, i add again but nex day are this same, user remove from group
I Tried to reproduce the same in my environment to check the User deleted information from Group
I have created one Group and deleted user from Groups by using following Steps
Azure Portal > Groups >New Group
Deleted members from the same Group.
Open the Same group Azure Portal-Azure Active Directory>Groups (Manage)>Select the Group>Members>select the user>Remove
Once remove the user group
Azure Portal-Azure Active Directory>Groups (Manage)>Select the Group>Activity>Audit Logs
To check the detailed Log information, open the Log

No Group Memberships option in the Azure AD Group blade

I have a security group called SecurityGroupParent and another security group called SecurityGroupChild. I want to add SecurityGroupChild as a member to SecurityGroupParent. But I cannot see the option Group Memberships as explained here although I have the right role.
You'll need the Groups Administrator or User Administrator role to
edit group membership.
Also please check if you have logged into correct tenant or account in
which you have above roles before adding membership.
Also please note that there are some limits while using nesting of groups.
For example: We cannot add group which is synced with on-premises Active Directory.
See Limitations - groups - Azure Active Directory - Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Docs
You can also try to add child security group as a member to the parent security group from members blade:
If the groups are set to role assignable or IsAssignableToRole is
set to $True, then the groups are private and only members can view
the content of the group.
Also check , if HiddenMembership is enabled. reference: visibility

Can we get all Azure AD users list using PoweApps?

I need to know if there is a possibility to get all Azure AD users using PowerApps or not.
You cannot get all Azure Ad users using PowerApps, whereas you can list the details of a single user or users within a group.
Make use of Azure Ad connector that needs administrative permissions for your account like below:
Connect Azure AD in the app,
Go to the Data tab -> Add data-> Search Azure AD -> Select Azure Ad connector -> Connect
To get users within a group, make use of below query:
Users= AzureAD.GetGroupMembers("Your_Group_ID").value
To get details of a User, make use of below query:
OnSelect = ClearCollect( colAzureUserDetails, AzureAD.GetUser(txtAzureID.Text) )
To know more details, please refer below links:
Power Apps Azure AD Group - SPGuides
Power Apps : Get users from Azure AD to Power Apps view to list table and refresh button for table - Stack Overflow

How to give support request contributor role access in Azure?

I was going via this and this. and got to know that how to give access. However, my requirment is to give contributor access to group of people (or couple of members), which will enable them to create support ticket with Microsoft in case there are some issues ralted to portal or in their day to day activities. How to do this? Thanks.
To create a support request, you must be an Owner, Contributor or be assigned to the Support Request Contributor role at the subscription level
To assign any of these roles, you need to login to Azure Portal
Go to subscriptions and select your subscription
Go to Access Control and click on Role Assignments and click on Add
Select Add Role Assignment and select Support Request Contributor role --> Click on Next --> Select user, group or service principal and add the members who needs access
Click on Next --> Click on Review and Assigns
Now the users will be able to create a support request with Microsoft

custom claims in Azure AD to add windows AD groups

I would like to know how can I add a windows AD group into a custom claim on Azure AD? I am looking to use AD groups for applications running on a platform that uses role-claims or custom claims to enable applications to have access groups or AD groups separately.
• You can add the custom group claims in a token configuration for your application deployed in Azure AD as follows. Also, since you are adding AD groups, it is considered that those groups are synchronized from on-premises AD through Azure AD Connect to be used as group claims in token configuration.
To configure group claims, go to your configured application in Azure AD  enterprise applications, click on the application and select ‘Single Sign On’  User Attributes & Claims  Add a group claim  Use the radio buttons to select the ‘Security groups’ option as below
To emit groups using Active Directory attributes synced from Active Directory instead of Azure AD objectIDs select the required format from the drop-down. Only groups synchronized from Active Directory will be included in the claims.
To configure the group claim as a custom claim role by giving it a custom claim name, select the box ‘Customize the name of the group claim’ as below while also checking the box ‘Emit groups as role claims’ to use the group as a role claim in your application. Please take into consideration that if the option to emit group data as roles is used, only groups will appear in the role claim. Any Application Roles the user is assigned will not appear in the role claim.
Thus, you can configure AD groups as role claims for an application in Azure AD. Please find the documentation link for reference: -
