I have question about LDAP queries and DC in general (in Microsoft AD):
Does a DC can contain only one domain? or sub domain can be also on it?
Does sub-domain reside in a separate DC?
if i want to get data from multiple domain/sub domains what are the ways to get all user, groups and relationship between them using LDAP queries (not using GC and without referrals) ? is the only way to do a separate LDAP query to every DC ?
waiting for your help
Domain controllers are in charge of a single domain and holds information only about this single domain. Global Catalogs hold information about selected attributes of users and groups of all the forest (master domain and all its subdomains), so the easiest way is to run the query against a GC. Those never respond with referrals.
Every single domain controller can be configured to be a Global Catalog if needed. GC endpoint runs on port 3268 for LDAP and 3269 for LDAPS, so chances are that executing your regular LDAP(S) query against GC ports will result in what you wish. You can get the list of all GCs in the forest by querying DNS for SRV records, i.e. nslookup -type=SRV _gc._tcp.<forest name>.
In my AD forest i have one primary domain and three child domains.
Is there any way to query forest to search in all domains controllers to chek if user is memberof a group?
I already try ldap bind + search, but using this method i need to query each domain individual.
I also try ldap bind + search to global catalog, but global catalog don't get all the information from the childs domains, special group members.
So is there any way to search the entire forest without need to contact each domain controller?
If not possible by ldapsearch, someone can guide me the correct way?
Thanks in advance
André Bolinhas
You could try ldapsearch against the Global Catalog.
A Global Catalog server is a Domain Controller that stores Global Catalog information; its database stores rows for every object in the AD Forest instead of rows for only the objects in one AD DOMAIN.
Characteristics of Global Catalog
Global Catalogs are also Domain Controllers
Global Catalog servers stores information about all objects of all domains of the entire forest.
Global Catalog servers do Not the complete set of attributes for these objects are stored.
Global Catalog servers replicate the data with all other Global Catalogs in the forest.
Global Catalog function increases replication load on the regarding server.
Global Catalog access over LDAP is done as a normal LDAP connection over TCP port 3268 (or 3269 for LDAP over SSL).
Global Catalog requests are Read Only.
Global Catalog Domain Controller have a DNS SRV Record is created in DNS.
There are also several dsquery commands that might work.
LDAP/AD Experts,
It might be simple for you but its challenging task for me!.
"ldap queries - need the dn of the users who are authenticated via ldap protocol and their IP address"
We are migrating authentication out of AD/LDAP.
We’re looking to migrate applications that are directly using AD for employees.
Its not specific to OU and Group but overall active directory.
We have plenty of applications which uses AD/LDAP for authentication.
How do I pull such data? At least need to have user details.
Getting the DN of a user is easy with any ldapsearch utility.
There is no method to obtain "the users who are authenticated" from LDAP. You could find the "time" a user did last Authenticate, regardless of how, from the lastLogon or LastLogonTimeStamp.
Generally, the IP Address of the user is not available as part of the user entry within Microsoft Active Directory.
You might be able to obtain this from some power-shell script, but I was unable to find anything from a quick search.
I am querying Active Directory from SQL Server via a Linked Server called LDAP.
The linked server was created thus, authenticating through a specially created service account myDomain\ServiceAccountWithNoPermissions.
exec master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver #server = N'LDAP', #srvproduct=N'Active Directory Service Interfaces', #provider=N'ADSDSOObject', #datasrc=N'adsdatasource'
exec master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin #rmtsrvname=N'LDAP',#useself=N'False',#locallogin=NULL,#rmtuser=N'myDomain\ServiceAccountWithNoPermissions',#rmtpassword='########'
And I'm querying the members of a specific Active Directory Group with the following:
select *
from OpenQuery (LDAP, '
select objectGUID, sAMAccountName
from ''LDAP://myServer.myDomain.com/DC=myDomain,DC=com''
where MemberOf=''CN=Some Group,OU=Folder,DC=myDomain,DC=com''
order by sAMAccountName asc
Here's my problem. The above system is working correctly for some Active Directory Groups and not others.
By default I think Authenticated Users is supposed to be able to query any User or Group objects in Active Directory. And as a test I verified that the effective permissions of myDomain\ServiceAccountWithNoPermissions includes "Read all properties" on Groups for which the members are both queryable and non-queryable.
What could be the difference between Groups that are queryable and non-queryable?
You didn't describe what you mean by it working incorrectly, so I can only guess. But the most obvious thing I can see is that you're querying the membership of a group by using memberOf. Depending on how your environment is setup, that may not give you all the results you hope for. I wrote about this, but here's the important part:
Groups only get added to memberOf if they have a Group Scope of:
Universal and are in the same AD forest as the user, or
Global and are on the same domain.
Groups do not get added to memberOf if they have a Group Scope of Global and are on another domain (even if in the same forest).
On top of that, memberOf will only include Domain Local groups from the same domain of the server you are retrieving results from. (if you are working in a multi-domain environment and reading from a Global Catalog, this may not be the same domain the user is from)
It will also not report the user’s primary group (usually Domain Users), if that’s important to you, nor will it include groups on external trusted domains.
The most reliable way to find all the members of a group is to read the member attribute of the group itself. But if the group is used as the primary group for any users, then you would also have to use a different way to find those.
I have one forest like demo.com. In the forest contains two domains are first.demo.com and second.demo.com then I have several users in first.demo.com and created a group using that user. Again I created one group in second.demo.com using first.demo.com user. I want to get both groups using LDAP query.
When you run an ldap query, you query an LDAP partition, i.e. DC=first,DC=demo,DC=com. The partition DC=second,DC=demo,DC=com maybe is in the same forest, but is hosted on another domain controller and is a specific partition.
The global catalog holds information for the whole forest, but as it contains all users and groups accross the forest, some attributes are not recorded in (to minimize its size).
If you query an attribute that is not in the global catalog, my suggestion is that you should script your ldap query like this:
query the forest domain root to get the list of all domains in the forest
for each domain, run your ldap query
Found this answer here: How to find trusted domain groups using Ldap query
In a multi-domain-setting, I want to collect security file access audit events at a central place.
In ActiveDirectory, it is possible to enable file access auditing at the Domain Controller by creating a GPO.
Additionally, at a different 'file server' computer, that is a member of one of the domains, a SACL has to be configured at the file system objects that I want to be audited (and that are included in a network share).
Once this is done, the file access events are recorded and somehow magically transfered to the event log of the domain controller.
I would really like to know:
How and when are these events transfered? Is the transfer
Is it possible to directly select another (additional) receiver of those events, apart from the domain controller? I know that it is possible to forward those log events later on, but are they by default forwarded to the Domain Controller? Is there an implicit forwarding configured?
How much traffic is going to be generated, with respect to network load?
First thing domain controller is server having Active Directory(a kind of organisation database). Active directory identified every component/resources connected into domain whether logical(user) and physical(computer and printer) as a object. This object has properties known as Schema. This schema has been catalog in repositories known as GC(Global catalogue) but gc has only partial information so that resources can be located.
Now, coming to this policies. There is two thing GPO and OU. GPO is set of policies that you can apply on OU or higher grouping unit.
Let's see how communication happen. Again, there is two widely used term 1. replication and 2. LDAP Query.
Replication is done between controller so that network traffic can be reduced and for higher availability for resources connected to server. In replication, all resource information has synchronized with server. To ensure security integrity, there is certificate(which gives identification as well encryption mechanism) and delegation(providing rights).
LDAP is protocol through which user has been authenticated. So LDAP has query which quiet similar to other query language. Well all this query has been logged ultimately to server.
GPO has been replicated on resources or you can apply forcibly. If you want to do it immediately.