Where can I find version of indivigual modules bundled with a particular version of OPM - package

What is the opm (operator package manager) version which includes the following -
containerd v1.5.16
runc v1.1.2
Looking for the version number of the OPM


Installing packages (pywin32) to Python embedded distribution

The Python 3.5 "embedded distribution" is a ZIP file containing
I need to install pywin32
The installer requires the specific python version to be installed on the system. Target paths cannot be provided manually.
The installer can be unzipped but I am not familiar with the packaging system, so I cannot do a manual install.
I found https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py which manages to get Scripts/pip.exe and creates Lib/site-packages.
>pip install pywin32
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pywin32 (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for pywin32
Solution moved to answer.
It would be interesting to know how manually install the package from the the current installer (or how to get the installer to use a specified path).
There is a (slightly older) release of pywin32 as Python wheel at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pypiwin32
> pip.exe install pypiwin32
Collecting pypiwin32
Downloading pypiwin32-219-cp35-none-win32.whl (7.9MB)
100% |################################| 7.9MB 114kB/s
Installing collected packages: pypiwin32
Successfully installed pypiwin32-219
import win32clipboard
win32clipboard.SetClipboardText( 'Hello World!', win32clipboard.CF_TEXT )
> python test.py
Paste: Hello World!

conda packages with version name of 'custom'

When I using conda search anaconda I found a few custom version packages, shown as follow:
Fetching package metadata: ....
anaconda 1.6.0 np17py33_0 defaults
... ... ...
4.0.0 np110py35_0 defaults
4.0.0 np110py34_0 defaults
4.0.0 np110py27_0 defaults
custom py35_0 defaults
custom py34_0 defaults
custom py27_0 defaults
Note that these three custom version pkgs are shown at the end of conda search anaconda results, so they are considered the newest version by conda, which also affects conda install anaconda results (so I have to using conda install anaconda=4.0.0).
Then conda info anaconda=custom gives following results:
Fetching package metadata: ....
anaconda custom py35_0
file name : anaconda-custom-py35_0.tar.bz2
name : anaconda
version : custom
build number: 0
build string: py35_0
channel : defaults
size : 3 KB
date : 2016-03-14
license : BSD
md5 : 47c237b38bfc175cb73aed8b8b33ade7
space : python
installed environments:
python 3.5*
anaconda custom py34_0
file name : anaconda-custom-py34_0.tar.bz2
name : anaconda
version : custom
build number: 0
build string: py34_0
channel : defaults
size : 3 KB
date : 2016-03-14
license : BSD
md5 : 767a59923372d998b8c83fb16ac035a1
space : python
installed environments:
python 3.4*
anaconda custom py27_0
file name : anaconda-custom-py27_0.tar.bz2
name : anaconda
version : custom
build number: 0
build string: py27_0
channel : defaults
size : 3 KB
date : 2016-03-14
license : BSD
md5 : 8288aef529d5a46d07bd84b4fcf4308a
space : python
installed environments:
python 2.7*
BUT I don't know/remeber HOW and WHY these three packages appear in this computer, can anyone explain:
How these custom version pkgs are created in the first place?
How/Why these custom version pkgs are shown in the conda search results?
How to remove these custom version pkgs?
The one custom version of any package that exists (right now, in the official repos) is for the anaconda package.
Here's there reason... The anaconda conda packages are metapackages, meaning they are packages of packages--or packages that have no real source code and only bring in a bunch of dependencies. Each anaconda package has every sub-package pinned to an explicit and specific version of that sub-package. That's because Continuum does extensive testing on the interoperability of that set of packages (and those specific versions).
Now, after you've installed anaconda, either through the Anaconda Installer or installing Miniconda and then conda install anaconda, you have a set of packages with all of these tested guarantees. There's no reason you have to stick to this locked set of packages--you can install anything and any version you want. You no longer have a version-identifiable Anaconda Distribution though. You've customized it. Thus, when you run conda list and the version of the anaconda package shows custom, you know you've diverged from the set of packages in the Anaconda Distribution that are robustly tested for interoperability.
Your conda search anaconda query just reflects an artifact of how this is implemented. You'll notice in that query that custom packages are listed first, meaning they have the lowest sort order when comparing versions. Thus, if you run conda update anaconda after you've diverged from the specifically-pinned anaconda packages, you'll be back to a numbered version of the Anaconda Distribution.
This is really a partial answer. I'm not positive why exactly this version exists.
(1) In terms of the specific version value of custom it seems this is allowed from here:
version: string
The package version, which may not contain -. Conda acknowledges PEP 440.
So this anaconda package would be created in the same way as any of the other versions. I would assume using conda build.
(2) They are shown in the search results because they exist in the anaconda cloud. It seems this is an officially released version of anaconda.
As for why it exists, if you download one of the actual package files (for example linux-64-anaconda-custom-py35_0.tar.bz2), expand it, and read the info/index.json file it looks like this package will simply install python and the other bare bones needs. Compare this to anaconda version 4.0.0, or one of the others, and you will see a ton of packages. I assume this package exists so that if someone installs the custom version they will just get the bare bones packages and then they go through conda install-ing any others they want.
For example, look at the packages when you do conda create -n anc-test anaconda=4.0.0 vs. conda create -n anc-test anaconda=custom.
EDIT: Just saw that that is also in your conda info so you are probably already aware of the difference in dependencies.
(3) I don't think you can remove these custom packages from your search call as they are legitimate packages in the anaconda cloud. You might be able to exclude them from the conda search via regex. It doesn't look like from your output that they have been installed -- at least not in the current environment.

Angularjs plugin installation error

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Tern Toolings (tern.eclipse.ide.tools.feature.feature.group
Missing requirement: Tern - Eclipse (tern.eclipse requires 'bundle org.eclipse.swt 3.7.0' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Tern - Eclipse - Core IDE (tern.eclipse.ide.core
To: bundle tern.eclipse 0.0.0
The key here is the "requires 'bundle org.eclipse.swt 3.7.0'" message - version 3.7.0 or newer of SWT is required.
It looks like your version of Eclipse is out of date, you need Eclipse 3.7 or 3.8 or Eclipse 4.2 or later.

Installing cakedc/users on CakePHP 3.1 version conflict

I'm trying to install Cake dc users on a Cakephp 3.1
That's a part of my composer.json that I'm almost sure that is properly setup mantain the cake version to 3.1:
"require": {
"php": ">=5.4.16",
"cakephp/cakephp": "~3.1",
I used the following command to setup cake:
composer create-project cakephp/app ar2016-2 3.1.*
and that's the result I get when I try to install DCUsers with the composer:
composer require cakedc/users:~3.1.0
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Conclusion: remove cakephp/cakephp 3.2.1
- Conclusion: don't install cakephp/cakephp 3.2.1
- cakedc/users 3.1.0 requires cakephp/cakephp ~3.1.0 -> satisfiable by cakephp/cakephp[3.1.0, 3.1.0-RC1, 3.1.0-beta, 3.1.0-beta2, 3.1.1, 3.1.10, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.5, 3.1.6, 3.1.7, 3.1.8, 3.1.9].
It looks that it detects CakePHP 3.2.1 but everywhere I check show me that I'm using the proper 3.1. version. Any Idea?
Thanks in advance,
I'd doubt that it shows that you've installed 3.1 anywhere at all, because the latest release is 3.2.1 and, ~3.1 means >= 3.1 and < 4.0.0, and therefore I'm pretty sure that you have the latest version installed, ie 3.2.1, a quick bin/cake will probably confirm that.
The cakedc/users version that you have requested, requires cakephp/cakephp:3.1.*, which means >= 3.1 and < 3.2, hence the error.
So either use the master branch of the plugin (it requires cakephp/cakephp:~3.1) until a proper release is issued, or use a more specific version constraint for the CakePHP framework, like 3.1.*
Thanks for the answer but it's just fixed, it was a problem of the plugin itself and cakedc fixed.

Microsoft's Node.JS driver does not work

I tried following this but with no luck.
Every time I try to build it, it fails.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why does it fail to build. I am also using the latest version of Node if that helps.
Thanks for your question. Just to clarify you are using the msnodesql driver right?
One of the reasons that you might not be able to build is because you are using the latest node version.
The Microsoft Node.js driver is not forward compatible. The next version is in the pipeline. In the meanwhile you will have to downgrade your node.js version to 0.8.9.
Additionally there are a few other requirements. Follow these steps and you should be good.
Node.js – Version 0.8.9 (32 bit version). Make sure you download the x86 version and not the x64 version. You might have to uninstall your current version and re-install this version to ensure compatibility.
Python 2.7.6.
Visual C++ 2010 - the Express edition is freely available from Microsoft.
SQL Server Native Client 11.0 - available as Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client found in the SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack.
Then just enter these in your node.js command prompt
1. npm install msnodesql
2. npm install -g node-gyp
3. node-gyp configure
4. node-gyp build
You should now see a build folder inside msnodel.
Navigate to build > release. Copy the sqlserver.node file and paste it in the msnodesql > lib folder. Replace the old file if needed.
Now you can follow the rest of the instructions on the blog you mentioned which will help you with connection string and connecting to your db. Let me know if you are still stuck.
