Docker not running on - apache-camel

I ran
docker run -p 61616:61616 -p 8161:8161 rmohr/activemq
and the output shows
Docker docs are viewable at:
However when I go to this address I get an error
This site can’t be reached
The web page at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

http://localhost:8161/ or worked for me.
With docker-machine, you can get the IP of the VM from the command
docker-machine ip output.


Node.js application wont start on my public IP

I'm SSHing into a linux shell for a school project. Right now, we're trying to set up a react app for a web frontend. We were able to run the app on localhost easily enough, and all of the functionality seems to be good, but I can't figure out how to get this hosted on the public IP of the computer. We've been using yarn to do all of this, though i've tried other things, so here's some cli output.
path/to/thing# yarn start
yarn run v1.22.5
$ react-scripts start
Attempting to bind to HOST environment variable: public.facing.ip.address //This is a website name
If this was unintentional, check that you haven't mistakenly set it in your shell.
Learn more here: //There was a link here but SO formatting wouln't let me keep it.
Could not find an open port at public.facing.ip.address.
Network error message: listen EADDRNOTAVAIL: address not available public.facing.ip.address //numeric
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
When I run hostname -I, public.facing.ip.address does not appear at all. So that seems like the obvious issue. The catch here is that we are also running jenkins on a separate port of public.facing.ip.address from this same computer. That was much easier to set up, it just came as something I could start as a service using 'systemctl start jenkins' and up it went onto the public facing IP. I set all that up and I can access it just fine, etc. The best I can do with this is modify the HOST variable either in the terminal or the .env file, then yarn starts a development server on localhost (which I can't access since I'm on a different network SSHing into this computer)
How do I make yarn host our webapp on the public facing IP?
open your router page, there should be dmz host option somewhere, point it to your local ip address
My networking inexperience was the culprit. Instead of using, the solution was to use HOST=

Project inside webapp tomcat8 does not run in webpage

I am trying to run my application using tomcat8 inside the Apache2 virtual machine, using MacOS.
The IP address is:
and this the view when I run the link on the browser:
I have installed tomcat8 inside this apache2 VM using: apt-get install tomcat8 by following this instruction:
When I run this address the result is the same, it just shows this same picture . It does not show the tomcat home page.
I have tried to run this: ./ and inside the terminal and it started.
But when I run the linked address the result is same, it shows apache home page.
I tried to put my project inside /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps and then tried to run:
But the result like below:
Any idea how can I run my project (that I put on the webapps folder) on the web browser?
Apache2 is usually use for PHP project. Tomcat is usually for java project. There are some possibility why you can not run tomcat on the web browser. One of the reason is you have not install tomcat8 properly. Even you have install it, you should check it really work or not. If it work on the VM, maybe the problem when you set the port for tomcat in server.xml.
To check server.xml, try : sudo nano /etc/tomcat8/server.xml, and find <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1 ... line.
And try to change the port 8080 to another port e.g: 8081. Why? to prevent tomcat8 server running with same port with another server such as apache2.
After that try the step on this link: it should work.

Docker and Chromium net::ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED

I have an AngularJS application that does an ajax call but it results in a chromium error:
I tried to disable any adapters that I don't need. I have multiple ones and multiple dockers containers running.
I disabled ipv6 on each adapter. I don't use any proxy and use default Chromium browser without any addon nor browser profile.
Disabled Wifi interface, only using ethernet.
Any idea how to fix this?
I was constantly getting ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED.
This is what finally worked for my current browsers:
Chromium, Opera and FlashPeak Slimjet.
sudo service docker stop
The following actions did not solve my issue:
Checked modem, router, and cables to isolate the issue.
Disabled IPv6 from my wired Network
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
After I stopped Docker, I am not getting any more console errors.
I hope this can help someone saving hours of annoying troubleshooting.
sudo service docker stop
But this is not a solution because I need docker in my daily work.
So I found out that docker networks cause this problem
docker network prune helped me
Or try to delete one by one except of none, bridge, host
Based on the original answers, I want to go into more detail what fixed it in my case.
Stopping the docker service sudo service docker stop in my case fixed the issue.
The underlying issue one of my docker-compose setups having restart=always.
Unfortunatly I had a bug causing a container to terminate and restart. This restart caused the network change.
It is determinable by running docker ps and noticing the container restarted.
I fixed the problem and ran docker-compose down for my docker compose setup. Both actions would fix it independently.
Furthermore a Bugreport for chromium exists regarding this issue, but it has the state wontfix.

Jenkins Artifactory plug-in: Error occurred while requesting version information: Connection refused

I get the error "Error occurred while requesting version information: Connection refused" when I test the connection in Jenkins configuration for Artifactory plug-in. I have tried it with Anonymous access enabled in Artifactory, with Anonymous access disabled, and tried all three options (Supported, Unsupported, Required) for Password Encryption in Artifactory. I have Default Deployer Credentials in my Jenkins Artifactory configuration, and I have tested the connection with 'Use Different Resolver Credentials' and without. I consistently get this error.
Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated
I also ran in a similar problem yesterday.
I was running jenkins and artifactory in two different docker containers on my local. I had exposed port 8086 for artifactory and could access it using http://localhost:8086/artifactory in my browser. But giving the same url for artifactory in jenkins produced the above reported error in question.
For some unknown reasons, jenkins artifactory plugin couldn't resolve http://localhost:8086/artifactory even though the docker mappings was correct and it was possible to connect to artifactory web based console with the same URL.
Replacing "localhost" with docker container IP did the trick.
Name of my container in which artifactory was running was docker-plgr_artifactory_1
Admins-MacBook-Pro-2:~ prakash.tiwari$ docker exec -it docker-plgr_artifactory_1 cat /etc/hosts localhost
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters 08038bc9449b
The IP of container was So I replaced http://localhost:8086/artifactory with and jenkins was now able to connect to artifactory. (8081 is the port in docker container at which artifactory was running. You'd have given it at the time of running the container. Alternatively, you can find it by running docker ps and checking the value under PORTS field.)
Note: I know this solution doesn't explain the cause and why it works, but I hope it at least helps some people and saves their time.
I see that you asked this question a while ago. I just had to deal with a very similar situation. I had loaded the root and intermediate certificates into the cacerts files found under the 4 version of Java on the build server. The problem was that Jenkins uses it's own cacerts file found in the Jenkins install folder. Once I loaded the certs there I was able to test the connection to artifactory and upload the build artifacts. I hope this helps

Managed VM Deployment hangs on "Copying certificates for secure access..."

I'm running the following command to deploy my Managed VMs app (on Windows 10):
gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml --project=<PROJECT> --promote
The deployment starts bug hangs on the following line:
Copying certificates for secure access. You may be prompted to create an SSH keypair.
And after some time I get the error:
ERROR: ( Unable to copy certificates.
I've already:
Made sure that there are SSH keys in ~\.ssh\google_compute_engine
Tried to run with --quiet - same results
Renamed ssh-term.exe to ssh.exe - same results
Run the command as an administrator.
Run the command with --verbosity debug, which prints the following line multiple times: DEBUG: File [f] does not exist locally.
Any help will be much appreciated!
Found the cause! It was the project's firewall that blocked SSH by default. Fixed that and it worked.
Glad you fixed it, I had the same problem and will use your fix. I did happen accros a work around. By using the Container Build API to perform the build.
enter the command
gcloud config set app/use_cloud_build true
Before you
gcloud preview app deploy
