How to create custom component based on the mui component - reactjs

I want to create a custom component based on the MUI component. I read the documentation, but I didn't find how to do it.
There is a Badge component. It has root and badge slots. I want to redefine the slot styles in my custom component.
Here's what I tried to do, but it doesn't work
import { Badge, BadgeProps, styled } from '#mui/material';
const StyledBadge = styled(Badge, {
name: 'Badge',
slot: 'badge',
overridesResolver: (props, styles) => styles.badge,
})(({ theme }) => ({
height: '40px',
width: '40px',
borderRadius: '50%',
fontSize: '16px',
lineHeight: '24px',
backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.dark,
})) as typeof Badge;
export interface IDeliveryBadgeProps {
props: BadgeProps;
children: React.ReactNode;
export function DeliveryBadge({ children, ...props }: IDeliveryBadgeProps) {
return <StyledBadge {...props}>{children}</StyledBadge>;
export default DeliveryBadge;


How do I extend Material-UI Button and create my own button component

I am a React newbie. Using Material-UI / React, how can I create my own Button component? Ideally, I would like the component to encapsulate certain properties.
Here is my code.
export const Button = withSytles((theme) => ({
root: {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main,
minWidth: '100px',
This code is working however, is there a way to have the component employ all of the properties when I use color="primary" to the Material-UI Button. Do I need to include ALL of the properties or is there an easier way.
Also, I am sure using 100px is not the correct way for this control to be responsive. Is 100em correct or should I use something different?
This is possible in Material-UI v5, you can create a custom variant for your Button. A variant is just a specific styles of a component, each variant is identified by a set of component props. See the example below:
const defaultTheme = createMuiTheme();
const theme = createMuiTheme({
components: {
MuiButton: {
variants: [
props: { color: "primary", variant: "contained" },
style: {
backgroundColor: defaultTheme.palette.primary.main,
fontSize: 20,
minWidth: "200px"
props: { color: "secondary", variant: "contained" },
style: {
backgroundColor: defaultTheme.palette.secondary.main
When you render this component:
<Button color="primary" variant="contained">
The first variant style specified above is used because they have the same props:
{ color: "primary", variant: "contained" }
Live Demo
You can create custom variant as mentioned by #NearHuscarl other way you can create component modifying style.
Something like.
import { makeStyles } from '#material-ui/core/styles'
import Button from '#material-ui/core/Button'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
root: {
height: '48px',
width: '100%',
backgroundColor: '#232323',
color: '#fff',
fontSize: '16px',
borderRadius: '4',
minHeight: theme.spacing(6),
'&:hover, &:active, &:focus': {
backgroundColor: `rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)`,
'&.Mui-disabled': {
opacity: 0.75,
const propTypes = {
loading: PropTypes.bool,
function PrimaryButton({ children, loading = false, ...props }) {
const classes = useStyles()
return (
PrimaryButton.propTypes = propTypes
export default PrimaryButton
Created code sandbox

Material UI Avatar component sizes not changing

I have this component
import React, { FC } from "react";
import { Avatar } from "#material-ui/core";
export interface AvatarProps {
alt?: string;
src: string;
variant?: "circle" | "rounded" | "square";
sizes?: string;
const Component: FC<AvatarProps> = (props: AvatarProps): JSX.Element => {
return <Avatar {...props}></Avatar>;
export default Component;
I am trying to set the sizes property but it is not changing. What exactly does it take value?
Using the sx prop provided by the library:
<Avatar sx={{ height: '70px', width: '70px' }}></Avatar>
...or my preferred method, create a styled component outside your functional component or class. Something like this:
const StyledAvatar = ({ children, ...props }) => (
<Avatar sx={{ height: '70px', width: '70px' }} {...props}>
<StyledAvatar alt="add other props as normal">
Children can be nested here
Material UI 4 (Original Answer)
Scroll down to the sizes attribute of img and have a read.
Or just use makeStyles as seen in the documentation:
Or another option is a simple inline style:
<Avatar style={{ height: '70px', width: '70px' }}></Avatar>
You can set the size with a classname and the theme.spacing from Material UI.
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
sizeAvatar: {
height: theme.spacing(4),
width: theme.spacing(4),
const classes = useStyles();
<Avatar src="/path/to/image" alt="Avatar" className={classes.sizeAvatar} />
You can try setting additional Avatar Props
additionalAvatar: {
sx: {
height: 30,
width: 30,
background: "red"
Formatted by

Material-UI media query does't work with native styled

Wouldn't be possible to use [props => props.theme.breakpoints.up('sm')] ?
import React from 'react';
import { styled, withTheme } from '#material-ui/core';
export const DefaultContent = withTheme(
styled(({ theme, ...other }) => <main {...other} />)({
flexGrow: 1,
padding: props => props.theme.spacing(1),
backgroundColor: 'red',
[props => props.theme.breakpoints.up('sm')]: {
backgroundColor: 'blue',
You don't need functions when using theme properties - it kind of looks like you're mixing backtick syntax (where you would see props passed in a function on each line) rather than object syntax. This works:
const DefaultContent = styled('main')(({ theme }) => ({
flexGrow: 1,
padding: theme.spacing(1),
backgroundColor: 'red',
[theme.breakpoints.up('sm')]: {
backgroundColor: 'blue'

How to use 'theme' and 'props' in makeStyles?

How do I write makeStyles() so that it allows me to use both theme variables and props?
I've tried this:
const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
appbar: props => ({
boxShadow: "none",
background: "transparent",
marginTop: theme.spacing(2),
marginBottom: theme.spacing(2),
color: theme.palette.getContrastText(props)
And called it in the component with:
const classes = useStyles(backgroundColor);
Where backgroundColor is a prop on the component with type CSSProperties["backgroundColor"]
But I'm getting the error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'rules' of undefined
at RuleList.onUpdate (C:\Users\...\node_modules\jss\dist\jss.cjs.js:944:14)
at RuleList.update (C:\Users\...\node_modules\jss\dist\jss.cjs.js:923:12)
at StyleSheet.update (C:\Users\...\node_modules\jss\dist\jss.cjs.js:1178:39)
at attach (C:\Users\...\node_modules\#material-ui\styles\makeStyles\makeStyles.js:141:18)
at C:\Users\...\node_modules\#material-ui\styles\makeStyles\makeStyles.js:262:7
at useSynchronousEffect (C:\Users\...\node_modules\#material-ui\styles\makeStyles\makeStyles.js:207:14)
at C:\Users\...\node_modules\#material-ui\styles\makeStyles\makeStyles.js:254:5
at Layout (C:\Users\...\.next\server\static\development\pages\index.js:1698:17)
at processChild (C:\Users\...\node_modules\react-dom\cjs\react-dom-server.node.development.js:2888:14)
at resolve (C:\Users\...\node_modules\react-dom\cjs\react-dom-server.node.development.js:2812:5)
at ReactDOMServerRenderer.render (C:\Users\...\node_modules\react-dom\cjs\react-dom-server.node.development.js:3202:22)
at (C:\Users\...\node_modules\react-dom\cjs\react-dom-server.node.development.js:3161:29)
at renderToString (C:\Users\...\node_modules\react-dom\cjs\react-dom-server.node.development.js:3646:27)
at render (C:\Users\...\node_modules\next-server\dist\server\render.js:86:16)
at renderPage (C:\Users\...\node_modules\next-server\dist\server\render.js:211:20)
at ctx.renderPage (C:\Users\...\.next\server\static\development\pages\_document.js:2404:22)
100 | handleSignUpClick,
101 | backgroundColor
102 | }) => {
> 103 | const classes = useStyles(backgroundColor);
104 | return (
105 | <AppBar className={classes.appbar}>
106 | <Container maxWidth="lg">
edit: I'm using version 4.0.0-beta.1 of material core and styles
Tested with:
"#material-ui/core": "^4.0.0-beta.1",
"#material-ui/styles": "^4.0.0-rc.0",
JavaScript example:
import React from 'react';
import { makeStyles } from '#material-ui/styles';
import { useStyles } from './my-component.styles.js';
const myComponent = (props) => {
const styleProps = { width: '100px', height: '100px' };
const classes = useStyles(styleProps);
return (
<div className={classes.mySelector}></div> // with 100px and height 100px will be applied
export const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
mySelector: props => ({
display: 'block',
width: props.width,
height: props.height,
TypeScript example:
import React, { FC } from 'react';
import { makeStyles } from '#material-ui/styles';
import { useStyles } from './my-component.styles.ts';
import { MyComponentProps, StylesProps } from './my-component.interfaces.ts';
const myComponent: FC<MyComponentProps> = (props) => {
const styleProps: StylesProps = { width: '100px', height: '100px' };
const classes = useStyles(styleProps);
return (
<div className={classes.mySelector}></div> // with 100px and height 100px will be applied
export interface StyleProps {
width: string;
height: string;
export interface MyComponentProps {
import { Theme } from '#material-ui/core';
import { makeStyles } from '#material-ui/styles';
import { StyleProps } from './my-components.interfaces.ts';
export const useStyles = makeStyles<Theme, StyleProps>((theme: Theme) => ({
mySelector: props => ({ // props = { width: string; height: string }
display: 'block',
width: props.width,
height: props.height,
Re-tested with
"#material-ui/core": "^4.12.X"
You need to pass an object to useStyles rather than a string.
So instead of:
const classes = useStyles(backgroundColor);
you should have:
const classes = useStyles(props);
const classes = useStyles({backgroundColor});
Then you can get at backgroundColor using:
color: theme.palette.getContrastText(props.backgroundColor).
Here's a working example:
You can do this: (i dont know if is the best way but works... also can access to the theme ang globals provider (using themeProvider))
import { makeStyles }from '#material-ui/core/styles'
import styles from './styles';
const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => (styles(theme))); // here call styles function imported from styles.js
const SideNav = ({drawerState, toggleDrawer}) => {
const classes = useStyles();
return (
<Box className={classes.root}>
<Drawer className="drawer" anchor="left" open={drawerState} onClose={() => toggleDrawer(false)}>
export default SideNav;
and in styles.js
const styles = (theme) => {
return ({
root: {
'& .drawer': {
export default styles;
makeStyles get the theme by params
so you can create a styles.js for every component with a arrow function inside and
calling from makeStyles that can access to the theme provider.
We have 2 modes in general, your prop variable is imported to the component or not.
If your prop variable is imported, it is a global variable, so it is valid in makeStyles():
import {prop} from ...
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
// use prop
define component...
If your prop variable is defined in the component (such as a state), you have 2 choices:
You can pass the prop variable to makeStyles():
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme,prop) => ({
// use prop
define component...
You can use arrow function without passing any argument (except theme) to makeStyles():
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
//use prop
define component...
Here is an example of how you can use only props or props and theme both with makeStyles() just like styled-components
import { tableCellStyling } from './component.styled.js';
const RenderRow = (props) => {
const { noPaddingTopBottom } = tableCellStyling(props);
{ (row,i) => (
<StyledTableCell className={noPaddingTopBottom}>
Assuming my props object which is being passed by RenderRow Component to tableCellStyling has { color: 'grey', thinRow: true } in it
import { makeStyles } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
export const tableCellStyling = makeStyles(theme => ({
noPaddingTopBottom: {
borderBottom: ({ color }) => color ? `2px solid ${color}` : '2px solid red',
paddingBottom: props => props.hasActions && 0,
paddingTop: props => props.hasActions && 0,
backgroundColor: theme.palette.common.white,
The way you can do it is like this:
import { makeStyles, createStyles, Theme } from "#material-ui/core/styles";
const classes = useStyles();
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme: Theme) =>
root: propName => ({
border: "none",
boxShadow: "none",
cursor: propName ? "pointer" : "auto",
width: "100%",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
padding: "15px 15px"
updated: {
marginTop: 12,
fontWeight: 400,
color: "#939393"
You can use the prop name inside the element you are styling by making it an arrow function that returns the styling. In addition, you can also style other elements inside the createStyles hook. This took me some time, I hope anyone finds it useful. ✨🔥

Set the background color of a Snackbar in MUI

I am using a Snackbar component from MUI. At the moment the Snackbar appears in black. Do you know how I can change the color? Setting background-color only changes the color of the whole div in which the Snackbar is presented. It does not change the color of the Snackbar.
With material-ui 1.0 (or higher) you should override the root CSS class from the SnackbarContent component with the prop ContentProps.
Here is an example:
const styles = {
root: {
background: 'red'
class MySnackbar extends Component {
render() {
const { classes } = this.props;
return (
classes: {
root: classes.root
message={<span>Some message</span>}
export default withStyles(styles)(MySnackbar);
If someone do not want to pass style as props, we can also write a class in a css file and assign it to the ContentProps, like this:
classes: {
root: 'errorClass'
and in index.css file:
.errorClass { color: 'red' }
With the current material-ui version (4.3.0) there is a even simpler approach than the ContentProps way. Instead of the message attribute you can use a SnackbarContent as child and simply call style={} on it
onClose={() => {this.setState({showSnackbar: false})}}
<SnackbarContent style={{
message={<span id="client-snackbar">Hello World</span>}
You have to set the bodyStyle property:
<Snackbar bodyStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'teal', color: 'coral' }} />
You can find more info about how you customize the snackbars in the documentation
The root component of the Snackbar only concerns about positioning itself correctly, if you want to change the appearance of the physical Snackbar, you need to target the SnackbarContent via ContentProps prop. In v5, you can use the sx to do that easily:
sx: {
background: "red"
Another way is to create a custom variant for your Snackbar:
import { createTheme, ThemeProvider } from "#mui/material/styles";
const theme = createTheme({
components: {
MuiSnackbar: {
variants: [
props: { variant: "trouble" },
style: {
"& .MuiSnackbarContent-root": {
background: "orange"
props: { variant: "bigTrouble" },
style: {
"& .MuiSnackbarContent-root": {
background: "red"
<Snackbar variant="bigTrouble"
To use with typescript, you also need to update the prop type of Snackbar:
declare module "#mui/material/Snackbar" {
interface SnackbarProps {
variant: "trouble" | "bigTrouble";
With MUI v5 the optimal option to customize Snackbar (background, text color or any other styles) is to use sx prop and specific classNames for variants:
'& .SnackbarItem-variantSuccess': {
backgroundColor: colors.primary, //your custom color here
'& .SnackbarItem-variantError': {
backgroundColor: colors.alert, //your custom color here
'& .SnackbarItem-variantWarning': {
backgroundColor: colors.attention, //your custom color here
'& .SnackbarItem-variantInfo': {
backgroundColor: colors.secondary, //your custom color here
//...other props here>
The same approach can be applied to notistack library to customize their snackbar.
