Vite pwa plugin not working in development environment for react apps - reactjs

I'v already migrated from webpack to vite and used vite pwa plugin to register a service worker.
My problem is that when I try to use a custom path for service worker, Vite will work fine in production, but in development cause 404 error.
here is my VitePwa vite.config.js:
srcDir: 'src',
filename: 'sw.js',
devOptions: {
enabled: true,
strategies: 'injectManifest',
injectManifest: {
injectionPoint: undefined
I already got that, in the development environment, vite pwa plugin is looking for sw.js in the public directory but I want it to get it from src

I got the solution
First, setting type as module is needed in vitePwaPlugin config in devOptions:
devOptions: {
enabled: true,
type: 'module',
and vitePwaPlugin will try to install dev-sw.js?dev-sw file as service worker
Second, for handling registeration I used registerSW from virtual:pwa-register
import { registerSW } from 'virtual:pwa-register';
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {


Hot reloading React + Redux + SSR with Webpack, how to do it?

I'm trying to implement hot reloading in my company's project. The projet works with React, Redux and .NET with Serverside Rendereing (SSR). I want my project to hot reload when I'm working on my React and SCSS files and keep my state as is (so I don't have to redo the clicks etc. on my app).
To achieve that, I tried to use the devServer conf from Webpack, like so :
devServer: {
static: distFolder,
devMiddleware: {
writeToDisk: true,
serverSideRender: true,
publicPath: distFolder
proxy: {
context: () => true,
target: 'http://localhost:5000',
hot: true,
port: 3000
The webpack dev server is running well, but I have an error on my app :
Note that I tried several options, with or without proxy, with or without serverSideRender, with or without static... I can't find any way to solve this on the webpack documentation, so I'm looking for people who had the same issues and who managed to resolve it.
Thanks !

com.facebook.react.commot.JavascriptException: Invalid or unexpected token

I'm trying to debug my android app with react native v0.66.1 and react native tools v1.8.1 in vsCode. But after running the app and attach to packager, or launch in debug mode,
I got this error com.facebook.react.commot.JavascriptException: Invalid or unexpected token.
update babel.config.js of your project : (assume your metro-react-native-babel-preset is 0.58.0)
module.exports = {
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
module.exports = {
presets: [['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset', {
unstable_disableES6Transforms: true
finally run yarn start --reset-cache to restart app.

How to proxy request in Docusaurus v2?

I'm trying to config my Docusaurus web app to proxy the request to my api endpoint. For example, if I make a fetch request in my app fetch(/api/test), it will proxy the request from localhost:3000/api/test to my {{api_endpoint}}/api/test, but I'm still struggling to do it.
What I've done:
add a proxy field in package.json
create a setupProxy.js in the src folder
These 2 are based on the Proxying API Requests in Development
Another approach way is I created a custom webpack plugin and add it to the Docusaurus config
Does anyone have experience on this problem ? Thanks for reading, I really appreciate your help.
I went down the exact same path. Ultimately Docusaurus runs its Webpack dev server under the hood which is why the proxy field and setupProxy.js were not working as expected. I was able to get the outside API call by proxy and solved CORS errors by creating a Docusaurs plugin like you are attempting. Adding the "mergeStrategy" and "changeOrigin" were the keys to getting it all working.
// plugins/webpack/index.js
module.exports = function (context, options) {
return {
name: "cusotm-webpack-plugin",
configureWebpack(config, isServer, utils) {
return {
mergeStrategy: { "devServer.proxy": "replace" },
devServer: {
proxy: {
target: "https://YOUR_COOL_API/",
secure: false,
changeOrigin: true,
logLevel: "debug",

Why should we use next js configuration file in React project? What's the main purpose using it?

I need to know about the configuration file. Why we use it to react project.
with next.js, you can write your environment variables in ".env.local" but those environment variables will be for server-side. if you want to add environment variables for your client, you add it to next.config.js
If you want to add a new webpack plugin
If you want to convert your app to progresive web app
module.exports = {
webpack: (config) => {
// adding a webpack pugin
config.plugins.push(new MonacoWebpackPlugin());
return config;
// this will pass the env variable to the client side
env: {
BASE_URL: process.env.BASE_URL,
BASE_URL: process.env.BASE_URL,
// set up for progressive app
pwa: {
dest: "public",
// runtimeCaching,
swSrc: "service-worker.js",
You need to add configuration file in next js project for custom advanced behavior of Next.js. The file next.config.js is a regular Node.js module, not a JSON file. It gets used by the Next.js server and build phases, and it's not included in the browser build

Webpack - React ES6 transpile every template (src to dist)

I am using webpack for react(es6) project.
My problem
I have built react app with ES6, so everywhere i have used import keyword for dependency. Now for server side rendering i am using NodeJS so its not support import yet. For this i have to use require instead of import.
Now i have used webpack for bundling my app, but it always generate final bundle file (single.bundle.js), That's why i am not able to import chunk of transpiled code for server side rendering.
If it is possible to transpile every file (src to dist), then i can import this es5 file into nodejs server code.
Is this possible with webpack to transpile whole folder with same out put rather than bundle file ?
Otherwise i have to use grunt or gulp. :(
You can use webpack for server too. It will transpile to webpack server bundle only your specific code containing react and excluding node_modules by externals option. Here is example of webpack.config.js for server side
var nodeModules = {};
.filter(function(x) {
return ['.bin'].indexOf(x) === -1;
.forEach(function(mod) {
nodeModules[mod] = 'commonjs ' + mod;
module.exports = {
entry: './src/server.js',
output: {
path: __dirname,
filename: 'server.js'
target: 'node',
node: {
console: false,
global: false,
process: false,
Buffer: false,
__filename: false,
__dirname: false,
externals: nodeModules,
