aws lightsail database// join to super user - database

I join to mysql database(from lightsail) by external connection.
I can connect to the database and I can control data in workbench.
but I want to change Database setting as a super user.
the error code is 1227(access denied)
how can I change db setting of lightsail database?
thank you
I tried RDS solution. but RDS can not read lightsail database.


Unable to connect to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL instance

I'm currently setting up a Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database and connection fails every single time. I've remade the Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL instance 3x now, both with default out of the box settings and custom settings, and even tried putting creds on pgAdmin, no dice. I've tested another database connection and it works just fine.
I'm setting it to be public accessible as well, with username and database both just "postgres". What am I doing wrong?

Is it possible to replicate DB from GoDaddy to Database in AWS SQL Server RDS using DMS?

We are trying to create a DR solution that can be hosted in AWS and DC on GoDaddy. The problem is, DB is co-hosted in Godaddy and so no replication agents can be installed in the DB let alone do any changes there.
My question: is AWS DMS agentless?
Can we migrate and then replicate and then sync the DB in GD and RDS through any means with AWS DMS?
yes, it is agentless. It will ask you the connection string of the source Database and ask you to select RDS Database to migrate.
You can go to the AWS youtube channel and watch the tutorials.

How to configure Aurora MySQL target database?

I am doing the following step, to configure Aurora target DB, while migrating local SQL Server DB to Aurora DB in cloud:
I am running these queries from SSMS. May I know what 'target_database' should I use? I tried the endpoint from RDS but it is not working. Please advise what I am missing.
Your target database is the database in AWS. In your case, it sounds like it's an RDS database instance. You'll need to create a new DMS target endpoint. Select the RDS instance from the dropdown, give it a unique name, and select the RDS engine (Aurora MySQL or PostgreSQL. Add any additional connection attributes, if desired. Test the connection and you should be all set.

AWS RDS SQL Server Migrate DB from Outside

Today, I am using AWS EC2 DB Instance for my database (SQL Server).
I want to change the instance and instead to use RDS instance for my SQL Server.
In order to complete the migration from EC2 to RDS I need to pass the database with all its tables/stored procedures/types/views etc.
I tried to backup the database of the EC2 instance and then restore it in the RDS instance but I get the exception:
Moreover, I tried to generate a script of the EC2 instance DB and then run the script on RDS SQL Server connection but it failed to run many of the scripts because of permission exceptions.
I also found an article from the AWS documentation that shows that it is possible to upload a backup to S3 bucket. But I couldn't manage to understand how to restore the backup from the S3 bucket in the RDS instance.
Please, help me figure out how to do it? I belive it must be possible and easy somehow.
Thanks in advance.

CREATE TABLE permission denied in database 'master' on Amazon AWS RDS

I followed the instructions on AWS to set up an RDS instance with SQL server Express,
But I find that when I go to run the commane 'Update-Database' that I get:
CREATE TABLE permission denied in database 'master'.
Turns out I'm logged in as 'Guest'??? Despite setting up the db as per instructions.
So I'm expecting that I must have missed something simple, just looking for any hints as to how to get admin access to my own SQL Server hosted on RDS?
The master database is a System database internal to SQL Server. You never need to run CREATE TABLE inside that database. It sounds like you're not in the right database context: you're running commands against that database rather than your own database.
