How to find out whether the largest rectangle contains other smaller rectangles - c

I have to create a program that generates 3 random rectangles and finds the area of ​​each using the coordinates of the upper left point and the bottom right point (coordinates are random and between (-50;50).
The problem is that it must determine the largest rectangle and indicate whether the other two/one are/is located in it, if not - display the corresponding message.
It's not a overlap, other rectangles/rectangle must be fully in the biggest one.
Here is what I've already done:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale>
struct Point {
int x;
int y;
struct Rectangle {
struct Point topLeft;
struct Point botRight;
int Area(struct Rectangle r) {
int length, breadth;
length = r.botRight.x - r.topLeft.x;
breadth = r.topLeft.y - r.botRight.y;
return length * breadth;
int main() {
struct Rectangle r1, r2, r3;
r1.topLeft.x = -50 + rand() % 50;
r1.topLeft.y = -50 + rand() % 50;
r1.botRight.x = -50 + rand() % 50;
r1.botRight.y = -50 + rand() % 50;
while (r1.botRight.x <= r1.topLeft.x) {
r1.botRight.x = -50 + rand() % 50;
while (r1.topLeft.y <= r1.botRight.y) {
r1.topLeft.y = -50 + rand() % 50;
printf("\t----------RECTANGLE 1----------\n");
printf("\tTop left point is x = %d y = %d\n", r1.topLeft.x, r1.topLeft.y);
printf("\tBottom right point is x = %d y = %d\n", r1.botRight.x, r1.botRight.y);
printf("\tArea is %d\n", Area(r1));
r2.topLeft.x = -50 + rand() % 50;
r2.topLeft.y = -50 + rand() % 50;
r2.botRight.x = -50 + rand() % 50;
r2.botRight.y = -50 + rand() % 50;
while (r2.botRight.x <= r2.topLeft.x) {
r2.botRight.x = -50 + rand() % 50;
while (r2.topLeft.y <= r2.botRight.y) {
r2.topLeft.y = -50 + rand() % 50;
printf("\t----------RECTANGLE 2----------\n");
printf("\tTop left point is x = %d y = %d\n", r2.topLeft.x, r2.topLeft.y);
printf("\tBottom right point is x = %d y = %d\n", r2.botRight.x, r2.botRight.y);
printf("\tArea is %d\n", Area(r2));
r3.topLeft.x = -50 + rand() % 50;
r3.topLeft.y = -50 + rand() % 50;
r3.botRight.x = -50 + rand() % 50;
r3.botRight.y = -50 + rand() % 50;
while (r3.botRight.x <= r3.topLeft.x) {
r3.botRight.x = -50 + rand() % 50;
while (r3.topLeft.y <= r3.botRight.y) {
r3.topLeft.y = -50 + rand() % 50;
printf("\t----------RECTANGLE 3----------\n");
printf("\tTop left point is x = %d y = %d\n", r3.topLeft.x, r3.topLeft.y);
printf("\tBottom right point is x = %d y = %d\n", r3.botRight.x, r3.botRight.y);
printf("\tArea is %d\n\n", Area(r3));
if (Area(r1) >= Area(r2) && Area(r1) >= Area(r3))
printf("\tRECTANGLE 1 HAS A BIGGEST AREA --> %d\n", Area(r1));
if (Area(r2) >= Area(r1) && Area(r2) >= Area(r3))
printf("\tRECTANGLE 2 HAS A BIGGEST AREA --> %d\n", Area(r2));
if (Area(r3) >= Area(r1) && Area(r3) >= Area(r2))
printf("\tRECTANGLE 3 HAS A BIGGEST AREA --> %d\n", Area(r3));

Item 1:
There really is no need to use a point struct. The problem is simple enough to merely keep track to 2 values for x and 2 values for y. While we're at it, the area of each rectangle could be stored, too.
typedef struct {
int x0, x1, y0, y1, area;
} Rect;
Notice that there is no bias in the names x0 and x1. Attempting to control which coordinate pair is "top left" and which is "bottom right" is difficult. A rectangle has two horizonal edges (importantly they are not equal). Merely store the lower and higher values of y. Similarly, store only the "left & right" values of the vertical edges x... This makes life simple.
Item 2:
It's worthwhile, if possible, to think and to code without immediate concern for negative numbers.
const int wid = 101; // for -50 to +50
const int hgt = 101; // for -50 to +50
Item 3:
Generating 3 sets of values by copy/paste of code indicates that this should be done in a function called 3 times. (Imagine the next assignment is "do the same for 20 rectangles.")
Below includes two bonus "branchless" functions that return the minimum or maximum of two integer values.
int min( int x, int y ) { return y ^ ((x^y) & -(x<y)); }
int max( int x, int y ) { return y ^ ((x^y) & -(x>y)); }
void genRect( Rect *r ) {
int v0 = rand() % wid; // A random horizontal value (a vertical line)
int v1 = ( v0 + 1 + rand()%(wid-3) ) % wid; // A different horizontal value
r->x0 = min( v0, v1 ); // the lower of the two values
r->x1 = max( v0, v1 ); // and the higher
// do the same for horizontal edges (vertical boundaries)
v0 = rand() % hgt;
v1 = ( r->y0 + 1 + rand()%(hgt-3) ) % hgt;
r->y0 = min( v0, v1 );
r->y1 = max( v0, v1 );
// calc and store the area, too
r->area = (r->x1 - r->x0) * (r->y1 - r->y0);
Important to note is that the calculation of the second value for x and for y will never be the same as the first value. The OP code had the potential to generate a "left edge" at the right boundary, then enter an endless loop trying to generate a value that was always rejected.
As suggested in the other answer, it is now easy to qsort() the small array (big rectangles may contain smaller ones).
The search for one inside another is much simpler with comparing x0 against x0 and x1 against x1... (Likewise for the y dimension).
Because the code has been dealing with (0,0) to (100,100) inclusive, the output is where to tailor to suit the assignment.
void print( int n, Rect *r ) {
printf( "Rect %d: BotLft(%d,%d) TopRgt(%d, %d) Area %d\n",
n, r->x0 - 50, r->y0 - 50, r->x1 - 50, r->y1 - 50, r->area );
I leave it as an exercise for the reader to eliminate the arbitrary constants above.
Finally, it is a trivial exercise to determine if the xy boundaries of one smaller rectangle fall completely within the xy boundaries of a larger one. A single if() statement with 4 conditions would suffice.
PS: I completed the code and ran it a few times. It was only by increasing the number of candidate rectangles that luck would have it that a larger did contain a smaller. The sample size of only 3 rectangles will take a lot of iterations to, by chance, define one inside another...

First, you need an array of Rectangles and sort them by their area:
struct Rectangle rects[N];
//- negative value, if a < b
//- zero, if a == b
//- positive value, if a > b
int rect_cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
return Area(*((struct Rectangle*)a)) - Area(*((struct Rectangle*)b));
//use qsort:
qsort(rects, N, sizeof(struct Rectangle), rect_cmp);
The array rects will now contain all the rectangles, sorted in ascending order, from lowest to highest area.
From now on, all you have to do is to iterate over the array and test if the largest rectangle encloses the following, subsequent rectangles.
The following code picks the largest rectangle and iterates over all subsequent rectangles to test if they are inside. Then pick the second largest and do the testing again, and so on, e.g.
for (int i=N-1; i >= 0; --i) { //current largest rectangle
for (int j=i-1; j >= 0; --j) { //test if the next rectangles in sequence are inside
if (contains(rects[i], rects[j])) {
//rect[j] inside rect[i]
} else {
//rect[j] not inside rect[i]
A possible outcome could be that the first rect neither contains the second and third rect but the second rect could contain the third one.


Failed to reuse variable in C

I'm trying to code a program that can tell apart real and fake credit card numbers using Luhn's algorithm in C, which is
Multiply every other digit by 2, starting with the number’s
second-to-last digit, and then add those products’ digits together.
Add the sum to the sum of the digits that weren’t multiplied by 2.
If the total’s last digit is 0 (or, put more formally, if the total
modulo 10 is congruent to 0), the number is valid!
Then I coded something like this (I already declared all the functions at the top and included all the necessary libraries)
//Luhn's Algorithm
int luhn(long z)
int c;
return c = (sumall(z)-sumodd(z)) * 2 + sumaodd(z);
//sum of digits in odd position starting from the end
int sumodd(long x)
int a;
a = a + x % 10;
x /= 100;
return a;
//sum of all digits
int sumall(long y)
int b;
b = b + y % 10;
y /= 10;
return b;
But somehow it always gives out the wrong answer even though there's no error or bug detected. I came to notice that it works fine when my variable z stands alone, but when it's used multiple times in the same line of code with different functions, their values get messed up (in function luhn). I'm writing this to ask for any fix I can make to make my code run correctly as I intended.
I'd appreciate any help as I'm very new to this, and I'm not a native English speaker so I may have messed up some technical terms, but I hope you'd be able to understand my concerns.
sumall is wrong.
It should be sumeven from:
Add the sum to the sum of the digits that weren’t multiplied by 2.
Your sumall is summing all digits instead of the non-odd (i.e. even) digits.
You should do the * 2 inside sumodd as it should not be applied to the other [even] sum. And, it should be applied to the individual digits [vs the total sum].
Let's start with a proper definition from
The check digit is computed as follows:
If the number already contains the check digit, drop that digit to form the "payload." The check digit is most often the last digit.
With the payload, start from the rightmost digit. Moving left, double the value of every second digit (including the rightmost digit).
Sum the digits of the resulting value in each position (using the original value where a digit did not get doubled in the previous step).
The check digit is calculated by 10 − ( s mod ⁡ 10 )
Note that if we have a credit card of 9x where x is the check digit, then the payload is 9.
The correct [odd] sum for that digit is: 9 * 2 --> 18 --> 1 + 8 --> 9
But, sumodd(9x) * 2 --> 9 * 2 --> 18
Here's what I came up with:
// digsum -- calculate sum of digits
static inline int
digsum(int digcur)
int sum = 0;
for (; digcur != 0; digcur /= 10)
sum += digcur % 10;
return sum;
// luhn -- luhn's algorithm using digits array
luhn(long z)
char digits[16] = { 0 };
// get check digit and remove from "payload"
int check_expected = z % 10;
z /= 10;
// split into digits (we use little-endian)
int digcnt = 0;
for (digcnt = 0; z != 0; ++digcnt, z /= 10)
digits[digcnt] = z % 10;
int sum = 0;
for (int digidx = 0; digidx < digcnt; ++digidx) {
int digcur = digits[digidx];
if ((digidx & 1) == 0)
sum += digsum(digcur * 2);
sum += digcur;
int check_actual = 10 - (sum % 10);
return (check_actual == check_expected);
// luhn -- luhn's algorithm using long directly
luhn2(long z)
// get check digit and remove from "payload"
int check_expected = z % 10;
z /= 10;
int sum = 0;
for (int digidx = 0; z != 0; ++digidx, z /= 10) {
int digcur = z % 10;
if ((digidx & 1) == 0)
sum += digsum(digcur * 2);
sum += digcur;
int check_actual = 10 - (sum % 10);
return (check_actual == check_expected);
You've invoked undefined behavior by not initializing a few local variables in your functions, for instance you can remove your undefined behaviour in sumodd() by initializing a to zero like so:
//sum of digits in odd position starting from the end
int sumodd(long x)
int a = 0; //Initialize
a += x % 10; //You can "a += b" instead of "a = a + b"
x /= 100;
return a;
It's also important to note that long is only required to be a minimum of 4-bytes wide, so it is not guaranteed to be wide enough to represent a decimal-16-digit-integer. Using long long solves this problem.
Alternatively you may find this problem much easier to solve by treating your credit card number as a char[] instead of an integer type altogether, for instance if we assume a 16-digit credit card number:
int luhn(long long z){
char number[16]; //Convert CC number to array of digits and store them here
for(int c = 0; c < 16; ++c){
number[c] = z % 10; //Last digit is at number[0], first digit is at number[15]
z /= 10;
int sum = 0;
for(int c = 0; c < 16; c += 2){
sum += number[c] + number[c + 1] * 2; //Sum the even digits and the doubled odd digits
return sum;
...and you could skip the long long to char[] translation part altogether if you treat the credit card number as an array of digits in the whole program
This expression:
(sumall(z)-sumodd(z)) * 2 + sumall(z);
Should be:
((sumall(z)-sumodd(z)) * 2 + sumodd(z))%10;
Based on your own definition.
But how about:
(sumall(z) * 2 - sumodd(z))%10
If you're trying to be smart and base off sumall(). You don't need to call anything twice.
Also you don't initialise your local variables. You must assign variables values before using them in C.
Also you don't need the local variable c in the luhn() function. It's harmless but unnecessary.
As others mention in a real-world application we can't recommend enough that such 'codes' are held in a character array. The amount of grief caused by people using integer types to represent digit sequence 'codes' and identifiers is vast. Unless a variable represents a numerical quantity of something, don't represent it as an arithmetic type. More issue has been caused in my career by that error than people trying to use double to represent monetary amounts.
#include <stdio.h>
//sum of digits in odd position starting from the end
int sumodd(long x)
int a=0;
a = a + x % 10;
x /= 100;
return a;
//sum of all digits
int sumall(long y)
int b=0;
b = b + y % 10;
y /= 10;
return b;
//Luhn's Algorithm
int luhn(long z)
return (sumall(z)*2-sumodd(z))%10;
int check_luhn(long y,int expect){
int result=luhn(y);
return 0;
return 1;
int check_sumodd(long y,int expect){
int result=sumodd(y);
return 0;
return 1;
int check_sumall(long y,int expect){
int result=sumall(y);
return 0;
return 1;
int main(void) {
int errors=0;
return 0;

3-digit integer number program won't execute

Yes, this is a basic C coding homework problem. No, I am not just looking for someone to do it for me. Considering that this is my first programming class, I'm not surprised that I can't get it to work, and I'm certain there is plenty wrong with it. I just want some help pointing out the problems in my code and the things that are missing so that I can fix them on my own.
Homework Question:
Write a program to read ONLY one integer number (your input must be
one 3 digit number from 100 to 999), and to think of a number as
being ABC (where A, B, and C are the 3 digits of a number). Now,
form the number to become ABC, BCA, and CAB, then find out the
remainder of these three numbers when they are divided by 11.
Assume remainders would respectively be X, Y, and Z and add them
up as X+Y, Y+Z, and Z+X. Now if any of these summations is odd
number, increase it by 11 if the summation plus 11 is less than 20,
otherwise decrease the summation by 11 (this summation operation
must be positive number but less than 20). Finally, divide each
of the sums in half. Now, print out all the resulting digits.
My Code:
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
//Declare all variables
int OrigNumber;
int x, y, z;
int number;
number = x, y, z;
int sum;
printf("Input a three digit number");
int c;
c = OrigNumber %10;
int b;
b=((OrigNumber - c) % 100)/10;
int a;
a = (OrigNumber - (b + c))/100;
int abc, bca, cab;
abc = (a*100) + (10*b) + c;
bca = (10*b) + c + (a*100);
cab = c + (a*100) + (10*b);
if((number % 2) == 1)
if(number + 11 < 20)
number += 11;
else if((100 - 11 > 0) && (100 - 11 < 20))
number -= 11;
x = abc/11;
y = bca/11;
z = cab/11;
sum = (x + y),
(y + z),
(z + x);
To start with, you need to read the input. Start with a prompt that includes a carriage return:
printf("Input a three digit number: \n");
Since it's a three digit number, you could add the following line to read the input:
scanf("%3d", &OrigNumber);
The next bit of code works quite well until you get to your if (number % 2) which is meaningless since you didn't really define number - well, you did, but the line
number = x, y, z;
does NOT do what you think it does. If you add
printf("So far I have abc=%d, bca=%d, cab=%d\n", abc, bca, cab);
after you first read in the number and computed those three, you will see you are well on your way.
Note that
number = x, y, z;
Uses a thing called the "comma operator". All the things (a,b,c) are "evaluated" but their values are not returned. At any rate, where you have that line, you didn't yet assign a value to x,y and z.
Is that enough to get your started?
update now that you have had a few hours to mull this over, here are a few more pointers.
Your computation of abc, cab, bca makes no sense. I will show you just one of them:
cab = c*100 + a*10 + b;
Next you need to compute each of x, y and z. Again, here is one of the three:
y = bca%11;
Now you have to make the sums - I call them xy, yz, and zx. Just one of them:
zx = z + x;
Next, to deal with the instruction: "Now if any of these summations is odd number, increase it by 11 if the summation plus 11 is less than 20, otherwise decrease the summation by 11:
if(xy % 2 == 1) {
if(xy + 11 < 20) xy += 11; else xy -= 11;
use similar code for all three sums. Then "divide by 2":
xy /= 2;
repeat as needed.
Finally, print out the result:
printf("xy: %d, yz: %d, zx: %d\n", xy, yz, zx);
The amazing thing is that if you did this right, you get the original numbers back...
You could make the code more compact by using an array of values and looping through it - rather than repeating the code snippets I wrote above with different variables. But I suspect that is well outside the scope of what you are expected to know at this point.
Can you take it from here?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
//Declare all variables
int OrigNumber;
int a, b, c;
int abc, bca, cab;
int x, y, z;
int xplusy , yplusz, xplusz;
printf(" A program to read ONLY one integer number.\n Input must be one 3 digit number from 100 to 999 : ");
scanf("%d", &OrigNumber); // Get input from console
if(OrigNumber > 999 || OrigNumber < 100) {
printf("Invalid number. Quiting program. This is error handling. Important while learning programming.");
return 0;
c = OrigNumber %10; // digit at unit's place
b=((OrigNumber) % 100)/10; //digit at the ten's place
a = (OrigNumber)/100; //digit at the 100's place. Note: 734/100 = 7. NOT 7.34.
printf("\n Three numbers say A,B, C : %d, %d , %d ", a, b, c);
abc = a*100 + 10*b + c;
bca = 100*b + 10*c + a;
cab = c*100 + a*10 + b;
printf("\n Three numbers say ABC, BCA, CAB : %d, %d , %d ", abc, bca, cab);
x = abc % 11; // Reminder when divided by 11.
y = bca % 11;
z = cab % 11;
printf("\n Three numbers say X, Y, Z : %d, %d , %d ", x, y, z);
xplusy = x + y; // Adding reminders two at a time.
yplusz = y + z;
xplusz = x + z;
printf("\n Three numbers X+Y, Y+Z, X+Z : %d, %d , %d ", xplusy, yplusz, xplusz);
if((xplusy % 2) == 1) {
if(xplusy + 11 < 20)
xplusy += 11;
xplusy -= 11;
if((yplusz % 2) == 1) {
if(yplusz + 11 < 20)
yplusz += 11;
yplusz -= 11;
if((xplusz % 2) == 1) {
if(xplusz + 11 < 20)
xplusz += 11;
xplusz -= 11;
xplusy /= 2; // Finally, divide each of the sum in half.
yplusz /= 2;
xplusz /= 2;
printf("\n Now print out all the resulting digits : %d, %d , %d \n", xplusy, yplusz, xplusz);
return 0;
int abc, bca, cab;
abc = (a*100) + (10*b) + c;
bca = (10*b) + c + (a*100);
cab = c + (a*100) + (10*b);
I suggest printing out the numbers at this point in the code.
printf( "%d %d %d", abc, bca, cab );
I think you'll see one of the problems you need to solve.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int n, a, b, c, abc, bca, cab, x, y, z, p, q, r;
scanf("%d", &n);
return 0;
Now if any of these summations is odd number, increase it by 11 if the
summation plus 11 is less than 20, otherwise decrease the summation by
11 (this summation operation must be positive number but less than
20). Finally, divide each of the sums in half. Now, print out all the
resulting digits.
i didnt get the final part, can you explain it more clearly?

C Language - General algorithm to read a square matrix, based on the square number of it's side?

So we're reading a matrix and saving it in an array sequentially. We read the matrix from a starting [x,y] point which is provided. Here's an example of some code I wrote to get the values of [x-1,y] [x+1,y] [x,y-1] [x,y+1], which is a cross.
for(i = 0, n = -1, m = 0, array_pos = 0; i < 4; i++, n++, array_pos++) {
if(x+n < filter_matrix.src.columns && x+n >= 0 )
if(y+m < filter_matrix.src.lines && y+m >= 0){
for(k = 0; k < numpixels; k++) {
arrayToProcess[array_pos].rgb[h] = filter_matrix.src.points[x+n][y+m].rgb[h];
m = n;
(The if's are meant to avoid reading null positions, since it's an image we're reading the origin pixel can be located in a corner. Not relevant to the issue here.)
Now is there a similar generic algorithm which can read ALL the elements around as a square (not just a cross) based on a single parameter, which is the size of the square's side squared?
If it helps, the only values we're dealing with are 9, 25 and 49 (a 3x3 5x5 and 7x7 square).
Here is a generalized code for reading the square centered at (x,y) of size n
int startx = x-n/2;
int starty = y-n/2;
for(int u=0;u<n;u++) {
for(int v=0;v<n;v++) {
int i = startx + u;
int j = starty + v;
if(i>=0 && j>=0 && i<N && j<M) {
Explanation: Start from top left value which is (x - n/2, y-n/2) now consider that you are read a normal square matrix from where i and j are indices of Matrix[i][j]. So we just added startx & starty to shift the matrix at (0,0) to (x-n/2,y-n/2).
static inline int min(int x, int y) { return (x < y) ? x : y; }
static inline int max(int x, int y) { return (x > y) ? x : y; }
or equivalent macros, and given that:
the x-coordinates range from 0 to x_max (inclusive),
the y-coordinates range from 0 to y_max (inclusive),
the centre of the square (x,y) is within the bounds,
the square you are creating has sides of (2 * size + 1) (so size is 1, 2, or 3 for the 3x3, 5x5, and 7x7 cases; or if you prefer to have sq_side = one of 3, 5, 7, then size = sq_side / 2),
the integer types are all signed (so x - size can produce a negative value; if they're unsigned, you will get the wrong result using the expressions shown),
then you can ensure that you are within bounds by setting:
x_lo = max(x - size, 0);
x_hi = min(x + size, x_max);
y_lo = max(y - size, 0);
y_hi = min(y + size, y_max);
for (x_pos = x_lo; x_pos <= x_hi; x_pos++)
for (y_pos = y_lo; y_pos <= y_hi; y_pos++)
// Process the data at array[x_pos][y_pos]
Basically, the initial assignments determine the bounds of the the array from [x-size][y-size] to [x+size][y+size], but bounded by 0 on the low side and the maximum sizes on the high end. Then scan over the relevant rectangular (usually square) sub-section of the matrix. Note that this determines the valid ranges once, outside the loops, rather than repeatedly within the loops.
If the integer types are signed, you have ensure you never try to create a negative number during subtraction. The expressions could be rewritten as:
x_lo = x - min(x, size);
x_hi = min(x + size, x_max);
y_lo = y - min(y, size);
y_hi = min(y + size, y_max);
which isn't as symmetric but only uses the min function.
Given the coordinates (x,y), you first need to find the surrounding elements. You can do that with a double for loop, like this:
for (int i = x-1; i <= x+1; i++) {
for (int j = y-1; j <= y+1; j++) {
int elem = square[i][j];
Now you just need to do a bit of work to make sure that 0 <= i,j < n, where n is the length of a side;
I don't know whether the (X,Y) in your code is the center of the square. I assume it is.
If the side of the square is odd. generate the coordinates of the points on the square. I assume the center is (0,0). Then the points on the squares are
(-side/2, [-side/2,side/2 - 1]); ([-side/2 + 1,side/2], -side/2); (side/2,[side/2 - 1,-side/2]);([side/2 - 1, side/2],-side/2);
side is the length of the square
make use of this:
while(int i<=0 && int j<=0)
for (i = x-1; i <= x+1; i++) {
for (j = y-1; j <= y+1; j++) {
int elem = square[i][j];

find the length of any arc on a circle

I have an interesting (to me anyway) problem. I am working on for V4 and I am trying to determine the length of an arc of travel and its direction.
I have a magnetic encoder that returns the position of the shaft from 0 to 4095.
The servo has two logical end points, call them MAX and MIN which are set in software and can be changed at any time, and the shaft must rotate (i.e. travel) on one arc between the MAX and MIN positions. For example in the picture the blue arc is valid but the red is not for all travel between and including MIN and MAX.
I am trying to work out a simple algorithm using only integer math that can tell me the distance between any two points A and B that can be anywhere on the circumference, bounded by MIN and MAX and with either A as the current place and B is the target position, or B is the current place and A is the target (which is denoted by a negative distance from B to A). Note the side I allowed to travel is known, it is either "red" or "blue".
The issue is when the 4095/0 exists in the ARC, then the calculations get a bit interesting.
You need to adjust all your coordinates so they're on the same side of your limit points. Since it's a circular system you can add 4096 without affecting the absolute position.
lowest = min(MIN, MAX);
if (A < lowest)
A += 4096;
if (B < lowest)
B += 4096;
distance = B - A; /* or abs(B - A) */
In your example A would not be adjusted but B would be adjusted to 5156. The difference would be a positive 1116.
In your second example with A=3000 and B=2500, they're both above 2000 so neither would need adjustment. The difference is -500.
Here's a simple algorithm:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int rotate_diff(int a, int b, bool * clockwise);
int main(void) {
int degrees_rotated, a, b;
bool clockwise;
a = 4040;
b = 1060;
degrees_rotated = rotate_diff(a, b, &clockwise);
printf("A = %d, B = %d, rotation = %d degrees, direction = %s\n",
a, b, degrees_rotated,
(clockwise ? "clockwise" : "counter-clockwise"));
int rotate_diff(int a, int b, bool * clockwise) {
static const int min = 2000;
if ( a <= min ) {
a += 4096;
if ( b <= min ) {
b += 4096;
int degrees_rotated = b - a;
if ( degrees_rotated > 0 ) {
*clockwise = false;
} else {
degrees_rotated = -degrees_rotated;
*clockwise = true;
return degrees_rotated * 360 / 4096;
Note that this gives you the degrees traveled, but not the distance traveled, since you don't tell us what dimensions of the shaft are. To get the distance traveled, obviously multiply the circumference by the degrees traveled divided by 360. If your points 0 through 4095 are some kind of known units, then just skip the conversion to degrees in the above algorithm, and change the variable names accordingly.
Unless I missed something, this should give the result you need:
if MIN < A,B < MAX
distance = A - B
if A > MAX and B < MIN
distance = A - (B + 4096)
else if B > MAX and A < MIN
distance = (A + 4096) - B
distance = A - B
(get the absolute value of the distance if you don't need the direction)

fast algorithm for drawing filled circles?

I am using Bresenham's circle algorithm for fast circle drawing. However, I also want to (at the request of the user) draw a filled circle.
Is there a fast and efficient way of doing this? Something along the same lines of Bresenham?
The language I am using is C.
Having read the Wikipedia page on Bresenham's (also 'Midpoint') circle algorithm, it would appear that the easiest thing to do would be to modify its actions, such that instead of
setPixel(x0 + x, y0 + y);
setPixel(x0 - x, y0 + y);
and similar, each time you instead do
lineFrom(x0 - x, y0 + y, x0 + x, y0 + y);
That is, for each pair of points (with the same y) that Bresenham would you have you plot, you instead connect with a line.
Just use brute force. This method iterates over a few too many pixels, but it only uses integer multiplications and additions. You completely avoid the complexity of Bresenham and the possible bottleneck of sqrt.
for(int y=-radius; y<=radius; y++)
for(int x=-radius; x<=radius; x++)
if(x*x+y*y <= radius*radius)
setpixel(origin.x+x, origin.y+y);
Here's a C# rough guide (shouldn't be that hard to get the right idea for C) - this is the "raw" form without using Bresenham to eliminate repeated square-roots.
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(200, 200);
int r = 50; // radius
int ox = 100, oy = 100; // origin
for (int x = -r; x < r ; x++)
int height = (int)Math.Sqrt(r * r - x * x);
for (int y = -height; y < height; y++)
bmp.SetPixel(x + ox, y + oy, Color.Red);
You can use this:
void DrawFilledCircle(int x0, int y0, int radius)
int x = radius;
int y = 0;
int xChange = 1 - (radius << 1);
int yChange = 0;
int radiusError = 0;
while (x >= y)
for (int i = x0 - x; i <= x0 + x; i++)
SetPixel(i, y0 + y);
SetPixel(i, y0 - y);
for (int i = x0 - y; i <= x0 + y; i++)
SetPixel(i, y0 + x);
SetPixel(i, y0 - x);
radiusError += yChange;
yChange += 2;
if (((radiusError << 1) + xChange) > 0)
radiusError += xChange;
xChange += 2;
Great ideas here!
Since I'm at a project that requires many thousands of circles to be drawn, I have evaluated all suggestions here (and improved a few by precomputing the square of the radius):
The Rev variants just have x and y swapped because consecutive access along the y axis are faster with the way my grid/canvas structure works.
The clear winner is Daniel Earwicker's method ( DrawCircleBruteforcePrecalc ) that precomputes the Y value to avoid unnecessary radius checks. Somewhat surprisingly that negates the additional computation caused by the sqrt call.
Some comments suggest that kmillen's variant (DrawCircleSingleLoop) that works with a single loop should be very fast, but it's the slowest here. I assume that is because of all the divisions. But perhaps I have adapted it wrong to the global variables in that code. Would be great if someone takes a look.
EDIT: After looking for the first time since college years at some assembler code, I managed find that the final additions of the circle's origin are a culprit.
Precomputing those, I improved the fastest method by a factor of another 3.7-3.9 according to the bench!
This being my code:
for (int x = -radius; x < radius ; x++)
int hh = (int)std::sqrt(radius_sqr - x * x);
int rx = center_x + x;
int ph = center_y + hh;
for (int y = center_y-hh; y < ph; y++)
canvas[rx][y] = 1;
I like palm3D's answer. For being brute force, this is an amazingly fast solution. There are no square root or trigonometric functions to slow it down. Its one weakness is the nested loop.
Converting this to a single loop makes this function almost twice as fast.
int r2 = r * r;
int area = r2 << 2;
int rr = r << 1;
for (int i = 0; i < area; i++)
int tx = (i % rr) - r;
int ty = (i / rr) - r;
if (tx * tx + ty * ty <= r2)
SetPixel(x + tx, y + ty, c);
This single loop solution rivals the efficiency of a line drawing solution.
int r2 = r * r;
for (int cy = -r; cy <= r; cy++)
int cx = (int)(Math.Sqrt(r2 - cy * cy) + 0.5);
int cyy = cy + y;
lineDDA(x - cx, cyy, x + cx, cyy, c);
palm3D's brute-force algorithm I found to be a good starting point. This method uses the same premise, however it includes a couple of ways to skip checking most of the pixels.
First, here's the code:
int largestX = circle.radius;
for (int y = 0; y <= radius; ++y) {
for (int x = largestX; x >= 0; --x) {
if ((x * x) + (y * y) <= (circle.radius * circle.radius)) {
drawLine( - x, + x, + y);
drawLine( - x, + x, - y);
largestX = x;
break; // go to next y coordinate
Next, the explanation.
The first thing to note is that if you find the minimum x coordinate that is within the circle for a given horizontal line, you immediately know the maximum x coordinate.
This is due to the symmetry of the circle. If the minimum x coordinate is 10 pixels ahead of the left of the bounding box of the circle, then the maximum x is 10 pixels behind the right of the bounding box of the circle.
The reason to iterate from high x values to low x values, is that the minimum x value will be found with less iterations. This is because the minimum x value is closer to the left of the bounding box than the centre x coordinate of the circle for most lines, due to the circle being curved outwards, as seen on this image
The next thing to note is that since the circle is also symmetric vertically, each line you find gives you a free second line to draw, each time you find a line in the top half of the circle, you get one on the bottom half at the radius-y y coordinate. Therefore, when any line is found, two can be drawn and only the top half of the y values needs to be iterated over.
The last thing to note is that is that if you start from a y value that is at the centre of the circle and then move towards the top for y, then the minimum x value for each next line must be closer to the centre x coordinate of the circle than the last line. This is also due to the circle curving closer towards the centre x value as you go up the circle. Here is a visual on how that is the case.
In summary:
If you find the minimum x coordinate of a line, you get the maximum x coordinate for free.
Every line you find to draw on the top half of the circle gives you a line on the bottom half of the circle for free.
Every minimum x coordinate has to be closer to the centre of the circle than the previous x coordinate for each line when iterating from the centre y coordinate to the top.
You can also store the value of (radius * radius), and also (y * y) instead of calculating them
multiple times.
Here's how I'm doing it:
I'm using fixed point values with two bits precision (we have to manage half points and square values of half points)
As mentionned in a previous answer, I'm also using square values instead of square roots.
First, I'm detecting border limit of my circle in a 1/8th portion of the circle. I'm using symetric of these points to draw the 4 "borders" of the circle. Then I'm drawing the square inside the circle.
Unlike the midpoint circle algorith, this one will work with even diameters (and with real numbers diameters too, with some little changes).
Please forgive me if my explanations were not clear, I'm french ;)
void DrawFilledCircle(int circleDiameter, int circlePosX, int circlePosY)
const int FULL = (1 << 2);
const int HALF = (FULL >> 1);
int size = (circleDiameter << 2);// fixed point value for size
int ray = (size >> 1);
int dY2;
int ray2 = ray * ray;
int posmin,posmax;
int Y,X;
int x = ((circleDiameter&1)==1) ? ray : ray - HALF;
int y = HALF;
circlePosX -= (circleDiameter>>1);
circlePosY -= (circleDiameter>>1);
for (;; y+=FULL)
dY2 = (ray - y) * (ray - y);
for (;; x-=FULL)
if (dY2 + (ray - x) * (ray - x) <= ray2) continue;
if (x < y)
Y = (y >> 2);
posmin = Y;
posmax = circleDiameter - Y;
// Draw inside square and leave
while (Y < posmax)
for (X = posmin; X < posmax; X++)
setPixel(circlePosX+X, circlePosY+Y);
// Just for a better understanding, the while loop does the same thing as:
// DrawSquare(circlePosX+Y, circlePosY+Y, circleDiameter - 2*Y);
// Draw the 4 borders
X = (x >> 2) + 1;
Y = y >> 2;
posmax = circleDiameter - X;
int mirrorY = circleDiameter - Y - 1;
while (X < posmax)
setPixel(circlePosX+X, circlePosY+Y);
setPixel(circlePosX+X, circlePosY+mirrorY);
setPixel(circlePosX+Y, circlePosY+X);
setPixel(circlePosX+mirrorY, circlePosY+X);
// Just for a better understanding, the while loop does the same thing as:
// int lineSize = circleDiameter - X*2;
// Upper border:
// DrawHorizontalLine(circlePosX+X, circlePosY+Y, lineSize);
// Lower border:
// DrawHorizontalLine(circlePosX+X, circlePosY+mirrorY, lineSize);
// Left border:
// DrawVerticalLine(circlePosX+Y, circlePosY+X, lineSize);
// Right border:
// DrawVerticalLine(circlePosX+mirrorY, circlePosY+X, lineSize);
void DrawSquare(int x, int y, int size)
for( int i=0 ; i<size ; i++ )
DrawHorizontalLine(x, y+i, size);
void DrawHorizontalLine(int x, int y, int width)
for(int i=0 ; i<width ; i++ )
SetPixel(x+i, y);
void DrawVerticalLine(int x, int y, int height)
for(int i=0 ; i<height ; i++ )
SetPixel(x, y+i);
To use non-integer diameter, you can increase precision of fixed point or use double values.
It should even be possible to make a sort of anti-alias depending on the difference between dY2 + (ray - x) * (ray - x) and ray2 (dx² + dy² and r²)
If you want a fast algorithm, consider drawing a polygon with N sides, the higher is N, the more precise will be the circle.
I would just generate a list of points and then use a polygon draw function for the rendering.
It may not be the algorithm yo are looking for and not the most performant one,
but I always do something like this:
void fillCircle(int x, int y, int radius){
// fill a circle
for(int rad = radius; rad >= 0; rad--){
// stroke a circle
for(double i = 0; i <= PI * 2; i+=0.01){
int pX = x + rad * cos(i);
int pY = y + rad * sin(i);
drawPoint(pX, pY);
The following two methods avoid the repeated square root calculation by drawing multiple parts of the circle at once and should therefore be quite fast:
void circleFill(const size_t centerX, const size_t centerY, const size_t radius, color fill) {
if (centerX < radius || centerY < radius || centerX + radius > width || centerY + radius > height)
const size_t signedRadius = radius * radius;
for (size_t y = 0; y < radius; y++) {
const size_t up = (centerY - y) * width;
const size_t down = (centerY + y) * width;
const size_t halfWidth = roundf(sqrtf(signedRadius - y * y));
for (size_t x = 0; x < halfWidth; x++) {
const size_t left = centerX - x;
const size_t right = centerX + x;
pixels[left + up] = fill;
pixels[right + up] = fill;
pixels[left + down] = fill;
pixels[right + down] = fill;
void circleContour(const size_t centerX, const size_t centerY, const size_t radius, color stroke) {
if (centerX < radius || centerY < radius || centerX + radius > width || centerY + radius > height)
const size_t signedRadius = radius * radius;
const size_t maxSlopePoint = ceilf(radius * 0.707106781f); //ceilf(radius * cosf(TWO_PI/8));
for (size_t i = 0; i < maxSlopePoint; i++) {
const size_t depth = roundf(sqrtf(signedRadius - i * i));
size_t left = centerX - depth;
size_t right = centerX + depth;
size_t up = (centerY - i) * width;
size_t down = (centerY + i) * width;
pixels[left + up] = stroke;
pixels[right + up] = stroke;
pixels[left + down] = stroke;
pixels[right + down] = stroke;
left = centerX - i;
right = centerX + i;
up = (centerY - depth) * width;
down = (centerY + depth) * width;
pixels[left + up] = stroke;
pixels[right + up] = stroke;
pixels[left + down] = stroke;
pixels[right + down] = stroke;
This was used in my new 3D printer Firmware, and it is proven the
fastest way for filled circle of a diameter from 1 to 43 pixel. If
larger is needed, the following memory block(or array) should be
extended following a structure I wont waste my time explaining...
If you have questions, or need larger diameter than 43, contact me, I
will help you drawing the fastest and perfect filled circles... or
Bresenham's circle drawing algorithm can be used above those
diameters, but having to fill the circle after, or incorporating the
fill into Bresenham's circle drawing algorithm, will only result in
slower fill circle than my code. I already benchmarked the different
codes, my solution is 4 to 5 times faster. As a test I have been
able to draw hundreds of filled circles of different size and colors
on a BigTreeTech tft24 1.1 running on a 1-core 72 Mhz cortex-m4
// this must be declared anywhere, as static or global
// as long as the function can access it !
uint8_t Rset[252]={
// SOLUTION 1: (the fastest)
void FillCircle_v1(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t r)
// all needed variables are created and set to their value...
uint16_t radius=(r<1) ? 1 : r ;
if (radius>21 ) {radius=21; }
uint16_t diam=(radius*2)+1;
uint16_t ymir=0, cur_y=0;
radius--; uint16_t target=(radius*radius+3*radius)/2; radius++;
// this part draws directly into the ILI94xx TFT buffer mem.
// using pointers..2 versions where you can draw
// pixels and lines with coordinates will follow
for (uint16_t yy=0; yy<diam; yy++)
{ ymir= (yy<=radius) ? yy+target : target+diam-(yy+1);
uint16_t *pixel=buffer_start_addr+x-Rset[ymir]+cur_y*buffer_width;
for (uint16_t xx= 0; xx<=(2*Rset[ymir]); xx++)
{ *pixel++ = CANVAS::draw_color; }}}
// SOLUTION 2: adaptable to any system that can
// add a pixel at a time: (drawpixel or add_pixel,etc_)
void FillCircle_v2(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t r)
// all needed variables are created and set to their value...
uint16_t radius=(r<1) ? 1 : r ;
if (radius>21 ) {radius=21; }
uint16_t diam=(radius*2)+1;
uint16_t ymir=0, cur_y=0;
radius--; uint16_t target=(radius*radius+3*radius)/2; radius++;
for (uint16_t yy=0; yy<diam; yy++)
{ ymir= (yy<=radius) ? yy+target : target+diam-(yy+1);
uint16_t Pixel_x=x-Rset[ymir];
for (uint16_t xx= 0; xx<=(2*Rset[ymir]); xx++)
{ //use your add_pixel or draw_pixel here
// using those coordinates:
// X position will be... (Pixel_x+xx)
// Y position will be... (cur_y)
// and add those 3 brackets at the end
// SOLUTION 3: adaptable to any system that can draw fast
// horizontal lines
void FillCircle_v3(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t r)
// all needed variables are created and set to their value...
uint16_t radius=(r<1) ? 1 : r ;
if (radius>21 ) {radius=21; }
uint16_t diam=(radius*2)+1;
uint16_t ymir=0, cur_y=0;
radius--; uint16_t target=(radius*radius+3*radius)/2; radius++;
for (uint16_t yy=0; yy<diam; yy++)
{ ymir= (yy<=radius) ? yy+target : target+diam-(yy+1);
uint16_t start_x=x-Rset[ymir];
uint16_t width_x=2*Rset[ymir];
// ... then use your best drawline function using those values:
// start_x: position X of the start of the line
// cur_y: position Y of the current line
// width_x: length of the line
// if you need a 2nd coordinate then :end_x=start_x+width_x
// and add those 2 brackets after !!!
I did pretty much what AlegGeorge did but I changed three lines. I thought that this is faster but these are the results am I doing anything wrong? my function is called DrawBruteforcePrecalcV4. here's the code:
for (int x = 0; x < radius ; x++) // Instead of looping from -radius to radius I loop from 0 to radius
int hh = (int)std::sqrt(radius_sqr - x * x);
int rx = center_x + x;
int cmx = center_x - x;
int ph = center_y+hh;
for (int y = center_y-hh; y < ph; y++)
canvas[rx][y] = 1;
canvas[cmx][y] = 1;
