Background and components stay behind bottom bar in React Native - reactjs

In react native, devices with virtual navigation keys do not have any problems, while on phones with manual keys (e.g. Samsung A5,) the background and components are behind the bottom bar. When I give flex:1 or height:heightPercentageToDP(100) to my View, I have the same problem. how can i solve it? I'll be happy if you can help me.
i want to components and background start from the top of the bottom bar

You should add your code so it's easier to help you, or even an example screenshot to show your issue... but I will try to answer.
React Native has the Dimensions API which you can import in with your Views and Texts like so:
import { View, Text, Dimensions } from "react-native";
If you grab the height like this: const deviceHeight = Dimensions.get("window").height; using window as the param will give you the height excluding the bar you mentioned. Using screen there would provide the entire height.
You could use the windows Dimension to calculate any margin or padding you might need based on your use case.


React Native - LongPress and display extra information

In React Native, I would like to achieve the following outcome (example):
example1 example2
On Long Press of the image (or touchableOpacity), I hope to display an overlay view of some extra information (could be images or text). The information disappears when the finger leaves the screen. I was thinking if it is something related to overlay view and setState, but I could not find the function where the view only appears during long presses. Is there a way to achieve this? Or is there a module that could provide a solution?
Any help would be appreciated!
If you are using the latest react native version you can use the onPressOut functionality of a pressable component:
Trigger the show overlay with the onLongPress (or onPressIn but it's not a good UX) function and then trigger the hide overlay with onPressOut function.
For the overlay I suggest you a cool library like:

material ui, layout component for desktop to mobile responsive transition

I am writing a Single Web App with material ui, that needs to be responsive, but I do not know which is the control where I must allocate the mains component, if it is a grid or a box.
The next image show the main components arrangement in md,lg,xl
The next image show the main components arrangement in sm,xs when width < 960
In the web I found many complex and very difficult to understand layouts, but not find a basic example. Some like "material ui responsive for dummies".
The mobile version, will have a breakpage between the Appbar and Sidenav, both will occupy the full height, and the Map in the second page will fill the screen.
I did it for you with MU Grids and media queries, if you have questions, ask. I am always ready to help. This is codesandbox link. Let me know if it help you.
Show my codesandbox answering your problem :
It display your layout for md lg xl correctly. For xs and sm screens, sidenav & map take full height with a break page between sidenav and appBar
Thanks to both, it solved the main part o what i need.
Also need to implement a change of page.
I forget to mention that the map will be React-Leaflet,
so need to implement a flap button over the map for the mobile version.
The button is for scroll to up, because any finger movement in the map area only will affect the map content.
Do not will have effect in the scroll.
Another thing to implement is the break page concept:
The behaviour of the break page is like when you see a pdf in presentation mode and press
the keyboard button Repag - Avpag, it change all the content and never see the half top and the half down.

React Native - How to make permanent the vertical scrollbar of the ScrollView component?

I'm building a React Native app which has a screen containing a list of several items the user can see. I wrapped up the elements by using a ScrollView component and it works fine as shown below:
However, I'd like to have the vertical scrollbar always visible just to let the user know he can see more items than the ones shown in the first place. I've read the ScrollView documentation but it seems that there is not an option to make it happen.
Does anyone know if there is a way to achieve that or perhaps a workaround to make it intuitive to the user that there is a scroll on the list?
Try this ,Its working for me
The closest thing to showing the scroll indicator constantly that is available in React Native is flashing the indicator. You can obtain a reference to the scrollview and call the flashScrollIndicators() method. There is no known way to disable hiding the indicator without writing native code. If you want to go down that path, you could try something like this for iOS.

Codename One - Layout issue

I've a GUI built app and I set many Icon images in the code for some components.
The thing is I've made sure all "padding" and "margin" values are the same for the different states of the components (unselected, pressed, etc) but when I try to input data into the TextFields, it seems like the dimensions of some components change without notice and they completely mess with my layout.
Even sometimes some of the icons partially disappear. Please see the following screenshot of before and after text input, where the Container and TextFields shrink
I really don't know what else I can do. I have tried many things, but stil the same outcome. Please help.
You need to make the container housing all this components scrollable.
Use Millimeters for your TextField padding and margin, don't use Screen Percentage. From the image in the images you posted, 2mm top and bottom and 1mm left and right would be suitable.
If the components having those icons are pressable like a button, be sure to set their pressedIcon to the same icon.
Lastly, style your TextField Unselected state and copy this to Selected and Pressed states, to avoid erroneous styling.

Ext.toast position configuration

Sencha Touch 2.4 has this new toast class(Ext.Toast), which looks nice. But, by default, the location of the toast is centered in the viewport. Is there any way I can push it towards the bottom?
I looked at the top config, but it doesn't work well. (Pushes it down, but it's not centered horizontally now).
Tried a combination of top and left configs, but it's not perfect. I don't seem to find any hints in the docs.
Basically, I need to display the toast around of 70% of the height, and it should be centered horizontally in the viewport.
Not ideal but the following css will do it. Just change the number depending on high high you want it.
.x-toast {
top: -150px;
I've created a plugin that can create toast messages similar to Android style at the bottom of the screen.
I've also faced this problem I found the solution.You can also find it by the below link.
sample toast with different position and animation
