Module processed.jcommander not found, required by
I'm getting this error when trying to invoke Firefox browser. I have external jar files and gecko driver path also. I have tried adding external jar files in class path also but not able to invoke the Firefox browser.
I have added external jar files and gecko driver path. I'm expecting to invoke the Firefox browser but I'm getting this error message.
I have the backend server.js file in a folder labeled server alongside a client folder. I have express, cors, and nodemon installed as dependencies in the server folder, and performed a CRA to generate the front end.
However, I created an endpoint to return a json object to test if the server is working and it is not.
Step 1:
First, I attempted to set the "/" endpoint to return a res.send({message: "welcome to the server"}) and display it on the dom.
Cannot Get /
---In the Console of the Chrome browser I see a 404 for the path http://localhost:5000/weather although I've defined the endpoint as instructed, and in Firefox Dev Edition I see that the Content Security Policy blocked a resource http://localhost:5000/favicon
Step 2:
This lead me to attempt a HTTP response header that would include the security policy directives being violated.
Step 3:
Hereafter I learned that the diagnostics are throwing this error because servers by their nature do not serve the contents of the root directory, therefore I included a static path for the folder where that resource would be located to circumvent the cause of the 404 error. I lastly updated the file path in index.html where the /favicon.ico is being referenced and removed the %public% from its url so that it is an exact path to the public folder
Step 4:
Because the combination of configuring the Content Security Policy HTTP request header, updating the path for the server to resolve to the public client folder, and opening it in different browsers did not work. I tried one final thing that I've read from mining stack overflow: removing the devtools.JSONview.enabled from my Firefox browser. To no avail..
What could be the source of this problem? I've tried every solution ive seen so far.. is there something I've overlooked? Does Helmut really fix this issue? If so, what directive would it add that I haven't already? Please, and Thank you
Setting Response Header to include Content Security Policy with relevant directives,
Updating the file path of the favicon.ico resource and setting a static path for express to locate missing directory,
And updating browser settings in Firefox, attempted in Chrome to no avail.
I'm using robot framework with selenium for automating my web application.
I'm trying to open chrome browser and download a XML file and then parse it from the results folder ${OUTPUT_DIR}.
Every time I'm trying to download any file, chrome browser shows the windows prompt to download the file. I tried using the chrome options to disable the prompt, but it is not working. Please find the piece of code used to invoke chrome browser.
When tried using the regedit - PromptForDownloadLocation variable, it is working fine.. but I want to manage this using chromeOptions
Could you please help me with this.
ChromeDriver version : 79.0.3945.36
Robotframework - SeleniumLibrary version : 3.3.1
Create Webdriver and Open Browser
${CHROME_OPTIONS} = evaluate sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions() sys, selenium.webdriver
${prefs} = create dictionary download.prompt_for_download=${FALSE} download.directory_upgrade=${TRUE} download.default_directory=${OUTPUT_DIR} safebrowsing.enabled=${TRUE}
call method ${CHROME_OPTIONS} add_experimental_option prefs ${prefs}
create webdriver Chrome chrome_options=${CHROME_OPTIONS}
Unable to open firefox browser with specified url in selenium webdriver. Only the browser is opening without the url.
Firefox version is 47.
Selenium version is 2.53.
There are two ways to solve your problem.
1- You can downgrade your firefox by reinstalling and select Never check for updates (not recommended: security risk) in your firefox by nevigate through
Open Menu->Options->Advanced.
2- if you want to working with current version of firefox which is 47 you should try with following this
If you have any problem with this let me know...:)
I am just starting to look at the Visual Studio tools for Cordova, and the Ionic template.
Build and debugging (F5) for Android and IOS (using the ripple emulator) seems to work fine, however, I cannot get this to work for Windows. I am using VS 2015, on a Windows 8.1 machine.
For Windows (any CPU and 64 bit) I get a problem with the MSVSMON.exe, but this I will ask in a separate post.
So, I try and run as x86, and I get the following errors (local device)
SCRIPT5009: Unhandled exception at line 8, column 1 in
0x800a1391 - JavaScript runtime error: 'angular' is undefined
app.js (8,1)
HTML1300: Navigation occurred.
APPHOST9601: Can't load <>. An application can't load remote web content in the
local context.
APPHOST9601: Can't load <>. An application can't load remote web content in the local context.
SCRIPT5009: Unhandled exception at line 1, column 1 in ms-appx://io.cordova.myappe2785d518e9f4f6ea03055878dd7a400/www/js/controllers.js
0x800a1391 - JavaScript runtime error: 'angular' is undefined
controllers.js (1,1)
Anybody have any ideas why this doesn't work?
Thanks in advance
First go to
Download the latest zip (currently ionic-1.1.1) ... extract it somewhere then copy the contents of the ionic-1.1.1\release folder to the www of the project.
Then in the index.html of the project replace ionic.css and ionic.bundle.min.js with the ones from the files you copied.
The last step is to download winstore-jscompat and add a refrence to the top of index.html
That's it (u may not need all the files from the \release of the zip)
Starting index.html
index.html after
We know that for firefox , driverserver.exe is not required while it is required for chrome or IE. Please help me to understand why Firefox is default Implementation of WebDriver.
From here - :
Firefox Driver
Firefox driver is included in the selenium-server-stanalone.jar available in the downloads. The driver comes in the form of an xpi (firefox extension) which is added to the firefox profile when you start a new instance of FirefoxDriver.
Firefox is baked in the jar file. It comes as a xpi, which is the extension of firefox . As soon as you instantiate the FrefoxDriver it gets added. See this