Json-ld data does not help my website to be foound on google by name or email - json-ld

I've been learning lately about json-ld data and its goods at the time of getting some attention from google.
I had before simple websites with some html, js and css and google picked them up quickly and associatted them with my name and so on.
Now I have a react app with no SSR, so I thought some json-ld data at the index.html file woud help googe figuring out what and who the website represents.
"#context": "https://schema.org",
"#type": "Service",
"name": "Development Services",
"serviceType": "Software Development Services",
"description": "Description of my services",
"provider": {
"#type": "Person",
"familyName": "My lastname",
"givenName": "My firstname",
"email": "my-email#meh.com"
Google has the Schema Markup Testing Tool to test your structured data to see if it's placed correctly. I have good results, the tool finds the code.
Despite the good results with the tool I've never could find my website using my name or email. This was set months ago, so that should be working already.
I'd really appreciate any help.


Can you edit a Logic App custom connector? and how does one deploy then maintain (update)

I created a logic app custom connector successfully (via the portal, not ARM) and it's in use (demo) working fine. It's a wrapper for an azure function but to provide better usability up front to less tech savy users i.e. expose properties VS providing json.
Any how once created my query is a simple one. Can it be edited 1. in the portal? 2. via ARM (if it was created by arm)? i.e. I want to add a better icon.
When I view the logic apps custom connector though in the portal and click EDIT all it does is populate the Connector Name and no more. See below. All original configuration, paramaters etc is missing.
So my queries.
Is this the norm?
On export of the custom connector (azure portal menu item) the template really has nothing in it. No content either of the connector details?
Is there an ARM template to deploy this?
If yes to 3, how do you go about modifying in the scenario you have to?
I also understand in using it in a logic app it created an API Connection reference. Does this stand alone, almost derived off the customer connector? And further uses say of a modified connector would create different API connections?
I feel I'm just missing some of the basic knowledge on how these are implemented. which in turn would explain the deploying, and maintenance.
Anyone :) ?
Think I've come to learn the portal is very buggy. The swagger editor loaded no content either and broke the screen. I've since tried a simpler connector i.e. no sample markup with escaped regex patterns and it seems to like going back into it to edit :) (Maybe one to report as a bug after all this)
That said then - Yes, edit should be possible but the other queries regarding ARM, export, redeploy and current connections still stands :)
You can deploy the Logic apps custom connector really easily. You need to do following steps
Configure you custom connector with proper settings and update it.
Once updated, click on the download link available at the top of the connector.
Download the ARM template skeleton using the Export Template.
In the properties section, just add a new property called swagger and paste the swagger you downloaded in step 2.
Parameterise your ARM template
Deploy using your choice of deployment using Azure DevOps , PowerShell etc.
Please refer to following ARM template for your perusal.
"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"customApis_tempconnector_name": {
"defaultValue": "tempconnector",
"type": "String"
"variables": {},
"resources": [
"type": "Microsoft.Web/customApis",
"apiVersion": "2016-06-01",
"name": "[parameters('customApis_tempconnector_name')]",
"location": "australiaeast",
"properties": {
"connectionParameters": {
"api_key": {
"type": "securestring",
"uiDefinition": {
"displayName": "API Key",
"description": "The API Key for this api",
"tooltip": "Provide your API Key",
"constraints": {
"tabIndex": 2,
"clearText": false,
"required": "true"
"backendService": {
"serviceUrl": "http://petstore.swagger.io/v2"
"description": "This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more about Swagger at [http://swagger.io](http://swagger.io) or on [irc.freenode.net, #swagger](http://swagger.io/irc/). For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.",
"displayName": "[parameters('customApis_tempconnector_name')]",
"iconUri": "/Content/retail/assets/default-connection-icon.e6bb72160664a5e37b9923c3d9f50ca5.2.svg",
"swagger": { "Enter Swagger Downloaded from Step 2 here" }

Azure Logic Apps - ARM template to deploy filesystem API connection

I am trying to deploy file system API connection using ARM template.
I could not find the parametersValue schema for this connection and so tried with naming the parameters as they appear on Azure portal
Edit API Connection Screen shot on Azure Portal1
"apiVersion": "2016-06-01",
"name": "filesystem",
"type": "Microsoft.Web/connections",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"properties": {
"api": {
"id": "[concat(subscription().id,'/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/westus/managedApis/filesystem')]"
"parameterValues": {
"displayName": "FileSyetem",
"rootFolder": "[parameters('rootFolder')]",
"authenticationType": "Windows",
"username": "[parameters('username')]",
"password": "[parameters('password')]"
However deployment is failing due to wrong parameterValue names displayName and authenticationType
Below is error in the deployment log - Bad Request
Input parameters are invalid. See details for more information.
Details:errorCode: ParameterNotDefined. Message: Parameter
'displayName' is not allowed on the connection since it was not
defined as a connection parameter when the API was registered...
Does anyone knows correct json schema for filesystem connection? I could not find it on https://resources.azure.com .
I was able to solve the issue by following instruction on blog
Specially using armclient command line tool to retrieve the connection metadata
"apiVersion": "2016-06-01",
"name": "filesystem",
"type": "Microsoft.Web/connections",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"properties": {
"api": {
"id": "[concat(subscription().id,'/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/centralus/managedApis/filesystem')]"
"displayName": "logicAppFile",
"parameterValues": {
"rootfolder": "c:\\",
"authType": "windows",
"username": "[parameters('username')]",
"password": "[parameters('password')]",
"gateway": {
"name": "OnPremGateway",
"id": "/subscriptions/-----/resourceGroups/-----/providers/Microsoft.Web/connectionGateways/OnPremGateway",
"type": "Microsoft.Web/connectionGateways"
i have seen you solved but it. So grats and thank you for posting your solution.
Perhaps it can make other with some problem easier, so I posted too.
I am a newbie and it helped me much.
I had the problem with other connectors (office365, office365user,..).
With Visual studio 2019 and installed logic App extension (Download Link) you can do following steps for getting an ARM-template with Api Connection informations.
(Screenshots will follow)
in Visual studio 2019 open the cloud explorer
select the needed subscription and the concerning logic app
then right-click on the logic App
and choose "Open with Logic App Editor" from the menu
Normally the logic app designer view will open in a client Window of VS2019
( it could be take some time, if you will not wait you could choose
in bottom window section CodeView - it doens't matter we only need
the download function)
then you click on download and after the finished download
you had an template file with the resource information for the Api
In many cases this ARM-file works direct for deployment, but there could be some expression make problems (e.g. use [[ instead [ in text ) but the Api Connection(s) should be correct in the downloaded file.
I think there was 2 powershell scripts that shows you the correct API connection informations too, 1 script I have tested and it worked not for me but i only make a few tests and then Cancel it. So I didn't added the links here and it was and I have not kept it in in mind.
If your using logic app custom connector then you have to define those parameters with the same

how to define to use existing database server in ARM template?

Tuning the quick start, helps me deploy the App and DB. The thing I noticed was each time, my ARM template dictate to create a new DB server and load database. The tricky thing is that subscription got a limit of 6 DB servers.
Is there a way, I could define this as a configuration parameter and ARM template uses this db server than creating new one?
Error Message I get in shell console is :
>New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment : Resource Microsoft.Sql/servers
>'sqlserverXXXXXt6fXX' failed with message 'Cannot move or create server.
>Subscription '123XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXe5X' will exceed server quota.'
Any suggestion or pointers would be great help!
H Bala
My bad! This could be done with setting the servername variable to existing database server name and letting it be fixed always.
"resources": [
"name": "[variables('sqlserverName')]",
"type": "Microsoft.Sql/servers",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"tags": {
"displayName": "SqlServer"
"resources": [
"name": "{**sqldbservername_desired**}",
"type": "Microsoft.Sql/servers",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"tags": {
"displayName": "SqlServer"
Thanks & Regards,
H Bala

Query a listValue in an Entity using Google Datastore API

Is it possible to query a listValue from an Entity using the Google Cloud Datastore API.
For example if I had a Post Entity for a blog:
"title": "My First Post",
"tags": ["google", "android"]
"title": "My Second Post",
"tags": ["google"]
Obviously the data above would be tag properly (e.g. with listValue, stringValue etc). Can a query be made to give me all Post entities who have a tag that equals "android".
I've tried several things with no success. Both Standard and GQL queries. I've even tried to apply some GQL queries that would normally work when using Datastore from a Google App Engine instance(python) but they don't seem to work with Google Cloud Datastore API.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Found the problem. I started debugging this morning and discovered that the filter that was being sent was undefined.
You always miss stuff like that during late night coding sessions.

Publishing a Filemaker database on the web

I have a "large" database in filemaker on mac.
How can I export my database to my website (which currently uses in PHP and MySql)?
You could take a look at the PHP Site Assistant, which is a part of FileMaker server. This will generate a PHP website based on your database, and the selections you make in the site assistant — even if you don't use the resulting site, it is a good way to get an example of how to access the data in your database.
For web publishing in Filemaker, check out your options here.
You will probably need to upgrade to Filemaker Server.
A free service is Formgram.
Formgram converts FileMaker Pro to mobile webpages and opens up many new features that reduce data entry by reusing existing lists such as the 50 states in America, 12 months in the Gregorian calendar year, 7 music notes, 26 letters in the English alphabet, etc.
Check out a demo at https://formgram.parseapp.com/formPage?formObjectId=ejj8YHJIZy
There is a good solution RESTfm, now it is a open source project and you can use it like a web service between you website or any other front-end application and your Filemaker database. It uses FileMaker php Api and XML, convert it to JSON so it's very easy to fetch any data from your database.
Right now i'm using RESTfm php code to get data from my Filemaker database. For example to get all records from database postcodes and table postcodes u use this URI http://demo.restfm.com/RESTfm/postcodes/layout/brief%20postcodes.json?RFMmax=2:
"data": [
"Pcode": "7300",
"Locality": "DEVON HILLS",
"State": "TAS",
"Comments": ""
"Pcode": "7300",
"Locality": "PERTH",
"State": "TAS",
"Comments": ""
"Pcode": "7300",
"Locality": "POWRANNA",
"State": "TAS",
"Comments": ""
If you don't use this Filemaker database anymore, you can just write php script to fetch data from that, then save it in your MySQL database. I made in same way, got data in JSON format and saved it in to CoreData on my application.
Also u can export data into csv and just add it to MySQL database. I think it's a best approach for you.
