LogicApp Split and Replace having problems with \n - azure-logic-apps

I have been trying to split a string into an array of each line \n
As this doesn't work I tried replacing replace(outputs('Compose_6'),'\r\n','#') with a view to then splitting on #.
I have searched the internet and tried various things but nothing seems to work.
Can someone explain how to do this?
Thanks in advance

Using split(variables('string var'),'\n') expression, you can split string into array. By default logic app will add an extra black slash to original back slash. So suggesting you to change expression in code view as mentioned above.
I have created logic app as shown below,
In first initialize variable action, taken a string variable with text as shown below
Test split functionality
Using logic apps
Next initialize variable action, using a array variable and assigning value using expression as split(variables('string var'),'\n'). Make sure you dont have double back slash added in code view. Only one back slash should be there when you see it in code view.
Code view:
The output of logic app can be shown below,
Refer this SO thread.


Can't get Logic App Contains to work with array or comma separated string

I'm trying to look for specific keywords inside of text from a for each loop.
var text = "The lazy fox jumped over the brown dog."
var keywords = "fox,dog,sun";
If true, I want to do something with the text. If false, I want to ignore the text.
Does anyone know how to use an Array filter, Function, Select, Condition or inline code to check for this? If so, specific examples would be great.
By the way, I have a C# function that handles this extremely well in an ASP.net Core app.
This doesn't work.
The Condition is always false after the for each loop even after changing the settings and parallelism to 1.
Azure Logic App Condition does not work in loop if based on changing values
Thanks in advance!
There are so many ways to achieve what you need. Here are the 3 options that came to my mind within a minute.
The first one does use a For each loop, but I wouldn't recommend using it as it's not very efficient.
The For each parameter looks like this:
The Condition parameter looks like this:
The second option is much easier - no need for a loop, just filter the array straight away, then you can check whether it's empty or it has some items:
The Filter array parameters look as follows.
The split function is identical to the one used in option 1.
If you know JavaScript, you might decide to use regular expressions in inline code instead, e.g.:
Then you'd just need to check the output of the inline code. JavaScript code used in the example above:
var text = workflowContext.actions.Compose_text.outputs;
var keywords = workflowContext.actions.Compose_keywords.outputs;
return text.match(new RegExp("(" + keywords.split(",").join("|") + ")", "gi"));
My personal preference is option 2. However, please note that all 3 options above would find "sun" in text "The weather was sunny" even though there's no word "sun" in the text. If you do need "sun" to match only word "sun" - not "sunny", "asunder" or "unsung" - then go for option 3, just use a different, more complex regular expression.
One of the workaround would be use of Condition Connector. I have initialized the sentence in a string and then used Condition Connector which will be checking the conditions.
Finally, In the true section you can add the connectors accordingly.
Placing a Compose behind the for each loop and referencing the Output in the Condition is what finally worked for me. I used the toLower() function in my Compose. The Compose looks like this.

Using CONCATENATE in a MATCH Function

So I'm creating a Hyperlink that will go to a specific Tab. There are multiple tabs.
The first CONCATENATE works, but the 2nd one in the MATCH function returns "'G3'!E:E" and results in a #VALUE! error.
The reason I need it to go to G3 is that's the Tab Name I want it to go to. Different lines will go to different tabs and I'm trying to make it automatically populate with the Tab Name.
Help! And Thanks in Advance!
Though HyperLink accepts a string, MATCH does not. So you need to use INDIRECT in the MATCH to turn the string into a viable range reference:

Use Array of Values of Object in a Foreach Loop

I cannot seem to find anything about using the values of one property of an object in a foreach loop (without having the entire object placed into the loop).
I first create a function called UFGet-Servers that uses Get-ADComputer and returns the names of the servers in a specific OU in my environment and places them in an array. That's great, except that when I use the array in a foreach loop, each object that it grabs has #[Name=serverName] in it, which I cannot use in any useful manner. The following pseudo-code is an abbreviated example:
foreach($Computer in $ComputerNames){do code... code is adding the server name into a UNC path such as "\\$Computer\C$\"}
The problem with the above is that you can't add the whole object to a path -- it ends up looking like "\#[Name=serverNameHere]\C$\" which totally bombs out. How do I get rid of the "#[property=" part, and simply use the value as the $Computer in the loop?
What really weirds me out is that I can't find a straightforward article on this anywhere... would have thought everyone and their mom would have wanted to do something like this.
So, your issue isn't with ForEach loops, it is with string formatting. There are two ways that I know of to take care of what you need. First is going to be string formatting, which allows you to use {0}m {1} and so on to inject values into a string, providing that you follow the string with -f and a list of said values. Such as:
ForEach($Computer in $ComputerNames){
"The Server Path is \\{0}\Share$" -f $Computer.Name
The second way is a sub-expression (I'm sure somebody will correct me if I used the wrong term there). This one involves enclosing the variable and desired property (or a function, or whatever) inside $(). This will evaluate whatever is inside the parenthesis before evaluating the string. See my example:
ForEach($Computer in $ComputerNames){
"The Server Path is \\$($Computer.name)\Share$"

angular ui.mask for variable length format

i am trying to use angular ui.mask module to display a full length url based on user entering a section name(suffix)
http://www.example.com/XYZ where 'XYZ' is the user input.
While a mask 'http://www.example.com/AAA' works fine, it does limit the user to entering only 3 character.
Any quick ways to extend the length accepted?
I tried altering the regex to accept variable length, but haven't got this working.
Any help would be appreciated.
This can be accomplished by using a question mark before any character in the mask that would be optional.
In your case, it would look like:
Better late than never...

unterminated string literal error in salesforce

I am trying to get a value from salesforce class into a javascript variable. I am able to get the value if its a single line value, but if its multiline textarea it gives a unterminated string literal error
caseUpdate.Description = "{!ac__c.C_Info__c}";
After googling for sometime i came to know we can have a workaround for this by having a hidden field and using DOM storing it using the document.getElement.Id. But i am calling this code on a button click so i would not be able to create a input text or hidden field value.
Any body who can provide an way to do it?
You should just be able to use the standard Salesforce JSENCODE() function if you are using OnClick Javascript in a button. This will escape any characters for you.
See the documentation.
It is because of line breaks. merge fields are rendered unescaped into the output stream meaning that CRLFs push into a new line and break javascript strings. Either use the div/input trick or use Apex to replace \r\n's in the field with <br/> or whatever best suits the purpose. Also keep in mind that " will also terminate your JS string.
The easiest way is to just include a function in your extension and then you can use it across board
public String FixNewLine(String s) {
if (s != null) return s.replaceAll('\r\n', '<br/>').replaceAll('"', '\\"');
return null;
I had the same issue but was able to fix it! The trick is the JSENCODE function. Its basically {!JSENCODE(Obj.Field)}"; So you are replacing your merge field with this function and nesting the merge field itself within the function. In my scenario I ended up with opptyObj.Description="{!JSENCODE(Case.Description)}"; as my total syntax. First calling upon my set object and field, and then the merge data to populate it.
