Is there a vite plugin for angularjs apps that would enable some for of HMR? - angularjs

We are rewriting an AngularJS app with svelte components and using Vite for building it.
It works great for the svelte components, but changes made to AngularJS code files requires the whole application to reload.
Has anyone solved that problem or and pointers that would help us construct the angularjs app differently in order to achieve that?
We changing pieces of it to Typescript, and import every file required. But the imports are not all referenced. Since AngularJS apps use injection.

Definitely not. AngularJS module unloading isn't a thing as it was never designed for that.
More information in this similar post:


How do you add React as NPM package to Apostrophe v3?

we're working with Apostrophe CMS v3 and we're trying to add some custom apps to the pages with React. I was able to add components inside using the React CND scripts and loading components as script files in views/layout.html. But it probably isn't best practice. I was wondering if theres a way to add React apps into Apostrophe using npm packages and imports. Thank you very much!
It looks like this question was cross-posted to the Github Discussions forum:
The response there from the lead software architect:
You can do it in two ways. Which is best depends on your needs.
If you are building a single-page React app but you need some dynamically edited CMS content, you should most likely keep building your React app just as you have been, and use Apostrophe's REST APIs to access piece and
page CMS content where you need it. See the documentation on our REST APIs.
On the other hand, if you are building a pretty normal CMS-driven website
but you have a few experiences inside your pages that would benefit from
embedding a React application, you should carry on with your Nunjucks
templates for Apostrophe as you normally would to build a website with
Apostrophe, and in addition set up a webpack build of your own to build
your React apps, and push the output to a ui/public/build.js file nested
in any module of your Apostrophe project. Any .js file found in a
ui/public subdirectory of a module is automatically included in the
frontend bundle generated by Apostrophe.
In that situation, you can still use the REST APIs to access data from the
React app, or you can pass data via data attributes in your markup. If you
do the latter, the | jsonAttribute Nunjucks filter is helpful to turn it
into a string that is safe for incorporation into a quoted attribute in
your markup.
Hope that helps!

Does anyone know how I can embed Vue component/Project into Angular JS?

I have spent some time on this. I have an HUGE Angular JS project ( Angular 1.6.5). I would like to move some components into Vue.
First thing we came across is Web Components: but AngularJS application must be on version 1.7.3 or higher.
We explored ngVue library but : . To use this library in AngularJS, your application must be on version 1.7.9 or higher.
We have vue-custom-component which seems like basically wrapper to web components itself.
We are left with iframe, which we know works from the start but we were trying to avoid it.
Has anyone tried such thing already? Do we know of any other alternative library we can use to achieve the benefits of web-components in angularjs 1.6.
Thank you in advanc

AngularJS1.2 & Angular using Microfrontend

I am working in a project which is developed using AngularJS1.2, since it is older I am thinking to write feature modules in separate app using Angular and then with the help of Microfrontend thinking to combine with older app. To achieve this, I am not able to get a good source/guide. Can anyone please help me.
I see 3 ways but haven't tried any of them though. So, I don't have any working solution.
Have a route from angularjs that points to angular app(full page load) and everything from there onwards, angular handles everything. There is no angularjs involved. This may not be the best option.
Let angular code load on demand when the feature is required and provide placeholders for the angular features inside angularjs project. This way you can share custom scope to nested child angular project.
Use web components developed in angular(angular elements) and use them in your angularjs application. They work independent of technology/framework/library.

Include built ReactJS 16.x app into AngularJS 1.x

For a project I am working on, there is a situation where I have to include and ReactJS app which is already compiled into an AngluarJS project. Chrome/Firefox Browser is the Enduser-Interface.
I know that this setup isn't the best, unfortunately I have to deal with both frameworks in this exact setup.
I am not allowed to use an IFrame neither.
I googled a lot, searching for wrapper, which exists but only if the react project isn't already built.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
I am not sure your requirement, as per my understanding, you can import the "ngmodule" to react component and render the angular script. In this case you can achieve it from server side rendering.
In our project, we have the common login module developed in Angular 1.x, we are rendering the angular module in React.

Adding vueJS into an existing angular application

I have an existing angular application and I want to start changing some of it to a vueJS application.
My application, in dev mode, loads all scripts in the main html file (in production mode its bundled into app.js but I want to start testing to dev mode).
I want to change on of the states to use vue, so I read it's possible in the following way:
However, I want to use a .vue files syntax and I don't know if that's possible without using webpack or any other bundler in dev mode.
So my question is - Is that possible? Can I use .vue files inside my ng app with the current configurations? Furthermore, is there a nice way to webpack only the vue files and components (even though I have to initialize them inside and angular controller as it seems).
If there are any good tutorials for adding vue into angular app, I would love to get them, as I failed finding good ones.
ngVue member here :)
At Dawex (the company I'm working at), we're using Vue within a big AngularJS application, with ngVue. It's in production for several months now and it works very well. You can find more informations on this article I wrote before last summer: Hope that helps!
That could be tough, because the build for the vue code will basically be a separate application.
One thing you could do is build them as completely different parallel apps, use two build steps, include two javscript files and then use window.postMessage to communicate between the two.
So for example your current application will come to a point where a particular div is to contain vue code instead of angular. You could then post a message from your angular code, telling the vue app to load into that div, e.g.:
window.postMessage({ app: 'vue', bind: '#vue-content' })
The vue app, instead of binding on DOMContentReady would listen to window events, and then bind to the element it receives. It would then communicate back to the host app by posting messages also. This would keep them fairly seperate and allow you to build them independently.
