How can I access the React useQuery data result? - reactjs

Currently, when using react query - I can access the response from "data" like...
const { data, error, isLoading } = useQuery(
() => {
return getMyQuery()
then I can .map through the page response like ...
return ({ => (...))
Q: Is there way I can shorten the long list to something shorter like
newdata =
and then...
{ => (...)
I do not know where to access -"data" before it is output to the page. Can you help with this?
Thanks for your help in advance
I tried useState to update using setNewdata(data) but it did not show up correctly...
Update: I added async like this below - is it correct?
const { data, error, isLoading } = useQuery(
async () => {
return await getMyQuery()
If I console.log(data) after useQuery it is populated with the response.

First, setNewData() has absolutely no place in this code. data is undefined where you're trying to use it. You also do not need to set the data result into local component state; the useQuery hook takes care of state management already.
You can make your query results more opaque by simply transforming the result before returning it.
You can do that either within getMyQuery() or by using a selector in useQuery()
const { data, error, isLoading } = useQuery(["MyQuery"], getMyQuery, {
select: ({ data }) =>,
return => (
{ /* ... */ }
Unnecessary object nesting in API response data is a pet peeve of mine. I highly recommend simplifying the response format if possible.

whats stopping you from doing..
const { data, error, isLoading } = useQuery(
async () => {
setNewdata(data) // not sure how you set data here before it exists?
return await getMyQuery() // im assuming this is where the data comes from?
const newdata =
return ({ => (...))


How to throw argument in RTK Query (queryFn)

I have queryFn query in RTK, and I need to get some data from firebase DB by element ID. But when I give this arg to queryFn like in example below, I got undefined.
and I'm calling it like this:
The reason you got undefined is because the useGetCardByIdQuery hook returns the data undefined initially. The data is going to be available after a success fetch.
As far I understand from your code, you are trying to get the cards of authorized firebase user; so you don't need to pass any id indeed since I see that you are not using the id in the queryFn.
In that case, just pass the undefined like useGetCardByIdQuery(undefined); and return the cardList.
And for better typing, you can define the builder query with <OutputType, InputType>
getCardsById: builder.query<CardList, string>({
queryFn: async (id, api, extraOptions, fetchWithBQ) => {
try {
const user = getAuth();
const cardList = =>
return { data: cardList }
} catch (error) {
return { error }
Then you can call the hook in the component.
const response = useGetCardsByIdQuery(undefined);
if ( {
const cards =;

RTK Query response state

I'm trying to convert some Axio code to RTK query and having some trouble. The 'data' response from RTK query doesn't seem to act like useState as I thought.
Original axio code:
const [ importantData, setImportantData ] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
async function axiosCallToFetchData() {
const response = await'/endpoint', { payload });
const { importantData } = await;
.then((res) => res)
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
}, []);
const = importantData;
New RTK Query code
const { data, isSuccess } = useGetImportantDataQuery({ payload });
const = importantData;
This however is giving me an infinite render loop. Also if I try to treat the 'data' object as a state object and just throw it into my component as:
const = data.importantData;
Then I get an undefined error because it's trying to load the importantData before it's completed. I feel like this should be a simple fix but I'm getting stuck. I've gone through the docs but most examples just use the if statement block to check the status. The API calls are being made atleast with RTK and getting proper responses. Any advice?
Your first problem is that you always call setImportantData during render, without checking if it is necessary - and that will always cause a rerender. If you want to do that you need to check if it is even necessary:
if(isSuccess && importantData != data.importantData){
But as you noticed, that is actually not necessary - there is hardly ever any need to copy stuff into local state when you already have access to it in your component.
But if accessing data.importantData, you need to check if data is there in the first place - you forgot to check for isSuccess here.
if (isSuccess) { = data.importantData;
All that said, if objectThatNeedsData is not a new local variable that you are declaring during this render, you probably should not just modify that during the render in general.

react apollo - clear data object before refetch

When using refetch of useQuery hook the data object is still defined. And when using infinite scrolling, only the first page will be refetched.
Is it possible to clear the data object before calling the refech so that we can start fresh?
const { data, loading, error, fetchMore, refetch } = useQuery(GET_ALL_ITEMS, {variables});
getNextPage = async () => { // merges results for infinite scrolling
await fetchMore({ variables,
updateQuery: (previousResult, { fetchMoreResult }) => {
const oldEntries = previousResult.items;
const newEntries = fetchMoreResult.items;
fetchMoreResult.items = [...oldEntries, ...newEntries];
return fetchMoreResult;
Can I do something like refresh = () => { data = null; refetch(); } but without directly mutating state?
I couldn't find a way to clear data but found a different approach in Apollo Client v3 docs.
Basically it's to ignore loaded data when loading or in case of error:
const { data: loadedData, loading, error, fetchMore, refetch } = useQuery(
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true, // important for adequate loading state
const data = (loading || error) ? undefined : loadedData;
Note, that in order to make loading work for refetch, you need to pass notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true option.
It's also possible to get networkStatus from useQuery result and check it like this:
networkStatus === NetworkStatus.refetch
but it seems to work for me with loading and error only.

Unexpected result from apollo react's useQuery method

For a project, where i've implemented authentication by running a GraphQL query inside a AuthenticationProvider from a context, I noticed the query is fetching data twice.
const AuthenticationProvider: FC = props => {
const {
} = useQuery(MeQuery)
if (loading) return null
return <AuthenticationContext.Provider value={{user: data?.me || null}} {...props} />
However the query runs perfect, I still wanted to know why it fetches the data twice. I did some googling, and came across this issue, where this answer was provided. I tried the same thing, with the skip option, based if the data is loaded.
const [skip, setSkip] = useState(false)
const {
} = useQuery(MeQuery, { skip })
useEffect(() => {
if (!loading && data?.me) {
}, [loading, data])
// ...
But when logging in, it stopped working.
const useLoginMutation = () => useMutation(LOGIN_QUERY, { update: (cache, { data }) => {
if (!data) {
return null
cache.writeQuery({ query: MeQuery, data: { me: data.login } })
The cache still get's updated with the right values, but doesn't retrieve the user anymore (null).
const { user } = useContext(AuthenticationContext)
What am I missing here? It seems the query did run and fetched the correct data.
You don't need to use context when you are using apollo useQuery. If you make a query first, then the data fetched will be stored in the cache. You can directly access the data from the cache for the second you run the query. Since useQuery has default fetchPolicy cache-first. Mean its check in the cache first, if no query made before it makes a network request.
If you want to avoid network loading. You can make a top-level component AuthWrapper.
const useUserQuery = () => useQuery(ME_QUERY);
const AuthWrapper = ({children}) => {
const {loading, data} = useUserQuery();
if(loading) return null
return children;
export GetUsetInThisComponent = ({}) => {
// Since we have fetched the user in AuthWrapper, the user will be fetched from the cache.
const {data} = useUserQuery();
// No you can access user from data?.user
// Rest of the application logic
// Wrap the component like this to avoid loading in the children components
<GetUserInThisComponent />

In React, fetch data conditional on results of an initial fetch

We have written a custom data fetching hook useInternalApi which is similar to the useDataApi hook at the very bottom of this fairly decent tutorial on data fetching with react hooks. Our app fetches a lot of sports data, and in particular, we are trying to figure out the right data-fetching pattern for our use case, which is fairly simple:
Fetch general info for a specific entity (an NCAA conference, for example)
Use info returned with that entity (an array of team IDs for teams in the specific conference), and fetch info on each team in the array.
For this, our code would then look something like this:
import `useInternalApi` from '../path-to-hooks/useInternalApi';
// import React... and other stuff
function ComponentThatWantsTeamInfo({ conferenceId }) {
// use data fetching hook
const [conferenceInfo, isLoading1, isError1] = useInternalApi('conferenceInfo', { conferenceId: conferenceId })
// once conferenceInfo loads, then load info from all teams in the conference
if (conferenceInfo && conferenceInfo.teamsArray) {
const [teamInfos, isLoading2, isError2] = useInternalApi('teamInfo', { teamIds: conferenceInfo.teamIds })
In the example above, conferenceId is an integer, teamIds is an array of integers, and the combination of the 2 parameters to the useInternalApi function create a unique endpoint url to fetch data from. The two main problems with this currently are:
Our useInternalApi hook is called in an if statement, which is not allowed per #1 rule of hooks.
useInternalApi is currently built to only make a single fetch, to a specific endpoint. Currently, it cannot handle an array of teamIds like above.
What is the correct data-fetching pattern for this? Ideally, teamInfos would be an object where each key is the teamId for one of the teams in the conference. In particular, is it better to:
Create a new internal hook that can handle an array of teamIds, will make the 10 - 20 fetches (or as many as needed based on the length of the teamsArray), and will use Promise.all() to return the results all-together.
Keep the useInternalApi hook as is, and simply call it 10 - 20 times, once for each team.
I'm not sure if the underlying code to useInternalApi is needed to answer this question. I try to avoid creating very long posts, but in this instance perhaps that code is important:
const useInternalApi = (endpoint, config) => {
// Set Data-Fetching State
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true);
const [isError, setIsError] = useState(false);
// Use in lieu of useEffect
useDeepCompareEffect(() => {
// Token/Source should be created before "fetchData"
let source = axios.CancelToken.source();
let isMounted = true;
// Create Function that makes Axios requests
const fetchData = async () => {
// Set States + Try To Fetch
try {
const url = createUrl(endpoint, config);
const result = await axios.get(url, { cancelToken: source.token });
if (isMounted) {
} catch (error) {
if (isMounted) {
} finally {
if (isMounted) {
// Call Function
// Cancel Request / Prevent State Updates (Memory Leaks) in cleanup function
return () => {
isMounted = false; // set to false to prevent state updates / memory leaks
source.cancel(); // and cancel the http request as well because why not
}, [endpoint, config]);
// Return as length-3 array
return [data, isLoading, isError];
In my opinion, if you need to use a hook conditionally, you should use that hook inside of a separate component and then conditionally render that component.
My understanding, correct me if I'm wrong, is that the initial API call returns an array of ids and you need to fetch the data for each team based on that id?
Here is how I'd do something of that sorts.
import `useInternalApi` from '../path-to-hooks/useInternalApi';
// import React... and other stuff
function ComponentThatDisplaysASpecificTeam(props){
const teamId = props.teamId;
const [teamInfo] = useInternalApi('teamInfo', { teamId });
if(! teamInfo){
return <p>Loading...</p>
return <p>do something with teamInfo...</p>
function ComponentThatWantsTeamInfo({ conferenceId }) {
// use data fetching hook
const [conferenceInfo, isLoading1, isError1] = useInternalApi('conferenceInfo', { conferenceId: conferenceId })
if (! conferenceInfo || ! conferenceInfo.teamsArray) {
return <p>this is either a loading or an error, you probably know better than me.</p>
// Let the data for each team be handled by its own component. This also lets you not have to use Promise.all
return (
{ => (
<ComponentThatDisplaysASpecificTeam teamId={teamId} />
