Creating login page through Microsoft Azure or OneDrive (WPF, Onedrive, Azure) - wpf

I was wondering if there is a way for someone to login to a WPF app (kind of like logging into your outlook account), authenticate whether the user is on the OneDrive/Microsoft server, and displaying separate UI's depending on the user's permissions (like sales vs. engineering).
I haven't found much information on this and was wondering if anyone has had any experience deploying an application like this.


Automatically deploy an Enterprise Application on AzureAD

I have a React Application that uses Microsoft AD to authenticate users.
As a first step, and according to Microsoft Documentation, we need to register the application with the Microsoft identity platform.
This is inline with Microsoft Identity Platform Documentation, in this diagram we can see that for ALL types of applications (SPA, Web App, etc), we always need to configure an application in AzureAD:
This process is "cumbersome", and i'm trying to remove it by having the application installed automatically.
Several third-parties do this, such as Zapier, SpecFlow, etc.
Basically, they have a process where:
User logs in on Zapier
User is redirected to Azure AD sign-in page
User is authenticated and authorized
AzureAD shows the Consent Page
User consents
Application is installed on user's AzureAD
I've been reading and searching in Microsoft's Documentation, and i cannot find a single document that shows or even mentions this type of flow.
BUT, i know that this is possible, as there are several third parties that are doing exactly this, as Zapier, for example.
Can anyone point me in the right direction, there must exist some Microsoft document that explains how this process is done!
Apologies if this should be a comment, not an answer. I do not have enough SO reputation to write comments.
Zapier is published to the Azure Active Directory application gallery (1c76d9b0-0826-4b19-8706-29572657af1e). You can do this as well:
If an application already exists in the gallery, it does not need to be "registered" in the user's tenant, as the registration definition is defined in the gallery.
Once an app is in the gallery, users can use it only if their tenant's administrators allow this, per the settings on this page:
Enterprise applications | User settings
From the user's end, there are other governance controls that may impact the user's ability to use your app, but I think "register your app in the gallery" is probably what you're asking for.

Personal Microsoft accounts only and Enterprise Applications

I created and App registrations with "Personal Microsoft accounts only" options
But this application is not showing under Enterprise Applications. Is that expected?
Since this is not showing under Enterprise Applications, i am not able to add this to Entitlemment management Catalog
As you can see i create a App registration with Personal Microsoft accounts only
I dont see managed application in local directory option in overview tab
You can have an Enterprise Application in one tenant while the original App Registration is in a different tenant, but not the other way around. If you have the app registration in your tenant you should always see a corresponding enterprise application in that same tenant. Please try searching for the application under "All Applications" and remove any of the automatically applied filters.
Try copying the application ID from the App Registration and searching for it in the Enterprise Applications blade (without any filters applied):
If you post a screenshot of what you see and in each spot while searching for the Application ID and it's still not there, I will raise a bug.

AngularJs web service user accounts

I have build a web application based on Azure. I have a web api service as backend and angularjs as frontend hostet in Azure.
I want to create a login page with individual user accounts. After some reading I found different user authentification strategies. Some use SQL database for managing user accounts. Some use Azure Active Directory. When I have to use Azure AD and when SQL databese?
my opinion is to compare what the benefits you will get
Azure AD:
For IT Admins, Azure AD provides an affordable, easy to use solution
to give employees and business partners single sign-on (SSO) access to
thousands of cloud SaaS Applications like Office365,,
DropBox, and Concur.
For application developers, Azure AD lets you focus on building your
application by making it fast and simple to integrate with a world
class identity management solution used by millions of organizations
around the world.
Azure AD also includes a full suite of identity management
capabilities including multi-factor authentication, device
registration, self-service password management, self-service group
management, privileged account management, role based access control,
application usage monitoring, rich auditing and security monitoring
and alerting. These capabilities can help secure cloud based
applications, streamline IT processes, cut costs and help assure
corporate compliance goals are met.
Do it yourself with your database,you will have to do all above yourself e.g SSO with Office365
So you have to ask yourself what your app does? and choose the approach fits your needs
The application managing its own user accounts in SQL is called forms based authentication. It's how most internet applications used to work, but it came with a lot of downsides.
Users had to remember a password for each site, but often reused passwords across multiple sites. If one site got hacked and lots the password database, user's accounts on other sites could become compromised.
To prevent this, sites had to make sure that they stored passwords correctly (salted and hashed with a slow algorithm) and apply other kinds of operational security to protected the database.
Then token based authentication came along which let applications delegate the authentication piece to an external 3rd party. This allows users to log in to multiple apps with the same username and password.
Most of these 3rd party login providers like Google, Microsoft, Facebook etc. have specialist working on these services and are therefore more likely to be secure than anything you create yourself.
So, unless you have really good reasons not to, I would recommend using a 3rd party login provider like Azure AD and possibly others.

WPF integrate Windows live authentication for Microsoft health vault

I'm just wondering if there's any way for WPF application integrated with windows live ID?
and it's actually for windows health vault []
so health vault is using windows live id or open id to login into their system.
and what i gonna do is, creating wpf application (instead of web application) for health vault, so all of the login form username pass and everything is handled inside the wpf application without showing/using any internet browser.
so since this's quite new for me, i hope if there's somebody ever did this before especially for health vault system that run on standalone wpf app.
alright, so that's it,
thank you in advance!
You need to use "offline" authentication, instead of "online" authentication.
Online authentication requires the user to login every time through a web browser. This is good for web applications, but not good for applications like your's.
Offline authentication lets your application access the user's HealthVault record any time it wants to. The user never has to login. To use this, the user must go through a one time connection process. This is done using a connect-request. After the user goes through this process, your application is given two authentication tokens: a person-id and a record-id. These are what your application uses to connect to the user's HealthVault record, so they should be saved to a database or somewhere similar.
This MSDN page should help:

SharePoint 2010 - two web applications - single sign on --> do I need claims based auth.?

We are planning to create two sharepoint web applications using SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Edition.
All Users that have access to web app 1, should also be able to access web app 2.
This authentication shall be powered by server 2003 active directory.
--> do I need to use claims based authentication?
If so --> can I use Windows Based Authentication with NTLM for that?
The only thing I really want is that users navigating from web app 1 to web app 2 (and vice versa) do not have to authenticate twice.
I do NOT want to configure Kerberos if it is not absolutely necessare though...
Can you give me any hints?
ok - I'll try to be more precise:
In our SharePoint 2010 environment, we've got two web applications running
Both are running on the same IIS and have host headers configured (with wildcard domain certificate for HTTPS).
Both apps provide a link to the other web application (sales -> humanresources and humanresources -> sales)
Now whenever someone logged in to sales navigates to humaresources, I do not want that that person needs to login again. Therefore I thought I would need claims based authentication???...
Please enlight my brain! :D
Thank you for your answers!
#Panagiotis Kanavos - yes we have Users accessing the site from outside our environment: 1) Users which have an AD accound and are working on their laptops outside of our building (e.g.: they have been all day at a customer and are working at home for the remaining hours) 2) We plan to have users without an AD Accound --> Forms Based Authentication: (e.g.: customers accessing our TFS 2010 project protals to get an overview of the project). As far as I know, if you want FBA and WIN-Auth you need to configure Claims Based Authentication...
However configuring a Web Application with Claims Based Authentication did not work. I chose "Enable Windows Authentication" together with "Integrated Windows authentication -> NTLM" as we do not have Kerberos configured (and I'd love to leave it like that ;-)).
However the Users could not login to that application sometimes, and five minutes afterwards it worked. Additionally, when I added permissions to an AD user, SharePoint seemed to save the Token instead of the Group-/Account Id:
e.g.: Instead of MyDomain\user1 it saved something like "0|=MyDomain\user1" and for groups it even only saved weird character strings "022-12.3"
Could it be the case, that my 2003 windows AD does not support that?
IF you are using Active Directory and running both sites within your domain you should not be challenged when users go to either site. It just becomes an implementation issue about who has access to what, either via AD Groups or SharePoint groups.
Claims based authentication is a bit of a different animal. You need to have a security token which contains a number of "claims" about the user, for example UserA is a member of HR and UserB is a member of Sales. Based on these claims you can then have your site/application respond correspondingly. Claims based auth is relatively new for SharePoint and Microsoft and is a bit of steeper learning curve. It may make more sense if you have a mixed mode environment, with both AD and Forms Based Users getting access. However with your described heterogeneous environment it doesn't seem like it's needed.
More info on SharePoint 2010 Authentication is available here.
The easiest solution is to create an AD group with the users of both sites and add the group as a user to the Members Sharepoint group of each site. This way users will not have to login at all since Sharepoint will detect the identity of the logged-in user automatically.
Why are you asking about login, claims, and why are you using certificates? None of this is necessary in an intranet scenario where the farm and users are in the same domain or if the farm's domain trusts the user's domain. Do you have users accessing the site from outside your domain?
