Mongo Query to modify the existing field value with new value + array of objects - arrays

I want to update many documents based on the condition in MongoDB.
MODEL is the collection which has the document with below information.
"info": [
"field1": "String1",
"field2": "String2"
"field1": "String1",
"field2": "String_2"
"var": "x"
I need to update all the "String1" value of field1 with "STRING_NEW". I used the below query to update but not working as expected.
{ "info.field1": { $exists: true } },
{ "$set": {
"info": {
"$map": {
"input": "$info.field1",
"in": {
"$cond": [
{ "$eq": ["$$this.field1", "String1"] },
} }
Please have a look and suggest if anything is to be modified in the above query.

Solution 1
With the update with aggregation pipeline, you should iterate the object in info array and update the iterated object by merging the current object with new field1 field via $mergeObjects.
"info.field1": "String1"
"$set": {
"info": {
"$map": {
"input": "$info",
"in": {
"$cond": [
"$eq": [
$mergeObjects: [
"field1": "STRING_NEW"
Demo Solution 1 # Mongo Playground
Solution 2
Can also work with $[<identifier>] positional filtered operator and arrayFilters.
"info.field1": "String1"
"$set": {
"info.$[info].field1": "STRING_NEW"
arrayFilters: [
"info.field1": "String1"
Demo Solution 2 # Mongo Playground


Nested Query on Array in MongoDB collection

I have below User collection and I want find/update query to update nested array elements.
Roles :{
0000-0000-0011: //EngagementId
["0000-0000-0111", "0000-0000-0112", "0000-0000-3333"],//RoleId
"0000-0000-0012" :
["0000-0000-0121", "0000-0000-0112"]
Roles :{
"0000-0000-0021" : [ "0000-0000-0222", "0000-0000-0112"],
"0000-0000-0022" : [ "0000-0000-0121", "0000-0000-0112"],
"0000-0000-0022" : [ "0000-0000-0121", "0000-0000-0112", "0000-0000-3333"]
Requirement: I want to pull RoleId 0000-0000-3333 if the array have combination of 0000-0000-3333 and 0000-0000-0112
Below is expected result :
Roles :{
"0000-0000-0011" : ["0000-0000-0111", "0000-0000-0112"],
"0000-0000-0012" : ["0000-0000-0121", "0000-0000-0112"]
Roles :{
"0000-0000-0021" : [ "0000-0000-0222", "0000-0000-0112"],
"0000-0000-0022" : [ "0000-0000-0121", "0000-0000-0112"],
"0000-0000-0022" : [ "0000-0000-0121", "0000-0000-0112"]
Note : Find/update will work on Key:value or if it is nested then key.key:value, but in above example we have key.value.[values]:$pull(value) and that's the challaenge.
The data model necessitates a complicated update with a pipeline.
Here' one way to do it.
"Roles": {"$exists": true}
"$set": {
"Roles": {
"$arrayToObject": {
"$map": {
"input": {"$objectToArray": "$Roles"},
"as": "roleKV",
"in": {
"k": "$$roleKV.k",
"v": {
"$cond": [
"$and": [
{"$in": ["0000-0000-0112", "$$roleKV.v"]},
{"$in": ["0000-0000-3333", "$$roleKV.v"]}
"$filter": {
"input": "$$roleKV.v",
"cond": {"$ne": ["$$this", "0000-0000-3333"]}
{"multi": true}
Try it on

MongoDB Remove Empty Object from Array after aggregate function

The output of the function gives output:
[{}, {"abc": "zyx"}, {}, "opk": "tyr"]
Actual output desired :
[{"abc": "zyx"}, "opk": "tyr"]
Firstly, your output is not a valid array. It should be like this:
[{}, {"abc": "zyx"}, {}, {"opk": "tyr"}]
Now, to obtain your desired output, you can add the following $match stage, to
your pipeline:
"$match": {
$expr: {
"$gt": [
"$size": {
"$objectToArray": "$$ROOT"
Here, we are converting the document to an array using $objectToArray, and then we check whether the size of that array is greater than 0. Only those documents are kept in the output.
Playground link.
What if you data looks like this.
"arr": [
"abc": "zyx"
"opk": "tyr"
The aggregation be like this to remove empty objects
"$unwind": {
"path": "$arr",
"$match": {
arr: {
"$ne": {}
"$group": {
_id: "$_id",
arr: {
$push: "$arr"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"arr": [
"abc": "zyx"
"opk": "tyr"

MongoDB query to return docs based on an array size after filtering array of JSON objects?

I have MongoDB documents structured in this way:
"id": "car_1",
"arrayProperty": [
"model": "sedan",
"turbo": "nil"
"model": "sedan",
"turbo": "60cc"
"id": "car_2",
"arrayProperty": [
"model": "coupe",
"turbo": "50cc"
"model": "coupe",
"turbo": "60cc"
I want to be able to make a find query that translates into basic English as "Ignoring all models that have 'nil' value for 'turbo', return all documents with arrayProperty of length X." That is to say, the "arrayProperty" of car 1 would be interpreted as having a size of 1, while the array of car 2 would have a size of 2. The goal is to be able to make a query for all cars with arrayProperty size of 2 and only see car 2 returned in the results.
Without ignoring the nil values, the query is very simple as:
{ arrayProperty: { $size: 2} }
And this would return both cars 1 and 2. Moreover, if our array was just a simple array such as:
Then our query is simply:
arrayProperty: {
$size: X,
$ne: "nil"
However, when we introduce an array of JSON objects, things get tricky. I have tried numerous things to no avail including:
"arrayProperty": {
$size: 2,
$ne: {"turbo": "nil"}
"arrayProperty": {
$size: 2,
$ne: ["arrayProperty.turbo": "nil"]
Even without the $size operator in there, I can't seem to filter by the nil value. Does anyone know how I would properly do this in those last two queries?
use $and in $match
$match: {
"$and": [
arrayProperty: {
$size: 2
"arrayProperty.turbo": {
$ne: "nil"
use $set first
"$set": {
"arrayProperty": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$arrayProperty",
"as": "a",
"cond": {
$ne: [
$match: {
arrayProperty: {
$size: 1
set a new field of size
"$set": {
"size": {
$size: {
"$filter": {
"input": "$arrayProperty",
"as": "a",
"cond": {
$ne: [
$match: {
size: 1

Simple calculation on array of arrays

I am having the following collection:
"price" : [
"surface" : [
I would want to calculate the price/m2. I have tried the following but got the following error: "$divide only supports numeric types, not array and array".
{ $project: { url: 1, pricePerSquareMeter: { $divide: [ "$price", "$surfaces" ] } } }
Would you know how to solve this? Ultimately would want to have an array like this:
"price" : [
"surface" : [
"pricePerSquareMeter" : [
Important: The price and surface should also be ordered so that the calculation is valid.
You can use below aggregation
{ "$addFields": {
"pricePerSquareMeter": {
"$map": {
"input": { "$range": [0, { "$size": "$price" }] },
"in": {
"$divide": [
{ "$arrayElemAt": ["$price", "$$this"] },
{ "$arrayElemAt": ["$surface", "$$this"] }
You can use below aggregation
{ $addFields: {
pricePerSquareMeter: {
$map: {
input: '$price',
as: 'item',
in: {
$divide: [
{ $arrayElemAt: [
{ "$indexOfArray": ["$price", "$$item"] }

Avoid empty array elements in mongo db

How to avoid empty array while filtering results while querying a collection in MongoDb
"_id": ObjectId("5d429786bd7b5f4ae4a64790"),
"extensions": {
"outcome": "success",
"docType": "ABC",
"Roll No": "1"
"data": [
"Page1": [
"heading": "LIST",
"content": [
"text": "<b>12345</b>"
"highlights": [
"name": "ABCD",
"text": "EFGH",
"marks": [
"revision": "revision 1",
"Score": [
"maths": "100",
"science": "40",
"history": "90"
"lab1": "25",
"lab2": "25"
"Result": "Pass"
"revision": "revision 1",
"Score": [
"maths": "100",
"science": "40"
"lab1": "25",
"lab2": "25"
"Result": "Pass"
I am looking for results that has only "history" marks in the score array.
I tried the following query (in mongo 3.6.10) but it returns empty score array as well the array that has history as well
"data.marks.score.history": {
$not: {
$type: 10
$exists: true
"extensions.rollNo": 1,
"data.marks.score.history": 1
Desired output is
"extensions": {
"rollNo": "1"
"data": [
"marks": [
"Score": [
"history": "90"
I used something like the following;
$unwind: "$data"
$unwind: "$data.marks"
$unwind: "$data.marks.Score"
$match: {
"data.marks.Score.history": {
$exists: true,
$not: {
$type: 10
$project: {
"extensions.Roll No": 1,
"data.marks.Score.history": 1
$group: {
_id: "$extensions.Roll No",
history_grades: {
$push: "$data.marks.Score.history"
where I got the following result with your input (I think more readable than your expected output);
"_id": "1",
"history_grades": [
where _id represents "extensions.Roll No" value for any given data set.
What do you think?
check with a bigger input on mongoplayground
OK, so I still think the data design here with the Score array is a little off but here is solution that will ensure that a Score array contains only 1 entry and that entry is for a key of history. We use dotpath array diving as a trick to get to the value of history.
c =[
{$unwind: "$data"}
,{$unwind: "$data.marks"}
,{$project: {
result: {$cond: [
{$and: [ // if
{$eq: [1, {$size: "$data.marks.Score"}]}, // Only 1 item...
// A little trick! $data.marks.Score.history will resolve to an *array*
// of the values associated with each object in $data.marks.Score (the parent
// array) having a key of history. BUT: As it resolves, if there is no
// field for that key, nothing is added to resolution vector -- not even a null.
// This means the resolved array could
// be **shorter** than the input. FOr example:
// >{"x":[ {b:2}, {a:3,b:4}, {b:7}, {a:99} ]});
// WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
// >[ {$project: {z: "$x.b", n: {$size: "$x.b"}} } ]);
// { "z" : [ 2, 4, 7 ], "n" : 3 }
// >[ {$project: {z: "$x.a", n: {$size: "$x.a"}} } ]);
// { "z" : [ 3, 99 ], "n" : 2 }
// You must be careful about this.
// But we also know this resolved vector is of size 1 (see above) so we can go ahead and grab
// the 0th item and that becomes our output.
// Note that if we did not have the requirement of ONLY history, then we would not
// need the fancy $cond thing.
{$arrayElemAt: ["$data.marks.Score.history",0]}
{$arrayElemAt: ["$data.marks.Score.history",0]}, // then (use value of history)
null ] } // else set null
,extensions: "$extensions" // just carry over extensions
,{$match: {"result": {$ne: null} }} // only take good ones.
