Power automate: JSON formatting issues - arrays

I am using excel to generate a JSON file via a power automate flow. I have most of the functionality working but am stuck on a formatting issue where lists are being outputted as objects.
This is the format I need:
"_source" : { "title" : null, "first_name" : { "value" : "Tony", "source" : "48fa2a08-9137-49fa-8a7d-1d85570b7e5d" }, "last_name" : { "value" : "Stark", "source" : "48fa2a08-9137-49fa-8a7d-1d85570b7e5d" }, "full_name" : "Tony Stark",...
This is the format I am getting:
"_source": { "title": null, "first_name": [ { "value": "Tony", "source": "48fa2a08-9137-49fa-8a7d-1d85570b7e5d" } ], "last_name": [ { "value": "Stark", "source": "48fa2a08-9137-49fa-8a7d-1d85570b7e5d" } ], "full_name": ["Tony Stark"],...
I am composing this in the following way:
How do I get rid of the square brackets?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA

The output result of your data operations for (e.g.) first_name is an array.
In order to remove the square brackets, you need to drill down and get the item you want from the array.
Typically, an array is an array because you potentially expect more than one item to exist but in your case, it looks like that’s all you expect, therefore, you need to use an expression that will get the first item in the array.
To do that, you can wrap the “Output” from the Data Operations step (whatever that action actually is) in a first() expression.
That will return the first object in your array and remove the square brackets.


Replace field with MongoDB aggregate. Why $set, $addFields and $project, doesn't always replace the field?

Passing an object to an existing field in $set or $addFields merges objects rather than replaces them, e.g.
// Collection
"_id": "123",
"options": {
"size": "Large",
"color": "Red"
// Aggregate
$set: {
options: {
size: "Small"
// Expect
"_id": "123",
"options": {
"size": "Small"
// Actual
"_id": "123",
"options": {
"size": "Small",
"color": "Red" // <-- Not expected?
(It get's even weirder with arrays)
Is it possible to have it behave like non-object values and simply replace the field?
For context, I want to use this in an aggregate update pipeline.
This is the expected behaviour, and as far as i know there is not plan to change, as far as i remembered there was a jira with this, but they closed it, meaning that it will not change i think.
$set/$addFields replace always except
array field and i add document => array with all members that document
document field and i add document => merge documents (this is your case here)
$project replace always except
array field and i add document => array with all members that document
You can override this "weird" behaviour especially in case of
arrays, by $unset the old field first for example, and then $set
Based on the jira in the comment bellow, we can also use $literal to avoid this, but when we use $literal we have to be sure that we dont use expressions because they will not be evaluated.
(expressions like path references, variables, operators etc)

Solr query for child documents and return parents and filtered children

I'm having trouble creating a Solr query to be able to pull out the right documents, and am starting to wonder if what I am trying to do is even possible.
Currently on Solr 8.9 using a managed schema and every field is using a wildcard field.
Firstly what the document looks like
(changed names due to redacting internal business language):
"id": "COUNTY:1",
"county_name_s": "Hertfordshire",
"coordinates_s": {
"lat_s": "54.238948",
"long_s": "54.238948"
"cities": [
"id": "COUNTY:1CITY:1",
"city_name_s": "St Albans",
"size": {
"id": "COUNTY:1CITY:1SIZE:1",
"sq_ft_s": "100",
"sq_meters_s": "5879"
"id": "COUNTY:1CITY:2",
"city_name_s": "Watford",
"size": {
"id": "COUNTY:1CITY:2SIZE:2",
"sq_ft_s": "150",
"sq_meters_s": "10000"
"mayor": {
"title_s": "Mrs.",
"first_name_s": "Sheila",
"last_name_s": "Smith"
And what I want to return:
"id": "COUNTY:1",
"county_name_s": "Hertfordshire",
"coordinates": {
"lat_s": "54.238948",
"long_s": "54.238948"
"cities": [
"id": "COUNTY:1CITY:1",
"city_name_s": "St Albans",
"size": {
"id": "COUNTY:1CITY:1SIZE:1",
"sq_ft_s": "100",
"sq_meters_s": "5879"
"mayor": {
"title_s": "Mrs.",
"first_name_s": "Sheila",
"last_name_s": "Smith"
Basically my goal is to return more or less the entire thing, however with filtering out one of the cities. For example, the condition for the city would be like city_name_s:"St Albans". So it's to say that I want the parent and all children, however if the child is in that array (ie cities array), then the given field (city_name_s) must equal my defined value, or we don't want that child.
Things I've tried:
I've basically tried two approaches here:
I've tried to play around with {!child} and {!parent} to get a result that I want. Currently I can only get something from City level or the entire thing as if the filter was not there at county level.
I've tried to change values for the childFilter option, with things like:
city_name_s:"St Albans" OR (*:* NOT city_name_s:[* TO *]) to try and say 'if field exists it should be this'.
Anyhow I'm starting to run out of ideas with this; been hacking away at it for the past couple of days and not really got any closer.
Thanks in advance for any help; bashing my head against the wall currently so any suggestions are more than welcome :)
I had a similar issue in solr 9.0.0 and this solved it for me: Apache Solr Filter on Child Documents
In your case, just add fl=*,[child childFilter=city_name_s:"St Albans"]

How to define an array-property as comma separated?

How can I define an array object property, that contains several items in a comma separated string in openapi-v3?
I want to validate a request body (not query parameter!) like this:
"friends": "Ann,Bob"
I am dreaming of an openApi v3 schema definition like this one:
"friends": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"commaSeparation": ",", // does not exist
Is there a officially supported way to describe such string contents? If not: What could be a workaround, that still precisely defines and validates those texts?
No, there is not. Unfortunately to the parser friends is and will always be a string.
You could add a pattern regex to enforce the contents, something like:
"friends": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "[Ann|Bob|Charlie],+" // some regex that enforces the allowed tokens and a trailing comma
If you want a real array, then you need to use an array type.

mongoexport csv output last array values

Inspired by this question in Server Fault
I'm using mongoexport to export some collections into CSV files, however when I try to target fields which are the last members of an array I cannot get it to export correctly.
Command I'm using
mongoexport -d db -c collection -fieldFile fields.txt --csv > out.csv
One item of my collection:
"id": 1,
"name": "example",
"date": [
{"date": ""},
{"date": ""},
"status": [
I can access to the first member of my array writing the fields like the following
Is there a way to acess the last item of my array without knowing the lenght of the array?
Because the following doesn't work:
Any idea of the correct notation? Or if it's simply not possible?
It's not possible to reference the last element of the array without knowing the length of the array, since the notation is array_field.index where the index is in [0, length - 1]. You could use the aggregation framework to create the view of the data that you want to export, save it temporarily into a collection with $out, and then mongoexport that. For example, for your documents you could do
{ "$unwind" : "$date" },
{ "$group" : { "_id" : "$_id", "date" : { "$last" : "$date" } } },
{ "$out" : "temp-for-csv" }
in order to get just the last date for each document and output it to the collection temp-for-csv.
You can return just the last elements in an array with the $slice projection operator, but this isn't available in aggregation and mongoexport only takes a query specification, not a projection specification, since the --fields and --fieldFile option are supposed to suffice. Might be a good feature request to ask for using a query with a projection for mongoexport.

searching an array deep inside a mongo document

in my mongo collection called pixels, I have documents like the sample
I'm looking for a way to search in the actions.tags part of the documents?
db.pixelsactifs.actions.find({tags:{$in : ["Environnement"]}})
db.pixelsactifs.find({actions.tags:{$in : {Environnement}})
doesn't work. I'm also looking for the PHP equivalent ?
I'm also asking myself should I make an "actions" collection instead of putting everything inside one document
I'm new to mongo so any good tutorial on structuring the db would be great
Thanks for the insight
"_id": { $oid": "51b98009e4b075a9690bbc71" },
"name": "open Atlas",
"manager": "Tib Kat",
"type": "Association",
"logo": "",
"description": "OPEN ATLAS",
"actions": [
"name": "Pixel Humain",
"tags": [ "Toutes thémathiques" ],
"description": "le PH agit localement",
"images": [],
"origine": "oui",
"website": "www.echolocal.org"
"email": "my#gmail.com",
"adress": "102 rue",
"cp": "97421",
"city": "Saint louis",
"country": "Réunion",
"phone": "06932"
you can try like this
collectionName->find(array("actions.tags" => array('$in' => "Environnement")));
I do not think you need to maintain the actions in separate collection. NoSQL gives you more flexibility to do embed th document . Event it allows sub document also be indexed . True power of NoSQL comes with merging the document into each other to get the faster retrieval. The only short coming I can see here , you can not get the part of sub document . find will always return the complete Parent document. In case you want to show one entry of subdocument array , it is not possible . It will return the whole subdocument and you have to filter in on the client side. So if you are planning to show action as individual to end user , it is better to have in separate collection
Read here : http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/use-cases/
