How to install AGE extension of postgresql from source code in ubuntu? - database

As I want to try out Apache Age of postgresql, I got lost when reading the documentation.
Is there any easy solutions ?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to install PostgreSQL and age extension for postgres from source.
Ubuntu must be installed in the Virtual Machine or dual boot alongside windows.
You should have ample space in your ubuntu software.
You should have already installed git. If not you can take help from here Install Git.
Install some Dependencies:
mkdir age_installation
cd age_installation
mkdir pg
cd pg
Remember below commands might vary according to the operating systems.
sudo apt-get install build-essential libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev flex bison
Installation of Components from Source:
For now, age only supports Postgres 11 and 12. So downloading the required version of PostgreSQL.
Download the files in the folder age-installation/pg
wget && tar -xvf postgresql-11.18.tar.gz && rm -f postgresql-11.18.tar.gz
Installing PG:
Now we will move toward installing PG
cd postgresql-11.18
Configure by setting flags
./configure --enable-debug --enable-cassert --prefix=$(path) CFLAGS="-ggdb -Og -fno-omit-frame-pointer"
Now install
make install
Go back
cd ../../
In the above command, the prefix flag will contain the path where you would like to install the PSQL. Replace your path with the path in the parenthesis.
Download the age from the GitHub repository. i.e. clone it in the age_installation directory.
git clone
Configure age with PostgreSQL.
cd age/
sudo make PG_CONFIG=/home/talhastinyasylum/Desktop/age_installation/pg/postgresql-11.18/bin/pg_config install
make PG_CONFIG=/home/talhastinyasylum/Desktop/age_installation/pg/postgresql-8/bin/pg_config installcheck
Database initialization:
cd postgresql-11.18/
bin/initdb sample
When you will execute the command the success message will be shown with the command to start the server.
Start server:
bin/pg_ctl -D sample -l logfile start
The command will return a message saying that the server has started.
Create Database:
The name of the Database is SampleDatabase
bin/createdb SampleDatabase
Start querying Database:
Now that AGE has been added to pg successfully. Now we can start testing using pg_sql console.
bin/psql SampleDatabase
Load 'age';
The above command will load the extension and we also need to set the search path and other variables.
SET search_path = ag_catalog, "$user", public;
Try below queries using cypher commands:
SELECT create_graph('demo_graph');
It will create a graph named demo_graph.
SELECT * FROM cypher('demo_graph', $$ CREATE (n:Person {name : "james", bornIn : "US"}) $$) AS (a agtype);
SELECT * FROM cypher('demo_graph', $$ CREATE (n:Person {name : "Talha", bornIn : "Lahore"}) $$) AS (a agtype)
SELECT * FROM cypher('demo_graph', $$ MATCH (n) RETURN n $$) as (a agtype);
The last command will return the rows in the database sample image of the output

Download source PostgreSQL package.
wget && tar -xvf postgresql-11.18.tar.gz && rm -f postgresql-11.18.tar.gz
Go in PostgreSQL folder.
cd postgresql-11.18
configure by setting flags.
./configure --enable-debug --enable-cassert --prefix=$(pwd) CFLAGS="-ggdb -Og -fno-omit-frame-pointer"
Now install.
make install
Go back.
cd ../
git clone
Go in AGE cloned repo
cd age/
sudo make PG_CONFIG=/home/postgresql-11.18/bin/pg_config install
Install check
make PG_CONFIG=/home/postgresql-11.18/bin/pg_config installcheck
Go in Postgresql file
cd postgresql-11.18/
initialization of db named demo
bin/initdb demo
Open File demo/postgresql.conf
nano demo/postgresql.conf
In postgresql.conf file update
shared_preload_libraries = 'age'
search_path = 'ag_catalog, "$user", public'
Starting db demo which we initialized earlier
bin/pg_ctl -D demo -l logfile start
bin/createdb demo
Age in added to pg successfuly now we can test it, opens pg console
bin/psql demo

PostgreSQL versions 11 & 12 are supported for AGE extension. After installing postgresql from source code make sure bin and lib folder are in your environment variable. If not you can set it as below in cmd.
export PATH="$PATH:/home/pg/dist/postgresql-11.18/bin/"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/pg/dist/postgresql-11.18/lib/"
export PG_CONFIG="/home/pg/dist/postgresql-11.18/bin/pg_config"
Just replace the path with your installation directory
After that clone the age in your ubuntu. Go to the directory and run
sudo make install
From now on you can run AGE extension after running pgsql as follow :
LOAD 'age';
SET search_path = ag_catalog, "$user", public;


How should one configure or install salt-cloud to use the Saltstack py3 repository to install the minion instead of the distribution (apt) repository?

I would like salt-cloud to install the salt-minion using the same sources.list.d/saltstack.list file that is on the saltmaster server, but it uses the Ubuntu APT repository instead.
What I get on a new minion in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/saltstack.list:
deb bionic main
What I want:
deb bionic main
I installed salt-master and salt-cloud from the Saltstack repository by doing the following on my saltmaster server:
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb bionic main" > etc/apt/sources.list.d/saltstack.list
apt update
apt install python3-pip salt-master salt-minion salt-cloud
I spin up a server using salt-cloud and the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/saltstack.list without fail uses the apt repository, not the py3 repository.
Is there an option I can set in the saltmaster configuration file that defines which repository salt-cloud should use? Is there a similar option in a salt-cloud profile that can be passed to the salt bootstrap script?
I see in the bootstrap script that salt-cloud runs (found at a command line option called _CUSTOM_REPO_URL, but I don't know how to pass options to that script when creating a server with salt-cloud -p
Happy to ask elsewhere (please indicate where) if more appropriate.
I can provide applicable parts of my salt-cloud profile if needed.
I found
That led me to add the following to my cloud server profile used with the salt-cloud -p command:
script: bootstrap-salt
script_args: -x python3
Then the correct repository was installed.

postgreSQL error initdb: command not found

i was installing postgresql on ubuntu using linuxbrew:
brew install postgresql
it seems to work fine but after that because i was installing PostgreSQL for the first time i tried creating a database:
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8
but it returned as:
initdb: command not found
i tried running the command with sudo but that doesn't helped
run locate initdb it should give you the list to chose. smth like:
MacBook-Air:~ vao$ locate initdb
So in my case I want to run
If you don't have mlocate installed, either install it or use
sudo find / -name initdb
There's a good answer to a similar question on SuperUser.
In short:
Postgres groups databases into "clusters", each of which is a named collection of databases sharing a configuration and data location, and running on a single server instance with its own TCP port.
If you only want a single instance of Postgres, the installation includes a cluster named "main", so you don't need to run initdb to create one.
If you do need multiple clusters, then the Postgres packages for Debian and Ubuntu provide a different command pg_createcluster to be used instead of initdb, with the latter not included in PATH so as to discourage end users from using it directly.
And if you're just trying to create a database, not a database cluster, use the createdb command instead.
I had the same problem and found the answer here.
Ubuntu path is
Edit: Sorry, Ahmed asked about linuxbrew, I'm talking about Ubuntu.
I Hope this answer helps somebody.
I had a similar issue caused by the brew install postgresql not properly linking postgres. The solve for me was to run:
brew link --overwrite postgresql
you can add the PATH to run from any location
sudo nano ~/.profile
inside nano go to the end and add the following
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "/usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/" ] ; then
and configure the alternative
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/initdb initdb /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/initdb 1

How do I install/update to Postgres 9.4?

I just installeed Postgres, but it seems to have installed 9.3 and I'd like to start with 9.4
I simply did apt-get install postgresql from a new Ubuntu 14.04.1 machine.
says you can do:
apt-get install postgresql-9.4
but when I try that I get:
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'postgresql-9.4
Okay, so I try the section below where you add the PostgreSQL Apt Repository but that can't find anything either.
Is 9.4 not in the package managers yet? Am I doing something horribly wrong?
You can add it from the instructions in the page
Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list, and add a line for the repository
deb trusty-pgdg main
Import the repository signing key, and update the package lists
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.4
postgresql-9.4 is not available in 14.04 "Trusty". It was added in 14.10 "Utopic". It may be back ported in the future.
The directions on the PostgreSQL Ubuntu Download page are missing a command. Their wiki guide has the correct procedure. You must run apt-get update before trying to install. This will cause the system to read changes to the sources.
If you're trying to install on Ubuntu 14.04 "Trusty", you can follow these steps:
To check your version:
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty
1) Create new apt repo file for postgres
$ echo "deb trusty-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
2) Import repository signing key and update packages list
$ sudo wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo apt-get update
3) Install Postgres
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.4
Below are steps to install PostgreSQL 9.4 on Ubuntu 14.04.
Reference taken from this Article:
First, check the version of Ubuntu:
lsb_release -sc
You need to add the latest PostgreSQL repository for the latest version, otherwise It will install PostgreSQL 9.3. This is for trusty version.
sudo add-apt-repository "deb trusty-pgdg main"
Update and Install PostgreSQL 9.4:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.4
Default postgres super user and postgres database is created. You need to set a password for the postgres super user.
ubuntu#:~$ sudo passwd postgres
Enter new UNIX password:****
Retype new UNIX password:****
passwd: password updated successfully
If service is not started, you can start the PostgreSQL service.
sudo service postgresql start
Connect PostgreSQL server using postgres user:
ubuntu#:~$ su postgres
Create a sample database:
createdb database_name
Connect to that database:
psql -d database_name
Follow these steps to install postgresql. Open the terminal (Ctrl + Alt + t) and then write down the following command line
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb `lsb_release -cs`-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.6
If postgresql installed successfully then it will return this after writing this command
psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 9.6.3
PostgreSQL is an open source object-relational database system. It is one of leading database server used for production servers. PostgreSQL allows us to execute stored procedures in various programming languages, like PHP, C/C++, Python, Java, Perl, Ruby and its own PL/pgSQL, which is similar to Oracle’s PL/SQL.
Postgres database is used the persistent store of data
Install Postgres
yum install postgres
(Note : remember the password for the postgres user – you need it later)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.6
Setting up Postgres
Launch pgAdmin.
Connect to the local server. Use localhost for the server name, postgres for the username and the password you used when you installed Postgres.
You need to be root to perform this command.Note: If you did not set password during installation (sudo apt-get install postgresql), then you can set it as follows:

sudo -u postgres psql postgres
On the postgres client prompt, use the following command to set the password.
alter user postgres with password 'postgres';
Connect to PostgreSQL
After installing PostgreSQL database server, by default,, it creates a user ‘postgres’ with role ‘postgres’. It also creates a system account with same name ‘postgres’. So to connect to postgres server, log in to your system as user postgres and connect database.
$ sudo su - postgres
$ psql
Now you are logged in to PostgreSQL database server. To check login info use following command from database command prompt.
postgres-# \conninfo
To disconnect from PostgreSQL database command prompt just type below command and press enter. It will return you back to Ubuntu command prompt.
postgres-# \q

How to install mk-livestatus on nagios?

I am using Check_MK with Nagios. I found somewhere that nagios comes with mk-livestatus but I found on my server but I couldn't found it.
Can we add this(mk-livestatus) feature explicitely? If Yes, How could I install it?
OMD automatically configures this option correctly in etc/mk-livestatus/nagios.cfg.
If your nagios is not configured with OMD you can use following steps to install mk-livestatus:
- Installing mk livestatus:
1.- Install dependencies:
# yum install make gcc-c++ wget
2.- Download mk livestatus:
# cd /tmp && wget
3.- Extract package:
# tar -xzvf mk-livestatus-1.1.12p7.tar.gz
4.- Install:
# cd mk-livestatus-1.1.12p7/ && ./configure
# make && make install
5.- Create new directory with correct permissions:
# mkdir /usr/lib/nagios/mk-livestatus && chown nagios:apache /usr/lib/nagios/mk-livestatus
6.- Edit /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg :
broker_module=/usr/local/lib/mk-livestatus/livestatus.o /usr/lib/nagios/mk-livestatus/live
7.- Restart Nagios:
# service nagios restart
8.- Try command line:
# echo 'GET hosts' | unixcat /usr/lib/nagios/mk-livestatus/live
For more information of query syntax:
There is a website specially for mk_livestatus made by mathias kettner who's the creator of mk_livestatus
here the installation documentation for the agent on linux ( dpkg or rpm )

Why is my debian postinst script not being run?

I have made a .deb of my app using fpm:
fpm -s dir -t deb -n myapp -v 9 -a all -x "*.git" -x "*.bak" -x "*.orig" \
--after-remove debian/postrm --after-install debian/postinst \
--description "Automated build." -d mysql-client -d python-virtualenv home
Among other things, the postinst script is supposed to create a user for the app:
set -e
case "$1" in
virtualenv /home/$APP_NAME/local
#supervisorctl start $APP_NAME
# If the package has default file it could be sourced, so that
# the local admin can overwrite the defaults
[ -f "/etc/default/$APP_NAME" ] && . /etc/default/$APP_NAME
# Sane defaults:
# Groups that the user will be added to, if undefined, then none.
# create user to avoid running server as root
# 1. create group if not existing
if ! getent group | grep -q "^$SERVER_GROUP:" ; then
echo -n "Adding group $SERVER_GROUP.."
addgroup --quiet --system $SERVER_GROUP 2>/dev/null ||true
echo "..done"
# 2. create homedir if not existing
test -d $SERVER_HOME || mkdir $SERVER_HOME
# 3. create user if not existing
if ! getent passwd | grep -q "^$SERVER_USER:"; then
echo -n "Adding system user $SERVER_USER.."
adduser --quiet \
--system \
--ingroup $SERVER_GROUP \
--no-create-home \
--disabled-password \
$SERVER_USER 2>/dev/null || true
echo "..done"
# … and a bunch of other stuff.
It seems like the postinst script is being called with configure, but not with install, and I am trying to understand why. In /var/log/dpkg.log, I see the lines I would expect:
2012-06-30 13:28:36 configure myapp 9 9
2012-06-30 13:28:36 status unpacked myapp 9
2012-06-30 13:28:36 status half-configured myapp 9
2012-06-30 13:28:43 status installed myapp 9
I checked that /etc/default/myapp does not exist. The file /var/lib/dpkg/info/myapp.postinst exists, and if I run it manually with install as the first parameter, it works as expected.
Why is the postinst script not being run with install? What can I do to debug this further?
I think the example script you copied is simply wrong. postinst is not
supposed to be called with any install or upgrade argument, ever.
The authoritative definition of the dpkg format is the Debian Policy
Manual. The current version describes postinst in chapter
and only lists configure, abort-upgrade, abort-remove,
abort-remove, and abort-deconfigure as possible first arguments.
I don't have complete confidence in my answer, because your bad example
is still up on and it's hard to believe such a bug could slip
I believe the answer provided by Alan Curry is incorrect, at least as of 2015 and beyond.
There must be some fault with the way the that your package is built or an error in the postinst file which is causing your problem.
You can debug your install by adding the -D (debug) option to your command line i.e.:
sudo dpkg -D2 -i yourpackage_name_1.0.0_all.deb
-D2 should sort out this type of issue
for the record the debug levels are as follows:
Number Description
1 Generally helpful progress information
2 Invocation and status of maintainer scripts
10 Output for each file processed
100 Lots of output for each file processed
20 Output for each configuration file
200 Lots of output for each configuration file
40 Dependencies and conflicts
400 Lots of dependencies/conflicts output
10000 Trigger activation and processing
20000 Lots of output regarding triggers
40000 Silly amounts of output regarding triggers
1000 Lots of drivel about e.g. the dpkg/info dir
2000 Insane amounts of drivel
The install command calls the configure option and in my experience the postinst script will always be run. One thing that may trip you up is that the postrm script of the "old" version, if upgrading a package, will be run after your current packages preinst script, this can cause havoc if you don't realise what is going on.
From the dpkg man page:
Installation consists of the following steps:
1. Extract the control files of the new package.
2. If another version of the same package was installed before
the new installation, execute prerm script of the old package.
3. Run preinst script, if provided by the package.
4. Unpack the new files, and at the same time back up the old
files, so that if something goes wrong, they can be restored.
5. If another version of the same package was installed before
the new installation, execute the postrm script of the old pack‐
age. Note that this script is executed after the preinst script
of the new package, because new files are written at the same
time old files are removed.
6. Configure the package.
Configuring consists of the following steps:
1. Unpack the conffiles, and at the same time back up the old
conffiles, so that they can be restored if something goes wrong.
2. Run postinst script, if provided by the package.
This is an old issue that has been resolved, but it seems to me that the accepted solution is not totally correct and I believe that it is necessary to provide information for those who, like me, are having this same problem.
Chapter 6.5 details all the parameters with which the preinst and postinst files are called
At the installation and uninstallation flow is detailed.
Watch what happens in the following case:
apt-get install package
- It runs preinst install and then postinst configure
apt-get remove package
- Execute postrm remove and the package will be set to "Config Files"
For the package to actually be in the "not installed" state it must be used:
apt-get purge package
That's the only way we'll be able to run preinst install and postinst configure the next time the package is installed.
