Diff SVC - Talknet Training.ipynb Colaboratory - artificial-intelligence

I have this link where you can check this whole thing: [https://colab.research.google.com/github/justinjohn0306/TalkNET-colab/blob/main/TalkNet_Training.ipynb?authuser=2#scrollTo=nfSawDUD5tqv&uniqifier=1 ]
So, my problem is that in Step 3, I have this error code and don't know what to do:
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last) in 11 output_dir = "/content/drive/My Drive/talknet/name_of_character" ##param {type:"string"} 12 assert os.path.exists(dataset), "Cannot find dataset" ---> 13 assert os.path.exists(train_filelist), "Cannot find training filelist" 14 assert os.path.exists(val_filelist), "Cannot find validation filelist" 15 if not os.path.exists(output_dir): AssertionError: Cannot find training filelist
Can someone help me please? I uploaded the chopped vocals and the .txt file with the lyrics. And I don't know why can't it see it. :( I have the text file like this:
2.wav∣Take my hand.
3.wav∣Why are we.
And so on... I put everything in a .zip file and uploaded it to the Drive.
I chopped the vocals in Audacity and export it with labels.
And then started to do everything as shown in the video.


GStreamer hlssink2 fails with "Failed to delete fragment file"

hlssink2 gives this error out of nowhere after a few seconds of streaming:
Error received from element hlssink: Failed to delete fragment file '/tmp/gnome-networks-display/nd-segment000007.ts': Error removing file /tmp/gnome-networks-display/nd-segment000007.ts: No such file or directory.
Debugging information: ../ext/hls/gsthlssink2.c(479): gst_hls_sink2_handle_message (): /GstPipeline:nd-cc-pipeline/GstHlsSink2:hlssink
Where does it store the last stream info? Even after cleaning the directory, it starts off the segments from the number left off in the last stream (eg. from nd-segment000046.ts).
Some help here would be greatly appreciated.

BATCH file: Scan an imput result for numbers

I'm handling a bat file basically to redirect a streaming media content to VLC, my goal is to pratically automate the whole following steps:
Open the program that bridges the video stream to VLC (DONE)
the program gives a list of available resolutions to use as below:
[cli][info] Found matching plugin ustreamtv for URL
Available streams: 480p+ (best), 480p+_alt_akamai,
480p+_alt_highwinds, mobile_240p (worst)
Now what i need to do is basically find a way to "scan" this information for numbers in order to automate the following string
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Livestreamer\livestreamer.exe"
ublablabla.com/channel/test %quality%"p+_alt_highwinds" > nul
%quality% is there only because I'm currently typing manually whatever resoloution comes out in "Available streams:" to complete the string.
Ther's any way i can filter this result like if there is a 3 digits number before p+_alt_highwinds and automatically complete the string?
I'm sorry if this question looks like a complete mess.

Cannot load the csv file in Weka

I have tried many times to load this *.csv file, but I failed. I am using Weka 3.7
Here is the error:
Wrong number of mumber. Read 1,expected 12, read Token[EOL], line 2
This is the line 2 in my file:
I dont know what wrong with this?
Someone helps me. Thank you very much.
I had tried to import a semi-colon delimited file as a CSV for opening into Weka, but what appeared to happen was that the contents were loaded up as a single attribute (due to the lack of commas in the file structure). I didn't get the error that you had reported.
What you would need to do is replace all of the semi-colons to be commas and then load the contents again. In your above case, I assumed that the first line contained the attribute names, which loaded successfully in my test case.
As such, the format Weka is likely expecting is the Comma-Separated Values Format.

Possible bug in Matlab's "fileattrib" function. Workaround?

I have found some strange behaviour in Matlab's fileattrib function on Windows. With certain file names it wrongly identifies the file as a hidden, system folder.
To test it, download this file (the file is empty; it's only the file name that matters):
Put the file on an empty folder (I'm using "c:\temp") and try this:
If your Matlab is like mine, it will give you this wrong result:
ans =
Name: 'c:\temp\?aaa.txt'
archive: 1
system: 1
hidden: 1
directory: 1
Now rename the file name removing the first character and try again. It will correctly say
ans =
Name: 'c:\temp\aaa.txt'
archive: 1
system: 0
hidden: 0
directory: 0
I have seen this behaviour in Matlab R2010b and R2007a, on Windows Vista and 7.
The problem clearly has to do with certain "offending" characters (or character sets/encodings?), but I've no idea. Can someone figure out why this happens? And how to work around it?
This seems to have been corrected in R2015a (maybe earlier): it correctly returns
Name: 'C:\Users\Luis\Desktop\tmp\�aaa.txt'
archive: 1
system: 0
hidden: 0
directory: 0
One way to deal with this is not to depend (solely) on the fileattrib command.
In order to determine whether something is a file or directory, you can check how it registers when using the dir command on the containing folder.
Its a bit of a hassle, but when using dir called on the folder (won't work when called on the file directly) you seem to get the correct output.
A quick and dirty alternative would of course be to put your entire handling in a try / catch construction and if one fails simply try the other.

Python Eclipse output to an external text file

I have a long running code which outputs stuff every minute. I will be running it all night and will check results in the morning.
Is there a way to write all the Console stuff to an external text file. I do not want to modify the code, but just looking to direct all Console output to an external file. I am working in Eclipse. I tried the Run -> Run Configurations... -> Your Application -> Common tab -> File idea but the output is horrible - no line breaks.
Is there a way to get the exact same output as the Console into a text file - all formatted nicely?
Many thanks in advance.
you can add a text file. If you write your code to a file which is in a specific directory or if you know the name of it, your program can recognize this. For example, if your variable is words, you can write words = open("what your file is called") then at the end of you code end by writing to file: file.write(string)
