react-scrollspy-nav causes error after deploying react app - reactjs

I want to active menu on scroll in my react app. I have used a react-scrollspy-nav for this functionality. It works fine when i run it on local server but when i deploy so it shows a blank screen
i have used a react-scrollspy-nav in my app, which is working perfectly on local server on my laptop but after deploying on netlify, it shows blank screen with an error on console that says
Uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function
at ScrollspyNav.js:423:1
Link of my react app
If i remove this module react-scrollspy-nav and deploy it, my app does not show blank screen and works well but without the functionality of scrollspy which i want in my app


React app not rendering whole app and only showing "edit app.js".What can I do?

My react is running fine on local host, but when I upload it online for ex : Heroku, Vercel, It only shows the react home screen "edit app.js". The app is not working.
It might be because your index.html file being hosted still has the boiler plate code. Based on how you're deploying your app, a html is usually created for you with some boiler plate (I know firebase does this for example).

I am getting error in web browser when i run app in web

i have successfully implement the web support for existing react native application. But when i run for web it giving blank page and in console it giving error like below.
please help
Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined
at eval (mappingProvider.component.js:7:2072)
at Module../node_modules/#ui-kitten/components/theme/mapping/mappingProvider.component.js (rnw.bundle.js:3109:1)

Deep Linking when the app is not installed in the device

I have this case where when clicked a link I redirect the user to the app using deep linking (made with RN) if the app is installed.
However, if the app is not installed instead of displaying error or a popup, I need to navigate to another route in the web, example: /web-login. I created the link for my app and it works, how do I test if the user has the app installed in the device, so then I can navigate to the other route if the user does't have it.
If the app is not installed I get something like: Browser cannot open the page because the address is invalid.

Electron React : Unable to view console log from react

I have Electron app which access react app running on dev server. I use loadURL("http://localhost:3000/") to access the reactapp within electron. The react app having console logs however not able to view the logs anywhere. how do I view these log messages
NB: I am new to JS /react/Electron and come from enterprise java background
For the render process you can start here.
for the main process you can see here.
if you are using vscode you can use this handy guide.

Debugging a React Azure Web App

I've got a React app running on Azure. It runs fine in my localhost, however, when I go to the Azure address, it doesn't load; all I get is a blank page with a head and body html element, which is throwing the following error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
The immediate question, of course, is what's causing the error and how do I fix it?
The bigger question in the background is, with a backend app, I can enable logging and look at a log stream and see what's throwing errors in real time. With a frontend app, the errors are happening in my browser; the React Chrome extension doesn't even recognize this as a React app. How do I debug in this context?
