Dynamic addition of headers and respective input fields below in AngularJS - angularjs

I want dynamic addition of header and respective input fields on selection of service
For example if in available service box i am selecting 2 service i need that headers to be show on along with input fields for those respective headers and also there will be add button if I click on add it should generate one more row
I need to do this in angular js


Need to have a custom field in salesforce object that will combine two other fields

We have a requirement where we need to combine two separate fields into one in the salesforce object and then removed those separate fields from the page layout but when the edit option is enabled in the salesforce portal to edit the object the eliminated fields should be there for edit. If further clarification is required, I can also do that
Click here to see the screenshot
I have tried the formula custom field type where I have to write a formula of concatenating the two fields like this given below:Text(Rent_Start_Date_Actual__c) & ","& Text(Rent_Start_Date_Type__c). I have also removed these two separate fields from salesforce page layout but it also gets removed when object window is in edit mode and we do not want that.
Rather than potentially messing with the edit page, have you considered using a simple screen Flow and an action to achieve this? For example, an action to 'Edit Rent Details' added to the page header, and then when clicked it presents the individual fields on a screen flow for editing? Once saved, the page would refresh and update the formula field as required.

How to dynamically remove field in Drupal 7 custom form using AJAX

Based on the "Add-more button (with graceful degradation)" example available in Drupal examples module I have created a form that can add fields dynamically using AJAX, and now i want to add a separate Remove button to each of those fields so that i can remove individual fields (not just the last field).
Decrementing the number of fields and rebuilding the form only removes the last field in the form.
What's the Drupal way of doing this? and what would be the best approach to achieve my requirement?
So each field gets a remove button next to it? In that case, the button simply needs to target the wrapper for that field (surround the field in an easily identifiable div, and set the ajax target for the button to the same). Hint: the button should also be contained within that wrapper so it also disappears when clicked.

<select> tag brings up dynamically a different set of input fields depending on selection in AngularJS

Im trying to create a form, first element should be a tag with a few options and each of them will dynamically bring up a different set of forms depending on what the user chooses. The idea is within the select tag there will be different categories like cars, properties etc.. first user only sees that and when chose, it will bring up a set of input fields that required for that category.
Anyone got an idea what would be the best way to do it in angular?
Using the ui.router module, you can populate a DOM element (ui-view) with an HTML template file. On selection of the dropdown, you're telling angular to go to a different "state".
Check out the following plunkr I made: http://plnkr.co/edit/jnKQOvkE4nJinEQ5zhr6?p=preview

Dynamically populate dropdown list from database based on selection in other dropdown lists using dojo

I just want to know how to design the UI with Dojo
I want to populate the dropdowns based on other dropdown selections,and the relationship can be one-to-many, i.e the 2nd dropdown will be populated based on the first one, but then, the 3rd dropdown would be poupulated based on the 1st and the 2nd one and so on.
my requirement is that whenever i select an option in a dropdown, it should be sent to a servlet(running on a given URL) with the selected choice (and any selections made previous to that), so that the servlet could return the data with which to populate the next dropdown
specific Questions
how do i write the code for dropdown form elements (using dojo)
how do i send the data back from the servlet to the webpage so that it will be read by dojo populated in the dropdown
See http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.7/dijit/form/FilteringSelect.html#codependent-filteringselect-combobox-widgets

Salesforce - Populate text are from drop down selection

I have a picklist with three values and a text area that has three values as well, but I would like to correlate one value from the picklist with one value of the text area. Any thoughts as on how I can do this?
If creating a visualforce page is an option, you can do this with a controller extension, or a custom controller. For example, you could override the save() method and have your new save code populate the text for you-- simply create a map of dropdown values to text area content and set the text as desired. It should also be possible to do this without saving by using some of the visualforce built in AJAX hooks: look at the onchange attribute. (Note that last I checked the onchange did not fire properly for lookups, but it may work for dropdowns)
Have a look at the visualforce documentation here: http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/pages/index.htm
