Can't play audio using React [duplicate] - reactjs

I have some problem with my images on my react project. Indeed I always thought that relative path into src attribute was built on the files architecture
Here my files architecture:
However I realized that the path is built on the url. In one of my component (for example into file1.jsx) I have this:
<img src="../img/myImage.png" /> -> works
<img src="../img/myImage.png" /> -> doesn't work, images are not displayed
How is it possible to solve this problem? I want that in any form of routes handled by react-router, all images can be displayed with the same path.

In create-react-app relative paths for images don't seem to work. Instead, you can import an image:
import logo from './logo.png' // relative path to image
class Nav extends Component {
render() {
return (
<img src={logo} alt={"logo"}/>

If you used create-react-app to create your project then your public folder is accessible. So you need to add your image folder inside the public folder.
<img src="/images/logo.png" />

You're using a relative url, which is relative to the current url, not the file system. You could resolve this by using absolute urls
<img src ="http://localhost:3000/details/img/myImage.png" />
But that's not great for when you deploy to, or any other site. Better would be to use a url relative to the root directory of the site
<img src="/details/img/myImage.png" />

With create-react-app there is public folder (with index.html...).
If you place your "myImage.png" there, say under img sub-folder, then you can access them through:
<img src={window.location.origin + '/img/myImage.png'} />

If the image is placed inside the 'src' folder, use the following:
<img src={require('../logo.png')} alt="logo" className="brand-logo"/>

Make an images folder inside src(/src/images) And keep your image in it. Then import this image in your component(use your relative path). Like below-
import imageSrc from './images/image-name.jpg';
And then in your component.
<img title="my-img" src={imageSrc} alt="my-img" />
Another way is to keep images in public folder and import them using relative path. For this make an image folder in public folder and keep your image in it. And then in your component use it like below.
<img title="my-img" src='/images/my-image.jpg' alt="my-img" />
Both method work but first one is recommended because its cleaner way and images are handled by webpack during build time.

Some older answers din't work, others are good but won't explain the theme, in summary:
If image is in 'public' directory
Example: \public\charts\a.png
In html:
<img id="imglogo" src="/charts/logo.svg" />
In JavaScript:
Create image to new img, dynamically:
var img1 = document.createElement("img");
img1.src = 'charts/a.png';
Set image to existing img with id as 'img1', dynamically:
document.getElementById('img1').src = 'charts/a.png';
If image is in 'src' directory:
Example: \src\logo.svg
In JavaScript:
import logo from './logo.svg';
img1.src = logo;
In jsx:
<img src={logo} />

I have used it this way and it worked perfectly
import Product from "../../images/product-icon.png";
import { Icon } from "#material-ui/core";
<img src={Product} style={{ width: "21px", height: "24px" }} />

Adding file-loader npm to webpack.config.js per its official usage instruction like so:
test: /\.(png|jpg|gif)$/,
use: [
loader: 'file-loader',
options: {}
worked for me.

Import Images in your component
import RecentProjectImage_3 from '../../asset/image/recent-projects/latest_news_3.jpg'
And call the image name on image src={RecentProjectImage_3} as a object
<Img src={RecentProjectImage_3} alt="" />

A friend showed me how to do this as follows:
"./" works when the file requesting the image (e.g., "example.js") is on the same level within the folder tree structure as the folder "images".

Place the logo in your public folder under e.g. public/img/logo.png and then refer to the public folder as %PUBLIC_URL%:
<img src="%PUBLIC_URL%/img/logo.png"/>
The use of %PUBLIC_URL% in the above will be replaced with the URL of the public folder during the build. Only files inside the public folder can be referenced from the HTML.
Unlike "/img/logo.png" or "logo.png", "%PUBLIC_URL%/img/logo.png" will work correctly both with client-side routing and a non-root public URL. Learn how to configure a non-root public URL by running npm run build.

If your page url contains multiple / then in src go back / count minus 1 times.
For example page url http://localhost:3000/play/game/ then src url must be ../your-image-folder/image-name. And your your-image-folder must be in public folder.

I create my app with create-react-app and I use require instruction if I want to change dynamically my image src:
export const MyComponent = () => {
const [myImg, setMyImg] = useState(require('./path/to/my/img'));
const handleClick = () => {
return (
<img src={myImg} alt='myImg' />
<button onClick={handleClick}>Click me!<button/>


React reference local image with absolute path with react

I'm building a simple desktop app using tauri, with a rust backend and a react frontend.
I'm passing the absolute path to a local image (on my device) from the backend to the frontend, and trying to use that path to display the image, but every time, the image isn't loaded and the console looks for the image inside the app folder:
I tried different things but I haven't been able to find a way that works for me to make sure the path given is interpreted as an absolute path, do you have any solution to suggest?
I've just play around and found that ReactJS default doesn't allow us to import any resources outside our app's folder.
As I tried to import an img via an absolute path from C:/ on my device, React returned this error:
Module not found: Error: You attempted to import C:/Users/admin/Pictures/Screenshots/a.png which falls outside of the project src/ directory. Relative imports outside of src/ are not supported.
You can either move it inside src/, or add a symlink to it from project's node_modules/.
So the only way I've found so far is to load the image as a base64 string, there are 2 ways to achieve that:
Import img as a ES6 module
Use <img src={require(...) />
Notice: If you paste your absolute path of the img to browser's address bar then double click it, you can see the "full path" of the img file with the prefix file:///.
Please refer to my example code below:
import React from 'react';
import imgSrc from 'file://C:/Users/admin/Pictures/Screenshots/a.png';
export const Demo = () => {
return (
<div className='test-import-img-from-device'>
<img src={imgSrc} />
It worked
<br /><br />
<img src={require('file://C:/Users/admin/Pictures/Screenshots/a.png')} />
It also worked
<br /><br />
<img src={'C:/Users/admin/Pictures/Screenshots/a.png'} />
Not worked
<br /><br />
<img src={'file://C:/Users/admin/Pictures/Screenshots/a.png'} />
Also not worked
In your case, I think <img src={require('file://...') /> would solve your issue.
Hope this can help!

How to fetch image names from database and display them in react app

The images are stored in the client/public/images folder. And the file name and extension is fetched from a mysql database. How do I write the src attribute of the img element to display the images.
<img src={`%PUBLIC_URL%/images/${portraitFile}`} alt='' />
this is not working
My project structure:
- public
- portrait.jpg
- src
- components
- image viewer component
- App.js
You are using wrong syntax as per CRA app. Use the following:
<img src={require("../images/${portraitFile}").default} alt="" />
Give the path to your images folder.
If the images are in public folder. you can write:
<img src={`../images/${portraitFile}`} alt='Portrait' />
Notice the backticks since you are using template literal syntax.
If your project structure is like this:
- public
- images
- portrait.png
- src
- components
and you put your image tag inside App.js, you can source the image like this:
<img src={`../images/portrait.png}`} alt='' />
If you put your image inside your src directory:
- src
- assets
- images
- portrait.png
- components
at the app you can import like this:
import Logo from "./assets/images/logo192.png";
and render using the imported Logo:
<img src={Logo} alt="" />
I've got it guys. It was supposed to be:
<img src={`/images/${portraitFile}`} alt='Portrait' width='70%'/>
since every component is rendered in the index.html file, I should've had made the src structure according to the index.html file. That was it

NextJS Image component incorrect path

I'm working on a NextJS application and I'm having trouble getting the Image component to work.
The normal img element works fine using the same src attribute path as the Image component.
My project has the standard public folder and inside it I have an image called nageldog.png
import Image from "next/image";
<img src="/nageldog.png" alt="a"/>
<Image src="/nageldog.png" alt="b" width="64" height="64" />
In the browser console
the src path generated for the <img> element looks fine:
<img src="/nageldog.png" alt="a">
the src path generated for the <Image> component looks odd:
<img alt="b" src="/_next/image?url=%2Fnageldog.png&w=256&q=75"
I receive an error in console: "Failed to load resource... status 500" for http://localhost:3000/_next/image?url=%2Fnageldog.png&w=64&q=75
Why won't the Image component load? Thanks!
you can import static images like this
import Image from 'next/image'
import mypic from '../nageldog.png'
const MyImage = (props) => {
return (
<Image src={mypic} alt="Picture of the author" />
the problem i have with is when having a lot of images in the public folder
use loader attribute.
<Image src={iconSrc} loader={() => item.iconSrc} alt="Picture of the author" />

How to load local images in React through props?

I have placed downloaded images in an images folder inside my public folder. The images are numbered from 1 to 10.
In my App.js file I am passing the id of each image to Component.js.
{, i) => {
<Component key={i} id={info[i].id} />
And in the Component.js file, I am rendering an image like this:
<img alt='image' src='/images/{}.jpg'/>
My vision is that I will send an id through props from App.js and in Component.js I will use that id for {}.jpg to display the id's respective image. The page is loading and there are no errors showing up but I am not able to see the images. I then changed the images folder's location and tried doing this:
<img alt='image' src={require(`D:/project-name/src/images/${}.jpg`)}/>
But still facing the same issue. Please help me solve this issue.
The issue is in your image tag. Try making the string a template string and don't forget to add the missing dollar sign before {}.
<img alt='image' src={`/images/${}.jpg`} />

Questions about create-react-app public folder reading different files

I'm a beginner on Reactjs ans Javascript.
I read that create-react-app can access the public folder like this to get an image:
img src={process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/img/logo.png'} />;
But this also works but cant find documentation about it:
let photo = '/img/logo.png';
and another thing is if I try to read a json file the same way it fails:
let someJson = process.env.PUBLIC_URL + 'resume.json';
test code
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<img src={photo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
{} // FAIL ...
"basics": {
"name": "Foo Bar"
Why can I get the image and not the json?
You can import your JSON file inside the component. This is the recommended way, instead of using the public var path which has its downsides.
From the React docs
You can also add other assets to the public folder.
Note that we normally encourage you to import assets in JavaScript files instead (...)
If you put a file into the public folder, it will not be processed by webpack. Instead it will be copied into the build folder untouched. To reference assets in the public folder, you need to use an environment variable called PUBLIC_URL.
import React from "react";
// resume JSON file is at the same level than this file
import resume from "./resume.json";
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
Listed downsides from using %PUBLIC_URL% (in Node) or process.env.PUBLIC_URL (in JavaScript)
None of the files in public folder get post-processed or minified.
Missing files will not be called at compilation time, and will cause 404 errors for your users.
Result filenames won’t include content hashes so you’ll need to add query arguments or rename them every time they change.
