Should I remove errors displaying from console? [closed] - reactjs

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Closed last month.
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I am learning error handling in a social media app using the MERN stack. I am able to easily send any errors that occur from the backend and display them in the frontend using try-catch. However, the browser console is also displaying the errors. Is it okay to show these errors in the console or is it better to suppress them?
I am having difficulty understanding this concept. I think it would be frustrating for users to see errors in the console.

Yes it's ok to console log the errors in front end console unless it doesn't show any important data
-You can open any social media app like (discord) for example it shows all the errors that happen while making request between the front end and the back end
*Side note: For any input or form or any entry data it's not recommended to console log these data Or you can just delete all the console logs.


Should I pass data to the component or make a request to the API in React? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm currently developing a side-project and trying to learn some general API things.
The user can access a list of projects by going to /projects and I'll get
all of the projects as a list. The user can also click an Edit button that goes to
edit/{project_id} and was wondering whether I should pass the project object to the component or just do a separate request to the API with the ID of the project to only get that project.
The first one is good because it's easier and also, I won't have to send all information about the project objects because I can't show all of them in the table (in /project) and this will save some data (ex. the list will show name of project and created date only). However, the second way is good because there will be less requests to the server.
My question here is, what is the preferred way?
Sidenote: I've tried searching for a question like this but didn't know how to phrase it, so this might be a duplicate.
In this situation, I would advocate for the separate API request. With a list of projects, you really don't want to include everything in your "get all" API call; just enough basic stuff to populate the list. That will make your queries faster and data transfers smaller, which is especially helpful when a large number of projects come into play. However, when you "deep dive" into a single project, then you'll want everything about that single project.

How to add an IDE Platform to your reactjs Web App [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Hello I have been searching on the internet on how one can add an IDE/Text Editior on a reactJS project that can run Java and Python if possible even more languages... So I was looking to having something like Khan Academy or DataCamp, so I want to be able to also monitor that inputs and outputs so I can make it interactive and when the answer is wrong and then alert wrong answer something like that...
How can I go about this or where can I read about making such?
This is not a front-end development specific question.
For such an react-application to work, first you should create a backend which will run your python/java script, then expose a api to link with react application. Which will take the program as request data and return program ouput as response.

Is it possible to make a discord js website and how? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is it possible to make a website that connects to my discord js bot and shows user count?
Yes, it is possible but you are going to have to host it yourself. Typically with these websites, you will have a profile page for all of the servers with your bot in it. You can then modify it on the website and it will store that data in some form that will affect how your bot acts. However, it does look like it requires a lot of research and experience in a couple different languages. I say that anyone can do it with enough time, so I encourage you to try it out. You might learn a thing or two!
Wishing you good luck
So I found you can use
to make a website using discord.js but the connection can be controlled in the chrome console like a full eval

How to find the bug line/file in Angular 2 [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am following the hero tutorial on Angular's page. I have come to Routing step so far. Now my script does not work. I see only "Loading..." text as default template. There is an error in some file. But I cannot see where the script stops flowing.
I need to be warned/informed that the computer should tell me "there is an error in file 'somefile.js' at line 99".
I do not know how to find the line to be corrected. And I want to see where the app halts. Is there a way to find it on console or firebug or something else?
This is important when I start to develop my own scripts.
Can you have the web dev tools stop on exception?
with Chrome
open developer tools
open sources tab
click stop icon with || inside it (top right of dev tools above call stack)
This will cause your app to pause on all exceptions.

iTunesconnect, App Review Contact Information [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm having trouble (again) with itunes connect.
I want to add a new version for my app, but I have the message
The following error(s) occurred:
You must provide all required contact information. To edit your contact details, click Edit in the App Review section.
But, I can't find where should I add the information! where is it?
Did you scroll down?
The information is the bottom of the page where you see the error on top (see screenshot).
Press the edit button next to App Review Information to edit it.
You can find more information on this topic here:
Apple's Guide For Editing and Updating App Information
it contains a subsection for the:
App Review Information
