How to make a module as a reusable module in angular? - angular13

I am working on a Angular 13 project. we have different modules in the project and one module name is Intext Module. we need this module as separate project as well as in the existing project along with other modules. so how to make Intext module code reusable?

I have created a library in a new bitbucket repository and installed in two projects so that i am able to reuse the comopnents.


Use AngularJS app as a bower package

I've made my own AngularJS app, which works as an independant project.
What i want to do is use this app in another project. I made it a bower package and added it as a dependecy on my project, but i've no idea how to initialize it. As an independant App it used to work through its own URL.
Any tips?
If it is a module you after you imported the js oyu can addit to your new module dependencies
newApp= angular.module('newApp', ['comparatorApp']);

Refactoring with webpack

I'm trying to use webpack to refactor a backbone application that uses no modularization at all.
All the models and the views are added through script tags to index.html and are globally available.
I have read a couple of tutorials about refactoring with webpack but they only seem to take into consideration the use of webpack on applications that already use modules.
Do you know if there's a way of adding webpack to an app like mine without having to refactor every single js file?
You will have to modify each of your js files some, but Webpack will automatically treat each file as a module for you (similar to wrapping every file in an IIFE
What you have to do is define which modules have dependencies on other modules. Module's that have dependencies need to define those. Webpack supports many module syntax's, and comes with Commonjs and AMD out of the box. Commonjs is the recommended syntax for webpack. The best place to start is probably this guide:

How can I reference a shared TypeScript module in Angular and a node.js?

I have created a TypeScript module named My.Models that contains several models and I have two applications that need to use this module, neither currently use TypeScript.
The applications are a client-side Angular application and a server-side node.js application.
What is an approach that would enable me to make changes to the My.Models module, and then easily have those changes passed on to the consuming applications?
The easiest way is to publish your module to npm. This may require a couple of changes to your angular setup if you aren't already using npm modules in your angular app. We use webpack with Angular which allows you to write and require common js modules(NPM). Browserify is another option for using common js modules. If you don't want to do 100% commonjs/npm then you'd need to publish to npm for your node app and bower for your angular app.
Then you just publish a new release of your shared module after you make your changes and then you can update your Angular app and Node app.
You can use private npm modules or just publish your module to git(How to install a private NPM module without my own registry?)

Maven Project Organization

I am trying to create module within an existing multi-module maven project. This module will require Grunt, Bower, NPM, Angular JS, bootstrap among others. The output of this project (after the build is done) are static resources (fonts, js-files, application-js, application-css).
There is a separate Web module within the project that hosts the Web-Application portion of the Application.
I need to accomplish the following
Ensure that Maven can kick of the build of Grunt/Bower based UI Module.
Ensure that this module can be plugged in as a dependency for the Web Module.
So far, I have been able to figure out how to include a UI module as a dependency for a Web Project (via WEB-INF/lib/ui.jar...servlet 3.0 spec related).
What should the structure of the project be like to ensure that I don't copy unnecessary files into the JAR (like package.json or node_modules folder)?
Is there a way Maven can do an incremental build on such a project?
I am finding it hard to reconcile the two different project structures due to my own shortcomings I guess.

Including an assembly with your DotNetNuke Module?

I'm developing a DotNetNuke Module using the nonIIS method of module development. Is there any way to include a 3rd-party assembly in your module (when setting it up for deployment)?
I thought about adding it as a reference to the dotnetnuke_nonIIS website project as a whole, but that doesn't seem right considering it's a dependency of the module.
Whatever your local development environment may look like, you will most likely want to be able to deploy the module to a DNN site on its own.
To do that, you can create an installable module zip package - which consists of all of your module assets and a manifest file describing them so that DNN may process them and perform the appropriate actions (run scripts, deploy assemblies to the bin) upon installation.
Check out the DNN wiki for more information about packaging.
