Python.Net Winforms Application & PyQt5 combined - winforms

Is it possible to run a Winforms Apllication within a PyQt5 main application?
I have a main python PyQt5 application, but need to integrate an additonal part from a Net Winforms App. The problem is the event loop of the Winforms app.
Is there any way to combine the PyQt5 event loop with the Winforms event loop?
The Winforms app has several windows and coroutines, without PyQt5 it works perfect, however, as soon as the PyQt5 event loop has control the Winforms app stops processing event, the only solution so far was to open the Winforms windows with ShowDialog


Steps for change the UI of desktop app from winforms to wpf

I built a small desktop app on c# .net
Local desktop without any internet connection or communication with other any computers, I used winforms.
As expected I split up between logic and UI, and now I want to use WPF to my UI (change the way I implement the UI part), and in the future I will want to use mobile UI..
What are my steps should be?
Do I need to write new code, or there is something automatic?

Run a function in a wpf application by autohotkey

There is a wpf application. I want to automate a function on that wpf application while its already running. How to do this by autohotkey?

Is it possible to call a Windows Forms Keyboard in a Silverlight Web Application?

I need a multilingual Keyboard for my Silverlight WebApplication. I have now written it with Windows.Forms and Sendkeys. It works fine.
Now the problem is that I want to call it inside from the Silverlight WebApplication with a Click Function on a Textbox or a button so when its pressed the Keyboard pops up. I thought about running the Windows.Forms Application in the Background and tried to FindWindow() with Silverlight but it did not work at all.
I am not sure about using winform. But, you can use win32 methods (so, I guess Winforms too) in Silverlight 5 using PInvoke

Host a Silverlight application in Winforms application

I have a need to host a Silverlight application as a module in an existing WinForms application. My plan is to host the web page that hosts the Silverlight app in a web browser control in the WinForms application.
The part I have not been able to figure out is how to communicate from the Silverlight application back to the Winforms application. For starters, the Silverlight application needs to inform the web page that it is closing and have the browser control inform the WinForms module that the application has terminated. Once that is working I need to be able to send several different events to the WinForms program.
This does not seems like it should be hard to do, but I am hoping that someone can save me a lot of experimenting and keep me from wasting time following the wrong path.
My environment is Silverlight 4. The Winforms application also currently is hosting some WPF controls.
kind of a backwards approach.
Silverlight is a workaround to make WPF available on other platforms.
If you are running winforms, just host it as WPF window. It is really easy.
MyWindow window = new MyWindow(); // WPF widnow
ElementHost.EnableModelessKeyboardInterop(window) // this is part of windforms integration namespace, allows winforms and wpf to communicate

Is there something like a QueryUnload event in WPF page-based apps?

I'm working on my first WPF app, using VS 2008. When I worked in VB6, there was a form event called QueryUnload, which one could use to determine how an application was shutting down. I'd like to do the same thing in a page-based WPF application, if that's possible. (My app is not an XBAP application, but a page-based app.) I know that VB6 didn't have anything like a page-based application, so it might not be possible.
You do it in your handler for Window.Closing, see here
