Export a selection of tables, containing a word - export

How can we export a selection of tables, in which the name contains certain words ?
The solution to select all the tables needed ,one by one in the custom export, is tedious.


How to create a custom drop down control list in Google Data Studio? (using multi category column or multiple binary columns)

My use case is that one of the columns in my table has multiple categories included. For example, entry 1 may say budget, schedule, entry 2 may say schedule, quality and entry 3 may say schedule. I can also change it so that budget, schedule and quality become boolean columns.
I would like to create a drop down option that list each grade level individually and when one of the categories is selected, I want the table to filter based on the selection in the drop down. So when someone selects schedule, all 3 entries, in this scenario, will be displayed.
Do you believe this is possible to do in Data Studio?
Thank you
Create a parameter cat_select to filter the data.
Create a calculated field cat_test with
Generate a filter for that field cat_test to be true.

Creating conditional Value Lists for many to many relationship in filemaker

I am creating an app for student management. My database has three tables that manage student classes; Class and Stream. These two tables have a many to many relationship so I created a third table Class Stream to join them by using their IDs.
Currently, creating conditional value lists works fine for a one to many relationship where only two tables are involved.
Now I need to create conditional value lists with three tables (Class, Stream, & Class Stream) involved whereby if I select a given class, only stream values belonging to that specific class display in form of a drop down list in the field below.
My value lists filter has two dropdown lists. The first one displays class names and the second one displays stream names. I need to make sure that when I select a class, the dropdown list for stream names contains only streams that belong to the selected class above.
For create a conditional value lists, you should use a separate occurrences from original table occurrence and create a relation like this:
Database Relations
and use a simple value list for Class names like this:
Value list for class names
and a related value list for stream names like this:
Value list for stream names

PBI - Export underlying data want have all of the columns

I'm trying to export columns with Underlying export but export from different visuals has different results even though it should always contain the same columns.
So far I did dig up on internet that I have to:
add all desired columns for export to Fact table as new columns (if they are metrics, convert them to columns and to text, if they are in different Dimension type table, use in Fact table in new column function RELATE and add the concrete metric/column so you would have all of them in Fact table and as columns with text type.
allow in your settings the Underlying export,
But so far no luck.
I did notice if I do the export from a visual in Fact table, I have all the columns ( all wanted exported colums not being in Fact table added to the Fact table with RELATED function as new columns ), but if I do the export from a visual being in Dimension table, the only columns I see are from that concrete Dimension table. Even if they do have a connection with each other and both have IDs with no duplications.
Any ideas?

Tableau- Filtering based on another element

I have multiple tables with one common element (ID). The first table has is the only one that has the ID and First Name. In a dashboard, I am trying to create a filter where when I type in or select the First Name, all data from all tables relating to the First Name's ID would populate.
FYI, I don't want to join the data. My actual tables are big data from multiple sources I would like to find an alternative route to this.
I also tried to create a parameter for the First Name and then created a Calculated Field with
IF [Parameter]=[Name]
but this didn't work. I am very new to Tableau and I'm thinking that there must be a way where the choosing a Name would trigger the ID and its relevant data.
create multiple sheets with different tables where each sheet will be collected to individual table.
Now create a filter and apply the filter to all worksheets and then go to dashboard and apply filter, Dash board should change.

How can I sort a table in Datastudio by multiple columns?

I have a report in Datastudio that consists of multiple columns. I'd like to sort the rows based on multiple columns. Is it possible to do this?
The sorting is limited by 2 columns. In the Table Properties-Data pane pick "Sort" and "Secondary Sort" options for primary and secondary sorting.
As noted by Elena, Tables allow editors to set a default (Primary) Sort and an optional Secondary Sort.
In addition, while in View Mode, users can also sort the Table as required, by either tapping on the respective field header, or by accessing the Sort Drop-down in the Chart Header.
Google Data Studio Report and a GIF to demonstrate:
As previous answers have stated, it looks like Data Studio only supports two sort fields.
You can create a calculated field on the secondary sort, which concatenates together the 2nd and subsequent fields on which to sort by, to approximate sorting on more than two dimensions.
