SSR vs CSR explanation - reactjs

I've been working as a full stack web developer for over a year now. Nextjs/golang is our stack. Today I realized that I have no idea whether we use CSR or SSR. I think we use CSR but I'm not sure. I've gone down rabbitholes on this topic like 100 times but its never stuck.
First question:
When they say server side, do they mean on the backend? i.e. golang? or does that mean on the nextjs server? Whenever someone says server I think backend but I don't think this is correct.
Second question:
How does client side rendering work? Like I know the server sends javascript to the client then the client uses the javascript to build the page. But all of this javascript must make a bunch of requests to the server to grab data and html right? Like how would the javascript build the page otherwise? Is this why react/nextjs is written in jsx? So the server can send all the JSX which is actually just javascript to the client then the client can build the html?
Third Question:
If CSR has the client build the page, how would this ever work? Like what about all of the data that needs to be pulled from our database for specific users / etc etc. That can't be done directly from the frontend.
I tried reading tons of articles online! Hasn't clicked yet

You said the essential thing yourself: in client-side rendering, "the server sends javascript to the client, then the client uses the javascript to build the page." Hold on to that one point – everything else is secondary. The client "renders."
Now that "client-side" rendering capabilities have become so powerful – and, so varied – it has generally become favored. If you "tell the client what to do and then let him do it," you are more likely to get a consistently favorable outcome for most clients. Yes, the client will issue perhaps-many AJAX requests in carrying out your instructions. That is irrelevant.

CSR - server sends HTML that contains links to javascript (script tags). Clients then loads and executes JS (JavaScript typically contains fetching code). That means that each client will perform several round trips to the server to get HTML and then the data.
SSR - server sends HTML and embeds the necessary data in it
The client already has the data and HTML, so it can render it. SSR does fetch on each request, meaning the client still gets the latest data.
Benefits of using SSR compared to CSR is lower load time, it makes the website feel "faster" and also improves the ranking by search engine bots. On the other hand, the server does the rendering, which increases its burden (though fewer requests decreases it).
SSG is the same as SSR but fetching occurs at build time, the result page is computed only once and returned for each request. It is possible to use SSG with or without data.
Use SSG if possible, then mostly SSR. In some occasions it may be better to use CSR instead of SSR, though I'm not experienced enough to give the answer when.
Now answering your questions:
Yes, SSR happens on the server. If you use fetch function then it will work on client. But if you use getServerSideProps or getStatisSideProps then it will work on server. You can read from the file system, fetch public API or query the database, whatever you do in getStatisSideProps, getServerSideProps will run on the server, before returning the response.
Yes, you're correct. Client need the data to render the page, so it has to send requests to server and then render.
The third question is the same as the second. I hope the long answer I gave clarified your confusion.
Sorry for long answer.


GraphQL/Apollo application with file download from server

I'm a little new to GraphQL and this question falls under "It cannot possibly be this hard. I have to be missing something."
I have a fairly standard GraphQL/Apollo/React application split into client and server. Everything is working well with the client making API calls and getting data back from the server. The client is even able to upload files to the server. However, I now need the server to stream back files saved on disk. That's it.
This is the "I have to be missing something" part. Everything I've seen in the docs and on Stackoverflow is some variation of pushing the file back from the server and through the GraphQL query as a base64-endocded string and then doing some very hacky stuff on the client, often involving a hidden href tag and a simulated click. To this I say, "What???"
Seriously. There are files on disk that the server knows how to find. The client needs to show a button to the user that they can click on to download the file. That's it. Every other framework in every other language has an easy way to do this. Can someone show me the incredibly simple thing that I'm missing here?
What you're missing is that GraphQL really shouldn't be used for this purpose.
While GraphQL itself does not specify a specific format for serializing responses, the de facto format is JSON. And the only way to get the file inside a JSON response is if it's serialized as a string.
If you want to serve static content, you should set up Nginx, Apache or another web server that's been built with that in mind. Alternatively, if you're already using some existing web server library like Express, it most likely has tools for serving static content as well.
Just because you have a GraphQL endpoint does not necessarily mean it should be the only way your client communicates with your backend.

Reduce initial server response time with Netlify and Gatsby

I'm running PageSpeed Insights on my website and one big error that I get sometimes is
Reduce initial server response time
Keep the server response time for the main document short because all
other requests depend on it. Learn more.
React If you are server-side rendering any React components, consider
using renderToNodeStream() or renderToStaticNodeStream() to allow
the client to receive and hydrate different parts of the markup
instead of all at once. Learn more.
I looked up renderToNodeStream() and renderToStaticNodeStream() but I didn't really understand how they could be used with Gatsby.
It looks like a problem others are having also
The domain is if you want to look at it
My DNS records
Use a CNAME record on a non-apex domain. By using the bare/apex domain you bypass the CDN and force all requests through the load balancer. This means you end up with a single IP address serving all requests (fewer simultaneous connections), the server is proxying to the content without caching, and the distance to the user is likely to be further.
EDIT: Also, your HTML file is over 300KB. That's obscene. It looks like you're including Bootstrap in it twice, you're repeating the same inline <style> tags over and over with slightly different selector hashes, and you have a ton of (unused) utility classes. You only want to inline critical CSS if possible; serve the rest from an external file if you can't treeshake it.
Well the behavior is unexpected, I ran the pagespeed insights of your site and it gave me a warning on first test with initial response time of 0.74 seconds. Then i used my developer tools to look at the initial response time on the document root, which was fairly between 300 to 400ms. So I did the pagespeed test again and the response was 140ms. The test was passed. After that it was 120ms.
See the attached image.
I totally think there is no problem with the site. Still if you wanna try i would recommend you to change the server or your hosting for once, try and go for something different. I don't know what kind of server you have right now where the site is deployed. You can try AWS S3 and CloudFront, works well for me.

For fetching data from server for React frontend should I use websockets or api calls?

I am very new to frontend. I do not exactly know how react frontends work. Assuming I have a frontend written in React that needs to refresh data on the page say every ten seconds, can I achieve that by making api calls to a server every ten seconds or open a websocket with it and make the server push data? These are not notifications! They are just statistical data that needs to be updated on the page in realtime. Please tell me whats a good way to achieve this.
Websockets are interesting when you want data to be pushed from your server to your client, i.e. when the client doesn't know when new data will be available. In your case, it seems that simple API calls will be enough.

Angularjs 1 - one request, multiple responses

I have a page with multiple widgets, each receiving data from a different query in the backend. Doing a request for each will consume the limit the browser puts on the number of parallel connections and will serialize some of them. On the other hand, doing one request that will return one response means it will be as slow as the slowest query (I have no apriori knowledge about which query will be slowest).
So I want to create one request such that the backend runs the queries in parallel and writes each result as it is ready and for the frontend to handle each result as it arrives. At the HTTP level I believe it can be just one body with serveral json, or maybe multipart response.
Is there an angularjs extension that handles the frontend side of things? Optimally something that works well with whatever can be done in the Java backend (didn't start investigating my options there)
I have another suggestion to solve your problem, but I am not sure you would be able to implement such a thing as from you question it is not very clear what you can or cannot do.
You could implement WebSockets and the server would be able to notify the front-end about the data being fetched or it could send the data via WebSockets right away.
In the first example, you would send a request to the server to fetch all the data for your dashboard. Once a piece of data is available, you could make a request for that particular piece and given that the data was fetched couple of seconds ago, it could be cached on the server and the response would be fast.
The second approach seems a more reasonable one. You would make an HTTP/WebSocket request to the server and wait for the data to arrive over WebSocket.
I believe this would be the most robust an efficient way to implement what you are asking for.
This plugin allows to parse a response that contains several parts (multipart) by having a callback to parse each part. This can be used in all our frontends to support responses for multiple data (widgets) in one requests. The server side will receive one request and use servlet 3 async support (or whatever exists in other languages) to ‘park’ it, sending multiple queries, writing each response to the request as each query returns (and with the right multipart boundary).
Another example can be found here:
While both of these may not be compatible with angularjs, the code does not seem complex to port there.

How can a server communiate with two clients at once (JavaScript, HTML, PHP)?

I got an assignment to do and for that I could use any www technology like HTML, JavaScript, PHP etc. I'm really sorry to say that I haven't studied any of these technologies. Therefore I took few tutorials and skimmed through them searching for answers.
I found solutions for many problems but one problem yet unsolved. It is this:
I want two clients to communicate through a server for this assignment. One send a message, server processes it and forwards it to the next.
None of PHP tutorials showed me anyway of doing this. All of them talked of communication between one client with a server.
Please help. Show me a way to do this. Thanks.
Currently, without reverting to cutting-edge (and possibly hacky/unreliable) techniques, your PHP server cannot initiate communications with a page you've already loaded into a web browser. This is a result of the way the HTTP protocol works.
One way to solve this would be polling on the "receiving" end for data. Something like a publish-subscribe pattern.
One way to do this would be:
One client sends data to the server using an HTTP request (XHR aka AJAX) specifying the target for this data (the other client).
The server stores this data in a persistent storage (local file, database, etc).
The second client periodically sends a request to the server asking if there's any new data for it to consume. This can be done using setInterval and XHR in JavaScript.
I would suggest you take a look at:
And also, for a cutting edge way to do this, check out Socket.IO:
You might want to Google on "php chat server." Building a chat server is a simple way to get started.
