How to execute a Revit IExternalCommand from a WPF button? - wpf

I am in need of help.
I have created a dockable WPF within Revit.
It is working well and I can 'show' & ;hide' from push buttons.
My aim is to create buttons within the WPF that run custom commands.I dont need to interact or show any information within the WPF, its purely just acting as a push button but in the WPF instead of a ribbon.
The commands currently work and can be executed via the Add-In Manager.
Below is the command I am trying to run:
using Autodesk.Revit.Attributes;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB;
using Autodesk.Revit.UI;
using Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Adams.Commands
public class PrecastDisallowJoin : IExternalCommand
public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
var uiApplication = commandData.Application;
var application = uiApplication.Application;
var uiDocument = uiApplication.ActiveUIDocument;
var document = uiDocument.Document;
// Prompt the user to select some walls
var references = uiDocument.Selection
new WallSelectionFilter(),
"Please select walls");
var components = references.Select(r => document.GetElement(r)).ToList();
// Start a transaction
using (Transaction t = new Transaction(document, "Change Wall Join Behavior"))
// Loop through the selected walls and change their join behavior
foreach (Reference reference in references)
Wall wall = document.GetElement(reference) as Wall;
WallUtils.DisallowWallJoinAtEnd(wall, 0);
WallUtils.DisallowWallJoinAtEnd(wall, 1);
// Commit the transaction
return Result.Succeeded;
public class WallSelectionFilter : ISelectionFilter
public bool AllowElement(Element elem)
//return elem is FamilyInstance;
return elem.Name.Contains("Precast");
public bool AllowReference(Reference reference, XYZ position)
return true;
My XAML.cs looks like this:
using Autodesk.Revit.UI;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using Adams.Commands;
using System.Windows;
namespace Adams.ui
public partial class Customers : UserControl
public UIDocument uIDocument { get; }
public ExternalCommandData commandData { get; }
public Customers(UIDocument uIDocument )
private void btnStartExcelElementsApp_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string message = string.Empty;
PrecastDisallowJoin precastDisallow = new PrecastDisallowJoin();
precastDisallow.Execute(commandData, ref message, null);
Any ideas of what i should be trying?
I'm new to creating add-ins and appreciate any help offered.
If I have missed any critical info please let me know.
Thank you all
When I tried the above it crashes Revit.
Im not sure how to pass the required information in the Execute method in the XAML.

The Revit dockable dialogue and hence your WPF form lives in a modeless context. It does not execute within a valid Revit API context. A valid Revit API context is only provided by Revit itself, within the event handlers called by Revit when specific events are raised. For instance, clicking a button to launch an add-in external command raises the IExternalCommand.Execute event.
The Building Coder shares a long list of articles on Idling and External Events for Modeless Access and Driving Revit from Outside
explaining how to gain access to a valid Revit API context from a modeless state.
You can address your task by using an external event:
Idling Enhancements and External Events
External Command Lister and Adding Ribbon Commands
External Event and 10 Year Forum Anniversary
Implementing the TrackChangesCloud External Event
Vipassana and Idling versus External Events
The question has also been discussed many times in the Revit API discussion forum, so you can check there for threads including WPF, dockable and external event.

You can use IExternalEventHandler:
public class MyExternalEvent : IExternalEventHandler
public void Execute(UIApplication app)
//do your revit related stuff here
public string GetName()
return "xxx";
Create external event:
ExternalEvent myExEvent= ExternalEvent.Create(new MyExternalEvent());
In order to effectively use the above you will have to hold reference to "myExEvent" in some ViewModelClass then you will be able to raise this event inside your xaml.cs:
ViewModelClass.TheEvent = myExEvent;
EDIT: What you were trying to do is unfortunately not acceptable with revit API. WPF window displayed as dockpanel does not have access to valid revit api context. IExternalEventHandler gives you the possibility to somehow link dockpanel user interface with revit api.


Using WPF Extended Toolkit MessageBox from other threads and curious behavior

I am having trouble using the WPF Extended Toolkit (version MessageBox from other threads. The namespace is: Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox
I replaced my regular MessageBoxs (System.Windows.MessageBox) with the Toolkit MessageBox and get errors when I launch one from another thread. The System.Windows.MessageBox has no such problems. I saw this posting that reports the problem, but there seems to be no follow up:
I'm guessing there is a work around. An example is presented there that shows the problem, but here is my simple example:
First, I wrap the Toolkit.MessageBox. I do this primarily because I'm applying style (although I've commented that out to show that's not the problem)
public class CustomMessageBox
//static DummyUserControl1 _ctrl = new DummyUserControl1();
public static MessageBoxResult Show(string msgText, Style styleArg = null)
Cursor saveCursor = Mouse.OverrideCursor;
Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;
//Style style = styleArg != null ? styleArg : _ctrl.FindResource("MessageBoxStyle1") as Style;
// MessageBoxResult result = Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox.Show(msgText, "", MessageBoxButton.OK, style);
MessageBoxResult result = Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox.Show(msgText, "", MessageBoxButton.OK);
Mouse.OverrideCursor = saveCursor;
return result;
The main window just has two buttons on it, and here's the code behind:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void btnMainThreadMsgBox_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
CustomMessageBox.Show("Hello on main thread");
private void btnAltThreadMsgBox_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Thread altThread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(AltThread1Proc));
altThread1.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;
altThread1.IsBackground = true;
public void AltThread1Proc()
MessageBox.Show("Hello on Alt Thread");
CustomMessageBox.Show("Hello on alt thread");
The problems occur in AltThreadProc() with CustomMessageBox.Show(...). The curious behavior I referred to is this: If you hit the main thead button and then the Alt thread button, you get the error:
Cannot access Freezable 'System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush' across threads because it cannot be frozen.
However, if you skip the main thread button and just hit the Alt thread button, you get the error:
The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.
I'm curious what the "Freezable" error is all about and why you can get different errors based on what would seem to be an innocuous event: clicking/not clicking button that produces message box on main thread.
Ideally, it would be nice to just replace System.Windows.MessageBox with Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox, but if there is some sort of extra code to write, that might be acceptable. The documentation, and the link I provided hints at using a WindowContainer, but I can't really see any examples of how you do that. I was attracted to the Toolkit MessageBox as it allows one to do some cool stuff with MessageBox (which I don't show here) such as apply styles, change the text of the OK, CANCEL button, etc.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Extra info:
User1341210 suggestion works well if you just have one window. However, if you have a second window in it's own thread it doesn't work so well. Perhaps someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. I use the suggestion of the TaskScheduler, but the code throws an exception if the TaskScheduler used is the one of the second window. That is, all works fine if I use the TaskScheduler of the first window, but throws an exception if I use the TaskScheduler of the second window. Here is the code behind for my second window:
public partial class AltThreadWindow : Window
private TaskScheduler _ui;
public AltThreadWindow()
_ui = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
// This constructor is for passing in the TaskScheduler of the mainwindow and works great
public AltThreadWindow(TaskScheduler scheduler)
_ui = scheduler;
private void btnWindowsMsgBox_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Standard Windows message box");
private void btnCustomMsgBox_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
MessageBoxResult result;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { result = CustomMessageBox.Show("Custom MessageBox on separate window"); }, CancellationToken.None,
Notice the two constructors. The default one assigns the TaskScheduler of the second window. The other constructor allows one to pas in the TaskScheduler of the main Window.
Here's the code I use to launch the second window from the main window. Again, I'm launching the second window on another thread, and I pass in the TaskScheduler of the main window. It would be nice to use the TaskScheduler of the second window instead.
_altWindowThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(AltWinThreadProc));
_altWindowThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;
_altWindowThread.IsBackground = true;
And the actual threadproc:
[EnvironmentPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
public void AltWinThreadProc()
// Create our context, and install it:
new DispatcherSynchronizationContext(
_altWindow = new AltThreadWindow(_ui);
Notice here I pass in the TaskScheduler of the MainWindow.
we had the same issue in our application (I created the work item on codeplex).
The error messages are quite confusing and I cant provide you an answer to that.
We didn't used a separated WindowContainer to solve it. Instead came up with calling the separate task/thread with the UI scheduler:
() => { result = CustomMessageBox.Show(messageText); },
Where _ui is assigned in a method that is executed from UI context (e.g. Constructor of your Window/Control:
_ui = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
Hope this helps for solving the "replace System.Windows.MessageBox with Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox" part of your question.
If you want that the messagebox shows up on another Window you have to set the "Owner" property of the message box to the other window.
Best regards.

Launching a CustomAction UI written with WPF from a WIX installer: Fail on STAThread issue

My WIX installer launches an immediate custom action.
The custom action starts a WPF dialog prompting the user for a BD connection parameters (I basically wrote the 'new connection' DB prompter dialog in WPF, to get me a connection string that the custom action can inject in the installed application's configuration file).
The WIX code is fairly simple to figure out, and I know I execute the custom action just fine - I put there a MessageBox and a MmsiBreak on the call to my custom action method. I get there without a problem.
When the custom action instantiates my WPF dialog window, I get an InvaliOperationException: "The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this".
The same code runs fine when I put it in a standard WPF application, because VisualStudio generates boiler plate code with Main() that has a STAThreadAttribute on it.
I can't tack that attribute on the msiexec caller, and if I try to set the thread apartment state in my custom action, it fails:
Is not supposed to work for framework past 2.0.
Is there any way to do what I'm trying to do here? I'd appreciate some pointers.
I even tried to run the dialog in its own thread, e.g. the code is like this:
// Static class members
static ManualResetEvent _done = new ManualResetEvent(false);
static ActionResult _caResult;
static Session _session;
static Thread _worker;
static public ActionResult PromptForDB(Session session)
_session = session;
_worker = new Thread(WorkerThread);
return _caResult;
static void WorkerThread()
Prompter wnd = new Prompter();
if (!(bool)wnd.ShowDialog())
_caResult = ActionResult.SkipRemainingActions;
// Harvest our properties (omitted from this post)
_caResult = ActionResult.Success;
catch (Exception ex)
_caResult = ActionResult.Failure;
_session.Log("Error: " + ex.Message);
That does not work either.
Before starting your new thread, set its ApartmentState as follows:
See this:
The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this in WPF

How do oob silverlight application communicate through windows

If I have two windows in an oob application how do I communicate between them?
This is the new feature of silverlight 5 that allows for multiple windows.
They run in a common application. Hence they share the same static data. The scope of communication choices are therefore very large. Here is an example:-
public class MessageEventArgs : EventArgs
public MessageEventArgs(object payload)
Payload = payload;
public object Payload {get; private set; }
public class Messenger
private static readonly Messenger _current = new Messenger();
public static Messenger Current { get { return _current; } }
public event EventHandler<MessageEventArgs> MessageReceived;
public void Send(object payload)
if (MessageReceived != null)
MessageReceived(this, new MessageEventArgs(payload));
All windows can attach a handler to Messenger.Current.MessageReceived (just be sure to detach when the window closes) and any window can call Messenger.Current.Send.
Ok so you wouldn't actually use this code its a bit rubbish, the point is Windows in SL5 are not isolated. You can create whatever internal application communication mechanism you need.
Option 1: MVVM Pattern
Both windows share a reference to the same view-model. Changes made by one are seen by both.
Option 2: Normal references
Window A can how a refernce to Windows B when it creates it.
Option 3: Message Passing
You can have a global event that you subscribe to in the Load event. (Make sure you unsubscribe in the Unload event or you will leak memory!) Windows can post messages to that event which the other windows listen for.

How to invoke on the UI thread of a WinForm Component?

I'm coding a WinForm component where I start a Task to do the actual processing and trap the exception on a continuation. From there I want to show the exception message on a UI element.
Task myTask = Task.Factory.StartNew (() => SomeMethod(someArgs));
myTask.ContinueWith (antecedant => uiTextBox.Text = antecedant.Exception.Message,
Now I get a cross-thread exception because the task is trying to update a UI element from a, obviously, non UI thread.
However, there is no Invoke or BeginInvoke defined in the Component class.
How to proceed from here?
Also, please note that Invoke/BeginInvoke/InvokeRequired are not available from my Component-derived class since Component doesn't provide them.
You could just add a property to your component, allows the client to set a form reference that you can use to call its BeginInvoke() method.
That can be done automatically as well, preferable so nobody can forget. It requires a bit of design time magic that's fairly impenetrable. I didn't come up with this by myself, I got it from the ErrorProvider component. Trusted source and all that. Paste this into your component source code:
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
public Form ParentForm { get; set; }
public override ISite Site {
set {
// Runs at design time, ensures designer initializes ParentForm
base.Site = value;
if (value != null) {
IDesignerHost service = value.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
if (service != null) this.ParentForm = service.RootComponent as Form;
The designer automatically sets the ParentForm property when the user drops your component on a form. Use ParentForm.BeginInvoke().
You can use delegates to do this.
delegate void UpdateStatusDelegate (string value);
void UpdateStatus(string value)
if (InvokeRequired)
// We're not in the UI thread, so we need to call BeginInvoke
BeginInvoke(new UpdateStatusDelegate(UpdateStatus), new object[]{value});
// Must be on the UI thread if we've got this far
statusIndicator.Text = value;

wpf detect open window

In my WPF app (csharp) I have an event handler that when triggered will open a new window (window B) of the application and display some data. However, when the event is triggered again, if the new window (window B) is still open, I don't want to spawn another instance of window B but just update the data being displayed in the current instance. So the question is: How to detect if window B is already and only open if it is not already, otherwise just update the data?
I found the Application.Current.Window collection but somehow that isn't working for me yet. Ideas?
You could create a LoadWindow() method in WindowB that you can call to load (or refresh) the data & that will work regardless of if the window is already open or not. Have it take a delegate to call when this window gets closed:
private Action ParentCallbackOnClose;
public void LoadWindow( Action parentCallbackOnClose ) {
// load the data (set the DataContext or whatever)
ParentCallbackOnClose = parentCallbackOnClose;
// Open the window and activate/bring to the foreground
Show( );
Activate( );
and have your window closed event call the close delegate:
private void WindowClosed( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
ParentCallbackOnClose.Invoke( );
Now, from your class that opens Window B, have it hold onto that instance it opens, so that if WindowB is already open when someone tries to reload it, it just calls LoadWindow on the existing instance. Something like...
private WindowB WinB;
private void LoadWindowB(Content content)
if (WinB == null ){
WinB = new WindowB( );
WinB.LoadWindow(content, WindowBClosed);
And then you can just have it null out WinB on that close callback so if WinB is closed, then the next time LoadWindowB() is called it will create a new instance of it:
private void WindowBClosed( ){
WinB = null;
Since this is the first link Google listed, which posted several years ago, for a solution to check if a Window is already open, I'll post my answer, for others, which I find easier to implement. The ChildWindow is only called from MainWindow so no other Window will need to do any checks.
private void OpenChildWindow()
if (this.OwnedWindows.OfType<ChildWindow>().Count() > 0)
ChildWindow Win = this.OwnedWindows.OfType<ChildWindow>().First();
ChildWindow Win = new ChildWindow();
Win.Owner = this;
There is an old school way to do this using an interface. I see this in Java a lot as a way to compensate for not having delegates (correct me if I am wrong). This method will allow you to check if there is a window already open (of any kind). The original response works very well, but you can also do it the following way:
Create the interface
public interface IWindowTracker
void WindowIsOpened();
void WindowIsClosed();
Implement the interface on the parent (from where you are opening):
public partial class MainWindow : Window, IWindowTracker
In your constructor, accept an object that is of the IwindowTracker interface. Save the instance for future use
IWindowTracker windowTracker;
public ProjectManager(IWindowTracker parentWindowTracker)
windowTracker = parentWindowTracker;
Setup the calls to the window tracker object
protected override void OnActivated(EventArgs e)
protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e)
and finally implement the IWindowTracker in your parent WPF window
bool windowIsOpen = false;
public void WindowIsOpened()
windowIsOpen = true;
public void WindowIsClosed()
windowIsOpen = false;
This will allow you to keep track of if the window is still open and if it is, there is no need to open a new instance of it:
if (!windowIsOpen)
remoteProjectManager = new ProjectManager(this);
Calling show() on a closed window seems to throw an exception, so my guess is that there is some other way or that if you have closed the window, the window is technically "destroyed"
The nice thing to this is that I can detect if the window is still open and focus on it (so that it comes to the front again).
NOTE: There is a draw back to this, in that in this setup it limits you to opening only one window at a time (assuming that all your windows are implemented like this). In my case, I only ever want to have one window open besides the main window.
You might also want to check if your window is null or not, considering that it probably isn't the only window you will have to open.
edit: oops, my answer is specific to Windows Forms. i just now saw the WPF mention. i'm not sure what the specific code would be for WPF, but i would imagine that it's not all that different conceptually. I think in WPF the property is called IsVisible instead of Visible
You could hold on to the instance of your window (or make it a Singleton) and then when you need to determine if it is visible or not, check it's Visible property.
for example:
This article it the best I found for passing data between WPF pages. The author used KISS approach to provide a simple solution.
