What's happening internally in the Scheduler and/or Batchable in my situation? - salesforce

I have a scheduled job that runs every night at midnight. It updates around 7000 records without entering any data into the records directly. About 150 records don't update as expected.
If I simply call update (or Database.update()) on these records as individual records or in a list, in an anonymous Apex block, they update as expected. When I call the batch that the scheduler calls in anonymous Apex they don't work.
The Batchable class (as well as the Schedulable class) literally has the smallest amount of code you could imagine:
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id, Name FROM XXX ]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<XXX> scopePolicy){
Database.update(scopePolicy, false);
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){
global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {
XXX xxx = new XXX();
database.executebatch(xxx, 15);
catch (DmlException e) {}
Does Batchable use a separate API?
Is it possible for the Scheduler or Batchable classes to create settings that are slightly different than if the records are updated directly?
The User that runs the Scheduled job is the same User that I have been debugging with.

(too long for a comment)
After nightly run does LastModifiedDate change on these 150? Maybe they update OK but something comes and resets them to original value (maybe you have some parent-child relations on this object and there's some cascade/rollup at play).
What field do you expect to see updated, can you put field history tracking on it. With any luck you'll see it changing state A to B and something setting it back to A.
Does the batch implements Database.Stateful?
If you run it with raw update statement, not the Database version - do you see any errors in Setup -> Apex Jobs
Is the amount of executions roughly ok? 7000 / 15 = 467 batches processed or are you ~10 batches short?


Apex Batch is not processing all records

I am running a batch to update opportunity records. I see that the query fetches around 1.1 million records but it processes only approx 100k records. I have checked the query in query editor and its working fine. Even when I process these records separately using the same code which batch is using to process its working as expected. Not sure why batch is not processing.
global class BatchAssignment implements Database.Batchable<sobject>{
global Database.Querylocator start (Database.BatchableContext BC){
return Database.getQueryLocator('SELECT id,Booking_Domain__c,Region__c,Primary_LOB__c,NA_Contract_Sales_Type__c,Owner_Sales_Group__c,Connected_Technologies_Opportunity__c FROM Opportunity where CreatedDate > LAST_N_YEARS:3 ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC');
global void execute (Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Opportunity> oppList) {
if(test.isRunningTest()) { throw new DMLException();}
}catch(Exception ex){
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){
// Peform post transaction update
Is there any restriction with batch? Why its behaving like this
Is the batch job still running? Check Setup -> Jobs to see if it finished.
You have empty try-catch that swallows any exceptions. Remove it and see what kind of errors you'll get.
Yes, it will mean that if there's 1 bad Opportunity - other 199 in same execute() call will fail to update. You can mitigate that by setting smaller chunk size (Database.executeBatch(new BatchAssignment(), 10)), clever use of database.update(myrecords, false) inside that method you're calling.
Maybe even look into https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_batch_platformevents.htm for some error raising (and handling it with some monitoring software? trigger that would convert them to Tasks related to problematic opportunities?)

Prevent one user from accessing a particular page when another user is already using it in .net core api and react js front end

We have a requirement to create a kind of user session. Our front end is react and backend is .net core 6 api and db is postgres.
When 1 user clicks on a delete button , he should not be allowed to delete that item when another user is already using that item and performing some actions.
Can you guys suggest me an approach or any kind of service that is available to achieve this. Please help
I would say dont make it too complicated. A simple approach could be to add the properties 'BeingEditedByUserId' and 'ExclusiveEditLockEnd' (datetime) to the entity and check these when performing any action on this entity. When an action is performed on the entity, the id is assigned and a timeslot (for example 10 minutes) would be assigned for this user. If any other user would try to perform an action, you block them. If the timeslot is expired anyone can edit again.
I have had to do something similar with Java (also backed by a postgres db)
There are some pitfalls to avoid with a custom lock implementation, like forgetting to unlock when finished, given that there is not guarantee that a client makes a 'goodbye, unlock the table' call when they finish editing a page, they could simply close the browser tab, or have a power outage... Here is what i decided to do:
Decide if the lock should be implemented in the API or DB?
Is this a distributed/scalable application? Does it run as just a single instance or multiple? If multiple, then you can not (as easily) implement an API lock (you could use something like a shared cache, but that might be more trouble than it is worth)
Is there a record in the DB that could be used as a lock, guaranteed to exist for each editable item in the DB? I would assume so, but if the app is backed by multiple DBs maybe not.
API locking is fairly easy, you just need to handle thread safety as most (if not all) REST/SOAP... implementations are heavily multithreaded.
If you implement at the DB consider looking into a 'Row Level Lock' which allows you to request a lock on a specific row in the DB, which you could use as a write lock.
If you want to implement in the API, consider something like this:
class LockManager
private static readonly object writeLock = new();
// the `object` is whatever you want to use as the ID of the resource being locked, probably a UUID/GUID but could be a String too
// the `holder` is an ID of the person/system that owns the lock
Dictionary<object, _lock> locks = new Dictionary<object, _lock>();
_lock acquireLock(object id, String holder)
_lock lok = new _lock();
lok.id = id;
lok.holder = holder;
lock (writeLock)
if (locks.ContainsKey(id))
if (locks[id].release > DateTime.Now)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Resource is already locked, lock held by: " + locks[id].holder);
lok.allocated = DateTime.Now;
lok.release = lok.allocated.AddMinutes(5);
return lok;
void releaseLock(object id)
lock (writeLock)
// called by .js code to renew the lock via ajax call if the user is determined to be active
void extendLock(object id)
if (locks.ContainsKey(id))
lock (writeLock)
locks[id].release = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5);
class _lock
public object id;
public String holder;
public DateTime allocated;
public DateTime release;
This is what i did because it does not depend on the DB or client. And was easy to implement. Also, it does not require configuring any lock timeouts or cleanup tasks to release locked items with expired locks on them, as that is taken care of in the locking step.

store data in every minute what should use Service, AsyncTask

I want to store data in database in every minute . For the same what should I use Service, AsyncTask or anything else. I go through various link which made me more confused .
I read the developer guide and came to know about getWritableDatabase
Database upgrade may take a long time, you should not call this method from the application main thread,
Then first I think I will use AsyncTask then about this
AsyncTasks should ideally be used for short operations (a few seconds at the most.)
After that I think I can use Service then about Service
A Service is not a thread. It is not a means itself to do work off of the main thread (to avoid Application Not Responding errors).
Here I am not able to understand what should I use to store data in database periodically. Please help me here as struck badly.
Thanks in advance
you cant do a lot work on the UI thread, so making database operations you could choose different approaches, few of them that I prefer to use are listed below;
Create a thread pool and execute each database operation via a thread, this reduces load on UI thread, also it never initializes lot of threads.
You can use services for updating the database operations. since services running on UI thread you cant write your operations in Services, so that you have to create a separate thread inside service method. or you can use Intent service directly since it is not working on UI Thread.
here is developer documentation on thread pool in android
and this is the documentation for IntentService
This will send an intent to your service every minute without using any processor time in your activity in between
Intent myIntent = new Intent(context, MyServiceReceiver.class);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, myIntent, 0);
AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager)context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.SECOND, 60); // first time
long frequency= 60 * 1000; // in ms
alarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, calendar.getTimeInMillis(), frequency, pendingIntent);
Before that check if you really need a service to be started in each minute. or if you can have one service which checks for the data changes in each minute, starting new service would consume maybe more resources than checking itself.
private ping() {
// periodic action here.
private scheduleNext() {
mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() { ping(); }
}, 60000);
int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int x, int y) {
mHandler = new android.os.Handler();
return STICKY;
this is a simple example like that you can do

Scheduling apex class

I have a class.Class contain a method ParseJSONResponse().I want that method should get executed on daily basis at midnight.How I can achieve this in salesforce.
I know there is schedule apex mechanism is available in salesforce to perform such a thing but I need no. of steps or code to achieve this.I am new to salesforce.Any help would be appreciated.
public with sharing class ConsumeCloudArmsWebserviceCallout{
public void ParseJSONResponse(){
// handling customerList and inserting records for it
DateTime lastModifiedDate =Common.getSynchDateByDataObject(CloudArmsWebserviceCallout.DataObject.CustomerContact);
List<Account> lstAccounts = ConsumeCustomers.CreateCustomers(lastModifiedDate);
You can implement the Schedulable interface directly to your ConsumeCloudArmsWebserviceCallout class:
In order to perform callout -which apparently you will according to your class name- you can use the Queueable interface:
public with sharing class ConsumeCloudArmsWebserviceCallout implements Schedulable {
public void ParseJSONResponse(){
// handling customerList and inserting records for it
DateTime lastModifiedDate =Common.getSynchDateByDataObject(CloudArmsWebserviceCallout.DataObject.CustomerContact);
List<Account> lstAccounts = ConsumeCustomers.CreateCustomers(lastModifiedDate);
//Method implemented in order to use the Schedulable interface
public void execute(SchedulableContext ctx) {
ConsumeCloudQueueable cloudQueueable = new ConsumeCloudQueueable();
ID jobID = System.enqueueJob(cloudQueueable);
//Inner class that implements Queueable and can perform callouts.
private class ConsumeCloudQueueable implements Queueable, Database.AllowsCallouts {
public void execute(QueueableContext context) {
ConsumeCloudArmsWebserviceCallout cloudArms = new ConsumeCloudArmsWebserviceCallout();
Then go onto the class page on Salesforce setup.
There you will find a schedule class button.
You will be able to schedule all classes implementing the Schedulable interface.
What will happen is that it will schedule your class daily.
Then your schedule will only en-queue a ConsumeCloudQueueable class that will do the job whenever Salesforce runs it (pretty much straight away).
Once the job runs, it will execute whatever is on you ParseJSONResponse() method.
Let me know if you have any question.
and welcome to salesforce development.
If I assume something wrong let me know. So you are looking to
Every Day at Midnight
Fire a job that makes a callout to another system
Then Parses the results and creates stuff
You are looking for Apex Scheduler code: http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/apexcode/Content/apex_scheduler.htm
global class ConsumeCloudArmsWebserviceCallout_Job implements Schedulable {
global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
new ConsumeCloudArmsWebserviceCallout().ParseJSONResponse();
Then you can schedule the job in yourname -> Developer Console. Debug -> Open Execute Anonymous Window.
system.schedule('Consumer Cloud Arms Service', '0 0 0 * * ?', new ConsumeCloudArmsWebserviceCallout_Job());
Keep in mind:
you can only make 5 callouts in one apex transation. Meaning if you need to do more, you need to use a batch job or #future calls.
Be careful with large data sets, if your job is expensive (creating and modifying lots of data) you need to be sure that you don't run in to CPU limits, So a batch job requesting smaller portions of data from the service you are calling out may be needed.
I don't think you will be running in to those issues, but they will catch you off guard sometimes.
EDIT: fixed the call to a new object, less psudo-code

Transactions and Locking with Appengine

I have a similar code below that I'm trying to figure out transaction locking:
DAOT.repeatInTransaction(new Transactable() {
public void run(DAOT daot)
Points points = daot.ofy().find(Points.class, POINTS_ID);
// do something with points
takes_a_very_long_time_delay(); // perhaps 10 secs
The code above is executed from within a Java servlet. The operation is expected to work for 10 seconds for example. In between that time, I have a test that will invoke another servlet that will delete a Points entity, I was expecting that the delete operation would fail or at least delete the entity after the transaction above has finished.
However the entity was deleted during the period that the above code is executing. In my real application, I added exception handling to throw exception when trying to access or edit a entity that does not exist.
From there, the application is throwing "Entity not found" exception just after I executed the servlet that will delete the Entity in the code above.
Although I am using GAE Transactions already, however I think I am still missing something that's why my test fails.
Code for the delete Transaction from withing the Delete servlet:
DAOT.repeatInTransaction(new Transactable() {
public void run(DAOT daot)
Points points = daot.ofy().find(Points.class, POINTS_ID);
How can I ensure that a new operation like a delete for a entity will wait until the current operation is happening on a entity during a transaction?
App Engine uses optimistic concurrency, not locking. That is, a transaction on a group of entities will not prevent other processes from modifying those entities while the transaction runs. Instead, when the transaction attempts to commit, it will check if any modifications were made while the transaction was executing, and if it has, discard any changes and run your function again from the beginning.
I assume you use objectify to work with datastore.
First you need to make sure daot.ofy() returns objectify instance with explicit transaction set (ObjectifyFactory.beginTransaction()) instead of ObjectifyFactory.begin(). Then make sure you use the same objectify instance for both find() and delete() calls (as well as for find()/put pairs).
