Mathematical operation on macro value in C - c

The output of the following program is T = 0.0000.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define Fs 8000
int main()
float T = 1/Fs;
printf("T = %f", T);
return 0;
However, when the macro Fs is declared as a float variable inside main, I get the correct output T = 0.000125. Can anyone explain what is going on? Is it possible to get the correct output with the macro too?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
float Fs = 8000;
float T = 1/Fs;
printf("T = %f", T);
return 0;

Integer divided by integer = integer. Integer divided by float = float.
#define Fs 8000.0
float T = 1.0/Fs;
float T = 1/(float)(Fs);

Can anyone explain what is going on?
In C the type used by an operator is picked based on that operator's operands and not based on the type where you store the result.
Also everything including constants has a type. 8000 is type int, 8000.0 is type double and 8000.0f is type float.
In case of 1/Fs with Fs as a macro for the integer 8000, then both operands of the division are int. Therefore the division is carried out on int type and you get the result 0 because of it.
In case of 1/Fs with Fs as type float, one operand of the division is int and the other is float. Something called "the usual arithmetic conversions" (see Implicit type promotion rules) then "promotes" the int to type float. The division is carried out on float type.
Some best practices:
Avoid mixing integers/int constants with floating point arithmetic. Instead write every expression involving floating point with pure floating point constants/variables.
Use 8000.0f when dealing with float and 8000.0 when dealing with double.
float is a type that should barely ever be used in C programs and never in beginner programs. The only scenario where you should ever use float is when your CPU has a single precision FPU but no hardware support for double precision - which is a very specific scenario and not applicable to modern x86 PC where double should be used everywhere.
Avoid writing code relying on implicit type promotions. If correct types are used from the start, such promotions can be avoided.


C - int arithmetic calculation with float (beginner)

I have user integer input input and wanted to output the calculation with the input by division. The return had been 0 rather than decimals results. Wanted to prevent use of initialize the variable input with int rather than float to prevent possible errors in later data input with delimiter .
Is there any way to calculate float result w/ int input other than assigning float for the variable input ?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
int input;
printf("Enter data:");
scanf("%d", &input);
printf("Output: %f", (input / 7));
return 0;
Input: 6
Everything in C has a type, including constants like 7 which is type int, 7.0f which is type float or 7.0 which is type double.
Whenever mixing fixed point and floating point operands in the same operation with two operands (generally a bad idea), then the fixed point operand is converted to floating point. This is called "the usual arithmetic conversions".
int input;, input / 7. Both operands are int, no promotion occurs, the result will be of type int. This has everything to do with the / operator and nothing to do with where you place the result. The divison will get carried out on int type, so if you wanted it to be type float, it's already too late. Something like float f = input / 7 will not affect the type used by the division in any way. It will only convert the resulting int to float.
int input;, input / 7.0f. One operand is type int, the other is type float. The usual arithmetic conversions state that the int operand will get converted to float before the division. So this would solve the problem.
However, here is a better idea: Simply never mix fixed point and floating point in the same expression, because the potential for bugs is huge. Instead do this:
scanf("%d", &input);
float f_input = (float)input;
printf("Output: %f", (f_input / 7.0f);
Now nothing goes on implicitly, all implicit conversions have been removed. The cast is not necessary, but creates self-documenting code saying: "yes I do mean to make this a float type rather than had it happen by chance/accident".
(Advanced topic detail: printf actually converts the passed float to double, but we need not worry about that.)
You need input/7 to be performed with floating point math, rather than integer math.
Like this...
printf("Output: %f", (input / 7.0));
This link explains a bit better how C/C++ deals with mixing floats/doubles/ints etc.
Does one double promote every int in the equation to double?

MISRA violation "441 - Float cast to non-float "

I am trying to correct the MISRA violation "441 - Float cast to non-float" that is occurring with the following code:
tULong frames = (tULong)(runTimeSeconds * 40.0f);
runTimeSeconds is a float and obviously 40.0f is assigned as a float. Any ideas?
There is a rule (MISRA-C:2004 10.4) stating the value of a complex expression of floating type may only be cast to a narrower floating type.
(runTimeSeconds * 40.0f) is such a so-called complex expression (a MISRA-C:2004 term). To dodge the MISRA violation, you can introduce a temporary variable:
float tmp = runTimeSeconds * 40.0f;
tULong frames = (tULong)tmp; // no complex expression, this is fine
The rationale for this rule is that complex expressions could potentially contain implicit type promotions and similar dangerous things.
MISRA-C:2004 is also worried/paranoid about incompetent programmers who think that changing code like uint8_t u8a, u8b; ... u8a + u8b into (uint32_t)(u8a + u8b) would somehow cause the addition to get carried out as an unsigned 32 bit type.
These rules have been improved in MISRA-C:2012 and are more reasonable there. A cast from a float expression to an unsigned one is fine as per MISRA-C:2012 10.5.
<math.h> has a nice family of functions that round and convert in one call. No cast needed to convert from float to tULong. Below has a (tULong) cast to handle an integer to integer conversion which may be eliminated depending on unposted issues of range and tULong details.
#include <math.h>
// long int lrintf(float x);
// long long int llrint(double x);
// 4 others
tULong frames = (tULong) llrintf(runTimeSeconds * 40.0f);
This rounds rather than truncates like OP's original code.
If the idea is to truncate the result, use the truncf function:
ULong frames = truncf(runTimeSeconds * 40.0f);
That way, your intention is made explicitly.

Using round() function in c

I'm a bit confused about the round() function in C.
First of all, man says:
#include <math.h>
double round(double x);
These functions return the rounded integer value.
If x is integral, +0, -0, NaN, or infinite, x itself is returned.
The return value is a double / float or an int?
In second place, I've created a function that first rounds, then casts to int. Latter on my code I use it as a mean to compare doubles
int tointn(double in,int n)
int i = 0;
i = (int)round(in*pow(10,n));
return i;
This function apparently isn't stable throughout my tests. Is there redundancy here? Well... I'm not looking only for an answer, but a better understanding on the subject.
The wording in the man-page is meant to be read literally, that is in its mathematical sense. The wording "x is integral" means that x is an element of Z, not that x has the data type int.
Casting a double to int can be dangerous because the maximum arbitrary integral value a double can hold is 2^52 (assuming an IEEE 754 conforming binary64 ), the maximum value an int can hold might be smaller (it is mostly 32 bit on 32-bit architectures and also 32-bit on some 64-bit architectures).
If you need only powers of ten you can test it with this little program yourself:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(){
int i;
for(i = 0;i < 26;i++){
printf("%d:\t%.2f\t%d\n",i, pow(10,i), (int)pow(10,i));
Instead of casting you should use the functions that return a proper integral data type like e.g.: lround(3).
here is an excerpt from the man page.
#include <math.h>
double round(double x);
float roundf(float x);
long double roundl(long double x);
notice: the returned value is NEVER a integer. However, the fractional part of the returned value is set to 0.
notice: depending on exactly which function is called will determine the type of the returned value.
Here is an excerpt from the man page about which way the rounding will be done:
These functions round x to the nearest integer, but round halfway cases
away from zero (regardless of the current rounding direction, see
fenv(3)), instead of to the nearest even integer like rint(3).
For example, round(0.5) is 1.0, and round(-0.5) is -1.0.
If you want a long integer to be returned then please use lround:
long int tolongint(double in)
return lround(in));
For details please see lround which is available as of the C++ 11 standard.

C compiler (gcc) converts the int to float or float to int in 100.0 == 100?

I cannot figure out which way it goes. It seems like casting it into an int would make more sense because of the whole float point issue but like I said, I am not sure. Does anyone know?
Try this code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
if (100.1 == 100)
printf("Must be integer compare\n");
printf("Must be floating point compare\n");
return 0;
Also, think about things like int i = 10; float j = 100.5 + i; or 100.2 == 100. You don't want it to be done with integers!
It's listed in under "the usual arithmetic conversions".
Otherwise, if the corresponding real type of either operand is double,
the other operand is converted, without change of type domain,
to a type whose corresponding real type is double
And 6.5.9 spells it for ==:
If both of the operands have arithmetic type, the usual
arithmetic conversions are performed.
I am citing C11 N1570.

Handling numbers in C

Couldnt understand how numbers are handled in C. Could anyone point to a good tutorial.
This code gave: 5.333333
Gave some garbage value: 1431655765
int num;
Gives: 5
float num;
Gives: 5.000000
printf is declared as
int printf(const char *format, ...);
the first arg (format) is string, and the rest can be anything. How the rest of the arguments will be used depending on the format specifiers in format. If you have:
printf("%d%c", x, y);
x will be treated as int, y will be treated as char.
is ok, since you ask for float double (%f), pass float double(16.0/3.0)
you ask for int(%d), you pass float double (double and int have different internal representation) so, the bit representation of 16.0/3.0 (double) corresponds to bit representation of 1431655765(int).
int num;
compiler knows that you are assigning to int, and converts it for you. Note that this is different than the previous case.
Ok, the first 1 is giving correct value as expected.
Second one you are passing a float while it is treating it as an int (hence the "%d" which is for displaying int datatypes, it is a little complicated to explain why and since it appears your just starting I wouldn't worry about why "%d" does this when passed a float) reading it wrong therefore giving you a wierd value. (not a garbage value though).
Third one it makes 16.0/3.0 an int while assigning it to the int datatype which will result in 5. Because while making the float an int it strips the decimals regardless of rounding.
In the fourth the right hand side (16/3) is treated as an int because you don't have the .0 zero at the end. It evaluates that then assigns 5 to float num. Thus explaining the output.
It is because the formatting strings you are choosing do not match the arguments you are passing. I suggest looking at the documentation on printf. If you have "%d" it expects an integer value, how that value is stored is irrelevant and likely machine dependent. If you have a "%f" it expects a floating point number, also likely machine dependent. If you do:
printf( "%f", <<integer>> );
the printf procedure will look for a floating point number where you have given an integer but it doesn't know its and integer it just looks for the appropriate number of bytes and assumes that you have put the correct things there.
16.0/3.0 is a float
int num = 16.0/3.0 is a float converted to an int
16/3 is an int
float num = 16/3 is an int converted to a float
You can search the web for printf documentation. One page is at
You can understand numbers in C by using concept of Implecit Type Conversion.
During Evaluation of any Expression it adheres to very strict rules of type Conversion.
and your answer of expression is depends on this type conversion rules.
If the oparands are of different types ,the 'lower' type is automatically converted into the 'higher' type before the operation proceeds.
the result is of the higher type.
All short and char are automatically converted to int then
if one of the operands is int and the other is float, the int is converted into float because float is higher than an ** int**.
if you want more information about inplicit conversion you have to refer the book Programming in ANSI C by E Balagurusamy.
printf formats a bit of memory into a human readable string. If you specify that the bit of memory should be considered a floating point number, you'll get the correct representation of a floating point number; however, if you specify that the bit of memory should be considered an integer and it is a floating point number, you'll get garbage.
The result of 16.0/3.0 is 5.333333 which is represented in Single precision floating-point format as follows
0 | 10101010 | 10101010101010101010101
If you read it as 32bit integer value, the result would be 1431655765.
is equivalent to num = (int)(16.0/3.0). This converts the result of float value(5.33333) to integer(5).
is same as printf("%f",(float)num);
