Data consumption while transmitting data to a cloud - database

considering that the car will connect to the database, how much data will be consumed each time to send to or receive from the could?
It depends on the protocol (HTTP, MQTT, ...), the average message size, the number of recorded properties, and the update rate. To be more specific, for example, consider the case that a car connects through MQTT protocol with 1000 B for its message size for each property (there could be numerous properties recorded in a connected car) where three times per minute a transaction between the car and the could happen.
Are there any relevant details for ObjectBox? where can I find them? is there any estimation about the data consumption?
I went through the details but could not find any table of properties or the protocol and message size.


How to organize a complex Apache Flink application?

We use flink to generate events from some IoT sensors. each sensor can be used to generate different kinds of events ( like temp, humidity, etc ). One to many ratio (sensor -> enabled events).
Mapping between sensors and enabled events stored in relation database
In order to enrich sensors data, we gonna connect sensors datastream and table API. Just adding metadata with a list of enabled events.
So, if some specific sensor-123 has enabled events only TEMP and PRESSURE, how to send sensor data only to these two defined process functions?
something like the following comes to mind:
val enriched: DataStream[EnrichedSensorData] = ...
val temp = enriched.filter(x => isTempEnabled(x)).process(....)
val humd = enriched.filter(x => isHumdEnabled(x)).process(....)
val press = enriched.filter(x => isPressEnabled(x)).process(....)
how effective is it? how best to do in terms of flink best practices?
as I understand it, in my case I multiply the data stream several times, even though I then filter the result
What is the best way to do the data enrichment process in my case?
connect sensor data stream with table stream ( via flink-cdc-connector) + use state in enrichment process function to cache mapping sensorId -> List(enabledEvents)?
Use side outputs from the enrichment function to generate the three streams of events. If you have a performance issue that seems related to replicating the data, you could try pipelining it (have the TEMP, HUMIDITY and PRESSURE functions inline, and just forward any record that isn't appropriate to process).
If you have millions of sensors, each with metadata, then use a JDBC source, and do a (stateful) join with the sensor data. You'd have to handle the case of getting a sensor data record before the corresponding metadata record, in which case you'd want to store it in state, and then generate the result (and clear state) when the metadata record arrives.

Improving Flink broadcast performance

I've a pipeline where I'm applying transformation rules(from broadcast state) on a stream of events; when I run broadcast stream and original stream in parallel without connecting, stream performance is really good, but the moment I do broadcast performance goes down drastically. How can I achieve better performance. Data passed between operators are in byte[] and data footprint is small as well.
I've attached snapshots of both scenarios:
Top row shows stream consuming events from Kafka and bottom row
shows rules consumed from another topic. With this setup I could
achieve throughput of upto ~20K msg/sec per task manager  processing
12Gb of data in 4mins
2. I've connected the broadcast stream with the data stream for
processing in future . Note that only to measure performance of
broadcast I've made sure no records are consumed in the data
stream(top row). At the processing side of the broadcast state, i'm
only store received messages to MapState. With this setup I can get
throughput of upto ~1000 msg/sec per task manager processing 12Gb of
data in 18mins.
You've done more than simply connect the broadcast and keyed streams. Before, each event went through just one network shuffle (the rebalance, hash, and broadcast connections), and now there are four or five shuffles for each event.
Every shuffle is expensive. Try to reduce the number of times you change parallelism or use keyBy.

Pubsub pull at a steady rate?

Is there a way to enforce a steady poll rate using the google-cloud-pubsub client?. I want to avoid scenarios where if there is spike in the publish rate, the pull request rate also tend to increase.
The client provides FlowControl settings, by setting the maxOutstanding messages. From my understanding, it sets the max batch size during a pull operation.
I want to understand how to create a constant pull rate, say 1000 RPS.
Message Flow Control can be used to set the maximum number of messages being processed at a given time (i.e., setting max_messages in the case of the python client), which indirectly sets the maximum rate at which messages are received.
While it doesn’t allow you to directly set the exact number of messages received per second (that would depend on the time it takes to process a message and the number of messages being processed), it should avoid scenarios where you get a spike in publish rate.
If you really need to set a rate in messages received per second, AFAIK it’s not made available directly on the client libraries, so you’d have to implement it yourself using an asynchronous pull and using some timers to acknowledge the messages at your desired rate.

How to decide Kafka Cluster size

I am planning to decide on how many nodes should be present on Kafka Cluster. I am not sure about the parameters to take into consideration. I am sure it has to be >=3 (with replication factor of 2 and failure tolerance of 1 node).
Can someone tell me what parameters should be kept in mind while deciding the cluster size and how they effect the size.
I know of following factors but don't know how it quantitatively effects the cluster size. I know how it qualitatively effect the cluster size. Is there any other parameter which effects cluster size?
1. Replication factor (cluster size >= replication factor)
2. Node failure tolerance. (cluster size >= node-failure + 1)
What should be cluster size for following scenario while consideration of all the parameters
1. There are 3 topics.
2. Each topic has messages of different size. Message size range is 10 to 500kb. Average message size being 50kb.
3. Each topic has different partitions. Partitions are 10, 100, 500
4. Retention period is 7 days
5. There are 100 million messages which gets posted every day for each topic.
Can someone please point me to relevant documentation or any other blog which may discuss this. I have google searched it but to no avail
As I understand, getting good throughput from Kafka doesn't depend only on the cluster size; there are others configurations which need to be considered as well. I will try to share as much as I can.
Kafka's throughput is supposed to be linearly scalabale with the numbers of disk you have. The new multiple data directories feature introduced in Kafka 0.8 allows Kafka's topics to have different partitions on different machines. As the partition number increases greatly, so do the chances that the leader election process will be slower, also effecting consumer rebalancing. This is something to consider, and could be a bottleneck.
Another key thing could be the disk flush rate. As Kafka always immediately writes all data to the filesystem, the more often data is flushed to disk, the more "seek-bound" Kafka will be, and the lower the throughput. Again a very low flush rate might lead to different problems, as in that case the amount of data to be flushed will be large. So providing an exact figure is not very practical and I think that is the reason you couldn't find such direct answer in the Kafka documentation.
There will be other factors too. For example the consumer's fetch size, compressions, batch size for asynchronous producers, socket buffer sizes etc.
Hardware & OS will also play a key role in this as using Kafka in a Linux based environment is advisable due to its pageCache mechanism for writing data to the disk. Read more on this here
You might also want to take a look at how OS flush behavior play a key role into consideration before you actually tune it to fit your needs. I believe it is key to understand the design philosophy, which makes it so effective in terms of throughput and fault-tolerance.
Some more resource I find useful to dig in
I had recently worked with kafka and these are my observations.
Each topic is divided into partitions and all the partitions of a topic are distributed across kafka brokers; first of all these help to save topics whose size is larger than the capacity of a single kafka broker and also they increase the consumer parallelism.
To increase the reliability and fault tolerance,replications of the partitions are made and they do not increase the consumer parallelism.The thumb rule is a single broker can host only a single replica per partition. Hence Number of brokers must be >= No of replicas
All partitions are spread across all the available brokers,number of partitions can be irrespective of number of brokers but number of partitions must be equal to the number of consumer threads in a consumer group(to get best throughput)
The cluster size should be decided keeping in mind the throughput you want to achieve at consumer.
The total MB/s per broker would be:
Data/Day = (100×10^6 Messages / Day ) × 0.5MB = 5TB/Day per Topic
That gives us ~58MB/s per Broker. Assuming that the messages are equally split between partitions, for the total cluster we get: 58MB/s x 3 Topics = 178MB/s for all the cluster.
Now, for the replication, you have: 1 extra replica per topic. Therefore this becomes 58MB/sec/broker INCOMING original data + 58MB/sec/broker OUTGOING replication data + 58MB/sec/broker INCOMING replication data.
This gets about ~136MB/s per broker ingress and 58MB/s per broker egress.
The systems load will get very high and this is without taking into consideration any stream processing.
The system load could be handled by increasing the number of brokers and splitting your topics to more specific partitions.
If your data are very important, then you may want a different (high) replication factor. Fault tolerance is also an important factor for deciding the replication.
For example, if you had very very important data, apart from the N active brokers (with the replicas) that are managing your partitions, you may require to add stand-by followers in different areas.
If you require very low latency, then you may want to further increase your partitions (by adding additional keys). The more keys you have, the fewer messages you will have on each partition.
For low latency, you may want a new cluster (with the replicas) that manages only that special topic and no additional computation is done to other topics.
If a topic is not very important, then you may want to lower the replication factor of that particular topic and be more elastic to some data loss.
When building a Kafka cluster, the machines supporting your infrastructure should be equally capable. That is since the partitioning is done with round-robin style, you expect that each broker is capable of handling the same load, therefore the size of your messages does not matter.
The load from stream processing will also have a direct impact. A good software to manage your kafka monitor and manage your streams is Lenses, which I personally favor a lot since it does an amazing work with processing real-time streams

Comment post scalability: Top n per user, 1 update, heavy read

Here's the situation. Multi-million user website. Each user's page has a message section. Anyone can visit a user's page, where they can leave a message or view the last 100 messages.
Messages are short pieces of txt with some extra meta-data. Every message has to be stored permanently, the only thing that must be real-time quick is the message updates and reading (people use it as chat). A count of messages will be read very often to check for changes. Periodically, it's ok to archive off the old messages (those > 100), but they must be accessible.
Currently all in one big DB table, and contention between people reading the messages lists and sending more updates is becoming an issue.
If you had to re-architect the system, what storage mechanism / caching would you use? what kind of computer science learning can be used here? (eg collections, list access etc)
Some general thoughts, not particular to any specific technology:
Partition the data by user ID. The idea is that you can uniformly divide the user space to distinct partitions of roughly the same size. You can use an appropriate hashing function to divide users across partitions. Ultimately, each partition belongs on a separate machine. However, even on different tables/databases on the same machine this will eliminate some of the contention. Partitioning limits contention, and opens the door to scaling "linearly" in the future. This helps with load distribution and scale-out too.
When picking a hashing function to partition the records, look for one that minimizes the number of records that will have to be moved should partitions be added/removed.
Like many other applications, we could assume the use of the service follows a power law curve: few of the user pages cause much of the traffic, followed by a long tail. A caching scheme can take advantage of that. The steeper the curve, the more effective caching will be. Given the short messages, if each page shows 100 messages, and each message is 100 bytes on average, you could fit about 100,000 top-pages in 1GB of RAM cache. Those cached pages could be written lazily to the database. Out of 10 Mil users, 100,000 is in the ballpark for making a difference.
Partition the web servers, possibly using the same hashing scheme. This lets you hold separate RAM caches without contention. The potential benefit is increasing the cache size as the number of users grows.
If appropriate for your environment, one approach for ensuring new messages are eventually written to the database is to place them in a persistent message queue, right after placing them in the RAM cache. The queue suffers no contention, and helps ensure messages are not lost upon machine failure.
One simple solution could be to denormalize your data, and store pre-calculated aggregates in a separate table, e.g. a MESSAGE_COUNTS table which has a column for the user ID and a column for their message count. When the main messages table is updated, then re-calculate the aggregate.
It's just shifting the bottleneck from one place to another, but it might move it somewhere that's less of a burden.
